
Gilded Lion



3 Years
12-04-2016, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2016, 11:00 PM by Arborick.)

It is all the same, only different.
Here, there, they all felt the sting of Winter. Ice would overrun like a pestilence, bowing grasses and flora alike until everything fell to a quiet submission; and in there glacial prison would remain until the sweet release of Spring. The marshlands were no exception, succumbing to the winds of Winter and appearing like every other snow laden scape. Ice laced across shallow pools, climbing up the stalks of vegetation that grew from it, even clinging to rocks that jut from the wet lands.

This morning was incredibly silent; it was much to early to bear a shadow, the suns form hadn't even peeked over the horizon. A wet chill hung in the air, bitter enough to slow your breath, bitter enough to show it. Through twin nares, mist expelled into the dark sky with a brief huff, vanishing as quickly as it left his body. He was heavy set, marked in hues of timber and black, clad in tendrils thick as wool, and a singular pinna stood erect atop his blunt skull.

A stranger to these lands no doubt, his uncertain pace was proof enough as he deftly picked his way around the thin sheets of ice. For a cumbersome fellow he maneuvered swiftly, the only clamor being silver talons that hung from each large digit clacking rhythmically against the frozen ground. Eventually he breached a solitary willow that sat on a ever so slight incline, a refuge from the icy pools. His immense form met the ground with a crunch as he reclined, his beefy shoulder locked against the trees base in support. Now there was nothing more to do than observe the suns ascension. Slowly, pastoral colors spread like ink from the equator, breaking the obscurity with a bright radiance. Drowsy chocolate irises simply witnessed in awe - morning was truly the best time of day.



6 Years

12-04-2016, 11:29 PM

it was freezing outside and for a thin coated wolf like Faite it wasn't exactly pleasant. She was happy Zell was sharing the den with her. It kept her and the kids warm - he was like a giant fluffy space heater. She was relaxing a bit in the Estuary, though she certainly would have preferred having them in Celestial behind the safety of numbers. Considering Zell hadn't formally been introduced to Regulus she hadn't wanted to put her brother on the spot. Their mother was dead and things had been hectic. No use by making that worse with a stranger in their midst.

She yawned as she exited the den. Zell was still curled up fast asleep and the kids hadn't even opened their eyes. They would remain safe in the den for another few weeks at least. She didn't have to worry about tracking them all down yet which was a relief. Once they started wandering - well she didn't wanna worry about that just yet. One step at a time, that's what she had to keep telling herself.

Her paws made soft crackling noises as she stepped across the ice laden ground. The once marshy area was rather frozen in the winter wonderland kind of way. The only thing she liked about the Estuary was that most of the birds had migrated to warmer climates so she didn't have to listen to the awful racket that they caused any other time. Where some might have found this place beautiful, she found it a nightmare. She couldn't wait to find a more permanent home. She'd already shared her idea of starting a pack with Zell. Now all she needed was to confirm the idea with Regulus and then scout out a territory that she wanted to claim.

Today though was a day to stretch her legs and enjoy herself as dawn slowly filtered across the lands. It was early in the morning and the crisp air felt good to her lungs. With it came the scent of a stranger and she had to shove down the protective feeling that arose. He was nowhere near them. They were safe with Zell, back in their den, asleep. She forced her brain to see it as an opportunity. She'd still get to meet new wolves even though she was constrained to one area. This would be fine. She approached the man cautiously and wasn't surprised to see he dwarfed her. He wasn't as big as Zell, but he was not far from it.

"Good morning." She greeted him amicably.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
12-05-2016, 08:39 PM

Bring me that horizon.

Fingers of light stretched from the equator, their brilliance bathing everything beneath it in warmth and igniting the sky. Auric tones were cast upon the male, his entirety illuminating and sparkling as light reflected from the snow dappling his coat. His contentment did not falter as another approached, her scent preceding a feminine form sauntering up to the willow.

“It is now, m’lady.”

His voice was calm, smooth and words slipped past his lips slowly. His sound was incredibly distinct, almost sorrowful, even when delighted; it yielded a power, but at the same time always remained soft. Soft, like his eyes, roused now in light and drifting to meet her own mismatched pair. He was not blessed with such lovely gems, no, family Foehn was famous for the aggressive brown eyed gene; still, he could think of only a few outside his family who’s eyes paralleled his own.

“I am Arborick Foehn, and admittedly I do not know where I sit, this land is foreign to me, but I come seeking permanence.”

He craved this sort of interaction. She appeared the friendly type, and he yearned for information about this new place, so why not kill two birds with one stone? If he had learned anything in his short life, it was you can never make too many contacts.

“Apologies if this place is your own, I need only a days rest, then I can guarantee my leave.”

He articulated once more with an unrivaled smoothness, jowls clasping shut with a gentle clacking noise. Singular pinna flickered with interest, while the rest of the beast remained propped against the willows base lazily. His eyes shifted across her form with haste as to not seem rude, noting her form, her scent…something familiar. Her abdomen appeared slightly swollen, and she smelled of colostrum. It was likely she had recently spawned.

“May I know your name?”

He grimaced kindly, but it waned and his lips were pulled in a taut line once more. This place carried many scents, some old some new, but nothing overbearing that cried it was an area that had a claim staked upon it. Regardless, he had bigger fish to fry, but would enjoy this interaction so long as she remained true to her kind greeting.



6 Years

12-07-2016, 01:37 AM

“It is now, m’lady.”

Faite blinked back some surprise from her eyes as her ears swiveled to listen to him. He was beyond polite which set some of her newfound anxieties at ease. Of course she couldn't quite determine if his morning was good because she'd arrived or if it was simply nice because of the beautiful sunrise. She preferred to think of it as the latter - compliments didn't really come her way often and she wasn't entirely sure how she was supposed to respond to one anyways.

Her own gaze settled over him as she observed his very natural looking pelt. Rich browns mixed with some black and cream that all meshed very well. His eyes were the most peculiar thing about him. She'd never come across a wolf with brown eyes. Around here it was a rarity since blue seemed to be the most dominant. It was in her family at least. Regulus, Kieryn, Laisren, Zuriel, Tornach, Rasiel - Baine was the only other one who didn't inherit that trait other than herself and even still one of her own still took on the trait.

She listened patiently as he introduced himself and his intentions. She wasn't quite used to a stranger being so open, but she understood his need instantly. It was only natural to want to find a place you belonged and others to share it with. He struck her as the lonely type, though she knew such assumptions weren't always correct. She briefly wondered if he was looking for a pack before she shoved it out of her head. She wasn't quite ready to bring her own to fruition and she knew nothing about the man. There was no need to be hasty.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Arborick."

And instantly he was apologizing. She glanced around at the familiar trees and was grateful Celestial had not staked a claim to these lands. In the warmer seasons they were noisy and full of racket from the birds that nested so frequently in the trees. No pack had claimed it in -well at least since she was born if not longer. The only scents that remained were those of loners. Even she wouldn't pretend that she owned it temporarily, though the thought of others so close to her temporary den caused her to shift warily.

"No need to apologize. No one has claimed these lands for as long as I can remember. You're certainly safe to stay here as long as you like."

Her eyes traveled briefly to the scars on his face and the missing ear. She'd been lucky enough in her own fights that she'd been left with nothing largely permanent. What fight had he suffered through to deserve a missing ear? Her mind then roved to Elias and his many scars and how he'd earned them. It seemed she was making a habit of running into men with stories to tell though this time she wouldn't get the opportunity to ask him. Instead she smiled somewhat sheepishly at him as she realized she hadn't introduced herself.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Faite Adravendi."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
12-07-2016, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2016, 07:02 PM by Arborick.)

Bring me that horizon.

Sensations of warmth roused him into somewhat of a trance, though his focal point remained the girl at rest before his own basking anatomy. Air exchanged in a widespread yawn, his blunt jaws unhinging, injured lips drawn up, blackened gums glistened in the sunlight - it was all with a degree of haste to not appear rude, though he was certain the lull of morning evoked mutual feelings. She was surmised to be the first of many he would encounter. Not a bad start, her kindness was obvious, rivaling his own mannerisms, which he not only found amusing, but curious.

“Miss Adravendi? Are you related to Odette, perhaps?”

It was a longshot, but it was possible the family was large, members dispersed and crossed continents even. She than invited him to stay for as long as he wished to. Truthfully that was not long, regardless of the circumstance. She had confirmed this place was in fact devoid of what he sought - a family. It had been epochs since he felt at home with others, and while the vagabonds life had been an adventurous one, he could never hold on to a home. It was possible that like love, a home was not in his cards, though it would not stop the brute from making an honest attempt. His heart yearned for companionship, not the kind most think of, but to have a share in something more than himself, to accomplish and rise. That was the dream, it had been for years, but life finds a way of thwarting your dreams, unwinding new paths, detours if you will.

“What can you tell me about this place? This continent? Do its inhabitants thrive in packs? Are they a religious people? Will they turn away those who are not family?”

Singular pinna fell lazily to the side of his large skull, his inquisitive mind firing away faster than his tongue could muster articulation. His eyes just as expressive as words. Some of it was tragic, some pure magic, but his life was a good one either way, but it was time for him to prove himself, to put his talents to use and make something of his fabled heritage. He looked to her apologetically after glancing away momentarily.

“Forgive me, miss Adravendi, it has been a while since I have had company. I did not mean to come off as overbearing.”

It was in this moment he noticed her peering at his face. He couldn’t blame her for being curious, as many had been before, albeit she spared him a disgusted grimace some weaker few usually show. He could recount nearly every fight with great detail, but the one that awarded him the gruesome disfiguring was the one he talked about the most. How could he not? He was never shy about it, he wore it like a talisman from a past time, he wore it like armor, it would never not be a part of him, so why ignore it?

“You should know I used to be handsome.”

He chuckled, alluding to his damaged countenance, a grin reappearing on the young wolf’s face. Young, yes, but he creaked like he was old on some occasions, a toll of battles, narrow escapes, wins, losses, humiliation, humbling. He was the epitome of damaged goods, but he was still very good.



6 Years

12-07-2016, 11:48 PM

Faite felt comfortable enough in the man's presence so she slowly let her haunches sink to the cold earth. It was beginning to warm up some as the sun slowly made its ascent into the sky, though she didn't focus on that for long. She watched him as he yawned, displaying a very nice view of his teeth, though she wasn't offended by it whatsoever. She had to stifle her own yawn as she clamped her teeth firmly shut. She didn't want this to turn into something contagious that continuously went back and forth.

His question was a nice distraction from yawning and how early in the morning it was. Of course it wasn't exactly a question she could answer easily. She racked her brain for a long moment as she tried to think of and Odette Adravendi, but her mind pulled a blank. That was the thing with being in such a large family. Her own kin weren't related to Cairo or any of his descendants. Erani had taken on the name before Cairo had passed and then had made a habit of adopting more wolves into the family as well as letting her own children bare the name. It'd all just gotten a little out of hand after that. Now it seemed like you couldn't go anywhere without running into an Adravendi, but the true bloodline remained mostly in Fiori from what she could remember.

"I'm sorry, I don't know an Odette. That's the thing with such a big family - I'm positive I haven't even met half of them."

She was happier when he barraged her with questions she could answer. She gave him a hint of a grin as one came right after another. He was curious so she certainly didn't think less of him for wanting to know more. He was clearly new to this place and if he could leave here feeling a bit better about having an idea of what to expect then she was happy to oblige. After all, information wasn't that hard to give.

"You don't have to apologize. I don't mind the questions at all, really, but please call me Faite. Miss Adravendi makes me feel old." She chuckled. She was four, seemingly older than him by a year maybe, but he certainly was more eloquent than her. She definitely wasn't that old and she wasn't used to such etiquette. "To my knowledge there are roughly six packs, though some last longer than others. I can't think of any that are overly religious and I don't believe they'd turn away anyone who came seeking a home. Most, if not all of them, are rather peaceful."

She hoped that answered his questions. She was willing to go more in depth about some of them, though she wouldn't pretend to know everything about them. Celestial would be the easiest considering it was where she'd lived for a good portion of her life save for the small time she was a loner.

Her nature changed slightly when he noticed her staring at his scars. She gave him a sheepish smile as well as took on an apologetic look. She hadn't meant to be caught staring, but it seemed he didn't mind. It was probably something he was used to - and his tone was almost joking. She chuckled at his comment and shook her head in disagreement.

"Oh, I don't think scars make you any less handsome. They tell stories - besides, your personality is what matters in the end."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
12-08-2016, 10:26 AM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2016, 10:28 AM by Arborick.)

Bring me that horizon.

The Adravendi girl finally seemed to ease up as she reclined herself, even catching the oh so contagious yawn that had escaped him just moments prior. She than proceeded to claim she hadn’t known Odette, but like his, she had an expansive family with members both unknown and probably estranged.

“Understandable. Mine is the exact same. Regardless she was lovely company and very kind. Same as you really.”

He chimed handsomely, a bit of glee mixing in with the typically monotone chords he played. He felt the pace of his heart quicken a hair as she begun to elaborate about this new place, though an all to stoic facade would conceal any real excitement. She also mentioned that miss Adravendi made her feel quite old, which he could attest to, though it was habitual of him to address others so formally. Growing up under the diction of his grandmother, he recited formalities day in and day out, attending many council meetings where he and his brother received their fair share of brutalities when they did not address a lord or lady as such. Needless to say, his grandmother was a horrid bitch. And she hated them. Ruined there lives. Still, she burn of a single talon dragged sluggishly across his underside was a memory that had been burned into him, and thus these formalities came fluently, even years later.

“Faite it is then, old habits die hard.”

His heart still at haste was finally manifested; his chocolate eyes roused a bit wider, and the grin that seemed to phase out the second it would appear actually stuck around. He was relieved when she dismissed the possibility of the wolves devoutness, as that was something he didnt wish to be apart of again. It was about a year ago, maybe a bit longer when he found himself surrounded by pious imbeciles, ranting like a lunatic about there profound god and threatening those who didnt concur with the ideals of said god.

“And you, Faite, where is your home? Do you belong to a pack?”

As much as he was curious about her, he asked this for himself. It was much easier to assimilate within a pack when you already had a paw up. He had been pinned to the ground under some pissed off Alpha for entering the parkland premises too many times to count, and it made a worlds difference in the conversation to throw out a name that may spare him a full blown assault. He always took what was coming, and while he was never a pacifist he would often refuse to fight in those situations where an alpha couldn’t be reasoned with. What good was it really to try to fight an alpha you’re trying to join? If he had won, the pack would rally to the alphas side and it would be futile to convince them he wasn’t an enemy, and if he lost, his life was at stake.

“They sound wonderful. As you may have surmised I am in search of a pack, one who’s values align with my own, somewhere to call home.”

This came promptly after she sheepishly spoke of his scars. She was very sweet, her heart had a lot of good in it, he could tell. She claimed it was the personality that makes the wolf, and he agreed whole heartedly. Everyone gets scars, its just part of life, some are just more lucky than others in regards to placement. He gave a brief laugh in response, he would spare her the details unless she really wanted to know, some of the ugliest scars come from the simplest altercations.

“Stories indeed."



6 Years

12-15-2016, 04:09 PM

Faite had to admit she was quite intrigued by the man in front of her. She was still trying to figure out if she'd heard of an Odette, but she realized she wasn't going to get anywhere with it. She would remember a name like that - she was sure of it. She shifted slightly as he compared her to this woman. Kindness seemed to run through the family so she wasn't surprised there were similarities. It was very rare that you met anyone that wasn't pleasant to be around in the Adravendi family - even if they weren't all related by blood.

Ears flicked forward as he mentioned that old habits died hard. Politeness was certainly a habit, though she'd never quite seen anyone with courtesies so ingrained in their head. Had it been his parents' upbringing? He seemed so old fashioned for someone so young. It was a little strange, but he was easy to be around nonetheless. Polite company and he still managed to hold a conversation. She felt completely at ease for the time being.

"I belong to the pack closest to us in the plains, though I will be leaving soon. I plan on creating my own pack in a few weeks. If you're looking for a home I'd be willing to extend the offer if you're interested."

It was still strange to say it aloud. She'd been in Celestial for two years now and spent a little more than that surrounded by her family. Going off on her own was going to be more than a bit different and a part of it was a little daunting. More than anything she was excited. The brief period of time she'd led Celestial she'd enjoyed it. It gave her a purpose and she felt like she'd accomplished a lot in the time Regulus had been gone. Giving it a chance with her own ideals and rules with new friends was something she envisioned.

She glanced towards the scarred man and studied the scars layered across his face. She decided he was still handsome despite the grizzled appearance, but she couldn't help but feel slightly curious. She'd asked Elias about his scars, but even then she'd felt embarrassed. Some things were too personal and she didn't want to stray from the current topic. Instead she bit back her questions and smiled at the man. She didn't know him very well, but surely someone as polite and kind as him would fit into the pack she wanted to build from scratch.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]