
White Line Fever



6 Years

12-15-2016, 03:01 PM

She was getting the hang of this early morning routine thing. It was snowing lightly outside when her eyes finally opened and she blinked slowly to rid herself of the groggy feeling. A quiet yawn slipped past her jowls before she closed them silently before glancing at her sleeping kids. They had already grown so much. It was hard to imagine that they'd be ready to leave the den for the first time any day now. By that point they would be ready to begin moving around. Of course it meant she'd have to be more watchful of them, but it also meant they'd be able to move to a new territory as well.

Had it been a warmer month she never would have decided to stay here. She hated the estuary and its loud raucous birds that often inhabited the place when it wasn't freezing outside. She was certainly looking forward to moving towards a place with better prey. The rabbits were scrawny and nature hadn't quite been given time to recover since the drought that had hit them in the summer. She doubted the place she'd chosen would be much better, but they showed more promise than this place.

She stretched as quietly as she could before slipping past the children. They were all sprawled out in a heap which made stepping around them a hassle. It was like they formed one giant puppy mass that squirmed and snored. Finally she escaped to the outside and took in a giant breath of crisp cold air before heading away from the den. It was grey outside, it typically was nowadays, so it was hard to judge how early in the morning it was. Snow blanketed the ground on the less slushy parts of the ground and ice covered the smaller waterways. It was a beautiful morning really - quiet and serene. A perfect time for a walk before she had to go back and feed the little leeches.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]

Oleander I


4 Years
12-30-2016, 02:41 PM

It had been a rather quiet winter, just him and Cedar trying to stay in one place. Food was hard to come by, even with both of them hunting. They mostly survived off of rodents and anything else small, both growing thinner as the weeks wore on. Oleander didn't want to move and wander too much, he knew that the more they conserved their energy the better. However, hunger drove them a few miles from where they had been in the west, trying to hide from most of the snow and rain. When they couldn't find any prey there though, they were forced to look elsewhere. That is what brought them to the estuary, the sound of birds overhead making both canines belly's rumble. Before they could get too far though, he picked up a familiar smell that made his ears perk. There was something else attached to it, a sweet note on Faite that had not been there before. Was she nursing little ones? Oh, how lovely! A smile on his face, he led the way as Cedar eyed the trees hungrily. He wasn't too impressed that his brother had abandoned their hunt to be social, and after a few steps he ducked away with a bark to let him know he wasn't coming with him.

Ollie paused as his brother left, but picked up the trail once more with a shrug. It wasn't often that he felt the desire to be social, it had been too long since he had seen anyone but the jackal. After a few minutes he saw her turning to take what he could only assume was a walk, he chuffed to let her know he was here. That's when the male faultered, his head canting to one side as he wondered just what to say. Should he ask her if she was a mother now or was that rude? Her extended belly and the pouches below let him know that his thoughts were not wrong, but he had learned that woman could be touchy. Would Faite think that he was calling her fat? Now close to her, he just gave a soft smile before flopping to his rump, opening and closing his maw as he fought for words. His teal eyes glanced up, for a moment before falling on her. "Pulchra dies, lovely day." Ollie nearly cursed himself for the basic conversation starter that left his lips, but it was better than saying nothing.

Gods he was a fool sometimes.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



6 Years

01-08-2017, 03:13 AM

Bird chatter constantly caused her ears to swivel - it typically wasn't her favorite sound since this place seemed to attract so many of them, but the winter time provided some relief. She couldn't wait to be out of the Estuary before spring rolled around. She didn't want to be around when all the birds migrated back, but in the mean time they did provide a good meal. They were a bit scrawny and plucking feathers out was annoying, but it was easier than trying to track down something else. She could only hope that the warmer months would fatten up the prey.

A noise behind her caused her to pause in her tracks. She turned, eager to see who she'd run into this time, and was surprised to see Ollie. Her bi-colored gaze glanced around for a split second to see if Cedar was with him, but she didn't spot him nearby. His scent was fresh though so she dropped the thought immediately and then smiled as Ollie flopped to his rump and seemed to struggle for words before spitting something out. He seemed just as awkward as the last time they'd met.

It was nice to see a familiar face. Lately all she'd done was run into new wolves, which was great for making friends, but she enjoyed the thought that she'd get to keep in contact with the old ones she'd met. Reconnecting with Ollie was a good start.

"It really is. Is it the scenery that brings you out this way?" So probably not the best small talk, but she was curious as to what had brought him to the Estuary. The influx of travelers lately had either increased or she'd never noticed it before.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]

Oleander I


4 Years
01-16-2017, 01:06 PM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2017, 01:07 PM by Oleander I.)

His companion didn't seem to mind his awkward mannerisms, or at least was kind enough not to comment on it. It made some of the tension in his shoulders relax, a sigh passing through his nose. He saw Faite glance around for Cedar, but the jackal was in no mood to be social. They were both on the verge of starving, and taking a break to chit chat didn't seem like a good thing at the time. He shrugged his shoulders in a means of explaining him not being here, his ears swiveling towards her as she spoke. He shook his head slightly, as much as the man liked to explore he just didn't have it in him today. "Cibus, food. The winter has been hard on us, very arduum difficult. The sound of birds drove us here, since we haven't had any luck searching for my friend," Oleander said with a slight frown, but it quickly vanished as he looked up at the woman with a hint of a smile taking over his features. "But you have been busy, no? You're a mater, a mother now?" He didn't want to pry, but from her scent it was rather obvious that she had little ones at home. She still smelled of a pack, but if he remembered correctly it was not the same as before. Very similar, if he wasn't try to pick it apart he wouldn't have noticed it. Ollie wanted to ask if she left home, or if maybe leadership had changed, but one personal question was enough for now.

After a few moments the orange and black form of Cedar slunk into the area, two birds clasped firmly in his jaws. Oleander's eyes lit up as he dipped his head to his brother, hastily taking a bird that was offered to him. Softly he muttered in Latin, thanking the bird who gave its life to keep him fed. All life was sacred, and they deserved to be thanked for the service they were doing for him. "Tibi gratias ago pro vobis vitam et vires subministrare corpus. Corpore fit unum corpus, ut revertaris in terram de qua sumptus es natus ossa." Quickly glancing at Faite as if to see if it was okay, he began to pluck the feathers and pick off any meat that he could get too.

This left Cedar who eyed the woman, his head tilting to the side. "You have changed packs." The jackal said without a care, earning a stern glance from his wolf companion. Cedar lacked any real care for being gentle and kind, making up where Oleander lacked. It made them a good pair, but the gray wolf didn't always appreciate his blunt manner. The wolf's eyes were apologetic as he glanced at the woman, but he was too busy consuming all he could in a quick matter to say anything.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



6 Years

01-16-2017, 07:23 PM

Faite's eyes settled into place as she stared at Ollie warmly. An ear flicked in his direction as he explained that the winter had been hard on him and Cedar. Her reason for choosing the Estuary as a place to birth her kids was because it was close to Celestial, but it was also nice hunting grounds in the winter. The season had been exceptionally hard and everyone was suffering for it. If the spring didn't hold better results for fattening up prey then she feared things would get much worse. It wouldn't take long before she'd be feeding her kids meat opposed to milk and with a lack of prey and five kids it would be difficult.

"Well it's nice to see you again, even if the circumstances aren't all that great. I hope spring makes things easier on you and Cedar."

Ollie's next words were more interesting to say the least. A grin grew on her maw as he pointed out the obvious. If he hadn't noticed the extra scents on her pelt and how her body had changed she would have worried a bit. "I am. I have three boys and two girls back at home and all very adorable." Perhaps she was bragging a bit, but to her they were adorable. Perhaps a bit needy and very time consuming, but amazing all the same.

Her gaze shifted as the familiar form of Ollie's companion darted into view. She noticed the two birds dangling from his jaws which was a good sign. The estuary was a nice hunting spot and she couldn't ask for better company for the time being. She didn't know much about either of them, but she liked them both. If they could fatten up while they were here that made things better. She noted the glance Cedar gave her and so she smiled softly in a look of approval. She didn't mind if they ate in front of her.

She glanced towards Ollie again, but once again her attention went back to the jackal as the statement came out. She hadn't really given it much thought, but now that the conversation was brought up she realized that they needed to talk about it. She'd invited Ollie to come to Celestial for language lessons, but she supposed that wouldn't be happening now.

"I did. I left my home pack to have my kids, and now I've claimed two lands a little north of here for my own pack."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]

Oleander I


4 Years
02-02-2017, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2017, 12:35 PM by Oleander I.)

The man eagerly nodded his head at the mention of spring, he could start to once again gather items to start a garden somewhere. He had taken all he could from the range, but they had died so quickly that he feared the seeds would be hollow. Only time could tell, he supposed. But it was the prey returning that he was really excited for. His ribs were starting to show and rodents were not enough to keep both canines going. Hopefully the changing of seasons was just around the corner. "Spero, I hope. Has the season been genus, kind to you?" He asked softly, hoping that with her childred it would be okay. He still didn't feel comfortable asking her outright, maybe she just got fat? The swelling under her would say otherwise, but he wasn't that familiar with the after effects of birth. Licking at his lips, he tried not to stare as he offered her an awkward smile. Sometimes he really did feel stupid. He couldn't help asking though, finally letting the question leave him. If he had just asked if she was a mother and she ended up being fat, he would feel like a fool.

The smile on her face set him at ease, a small sigh quietly slipping out. Good, he had been right. He had thought so with the scent on her pelt, but he didn't want to be wrong and have just insulted her. His ears perked up as she spoke of them, his jaw hanging slightly slack when she said she had had three boys and two girls. Growing silent for a moment, he tried to imagine what it was like to have that many pups dependent on him. It was a large litter for sure, not unheard of but very big to say the least. "Quinque, five puppies? Oh my, you have been very busy then! You are a fortem, brave woman." Oleander said with a great big sweeping nod of his head. He couldn't imagine having five children to look after. He didn't feel right asking if the sire was involved, but at least she was in a pack and they could help her if she was alone. That would be an awful lot to do by herself! He didn't have too much experience with whelps, but he would like to think that at some point he would settle down and have some. Hopefully not five.

When Cedar returned with the birds and he sought silent permission from Faite, he didn't hesitate any longer and dug in. He was forever trying to think on if he was being rude or not, but the growling in his tummy would not be silent for much longer. Licking at his lips when he was done, he hoped that Cedar ha not insulted her for being to blunt. Sometimes he could just hit the jackal on the head, but he had to admit that he was curious as well. When they had last met she had been in her brothers pack, if he remembered correctly. Why would she leave her family to join another? But when he answered him, it all made sense. She had the call of a leader then, eh? He could see the strong quality in her from the beginnings, and he smiled at her with a touch of fondness. It wasn't often that he became close to other wolves given his strange behaviors, but he did feel proud of the russet faced woman. "Tibi bonum est, good for you!" His tail wagged a few times behind him as he brushed the bones and feathers to the side, his head falling towards his left. "What is it called, quid nomine, what name?"


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



6 Years

02-13-2017, 04:06 PM

"Spero, I hope. Has the season been genus, kind to you?"

Faite nodded softly. Prey hadn't exactly been easy to come by, but the birds helped. Even if they were small and feathery, they'd helped both Zell and her get by during the winter time. She was small and didn't need to eat as much as Zell so she'd obviously been more fortunate and Ollie and Cedar. In reality it was probably a shame they hadn't come here sooner. She could see Ollie's ribs beginning to poke out which made her sad. Hopefully he and Cedar would be able to fatten up some once Spring came.

Faite could barely contain her amusement as a chuckle slipped past her lips at Ollie's expression to the amount of puppies she'd given birth to. Five was certain a lot, more than her own mother had even birthed at once, and she had to admit they were a handful. Some would call her lucky (she personally loved all of them) but it made her wonder how she'd feel once they all started running around and getting in trouble. It was only going to be her and Zell whereas there were five of them.

"Yeah I'm sure this is going to be interesting. Wait till they figure out how big the world is. I'm never going to be able to keep up with them all." She joked lightly.

Ollie seemed to be in a good mood judging from the smile on his face. The mention of her pack seemed to intrigue him and she grinned back at him as he congratulated her. "It's called Lirim! It's fairly small now, the adults hardly outnumber my kids." She chuckled. "But I'm sure it'll grow in time."

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]