
we live in a beautiful world


06-10-2016, 06:28 PM

ooc: set before festival

She cast her mind back to her encounter with the boy, how she had discovered that she was no longer a pup anymore but a grown girl. It was weird, she supposed. Had it happened overnight? Did she wake up a yearling? She couldn't remember growing this much, the time flying this fast. In some ways, it was exciting becoming an adult. She could do everything that her mothers did, have more responsibility and respect in the pack. Though at the same time, she didn't like that. Being a grown-up meant she couldn't act like a pup, couldn't have fun; she had to be serious about everything.

It was depressing, she had to admit. And when she was depressed, she walked. She walked for hours on end. She left her den in the late hours of the morning, when the snow had melted a bit, and ventured out to the mangrove. That was another thing she didn't like, having her own den. During her wanders outside, she came across a small white flower poking out from the snow, gently waving in the breeze. Every other flower had been flattened by the snow, but not this one. Emeralds remained on that flower as she slowed her pace, stopping to stare at it. Then she sat in front of it, nudging it with her snout to stop it from drooping.

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