
Searching high and low



2 Years
10-03-2016, 12:57 PM

Alna had returned to the lands of Borelis with a mission in mind and that was to make contact with her uncle, Bass and find her father, Allen. There were new scents as she traveled particularly strong scents of packs that were not once there but now occupying these locations. The journey back had taken a lot out of her leaving with a lot less her normal weight giving her a almost starved appearance which the lass didn't enjoy one bit but she had to move on a light stomach if she were to track down the two males she had to find. Unfortunately with being not only running on empty stomach but Alna was lacking the strength to continue on both conditions made it ever more critical she move if not the most trouble she'll get in is tumbling into pack lands or stumbling across a not so benevolent stranger. Part of the lass wanted to cry out to the sky for her missing father and her family who were no longer with them. Oh how Alna missed Noen and her mother both gave her the strength to do her best and lead them with confidence but now that the world she once knew was turned on its head was this something that Holly felt too she thought to herself.

“No! I can't give up the search not when I've gotten this far back surely I can see them again... surely I can”... “Oh who am I trying to fool it won't happen I'm just one wolf and a not very well trained one at that its a miracle I've even survived to this point on my own but I guess my gut makes better decisions than my own brain can...”. Without even a moments notice however Alna had crashed and the last remnants of her own strength to move burned out. How she was so hungry even more so now but the lass was also afraid. Not even far enough away from a pack's territory to hide Only her mind was moving at this point, “I'm sorry Holly for not staying with you when you still needed me most”. Then with that Alna was out almost completely cold.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-06-2016, 09:43 PM

She'd taken up a patrol that evening, moving quickly around the borders and making sure they were strongly marked. So much had been going on lately, and she hoped that all the "excitement" was over now that Autumn was here. But of course, that thought would come too soon. Across the border, and not too far from it either, lied a heap of brown fur nearly blending with the dusted brown landscape. Brows pulled together as she slowed her pace, legs carrying her across the border as she carefully approached the creature. From back where she had seen it, she thought maybe it was some sort of animal that had died. But when she got closer, she gasped as she noticed it was another wolf. A female, unknown to her in both scent and sight. She did not smell like a pack, however. She gently nosed the young woman, making sure that she was at least still breathing. "Wake up young one...!" While she knew the she-wolf wasn't a child, she couldn't help but to refer to them that way. Especially considering that she was much older now. Avalon would step back slightly, a worried look on her face as she thought about calling for some help. But first, she wanted to try and get her to wake up. Or at least back to consciousness before she moved her.


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2 Years
10-11-2016, 01:55 PM

Alna could feel the gentle nudge and one of which was that of a nose. the young women would mumble a moment before opening her eyes and spying the wolf before her. This was not... good? she thought to herself but the words coming from this woman were almost kind something that was forgotten to Alna. Slowly Alna would try to gather up what strength she did have and stand back up on her paws albeit wobbling a little. With forest green eyes Alna would turn her full gaze to Avalon, "I'm awake...I'm sorry if I'm trespassing I was just trying to find my pa and my uncle but as you can see I didn't get very far...I'm sorry" her gaze was lowered to her paws looking at the ground beneath them. Then without looking at the older woman, "if I crossed your borders I apologize and accept any punishment you deem acceptable" she let out a soft sigh of not only fear but regret would this be her end, no it was honorable to see your mistake and own up to it if you did incur it upon oneself.

She wanted to just come up to the older woman and press her face against her and cry. Alna fought back all her tears attempting to keep her face straight trying to hide her feelings right now. Even Alna couldn't figure out exactly what was going on through her own thoughts. Hoping that this strange wolf who smelled like the pack who resided here wouldn't harm her. All of what she just said she didn't stop it for whatever reason they simply floated on past her own inner filter and came out. Even before being asked Alna quietly spoke her own name, "My name is Alna... and I'm looking for my uncle Bass...." did she really just mention who she was looking for let alone her own name how would this she wolf take it Alna began to wonder as the gears in her own head began to whir to life.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-02-2016, 01:03 AM
She stepped back, brows furrowing as the young woman stirred and finally got up. She started by apologizing, even going as far as to say she'd accept any punishment necessary for trespassing. Sighing, she shook her head and took another step back. "I'm not going to punish you for collapsing upon our borders. A different pack might have, but not this one. You look like you've been through enough as it is." She offered a smile to the girl, wondering how she had gotten in such a state to begin with. It did look like she had been through a rough time, and it didn't seem like she had purposefully tried to cross unlike some others she had encountered. This girl sounded honest with her words, so Avalon gave her the benefit of the doubt.

She frowned a little when the girl appeared as if she might cry. Did she really truly believe that she would be attacked? Or maybe it was something else? Whatever the case, her gaze softened. And then almost quietly, the girl introduced herself as Alna. It was a pretty name, but what caught her was that she was also looking for Bass. Her head tilted, tail wagging ever so slightly. "It's nice to meet you, Alna. My name is Avalon, and it just so happens that I know your uncle Bass." Her smile returned, hoping that the girl would relax now that she understood that she wouldn't get hurt. "You're in safe paws now, Alna."


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2 Years
11-22-2016, 02:47 AM

Alna brightened up a little with the understanding that Avalon wasn't going to harm her. Finally with enough strength to just plop her rump onto the ground Alna looked a bit closer at Avalon taking in her features before speaking, "Its nice meeting you too miss Avalon, so you know my uncle... I hope he's doing well though I'll have some sad news to speak of with him if I ever get a chance to just spend a day with him" her yearning for her uncle as well was weighing on Alna a bit. There was a glint of a smile that crossed her maw however, "Avalon, I was wondering and I apologize for bringing this up but would it be possible if I could stay within pack lands for a day or two at most just to safely recover my strength?" honestly she didn't mean to possibly sound imposing about it but she was hoping for just a couple days of safety to rest.

Without a doubt for now the female felt a bit safer knowing all this however after all Alna no longer had her family as a safety net after losing her mother and brother as well as not know what happened to her father Allen just two days to get everything together would be helpful. Without so much as a thought Alna got up and moved just a little bit closer to Avalon to show she trusted the woman before sitting back down on her rump. This time a bit more than just a glint of a smile was beginning to form, "Thank you... Avalon" were her words before listening to what Avalon might say next.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-07-2016, 12:09 AM

It would seem that the younger girl would brighten up at the knowledge that she was safe, and even more so when she learned that Avalon knew Bass. She nodded in understanding. While she didn't exactly know the business that Alna had to tell Bass, it wasn't any of her business unless Alna chose to share it on her own. But she was just glad that she could at least give the girl some hope and relief. Amber gaze watched Alna as she spoke again, this time asking if she could stay for a couple of days to rest and recover.

Of course, she wasn't going to deny the girl that. "Of course you may! It wouldn't be fair to send you back out when you've no strength to even protect yourself, especially if you plan to go to Abaven." The girl smiled, scooting closer and thanking her. "No need to thank me, Alna." She smiled, reaching forward to offer a quick lick on the girls muzzle. "I'm sure you're tired and starving. How about a meal, and then I'll show you to a den where you can rest? Tanaraq can fetch you something to eat. Anything in particular you'd like?" As if on cue, Tan came flying overhead and landed on a branch above them, beady eyes peering curiosly at the young wolf.


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