
Oh the rainy days



5 Years
12-19-2016, 08:31 AM

ooc: on the agenda, Boneset and Lambs ear.

Renhett needed to get out, which what better way then to go around the plains searching for some special things. Some Boneset during this time would do these wolves some good. There was a lot of stress and stress meant fever's. Not to mention the cold would bring about colds which would do the same thing. As such the white flowers grew in damp area's. The rains made it PERFECT for her to find that. Something that eased her mind was doing these things. Hopefully along the way though she could forcefully drag someone to go with her even if it was Bass himself. Perhaps it would help keep his mind off of things.... like she was doing herself.

The female let her paws sink into the territory. As the lack of tree's made her feel so open. It'd be easy to scent and see other wolves among the grasses. However she needed to keep a close eye out for her white flowered friend. So that way she could store it properly in her den she had nestled all on her own. An adventure it was.



12-19-2016, 03:23 PM

Lyre was lonely here still. It was rather quiet and she hadn't made any friends. But she wouldn't give up. She was a very social and friendly wolf, she hoped someone would spot her so that she could learn more about her new packmates.

Walking around the lands of Abaven,  studying everything that was here, she would be after what the woman who she would soon run into was looking for. Well, just herbs. She wanted to know what healing materials were near by.

Seeing the woman out in the damp plains she would trot gracefully over and make her presence known. "Hello there. My name is Lyre, I just joined Abaven not too long ago." She introduced herself immediately, eager to know the woman before her. "Is there anything I can help you with?" It was a true, friendly gesture. She wanted to show the pack that she was worth something, even if it were just being a good friend. She wanted others to like her. She wanted to fit in.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
12-20-2016, 04:15 PM

It was perfect! A woman had come along to ask her if she needed help with anything. Renhett smiled and wagged her tail promptly. As she turned to face the other fully, she would introduce herself as Lyre. Sounded oddly familiar to a relative of hers but she didn't make a note of it. "My name's Renhett Walker, I'm a medico in Abaven it's nice to meet you. Actually if you'd like can you help me look for some boneset? It's a cluster of white flowers usually grows in damp area's. With all this rain we've had it has to be SOMEWHERE in the plains." Renhett explained as she looked at Lyre interestingly. She was rather good looking if she had to say so. Not the most amazing wolf around but she could take a moment to admire ones beauty.

"After I had planned on trying to collect some Lambs ear." she finished and looked around. Surely these had to be in abundance here. She had made lucky strike as a healer too. The rains had made them bloom early. With the heat that had killed them and otherwise those harsh seasons they had received this year. Renhett was just glad she lived to see another day.



12-20-2016, 10:10 PM

She nodded her head to the introduction. Chuckling to her explanation of gathering herbs she would respond kindly, "Yes, I have collected them both before. I would be happy to help you." She may have been a hunter in the ranks but her specialty was herbs. Besides, she was willing to make friends and help the stranger-pack mate with her collecting.

She began walking, looking back to the woman she had just met making sure she was following. With a keen sense of smell, she would try and start a conversation while working. "Are you from the Northern Continent? I come from the Southern." She would walk a while before picking up the smell in her nostrils, looking to the woman and warning her, "Over here." She would trot slowly over to the rivers edge, stepping in the mud where a trail started out of the river from other wolves walking through it so much. She would sniff around the soil, her nose taking her up stream of the river until she came across some shrubbery. And just as she expected, near the base of the shrubs intertwined with the bush she would find multiple sprouts of the Boneset Rehnett was looking for. There was plenty for the both of them, she she would look to the woman, call her over if she was not beside her, and let her have the first pick. It may have even been possible that she had found her own blooming.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
12-31-2016, 06:52 AM

Renhett let out a short excited whine, it was always a relief when someone knew what she was speaking about. Her tail wagged back and forth happily, as she and the new abaven wolf continued on she was filled with a new light inside her. Forgetting what she had been previously thinking about if it had been anything to worry about at all. "I was born in the east actually - to a pack called Ebony. My mother died during childbirth so then my father Hajime after we were weaned and ready we came here... to abaven." she smirked - a little proud of her heritage. "Although I did wander in my youth a lot, it wasn't until recently I rejoined Abaven. Bass was like a father to me after my own dad died at the cliffs so I wanted to help him." there was no harm in sharing this.

When they came upon the herbs, Renhett let out a breath of air. It was flourishing thanks to the rain. This winter might actually provide to be more fruitful than she thought. It meant that caring for Kai could be made up for. "This is great, I'm glad that winter for once has saved us something." she said as she carefully started to extract the herbs. Lyre was free to join her if she so wished. "You know there's a man by the name of Liar... similar to you. He's a relative of mine I just found it funny how you guys share an almost same name. Though he tells me he was name Liar because his father wasn't a very stable man." Renhett was enjoying this small talk if that meant anything at all.



01-02-2017, 10:20 PM

She did feel sorry for the woman and her tragic story. No mother and father, at least Lyre had the pleasure of not having much interaction with her parents before their disappearance. She didn't have to worry about a funeral or anything or actually have any true attachment to them before they were gone. "I'm sorry to hear that, dear. I did't know my parents much at all. The pups of my tribe were all trained at a young age and that didn't leave us much room to grow a relationship with our real parents. We were mainly with our mentors most of the time." She explained not knowing if Renhett would understand that kind of feeling with her mother or whatever.

She would begin taking some herbs herself, seeing as Renhett was taking her choosing and would reply, "Yes, I am glad that we are able to salvage something. I'm still learning what kind of herbs I can find at home."

She giggled as the grey woman spoke of her relative seeing as his name was "Liar." "That is a rather odd name, can't say I've heard of anyone naming their child something like that." And then she thought of someone naming their children "Killer", or "Creeper", or anything else that could claim them some sort of personality whether they held such a title or not. "I suppose his name isn't who he claims he is?" Referring to the fact that he had an explanation for such a name.

She would be happy to keep speaking with the dame, but she would smile before continuing, "You said you were also looking for lamb's ear?"

Walk "Talk" Think