
Break Free! [Ivory Ridge Meeting]



4 Years
Extra large
09-01-2016, 08:03 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2016, 08:03 PM by Karabela.)

Morning quivered on the horizon as Karabela descended from her lofty perch upon Fenrir's Maw.  She was bruised, her left foreleg bleeding below the elbow but she felt no pain, only the bubbling rush of excitement as she picked a ledge from which to announce her newfound pack, Ivory Ridge.  Scouting out an area to have a meeting was a daunting task in the craggy mountain but she soon found a decent area in front of a cave opening from which she could call a meeting.  Getting to the gathering spot, well, that was a little test in its own right but she was certain there were others like her that wanted the challenge of living in a land such as this.  Wolves that feared the growing stagnation of an overly comfortable life.

Grinning the newly christened queen tipped her head to the skies and howled.  The message was both a claim on the land and a call for wolves who might be interested in joining her on this new adventure.  The sun was stirring behind the eastern mountains and would soon peek over the ridges, breathing life into a land as beautiful as it was dangerous and a femme that was equally so.


ooc:  Interested in joining Ivory Ridge?  Post here!  This is for gauging interest, holding a preliminary meeting etc.   I plan to post again September 10th so if you can get your wolves in that'd be awesome.  PM me if you have any questions!
[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



2 Years
09-02-2016, 02:58 AM

After picking up Nah, and essentially adopting her as his own. Qualm had heard Raba's call. The healer had told the pup to stick close to him as they approached the east. Fenrir's Maw.... his new home. Not something he was entirely used to but it also meant for a challenge. It would be time for his muscles to actually awaken. The healer to find new herbs, something he was overly excited about. The male approached with a kind smile, noticing the soft scent of blood on Raba.

"Would you like me to dress that wound later Raba. I know it's nothing, but better to be safe than sorry." he would ask politely as he dipped his head towards his new alphess. He would be this packs healer, or at least one of the few that would appear if the wolves who showed up. They would probably be more experienced than he was, though after a short lesson from Starling. Going around in his short adventures before he came here! He felt confident.




6 Years
09-03-2016, 08:25 PM

One thing about being deaf, was being unable to hear a wolf's call. Though he could always tell vaguely when his companion would raise her head. Through the years they had developed a system, she would tell him what was going on. So when the small rat tugged on his left ear he perked his head and started towards that direction. A treacherous sort of path, easily for the white male though as he came across a small gathering. A new pack he could presume by the scent. Of course he was sure he would have some sort of disadvantage if he joined a pack. He vaguely could scent Abaven on these wolves. Which once upon a time he had been involved with in his younger years. Nia would come, and possibly speak with the alpha privately after. Though his interest was piqued.

The white male, tiny in size would approach with his head slightly down. A show of submission something he'd grown used to. Feeling out the terrain with his paws Tally his rat would ride out on the top of his head. Once they reached close enough to the female, the rat would speak. "Hello ma'm, my name is Tally and this here is Nia. He's taken an interest in you call - but he's deaf, so I was wondering if that would be a problem." Tally would make sure to stand up straight and speak clear. After all, she was a rat.



09-03-2016, 09:39 PM
On The Edge Of Reason

Beyond Understanding

The girl was quiet, following after her new caretaker. She wasn’t so certain about him yet… this Qualm. But he was nice enough to deal with her and gave her food, so she was willing to stick by him as long as he didn’t get any weird ideas in his head. Nah didn’t admit it out loud but she was definitely grateful to the male for taking her in. Little did she know that her bond with him was going to grow over time.

Nah’s gaze was thoughtful as she made the perilous climb behind her new father figure. The girl was careful to watch her step, not wanting to risk injury. Though, truthfully, by the time all was said and done her paws were sore and she was more than happy to flop down and take a rest beside Qualm, glancing up at him first before shifting her attention to the lady he spoke to.

But soon Nah’s attention drew away yet again, falling on a white wolf with… a rat? There was a rat on his back? The young femme licked her lips. It might have been talking… but it looked like a snack to her.

"Talk," 'Think.'


She Waits

Perfect Oblivion



5 Years
09-05-2016, 05:51 PM

She had parted ways with Qualm after their meeting hoping she would be able to find Max. After meeting with a few new faces and not finding a trace of Max, she was able to back track and find Qualm's faded trail. She tracked him, hoping to catch up with him and tag along. She didn't want to be alone and this male seemed like he was willing to teach her. He was the only other wolf that she felt like she could trust and right now that is what she needed. His trail steadily got stronger, but the young women paused a moment as other scents from other wolves were nearby. They were fresh trails to which made her hesitate. She didn't know what was going on or who these other scents belonged to. Tucking her tail slightly she grew nervous not knowing what she should do.

Then the call rang through the air making her wince and flatten her ears. She recognized the intent of the call, she remembered how Riv's was when he called the pack together. This must be a pack land and Qualm must be looking to join this pack. She struggled for a moment as to what should she do. She got some taste of the pack life, but it hadn't been the best one. Did she really want to try it again? Although she needed teachers and protection from others until she knew how to fend for herself. She slowly moved forward, zeroing in on the male's trail again and fallowing it to where the meeting was being held. The gathering consisted of only a few wolves, but maybe there was more to come. She was nervous, but did her best to compose herself, moving forward and not making eye contact with anyone. She moved to Qualm's side, opposite from where the much younger pup was. Sitting the female waited to see what was gonna happen.

[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



5 Years
09-07-2016, 01:06 PM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

He'd been wandering without direction for a while now. He saw no way to return home so he'd taken to checking out the eastern mountain range. The temperatures were more desirable than that of the south so he stuck around. He'd all but given up on searching for Una for the time being. There was no telling where she was and the continent was too vast a thing so he doubted he'd catch up to her.

Instead he was surprised when a call rang out. The owner of the voice seemed vaguely familiar, but not one he recognized immediately. More curious than anything he set out to follow it. It was a lot more difficult to reach the area than he'd imagined, but he enjoyed the challenge of the mountain terrain.

Upon arriving his gaze would rest upon Karabela, the only familiar face, and he realized that it was she who had called this meeting. So she'd claimed herself a pack? How interesting. His green gaze would rest on the others. A pup, a younger male, a white one, and a yearling with blue on her. He eyed her curiously before setting himself not too far away from the others. He'd stick around for a little bit to see if he liked the idea of joining.


[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



4 Years
Extra large
09-11-2016, 01:48 PM

Karabela shifted lightly on her paws, tail waving languidly behind as she waited.  She was excited.  She was nervous.  Would anyone come and what would they think of her ambition and her ability to rule?  Well, one thing was for certain, either way she was going to prove herself worthy of the title Chieftan.  She was bound to make mistakes, bound to slip, but Raba was the type to get back on her feet.  She had a goal now and she wasn't going to let the world knock her down for long.  Qualm was the first to arrive and she grinned at her former and soon-to-be-again pack mate.  "Hey Qualm!  It's good to see you."  She glanced down at her injury then back to the man. "Actually, yea if you could that'd be great.  I probably shouldn't let these things go like I used to if there's no need."  Besides it would give her a chance to personally assess some of his healing skills and even if they were small yet with his ambition and work ethic he'd excel quickly.  She hoped he would stay on as a healer.

The next arrival was unexpected.  He was an older wolf, pale as a ghost and small in stature accompanied by a rat.  Karabela dipped her head in greeting and a show of welcome.  To her surprise it was the rat that spoke, introducing herself as Tally and the man as Nia… the man was deaf.  Raba's ears twitched and she thought for a moment but then she slowly shook her head, making sure to speak clearly.  She did not know if he could read lips though she hoped her relaxed and open body language conveyed enough that she didn't have a problem with it. "That is fine, I won't turn him away for that disability as long as it doesn't impair his ability to navigate about Fenrir's Maw.  Please, let me know if there is anything Nia requires in respect to communication." She had never really interacted with a deaf man before but his presence would be welcome if he had skills to offer to the pack and the act of communicating with him would be a good learning experience for her and the other members.  It would keep them sharp and alert.

A small pup cloaked in a golden creme would follow closely at Qualm's heels and she would raise a brow to Qualm, certain that he would explain in time.  The pup seemed hungry from the way she was eyeing that rat. "Qualm, who might this young lady be?  She looks hungry.  I have the remnants of a mountain goat stashed away until we bring down fresh game."

Karabela resisted the urge to tease Qualm as a yearling with a striking coat of brown and blue arrived to sit next to him.  Had he gone on an adoption spree?  Although perhaps the young pup actually was his.  She never thought to ask. "Hello there!" she called to the woman, indulging in a bit of small talk before she was ready to start the meeting.

The last to arrive was Tonrar and Karabela's grin grew wider to see the man.  "Hello Tonrar, it's good to see you!"  She would have to ask him about his sister later and see if there was any way she could further aid him in uniting them.  She waited awhile longer but it seemed this would be it. It was a small start but she had a few who were in the wings waiting and considering her offer.  She knew Váli was interested though there were feelings with Abaven to sort out which she could understand.  Karabela was still trying to convince her cousin, Birna, to join for at least a short while.  It was so crazy to her to think she'd had family so close to her this whole time and while the stern old warrior didn't show it much she sensed the other felt the same.  Then there was her niece Dagmær… named after her mother…. and that… Karabela closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.  That was a whole other carcass that she didn't feel like picking at just yet.  It tainted the image of her brother and the girl was like a constant walking reminder of her mother.  So much joy.  So much pain.

Karabela's golden eyes gazed out at the wolves gathered and she smiled.  Ok, she wasn't all that great at speeches but she'd get better with practice.  Standing strong she called the first meeting of Ivory Ridge to order. "Thank you everyone for answering my call.  For those of you who don't know me my name is Karabela Thyre.  I'm an explorer and a fighter with the ambition to start a pack called Ivory Ridge.  I've wandered all over Boreas and it is here in Fenrir's Maw that I wish to start this pack.  It may seem foolish to pick so treacherous a landscape but I assure you there are treasures to be found here if you've the courage and will to look for them.  This terrain will also keep you alert to your surroundings and aware of the world around you.  I don't want to see Ivory Ridge grow stagnant or complacent and our relationship and respect of this world that cares for us is of upmost importance."  

She gazed out into the faces of her small crowd, meeting each wolves' eyes in turn. "You see, I'm interested in the arts of trade and discovery.  Trade will be an important part of our lives and so the resources the good earth provides us to work with will be the key to our success and our forsaking of these will be our downfall.  Living here is meant to be hard but it will make you stronger, smarter, more adaptable.  After living here most of the terrain in Boreas will be a cakewalk to maneuver.  I'll warn you, I believe in tough love and I can and will be as harsh as the mountains we call our home if it is in the best interest of the pack."

"I don't mind that we're a small group, that suits me actually.  I want us all to get to know each other and to forge bonds that will unite us and keep us strong.  We should look out for each other and the pack's well-being as a whole should always come before an individual.  Apart we can be great but together we'll be legendary.  So, who is interested in going on this journey with me?  If you say aye then please let me know your talents and dreams.  If you desire to speak with me privately after the meeting all you need to do is ask.  Again, thank you for being here.  If Ivory Ridge does not sound a fit for you then you are free to leave."


ooc: Next deadline is September 17 at noon ala time!
[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



2 Years
09-11-2016, 07:09 PM

Qualm nodded his head, glad that he would be of use to Ivory Ridge. It was a chance to be something new and he knew he could do it. When Karabela asked who he had with him, he did take a look at Nah. "This is Nah, I found her all alone near the lake starving and hurt. I've adopted her so know anything that happens with her I'll take full responsibility." he answered with a soft smile. Hoping that it wasn't too big of a deal. Another member to train among these places. She'd grow to be strong with how Karabela planned it to be. "And that's Delaney, she's my pupil." after all he had agree'd to teach her what he could about healing. She seemed to have been troubled when he found her.

"Of course Karabela, I'm excited for this. I want to be Ivory Ridge's healer and I intend to be the best." he gave a michevious and ambitious smirk. Also a warning to the rest who wanted the position. "I'll also love to trade herbs, so anything you need let me know." Qualm was able and ready. This adventure was only just beginning.




6 Years
09-11-2016, 07:43 PM

Nia would watch the girl carefully, hoping Karabela didn't take offense. After all - he was deaf relying heavily on Tally's motions or on his own eye sight. Though he became deaf at a year old so he had four years of experience already. As she did speak he would nod his head. "Surprisingly, navigating is my strong point." his raspy voice hit the air from lack of use and him unable to hear it. A soft chuckle escaping him. "Mostly, Tally will convey my feelings perfect. But if something does go wrong I can speak." he notified her as Tally nodded her head. Nia would take a seat where he was that way he got a clear view of her.

As she went on to speak, he would nod his head in understanding. While his rat sat happily on his head, her eyes wandering over the pup for a second. Tally wasn't food, so she knew that Nia would make that known if she tried to attack. "I'm with you. I'm mostly a naviagator and a philosophic. If you need me for some trades I can be present or need some lands navigated and explored. I could even find us some treasures." he rasped as he swallowed. Tally patted his head just to comfort the man. He wasn't sure what would come of this, but it was better than his past.



5 Years
09-11-2016, 08:48 PM

Delaney looked to Qualm as he spoke to the women and introduced the pup on the other side of him and herself. She looked back to the women who then spoke to her, saying hello. Delaney smiled lightly back at the female.

"Hello" she replied back, her tone quiet.

She was still uncertain about this, but she knew she had to be open to stuff like this. Sure the first pack had failed and left her homeless, but this was a different pack and different set of people. This was a whole new chapter and she couldn't allow herself to shut the door before she had a chance to try it out. She was vary nervous though, but hopefully that would calm itself down. She looked around again at the small gathering and noticed one more approach to join the group. A red and white male.

Shortly after her attention was drawn back to the alpha female and she settled herself as the meeting started. Listening to the female speak about the pack. It seemed vary promising and she seemed to be a rather nice women. It seemed vary promising and she felt a little relief. Once finished the female opened the floor to anyone to speak which Qualm and the white male gladly took the opportunity. When those two were finished she stood up and nodded to the female.

"Aye. I would also like to speak to you privately when you have a moment. Some questions mostly." she spoke up before settling back down beside Qualm until they were dismissed.

[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



5 Years
09-12-2016, 02:42 PM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

Karabela greeted him and he dipped his head in a greeting. "It's nice to see you as well." He rumbled. After that it didn't seem like anyone else would be arriving which was a shame. Such a small turn out, but it was a new forming pack after all. He was sure more members would join in time. In the mean time it just meant everyone who decided to stay would have to step it up.

He listened as she introduced herself and her reasons for choosing Fenrir's Maw. He personally liked the landscape and compared the the icy mountains of his home it was a cake walk. He was built for this sort of navigation, but he could see how it'd be treacherous for others. How many would leave due to broken legs or an inability to adapt to this life style? He certainly was curious about it.

He was more intrigued by the idea of trading. He'd never seen a trading system before, but it was a good idea. Overall he found himself liking the ideas she gave them and her way of life certainly suited his own. So when she asked them if they were willing to stay he thought over his own talents and what he hoped to accomlish. He'd wait to answer as one wolf mentioned he was a healer, the strange white wolf mentioned navigation, the blue colored female didn't say much, and then the pup hadn't spoken yet, but she was a pup so he doubted it had much to offer.

"I fight and I hunt, but I'm malleable. I fit in wherever I'm needed." His gruff way of saying he'd so whatever was required of him. If she needed a warrior she had it. If she needed someone to feed them she'd have it. If she needed someone to go trade he'd do that gladly too, but if she needed a healer... well she was a bit out of luck there. Good thing it seemed they already had one.


[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]



7 Years
09-14-2016, 06:45 PM
Kassander was troubled. After Katja had left on her journey and not returned, Yfir had fallen apart. Kapra had vanished, abandoning them without a word of where he was going though he was the heir to the pack's leadership. Had he gone after Katja? Kassander didn't know, and he didn't think Laufey knew either though Kassander had been too shy to ask the giant viking male. He and Rommel had just quietly continued to help Laufey hunt for and with the yearlings while the rest of the pack melted away until finally not even they could remain where they were. With only one trained warrior and five yearlings, one of which was half-blind and would never make a good hunter let alone a fighter, they simply could not defend themselves and hunt in the harsh northern lands.

And so finally the last vestiges of Yfir split apart, Laufey shepherding Katja's children someplace safer for them, and Kassander gravitating south. It felt... wrong to be packless. He'd grown up in Ebony, then Olympus, and even when he'd been released from his adopted mother's former pack he'd gone directly back to Ebony and had not been apart from it since then. This was his first experience with being a loner, and the healer found it... bewildering. Bewildering and more than a little distressing, as he'd never thought to find himself without both the safety net of a pack he could trust and the ability to lend his own strengths to help his packmates. Finding himself wandering aimlessly through the heat of the summer, he'd eventually made his way into the mountains, which were far cooler than the lowlands. The mountain paths were dangerous, but he'd spent enough time living on the side of a gorge that he hardly had to think about where he placed his feet. The necessary agility had begun to come naturally to him many seasons ago, and in much icier conditions than here.

He was startled, though, to come across a gathering of what was clearly a newly minted pack. There were no borders marked yet, so at least he hadn't really trespassed... yet... but it was pretty obvious that the young female who was standing confidently over the rest of them was claiming this land. Kassander started to hastily back away, but stopped to listen as the younger wolf began to speak, his ears pricking in interest.

In a lot of ways it sounded a lot like Yfir. Katja had been interested in trade as well, and she had chosen Yfir's lands for a similar reason to this Karabela. Even the desire for close bonds between the pack members was familiar and comforting. As she brought her explanation to a close, the other wolves who had more deliberately gathered around her began to speak up.

Rommel cast Kassander a questioning glance, and Kassander took heart from the fox's calm and reasonable demeanor. Clearly Rommel was not adverse to joining this pack, and the trio certainly had plenty to contribute to such a pack. Kassander slunk forward into the group shyly, bicolored eyes blinking up at her from a lowered position. "I would join you, if you would have me. I am primarily a healer, but my companion Rommel and I are accustomed to assisting on pack hunts and are capable of defending the pack if need be. We can also provide several trade goods for the pack... my companion Remy brews an alcoholic drink..." He trailed off in embarrassment, anxious to convince the new alpha that he would be worth having but not wanting to come across as bragging either.



2 Years
09-17-2016, 08:07 AM

Rocks slid down the mountain side as Dagmær scrambled up to the location of the call.  She was late, but to be honest she'd really only come to a decision to join the pack moments before and part of her was still uncertain.  For one thing, why the hell would her aunt choose this location of all places to start a pack?  There were plenty of nice, flat hunting grounds in the East.  Why did they even have to be in the East.  She grumbled under her breath but despite herself a feeling of excitement was bubbling in her stomach, spreading a strange and foreign warmth through her limbs.  

Panting to she paused to take a break, emerald gaze turning below to stare at how far she'd come and there was a swell of pride, though brief, warming her chest.  Glancing back upward she hesitated.  Dagmær hadn't expected to run into any of her family again.  Her mother abandoned her to disease and death and her father was so uninterested in her she really doubted he cared that she was missing… if anything he probably thought she was dead to.  Considering how her family was turning out lately could she really trust this aunt?  Trust her father's sister?  Spirits, she was still young enough to hope.  She would give this a try… one more try and she just prayed that Karabela wasn't about to let her down.

Scrambling into the small meeting she quickly took her seat mid-speech.  Oh man…. she could drop dead from embarrassment. Soon it was time for them to answer. "Aunt Karabela?  I… I'd like to join.  I've been working on my skills in hunting and while I'm not very familiar with hunting in this type of terrain I can learn fast."




4 Years
Extra large
09-17-2016, 02:38 PM

Qualm would explain that the pup was indeed one he'd adopted and that Delaney was his pupil.  Karabela grinned and nodded.  She was glad to see he was taking on a leadership role, even it if was a small one and she looked forward to seeing how his charges grew within the pack.  As her members began to state their skills she would assign ranks.  They were a new pack and she was eager to hit the ground running and so she trusted their words.  Whatever they believe to be their skills she would accept without question as an act and exercise in trust between herself and her packmates.  Should they fail to live  up to their statements she could always demote them and it would serve as a warning sign for any that had an inflated ego. "I'm glad for your enthusiasm Qualm, you will be ranked as a Mender, a healer, for now and if you continue to grow and excel in your arts then you have a chance to continue rising up the ranks."

Nia would speak next, his voice rough from disuse but clear enough that Karabela didn't have trouble understanding him.  The man stated that he was a navigator. "Excellent!  There are many treasures to be found in this terra and I've barely scratched the surface myself.  You'll be accepted as a Trader.  After we have settled in I'll hold another meeting to discuss stock and trade though it will be awhile yet.  Til then I encourage everyone to gather what they can before winter, be it herbs, pelts, bones, strange gems, whatever you feel may be a good resource."

Karabela would nod to Delaney. "Of course, I'd be happy to." She was curious what questions the young lady would ask of her.  There was so much to go over so much to discuss and know and Karabela knew she'd only scratched the surface of her plans for Ivory Ridge.

Tonrar would address her, stating that he could fight and he could hunt and he would fit in wherever needed. "Good, adaptability is an admirable trait Tonrar.  I'd like you to take the rank of Defender for now, a fighter and protector of our pack."  He was the only one thus far to start an interest in fighting and their borders would need guarding and she certainly couldn't do it by herself.  Tonrar's strength and steady nature would be greatly vaulable.

Her gaze would shift to a pair of late arrivals, one which was her niece but she wasn't sure she recognized the man.  He seemed familiar but she was uncertain if it was because she'd seen him somewhere or if there was something in his features that stirred her memory.  The man seemed a bit shy and uncertain but stated he was interested in joining and that he was a trained healer but also a hunter and best of all he was familiar with trade.  Her ears perked at this, glad to know her interest in this venture was not merely her own and talk of this "alcoholic" drink was curious.  "You've sparked my interest and I'd be curious to learn more of this drink of yours.  For now I will place you as a Mender, a healer, among our ranks.  This terrain is unforgiving and I'd feel better having two menders in the pack.  Trade will come as we grow more established.  What is your name?"

Lastly she'd turn to her niece.  The girl had been conflicted about joining the pack and Raba was glad to see she'd taken the Chieftan up on her offer.  While they were family by blood she was curious to see if they could be family by heart as well though she wasn't quite sure how best to go about doing this.  What exactly did aunts do?  She smiled. "I'm glad to see you Dag, and yes, of course you're accepted.  You'll be ranked a Trapper.  I hope we can have a pack hunt soon and anyone is welcome to call it but first let us all get settled into our new territory.  You are all free to go and begin selecting and furnishing your dens as well as scouting out and marking the territory boundaries.  I have some mountain goat stashed away in this cave behind me.  It's not much for a pack but if you need sustenance it is there.  Again, thank you all, you are dismissed."

She would end the meeting and step aside so that she could speak with Delaney and any others that had questions for her.  She was a bit disappointed that Birna had not shown though she supposed the older woman had a lot on her mind and even though they were also family those bonds were thin and trivial at best.  She could remember Birna from her time in Imperium but they hadn't really spent much time together though perhaps the woman would change her mind in time.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



5 Years
09-18-2016, 04:33 PM
I rise above it all and
I'm not coming down

Two late arrivals would make an appearance and he'd study each of them. One with a coat color similar to his own and the other one looked oddly related to Karabela if he was a good judge of character. His suspicions were confirmed when she addressed her as aunt. He'd eye the girl for a moment longer before turning back to Karabela.

He'd nodded in acceptance when she addressed him and gave him the rank of defender. He'd also noted that he was the only one that had spoken up with an aptitude for fighting so it seemed he was the only one for now. The pack was small but he had no doubt more wolves would flock in over time. They always did. He wouldn't be the only defender forever.

Finally it seemed the meeting was over. Karabela welcomed them to the goat she had stashed and mentioning something about furnishing their dens once they found one. Speaking of... finding a den wasnt a bad place to start. There had to be quite a few caves and crevices around. Seeing nothing else that needed to be addressed he'd dip his head towards Karabela before disappearing to go find a suitable place to sleep.

-Exit Tonrar-


[Image: pWd9xJD.png]
[Image: 3pAOohN.png]


09-19-2016, 08:08 PM
On The Edge Of Reason

Beyond Understanding

Hearing of food caught Nah’s attention. It wasn’t so much that she was starving anymore, no, but she had developed a taste for rat while under Qualm’s care. It seemed so strange that the pale coated man had a talking rat with him… to her knowledge most of them only squeaked! But her gaze lingered on Karabela. If she was willing to share her food then she could work with her. A trade off, Nah decided, was something that was going to be needed for everyone. But this lady… there was something more to her than just a regular wolf. No… there was an air about her to be respected.

Listening to Karabela speak she realized something. This woman was ambitious… having formed a pack. Her parents had been seeking to do the same… but here this other woman had already accomplished such a thing. Sure they were small, but they could grow. Nah had decided she liked this woman already… perhaps, she thought, there could be room her life for more than pawns.

Another look was cast towards the brown and blue girl who sat on the opposite side of Qualm. She wasn’t sure who she was until Qualm spoke again. Delaney… perhaps she’d allow herself to get to know that one too. For now though Nah would stay quiet… she’d come to express her interests in her own time.

"Talk," 'Think.'


She Waits

Perfect Oblivion