
Alligator Blood



5 Years
12-06-2016, 09:39 PM

Well, here he was.

In Auster.

Far away from anything he'd ever come to know and love in terms of a territory. The mine hadn't been his favorite place of Ivalice's territory but the pines had been nice. Already he missed the pretty waterfall he'd seen, or the giant hulking ship in the ice, or anything snow for that matter. The farther south he'd traveled the more uncomfortable he got with the temperatures. His thick coat wasn't handling the transition well and by the time he'd gotten to Auster he felt like he was dying. It was like summer down here. What kind of stupid place was this hot in the winter time?

They prey was nice here at least. Plump, well fed, and definitely not part of a drought. That was probably the only nice thing. He wouldn't have to work so hard to feed himself. That didn't help him from being irritable though. He already felt like he was burning up and he wasn't sure when he'd start shedding back into a winter coat. So far he wasn't liking it.

He hadn't gone immediately to the pack and had instead gone farther south. He'd catch up with the rest of them later. The farther the went though the more he regretted that decision. Not only was the temperature weird, but the territory was beyond strange as well. This place had odd mushroom shaped trees that grew upwards. Their foliage all sat on top and Kharn just simply paused beneath one to stare up at it. It oozed a red substance out of it, but he knew better than to touch it. It looked rather stick and he didn't want to spend hours getting that out of his pelt. Overall he didn't like it. So this place was hot and had the strangest damn trees he'd ever seen. What was Dragon thinking? He really hated this place. It was arid, hot, and the ground was dry and mostly barren other than some pathetic looking shrubs. At least the tree provided shade.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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