
Coming Home



3 Years
11-29-2016, 12:05 PM
Silence was a wasted virtue among many, although to him at this moment it was deemed necessary. Blackened paws fell in an almost delicate matter as the male wolf approached the submerged woods. Even though Brokk had no intentions on staying it was only a matter of time before he would allow himself to become a vital part in world. Fiery eyes surveyed the surroundings, the dim light allowed a mild vision of his surroundings to creep slowly into his visual cortex. A small amused grin crossed the males blackened lips as he finally tread further into the wood. The deep bed of snow and the rest of the forestry seemed to allow Brokk to blend in almost the ominous haze of grays against his dull silver flecked hide which seemed to almost vaporize into a living shadow as he moved. Lithe muscles moved like coiled snakes beneath taut skin as the creature slipped further into the wood. His fiery gold eyes strained to retain all the visual information, noting which tree's were where and exactly how the snow laden terrain felt beneath his paws. Slowing his journey Brokk stopped, his narrow chest heaved in hushed steam drawn breaths as he took in the scents of the land. the early evening air was beginning to sharpen with a bitter chill. His grin had began to fade as he looked up to the melting horizon, a hazy view of golds and deep purples taunted him with their blended beauty. The tall dark ominous peak loomed over the dying tree's in a deadly beauty. Its dark facade beckoned quietly to the beast as he sat beneath the split in the canopy. The shadows enveloped his body in a strange dance of light as the sun slowly set its weary head behind the rugged veil of the mountain. Quietly the beast watched the eternal dance of light against the dark, the warm golds slowly fading into cold blues as the day was washed away with the slow presence of night. Such remarkable beauty to be bathed in a gentle wave of darkness. Closing his golden gaze Brokk began his nightly ritual of bathing in the soft gentle rays of the moon.



2 Years
11-29-2016, 02:40 PM
Winter, was not one of the ash grey woman's favorite times of the year. Where the warmth of summer was irritatingly too hot and caused her to pant, winter was an entirely different problem. What was once warm air turned bitterly cold, so much so it could freeze the throat. Where greenery and color once painted the land, the canvas seemed to be wiped clean; white covered the world. The mountain she had spent the last two days trying to climb over was now behind her, yet another laid in her path. But between her accomplishment and her next obstacle there spread out an odd yet beautiful sight.

The land that connected the two mountains was, like the rest of the north, frozen solid. Yet it seemed the dwarfed trees were not in fact dwarfed at all, but rather cut off from their roots. Miss Haven tilted her head at this for a moment, wondering what a peculiar thing to have happened. But suddenly a brisk mountain breeze waved over her being causing her to shiver. Annoyed, wouldn't even begin to cover it. Her ruby red eyes scanned the trees for any immediate signs of danger, before she descended into the valley. The icy floor was covered with enough snow to gracefully walk across, and she soon found that even just the tops of the trees was enough to block out most of the winter breezes. It was quite a nice relief.

She spent a few minutes weaving her way through the forest, going deeper into the wood and away from the lands she once came from. Everything seemed fine, until the unmistakable scent of another wafted into her nostrils. Miss Haven came to an immediate halt. She had not noticed the change in day; she had started walking before the sun had risen, and only now cared to notice that the sun was gone, replaced by her sister moon. She had no idea what she would do, if this stranger turned out to be a threat, but her sour mood made her bold, and exhaustion made her desperate. She abruptly spoke out to the shadows, her voice slicing through the silence. "Who is it? Who's out there? Come out here this instant."



3 Years
11-30-2016, 12:33 PM
Dull illusions slowly swirled within his vision, causing the creature to begin to see what was truly there to haunt him. Shadows began to dance within the moonlight, there slow demonic wisps swirling within the light. Reaching for him with ghastly fingers. He had done this to himself; the slow crippling of the mind, such primal need. At least now he knew there was no one there who could save him, who could help, who could tell him how to face his bitter ravenous half. The silence had only seemed to let him crave for better times. Though it seems that the brightest minds weren't always able to save. It was hard to comprehend, how such creatures could over take him with ease. Perhaps now he was staring death in the eyes again. To attempt to fight alone. Breathe in, breathe out. It all serves as repetition. Though within these crippled thoughts of vague memories and hauntings past it always seems that they keep trying to infest him with plagues. To scramble his thoughts to leave him questioning everything. Leaving him stranded with no tools to survive, just impulses to carry him away. Unable to conform to the boundaries they had set. They begin to bring him down, these demonic wisps, to his belly almost to let the dark ones face him. Never to forget, knowing now that he won't get to battle the ghosts that overpower his soul. The trials forced him to see; Now that it's clear that the choice was never his to make, he slowly began to idle his lungs almost tempting them to take him away, just almost. Though to understand is to accept that fear is just a part of this life so he will never let it chase him away. The slow dim light that is retained within the vessel known as Brokk had drifted; His fiery eye's dim as his thoughts drew him from this world. All the while he remains condemned to the rules of this universe; Commence your journey and give in to your fate. Now let me show you what it truly means to be alive.

Slow as the nights still wind a scent had penetrated the wolf's nose, stale and earthy like that of a nomad. Hesitantly did the beast return from his mental state, the bright glowing fire returning to his heated golden gaze, though the only thing that drew to the others existence was the subtle movement of the lower hanging branches that creaked and rattled in protest, ears slowly swiveled forward. Allowing the other wolf to know that the beast had heard it. Upon further investigation Brokk had discovered the scent that whirled feverishly within his nose was female. Golden fiery gaze bore into that of the inky darkness that swirled within the shadows. Gaze narrowed, attempting to unhinge the female that stalked him. It's tones lingering on the edge of his sanity. "Who is it? Who's out there? Come out here this instant." Still he sat, silent, features stoic as he studied the distance between he and the creature that lurked in the shadows. A low growl rumbled deep within his chest, an audible warning to the female before him to tread with caution. He had no real way to indicate his presence other then the deep rumble that left his chest briefly. A bark would be to crisp to alerting to his location. Too careless.



2 Years
12-01-2016, 02:15 PM
Miss Haven Petrova

The night air danced in the grey locks of the patient female. The last resonance of her sharp tone drifted into the shadows of the night, consumed completely. The sound of her words soon became an echo of memories, causing a sense of time passing quickly. When in truth, it was only mere seconds, long enough to stress Miss haven. She had only been on her own long enough to know not all wolves are kind and civilized. Some where primitive beast, by choice of all things, and some were far worse. Some were pure evil, able to commit morally injustice acts with large grins on their faces. That grin, that face, was what the female saw behind her eyes, picturing a beast to walk out of the shadows with that wicked look on it's face.

The ominous growl that answered the female only continued to fuel this image in her mind. However, it wasn't strong enough to let Miss Haven's swerving ears pinpoint the exact location of the stranger. She had come to the conclusion, based on the masculinity in the scent she smelled and the tone of the growl she listened to, she was dealing with a lone male. Most likely someone who did not appreciate her intrusion. But that wasn't quite up to either of them; their meeting fated to be.

"That's not much to go off of..." she mumbled to herself, looking about the dancing moonlight that surrounded her. It was then, that she concluded the stranger would not be willing to meet face to face. But in her mind, it would be only logical that two lone wolves would aim to work together. Would it not benefit the both of them to hunt together? To work together for protection and warmth in a time of harsh winter storms and scarce prey? So Miss Haven did something about it. She would not stand for anything else. "I wish to talk to you, if you won't come to me then I shall come to you." Her still limbs began to move, forward, into the shadows that held so much unknown. Her slim form wrapped around the branches of a pine, to see a figure in the distance, wrapped tightly in the darkness of night. "Please, I mean you no harm."

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