
Show Me How To Be Whole Again


12-09-2016, 09:32 PM

A cool breeze flew by the river's edge, swinging to the ocean. Ice had started to form at the curves and mud so that no one would dare to enter. Lyre just happened to be finding her way to the freezing rapids on her journeys around the pack. She sat down beside the river flow, silver eyes gazing into it's movement. It was gentle, running over top of stones and ice and disappearing far down beyond she could see. And it was peaceful, it reminded her of her home and her family.

She missed them so, she missed Mithras. She had been rather distracted before he went off doing lord knows what. And though Lyre believed that whatever he was doing was important and of purpose, she just couldn't help but miss him and think of him everyday. Irie had teased her into making themselves more than friends. Even though she denied it, deep down inside she knew the feeling were there, she just couldn't admit. She was home sick, though not in the way of a den; it involved her family.

Staring deep into the river, she had failed to notice a tear or two falling from her eyes, mind lost in thought and memories.

Walk "Talk"


12-20-2016, 11:08 PM

Liviana had been thinking of "home" more and more lately. Could she really call it home any more? Was it still home when you willingly abandoned it? She wasn't so sure. A sigh passed her lips as she wandered through Abaven. It was probably high time she start thinking of this place as home. She didn't miss her father and there honestly wasn't too many of her relatives left to miss. But her sister and younger brother, she missed them plenty. She had hoped one or both of them would have felt the same as her and left as well, but if they did they didn't follow her.

The sigh that left her formed a cloud of mist around her muzzle and she lifted her eyes from the ground, her gaze landing on the woman that was sitting a short distance away near the river bank. Livi probably wouldn't have approached her at all, but she happened to notice the slight sparkle of a tear falling from the woman's face. She stopped and hesitated for a moment, considering if she really wanted to butt in or not. After a moment of consideration though she pushed on and made her way over to the speckled woman. After all, it was a distraction from her own thoughts, right?

"Are you okay?" she asked gently, her head tipping a bit so she could peek at the woman's face once she stopped near her. She was standing parallel to the river bank, facing the woman's side. She wouldn't be upset if the woman brushed her off, but she figured she should probably start trying to connect with more pack members or something.

Art by Evelyn


12-21-2016, 08:11 PM

Being a bit startled by the other woman's presence, Lyre would shift her head quickly to look at her, realizing the tears that had fallen from her own eyes. "Oh, Sorry." She reached her paw up to wipe away whatever liquids remained before glazing a smile on her face and looking to the woman. "It's nothing, just missing Home I suppose." It was so much more than that, but she wouldn't bore the fae with tales of herself and her life. They didn't really know each other and who wants all the weight of someone else's tragedy?

She dipped her chin a little, her previous tears still leaving a stale expression on her face, "My name is Lyre, I'm new to Abaven. I'm just trying to settle in is all. Bass has set me to hunter." And it was true. She wished that she had friends and she knew they would eventually come. But it sometimes felt like it was taking ages. She just felt so lonely.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-22-2016, 10:29 PM

Liviana could sympathize when the woman mentioned missing home. She could tell it wasn't just nothing, but she didn't push it. Instead she turned to face the water as well and settled on her haunches next to Lyre. She kept her gaze lingering on the other woman though, listening as she introduced herself and explained that she was new here. "Nice to meet you. I'm Liviana. I'm not really new, but it feels like it sometimes. Haven't quite settled in I guess. I'm a fighter for what it's worth." She glanced out over the river for a moment with a soft sigh while her tail curled around her haunches.

"It's hard to stop missing home, huh?" she commented after a moment of silence settled between them. "I was just thinking about home myself. Well, the wolves at home anyway. Never really cared for the place itself, but I'm sure you know what I mean." Would she though? She didn't really know anything of this woman. She could have some sort of deep hatred for the wolves she left back home for all she knew. She didn't think that would be the case though if she had been crying over missing home.

"Do you mind if I ask about why you left if you miss it?" she asked curiously, her pale purple gaze glancing toward Lyre again. Of course she wouldn't blame the other woman if she didn't want to talk about it, but Livi found others and their stories interesting at times. Besides, she'd really like to finally make a decent acquaintance around here. She'd been in this pack far too long to not have any attachments to anyone.

Art by Evelyn


12-23-2016, 08:07 PM

She smiled for the other woman, Liviana. So she wasn't the only one? It was a nice thing to know. Nice that she wasn't alone, not nice that the two of them were missing their people. "I miss both. I  come from the southern continent, the cold weather here isn't something I come to favor." It is was 100% true. But she wanted to do something with her life, not sit and wait for her family to come back; for Mithras to come back. "My family and friends though, they are more important than the places. Sure they hold memories but who you share them with means a lot more."

"No not at all." She spoke kindly, looking to the female yet again. "Everyone has just been away. I felt the need to help others so I decided to join a pack. I've never been in one so it's something new." She didn't believe in everything the packs did but it was okay so far. Not something to get all flustered about. "I'm just hoping to make some good friends, that way I won't have to keep missing the ones that are away."

Walk "Talk" Think


12-27-2016, 07:27 AM

Liviana nodded in agreement when Lyre described how the people are more important than the places. Her old home had not really been anything spectacular. It served its purpose and provided them with a place to live and food, but she had seen some much more interesting sights since coming here. What really mattered was her family and old pack mates. The wolves that had fought alongside her for years.

She was glad she hadn't bothered Lyre with her question. She certainly didn't want to upset the woman on their first meeting. Livi couldn't imagine never living in a pack. There was very little time between when she left her father's pack and when she joined Abaven and she couldn't say she had enjoyed it. "Well, you can count be as a friend if that helps. If haven't really made any friends yet so we can help each other out," she replied with a slight smile. She didn't know much about Lyre yet, but they both needed the little bit of companionship so she didn't see any harm in offering it.

"Abaven is a lot more calm than my old pack," she commented thoughtfully. "We fought with other packs pretty constantly back home. We were the strongest pack and almost always won, but it certainly made us some enemies in the process." That's why her remaining family was so slim these days. If any of them were still alive now. Sometimes she wanted to travel back home to check on them, but her pride wouldn't let her face her father again. Not after how she had stormed out and cursed him to his face. She sighed softly at the thought as she looked out over the water in front of them.

Art by Evelyn


12-27-2016, 12:55 PM

Lyre would smile to the woman's response. This was a very odd way for her to act. She usually hated new people and felt threatened by them. But she didn't really have a choice now did she. One day she would probably find herself growling at people who came to the border and butting into their conversations. But she couldn't help it. It was her nature most of the time: to protect the ones she cares about.

"I appreciate it." She chuckled. She was serious but also joking just because the two didn't know each other at all. She would see this woman as a friend from here on out, they needed each other and that was okay.

Lyre  felt insulted by the woman's next comment. Not by her, but by her pack. But she would calmly respond with how she felt, "I don't believe in war unless someone closes you in and poses a threat." She had dealt with such things before but she always avoided fighting unless absolutely necessary. "There are a lot of things I don't believe in on this continent but I wouldn't judge without giving the wolves up here a chance. It's what Abaven is doing for me."

Walk "Talk" Think