
(aw) Home Sweet Home



4 Years
07-15-2016, 08:36 PM
I could really use a wish
right now...

Sweet, delicate aroma lured the lady to this orchard. Fruitful timber poured densely over unkempt land. Heavens painted its canvas in supple shades of blue around its noon, brilliant yellow star. Temperatures are pleasurably warm. Perhaps, the perfect day for most of wolf-kind.

Inner feelings are calm. No storms are yet brewing with the lady's mind; however, it would take but a sliver to send the gal in the direction of rain-filled eyes and a grey, cloudy heart. She is a sensitive soul, in an insensitive world. A prey perfectly exposed to the tragedies that life could bring. Though, some how she seemed to escape the cold all on her own.

Chocolate and ecru pelt flickered in the wind as if the hairs were tiny flames on a candlestick. The colors danced in harmony as they intertwined around the lady's collar. Innocent eyes set upon a creature's den. It could have been the bed of a fox, a wolf, or any den-dwelling creature. Her maw grabbed a few of the birthing fruit and blossoms within her lips and carried them over to the empty home. She placed each one carefully within the well-set stone, decorating it wonderfully for whomever the den belonged to. She draped some blossoming, lavender-colored vines over the entrance. She took a step back to take in her work as she contemplated on the direction of her seemingly endless journey. Ah, it looked much more inviting now.



4 Years
07-18-2016, 11:53 PM
These lands had proven to be quite fruitful, in many ways. Everything he could ever need, he had found it here. Prey, shelter, and an abundance of interesting sites to explore. There were also significantly more of his kind around. Though his days wandering in solitude were long past, he had not yet forgotten the feelings of isolation. He would not necessarily always see these others around, but the mere knowledge of their presence was enough to satisfy his mind. Days were passing by quickly now, which caused almost everything in his recent memory to seem as if it were one long dream, a blurring of time. Adrian did not mind this, in fact it appealed to him all the more. He found himself quite pleased to have so much to see, learn, and think about.

Today would prove fruitful as well, this time in the literal sense. Trees which grew a plethora of different fruit types had taken root here, providing him yet another interesting location to explore. Colors, sounds, and especially scents were bountiful, making it difficult for him to concentrate on much of anything else. If there was another wolf residing here, he might never know it unless he stumbled atop them, which he would prefer to avoid. Though, he doubted any evil or murderous being could ever be drawn to this environment, for it seemed far too serene. He was fairly certain he would be safe here. Even then however, he would be hesitant to let his guard down, and continued to proceed quietly, with care.

Adrian found his vigilance soon paid off, as his nose detected a presence, and his eyes spotted them through some trees only a mere moment later. Freezing in place, he watched in silence. She did not seem to be keen to his presence, instead seemingly lost in her own thoughts. The stranger tentatively placed a few plant strands over what appeared to be a den entrance, which would be to serve as decorations? Perhaps she resided here. Regardless of her actions, witnessing someone who seemed to be enjoying the very same sense of peace he got in this place was... nice.

A welcome change in comparison to what most of the rest of the world had to offer. He did not have the heart to interrupt her in this time, even if he was slightly intrigued by this stranger. His best choice would be to turn away. Adrian would do this, however, he had not expected the sudden snapping of something beneath his paws. An amateurish mistake, and the sound would be a dead giveaway to his presence. It would seem he had no choice now but to make himself known.



4 Years
07-20-2016, 08:56 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2016, 08:58 PM by Anastasia.)
I could really use a wish
right now...

A dazzled mind had let time tick by far longer than needed before continuing her journey to her unknown destination. She was a mere rogue, vanishing from one territory to the next, seemingly dodging danger by just staying in the shadows. A click of a limb would bring her attention back to the reason why she was required to keep moving, especially since she intruded upon one's home.

Without turning, the lady knew a visitor stood near. Her body language now expresses the feelings of embarrassment clearly, head lowering and pupils now aiming at her talons that nervously grasped the earth over-and-over again - kneading the ground as if she were a kitten. "I. . . I . . . Uh, I didn't mean to intrude." Words were spoken in a low, shaky timbre. Cluttered mind was quick to assume the den belonged to the nearby male. Ah, how she wished she could sink into this earth that she continued to stroke. Desperate eyes glanced into his direction quickly before lowering them back into their submissive position. "Well, I did mean to intrude, but I meant no harm. I'm sorry." Eyebrows creased as if she were concentrating deeply. Her mind now twisted with unwelcome feelings of shame.



4 Years
07-21-2016, 09:45 AM
He would move himself so that he was more visible, to make it evident he did not wish to hide. Adrian's eyes turned back toward the stranger, studying her with intrigue. Part of her was colored similarly to himself, with a sandy tan color, but her most prominent coloring seemed to be the darker brown. She was of the smaller size, very slender, but not in what appeared to be an unhealthy manner.  She seemed like a normal, healthy adult.

Curiously though, she held herself in a submissive, or perhaps apologetic manner, as if expressing without words the same thing he felt for interrupting her moment of peace. However, she seemed to go beyond this. Her nervousness was easy to spot, both from her quietly spoken apology, and the inability to keep her paws firmly planted on the ground. Adrian found it ridiculously hard to believe anyone could be afraid of or intimidated by his presence - though he supposed it was possible, but it had to be something else. Did she think this den belonged to him? That would be somewhat amusing, as he had thought it might be hers.

How would he choose to respond to this situation? First impressions were important, and he desired to make a good one. The first and best thing to do was probably to clarify the situation. "You're not intruding. This.. doesn't belong to me. You've as much right to be here as I. In fact.. I was going to apologize for intruding on you, too." At least it had made giving his own apology easier, which he had intended to do regardless of what happened.

Allowing his paws to carry him another step or two closer - he hoped not too close for the comfort of the other, his eyes were drawn to the den momentarily. "I think this looks nice, what you did." If indeed this den could be proven vacant, he would not have minded residing within it for a night, perhaps two in order to rest his weary paws. He enjoyed his traveling, the discovery of new places, new sights, but at times it wore him down. Adrian would not give up his hope that one day perhaps in the not too distant future, he would find somewhere he could make into a permanent h ome.