
Once Again


12-01-2016, 06:44 PM

It had been some time since the woman had come across her family of Diamáchis. Ever since Mithras vanished she had been more curious of the world in the north and eventually found herself on the other side. She was sure Mithras was off doing something important, whether he told her or not she knew it was for a good cause. And she knew that one day he would come and find her and they would reunite again.

Her sandy body came across the cold grounds here. She was used to summer coming to her lands around this time of year, but she realized it was different here not too long after she ventured. Learning about pack life and hearing some healthy things about the pack called Abaven, she found her way to the border, being extra careful not to pass this "line" and may have even been too far out. She didn't really believe in these things called borders, but it wasn't worth risking her life over. She then rang out a call for someone who could assist her, her voice as gentle and beautiful as ever.

Walk "Talk"



7 Years

12-02-2016, 10:40 PM

Curled up in his den, Bass had planned to do quite a lot of nothing today. He lifted his head and yawned, stretching out his front legs as he shifted his position. However, something came that he had not expected. There hadn't been a howl at his border all season, and today of all days one came? Groaning he glared outside, wondering if he could just ignore it. But no, he had to put on a happy face and go play Alpha-man-Bass. Pale tail flickered behind him as he rose to his paws and padded out of his den, peeking at the borders of the plains. He was a bit too far away to see anything, but there was no harm in trying. Slowly he padded over, not really in much of a rush as he outta be. Suddenly the man stopped, growling at himself and shaking his head. He needed to snap out of it! This could be a potential member and here he was sulking. If it would have been anyone else he would have kicked them in the butt and told them to get at it. Grumbling a bit more, he gave himself one last hard shake before walking to the boundary of Abaven with more spring in his step. Fake it until you make it, that is what he had to do.

Soon enough he saw the cream woman with interesting patterns on her legs. Glancing over at her, the older gentleman offered her a smile. Closing the distance, he stood a few feet before her and dipped his head. "Greetings, I am Bass Destruction and Primo, or alpha, of these lands. What brings you to Abaven?" The speech was so overdone that it rolled right off his tongue without so much as a second thought. How many times had he said that in his lifetime? Of course it used to be Azat, but he had changed over the names of his ranks. Blinking out of his thoughts, he waited patiently for the woman to introduce herself, letting himself feel a bit excited at the possibility of a new member.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-03-2016, 04:02 PM

Eventually, a rather plain man came to her call. He may have been almost colorless but Lyre found this intriguing. Just about every wolf in her family had some sort of crazy pattern going on. Look at Mithras!

She would greet the king (though she didn't know this) with a small bow of her head, silver eyes returning to look at him. "Hello sir." She then chuckled a little bit, taking in his practiced phrase. "You've repeated yourself more than once, have you?" Standing at a calm stance now, Lyre would continue. "My name is Lyre. I seek to find myself a new home in which I will do my best to aide in." In the back of Lyre's mind, there was a little voice screeching "Are you crazy? Why would you join a pack!" And she couldn't help but think it was Mithras poking around at her brain. "I've heard this is a friendly yet determined pack and I am interested in learning about pack life."

Walk "Talk"



7 Years

12-03-2016, 04:18 PM

He let out a soft chuckle as she caught him in the act, nodding his head slightly. "I've been alpha here for five years this season, actually. You get a little used to greeting at that point," Bass couldn't help but blink at the realization though, wow five years already? How time flew. The woman went on to say that she was interested in learning about pack life, a thought that seemed so foreign to him. She appeared to be around his age, perhaps a year or two younger, and she had never been in a pack? It was odd, to say the least, since he had been leading nearly his whole life. She seemed well off as well, in the past few harsh seasons it was rare to see a loner in such good conditions. However it would be rather rude to ask, so he pushed the thought away. It did please him to hear that word of Abaven was still out there, considering that it had been rather uneventful here for the last year or so. It brought a smile to his face as he sat down before her, humming softly as he thought. "Well Lyre, where would you say your talents lie? We have many ranks within Abaven where you could work to raise yourself into the upper classes. It's a bit of a differently formatted pack though, we do allow our members to be... rented out if you will. If a pack requires assistance in a war we will lease our warriors out to them. If they need healers or hunters to assist in training, we will do that as well. Because our wolves can be spread out and our allies across lands, we also have an officer rank that keeps tabs on both our pack members outside the territories as well as packs we have allied ourselves with. They are quick wolves who are good at concealing themselves, to get the information we need and get out without being seen," Bass paused, thumping his tail on the ground behind him. "Would this be something that interests you?"

Walk "Talk" Think


12-03-2016, 05:05 PM

He had repeated himself yet again, introducing as Alpha. This must have been what they called the leaders here. No wonder he was so easy and professional to let out these words.

Listening intently to what this alpha had to say, Lyre would nod her head from time to time and narrow her eyes as she thought. There were so many options and opportunities, but she was already aware of what would suit her best. She was aware of most of the prey being scarce especially for those who didn't have each other's backs. But she would always find an alternative and just live off the land somehow. At least her spirits were mostly up and that's what got her through the hard days.

"I'd be happy to help anyone I could if that is what you desire." This man seemed incredibly kind and she was getting over the fact that these wolves were claiming lands as if they owned the planet. She was looking to give some things a try, it was a different world up here after all. "It has  been some time since I've been in practice but I specialize in herbs and healing. Though I could help helping to hunt  as well."

Walk "Talk"



7 Years

12-08-2016, 03:53 AM

At Lyre's words, he hummed softly. They had quite a few healers for the moment, but no one holding the rank of hunting. It had been him who had been watching the herds for the most part, tracking and following them to see if there was easy prey. With the seasons being so lackluster lately, it would be nice to have another set of eyes helping him out. "I've been pretty much taking charge of hunting for the time being, if you wouldn't mind holding the rank of hunter and helping me out? In Abaven the rank is called Cacciatore, which is Italian for hunter. Very original, I know," he said with a chuckle, his tail thumping slightly at his side. "We have three lands that we call our home, but the herd of deer that usually stick in winter have moved on and I haven't quite been able to track them down just yet," he had been too busy mourning his friend, but he left that part out. "It's a bit soon, but if you wouldn't mind setting out to look for a good herd to cut into I would really appreciate it. Of course you may get settled and such first, and I can give you a little tour of Abaven. There are plenty of places to pick out a den where you will be comfortable." Bass clamped his mouth shut then, feeling like he was rambling. He felt off his game, trying to act like everything was normal when his heart was still aching. But that was the task of a leader, one of the harder lessons that he had to learn a long time ago. It took both Mirabelle and Venus nudging him to leave Chrono alone after he died in the river, telling him that he needed to go with his pack. Even then he wanted to stay, knowing it was too late. Sometimes Bass did feel like he was rather hopeless. Offering the woman a soft smile, he sat in silence and let her speak. If she had any questions he would be more than willing to answer, but for now he handed her the baton. He would just keep on yammering on and on if he hadn't stopped.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-08-2016, 04:27 PM

Happy to actually be doing stuff with her life again, Lyre would wave her tail contently to the man speaking. He was filled with so much knowledge and promise. He seemed to trust that Lyre would be able to help him and his pack to track herds but also whatever else they needed. And she couldn't help but feel warm and gooey inside. She dipped her chin with a smile on her face.

"That sounds fine to me. You can ask me for anything, sir Bass. I promise to be there when you need me." He offered her a tour though she could tell the man was off for some reason. She believed not to meddle in the lives of others, at least that of a stranger. Bass was now not a stranger, but maybe one day she would be able to know and feel his pain as if it were happening to her. She knew the two could be friends.

"If you are busy, I can take a look myself. Maybe I could find more kind wolves." She let off a chuckle, "You don't have to worry about me running off now."

"Oh, and your herds. They moved south. They went where I come from." She explained, though she knew this wasn't really any help. "It's way too far just to hunt and come back. I understand your troubles of not being able to find a new source."

Walk "Talk"



7 Years

12-09-2016, 01:54 PM

He was glad to see that she was so eager to get things started, but when she called him sir he blinked a few times. Sure he was in a place of authority, but she couldn't be much than a year or two younger than him. It sounded strange coming from a wolf of similar age, but he pushed it away. It could be embarrassing if he commented on it, so leaving it alone would be the best option here. Already she seemed to be a very promising member, and he had to admit that he was quite pleased with the influx of members coming his way. Maybe, just maybe, they would finally reach the peek that he had been dreaming of for years. Even if it was just the winter that was driving loners to find a home, it was good enough for him.

She turned down his offer to see her around pack lands, to which he had to admit that he was a bit thankful. He could feel the heaviness of grief pushing down on him once more, and going for a run sounded like a good idea. it never hurt to check the borders more than once, and racing across all three territories was exactly what he wanted right now. "Well then, Lyre, welcome to your new home. Don't hesitate to call for me if anything comes up or if you have a question at all," he was the sole high rank anyways, so it all fell on his shoulders. Bass was used to it at this point though, and he wasn't going to force anyone to step up. The time would come, he knew that. He stood up to take his leave, but she said that his herds had moved south where she had come from. Too far indeed to wander with prey, they would almost have to eat there and then bring scraps back for whoever stayed behind. This information made him pause, his mind reeling as he tried to think of something. Surly not every large prey animal had abandoned these lands, right? His tail bounced off his hocks as he thought, humming softly. Yellow eyes turned to the brown woman, a smile touching his lips. "Well then, as our newest Cacciatore, I am sure you can come up with something, mm?" Bass was sort of teasing her, but the more serious look in his eyes let her know that it was in her paws now. He would of course be here to assist her, but her tasks would start already. With a large grin he turned and trotted away, before breaking out in a full on sprint as his legs carried him around his borders once more.

-exit Bass-

Walk "Talk" Think


12-09-2016, 09:05 PM

The tan woman would give the man a smile. "Yes, Thank you for accepting me into your pack." She sighed joyfully knowing that she had made the right decision. "Again, I will do my best and hope to make you proud of your choice." And with that, the ivory man wandered off, onto a run around the rest of his lands. Lyre would then casually walk into the lands of Abaven as if there was nothing standing in her way.

Stopping not long after Bass had left, she turned around and looked in the direction she came from. All this bash for a line that doesn't even exist. How easy it is to cross it, might as well not even be there. And then she thought for a moment before continuing on. How could she know for sure that someone like herself came through the exact same steps but was looking after different, evil intentions? They could be living amongst the rest of them yet sliding under everyone's noses. She would keep an eye out for these wolves, a type of paranoia settling in her stomach.

-Exit Lyre-

Walk "Talk"