
Nashor's Tooth {Training}



7 Years

01-29-2017, 12:15 PM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2017, 03:31 PM by Evelyn.)

With a sigh, the aging gentleman sat in the clearing around his den. Today he didn't sit on top of it though, instead on the small raised mound in front of it. It was about time that something happened in Abaven. He had let it slide during the harsh fall and winter, but now that spring was here there was no longer an excuse. He hoped that Lark would come, his joints were aching and it had been awhile since he had even been in a fight. He didn't doubt that he would be rusty, or move slowly with his sore body. The Primo would need some assistance, and if someone stepped up then there could always be a discussion of rises in the ranks. Everything was still on him since Tinaro had vanished. The boy had promised to hold trainings, but after one he vanished. With a soft grumble he curled his tail around him, tipping up his head and howling for the fighters. This would be mandatory for all wolves with a fighting ranks, including the officers and field medics. Others could come if they wish, but that was up to them.

Bass knew that a lot of the wolves stood on different levels of experience, which put him in an awkward place. He didn't want to drag everyone through the basics again, but it was going to have to be a bit of show and tell it would seem. Lowering his head, he waited for the wolves to start showing up.

ooc;// First round due on Feb. 8th




9 Years
01-29-2017, 02:59 PM

The call was not mandatory for her, though the women wanted to try and be as active in the pack as she could. She couldn't remember the last time she had been at a fight training and with the recent events over the winter she thought that it would be good to try and learn a few things. She had been near her herb den and once she heard the call she rushed into the den and tried to grab supplies that may be needed. She knew training and sparring were meant to be minor, but any chance for her to do her job she would jump at.

Her mouth was stuffed full when she came from the den and she quickly made her way in the direction of the call. The pack lands had become memorized by now, so she didn't feel that it was difficult to find her way around. When she arrived her ears picked up nothing but nature around them, she must be the first to arrive. Her tail lightly wagged as she approached, finding herself a spot to listen and be there in case medical attention was needed. Dropping her herbs in a nice little pile before herself she settled into a comfortable position. She lightly smiled in the direction she assumed Bass to be while they waited for others to come.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times


01-29-2017, 06:15 PM

Liviana still hadn't given up on her desire to be an active part of this pack. She couldn't say that anything was really standing in her way besides herself, at least not that she could identify. Her morning had been spent hunting for herself and laying near her den... Which was how she spent pretty much every day. However, Bass' howl pulled her quickly back to her paws. Even if she hadn't been super active in recent days she wouldn't hesitate to attend anything that Bass summons them for. How would she ever find a footing here if she didn't do just that?

When she arrived she was only mildly surprised to see Storm there as well. Of course having a healer present at a fighting opportunity made sense. She was pleased to see that she was the first of the fighters to arrive. She gave Bass a small nod and a quick smile before she settled down on her haunches to wait for the others to arrive. Livi couldn't help but be a bit excited about the prospect of a spar- as long as whoever showed up was a worthwhile opponent. So far she hadn't had a whole lot of luck in finding fighting partners that were any fun to fight against.

"Talk" "You" Think


01-31-2017, 12:05 PM
The call for training was something that certainly interested the large red woman. The pack had been pretty quiet during winter for the most part, but now that spring was around perhaps they could turn up the heat. She felt a bit bad for flaking out on the spar with the brown wolfess, though perhaps… perhaps today she could make up for it. A breath of fresh air was breathed in, her massive paws leading her forward. Might she see Asha too, she wondered? Pyrr’s tail flicked thoughtfully as she moved, humming softly to herself. She felt certain that today was going to be a good day.

Upon arrival she found three wolves present and only two of which she sort of knew. One was of course Bass, the man who had called the gathering together. With a warm smile and tip of her head the massive woman greeted him before trudging over to the other familiar face; Liviana. “I do believe,” She began. “That I owe you a spar, my dear.” Her words were playful and light before she glanced back at Bass, her grin widening. “Actually, Bass, this wouldn’t happen to be battle training, would it? If you need a hand, or demonstrators, perhaps Liviana and I could be of assistance?” She glanced back at the smaller brown woman, eagerness in her eyes.

“Hope you don’t mind me volunteering you.” She added, giving a swish of her tricolored tail.

Sparrow I


7 Years
02-06-2017, 09:06 PM
Sparrow sighed and stretched as she exited her den. It had been a quiet and restful time home. She hadn't been so much as leaving for more than a couple of hours recently. She mostly just patrolled. Things seemed quiet. She wasn't really surprised when her father called, but she was surprised to hear it wasn't a meeting call, but a training call.

The small woman had never been a good fighter, but she had never really tried either. She shook her pelt out and made her way towards the call. Even if she didn't spar today, there might be someone to heal, and even if not that, she was sure her father would be happy to see her putting herself forward and participating in pack activities.

When she arrived, there were several members there, but none of her siblings. She didn't feel all that surprised about that either, but she was sure Lark would trickle in at some point. Sparrow didn't think much of it really. She greeted her father warmly, nuzzling his cheek.

"If you fight me and I win, do I get to be alpha for the day?" she asked playfully before settling to her haunches a little away from him. She was eager to see who all would show and fight.

Finch I


4 Years

02-06-2017, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2017, 11:49 PM by Evelyn.)

Finch Sartaddi-Destruction

Finch wasn't going to show up to the fight training as it had nothing to do with her rank, but she felt like she should. It had been awhile since he had even called a meeting, so she felt obliged to play her part. With her gold leaf necklace bouncing on her chest, she cut towards the old family den with a small smile on her face. Her light blue eyes blinked at the small group gathered, but she was quite surprised to see Sparrow there. It had been quite some time before she had seen the brown and white wolf. She actually couldn't even remember the last time she had seen her litter mate. A small nod was offered to the girl, they hadn't connected much in their years here. Not seeing Lark just yet, she settled down beside Storm and eyed her bundle of herbs. "Are you here to heal after spars?" she asked softly, nuzzling the older woman. It was then that she picked up the change in her scent, pulling back and blinking slightly. Leaning up to be closer to her ear, her voice dropping to a hushed whisper. "Wait, you're expecting?" Finch wasn't sure if it was a secret, which is why she fell quiet.




11 Years
Dragon Mod
02-06-2017, 10:13 PM

He didn't expect Quake to show up, but he would. He had grown pretty quiet for a long while, the aging male now second oldest in the pack after the silver male had passed last season. It was a bit odd to know that he was reaching the end of his years, but it didn't do anything to dampen his mood. He was in good shape, he had always been athletic and healthy. Even now, the only signs that showed his age were the silver and white hairs that littered his face.

He wasn't the first to show up to the training, but maybe he was the last. He didn't know anyone on a personal level, just knew them in passing. Except for maybe Bass...but even then, Kakashi had mostly talked about Quake to the man. It had been a while since he had talked to the Alpha, and one matter he wanted to talk about was his brother. Of course, he didn't know yet that his brother had died...nor did Quake know. But he would push thoughts about his brother to the back of his mind as he instead focused on the now. He nodded to Bass as he took a seat, crimson gaze flicking over the already gathered.




7 Years

02-09-2017, 03:55 PM

He sat there and just hoped that at least most of the pack would show up, but as he watched the crowd gather a look of utter disappointment crossed his features. Most wolves who showed up didn't even have a rank that had anything to do with fighting, his hackles raising as he stood up on all fours. One last angry howl was tossed out into the sky, if those with a fighting rank didn't show up fast, they would be demoted. His tail lashed behind him, but he took a few shaky breaths to calm himself. He was glad that Sparrow was beside him, his face softening as he leaned down to lick her head. "Maybe they will actually listen to you, if you are. So deal." Bass said with a wink, raising his head once more.

Drawing in one last deep breath, he looked at those who had gathered. "Thank you to those who showed up, I really appreciate it. For those of you with a fighting rank, depending on how you do today you will likely get a promotion. Thank you for being a part of this pack." His voice was gruff as he gazed at those around him. "We will wait a little bit to see who else comes, and then we will start."

ooc;// You have until the 11th to get those characters with a fighting rank here. Those who do not show up will be demoted.




7 Years
Extra large

02-10-2017, 08:24 PM
Lark was late. It really wasn't like him to be tardy to any meeting, especially one called by his father, no matter how badly he didn't want to go. Truthfully he didn't not want to go to this one, but he'd just been.. distracted. Yeah, that was the best way to describe it. It was hard to not want to spend most of his time with Lillie, now that she was back, especially now that he remembered just how much he enjoyed her company -- especially during this particular season. Resisting her was growing harder each day, but it was easiest to be dragged away from her when his father's stern call cut through the relative silence that had settled over the lands for the day. He groaned a sound of protest as he pulled himself away from her, wishing his snout could remain buried in her neck fur for just a few minutes longer. He'd already delayed though, and being late wouldn't do anyone any good.

After a bit longer of whining, he finally untangled himself from her and pulled himself onto all fours. His father sounded another call now, considerably more frustrated than the first, and he winced at the sound. He was already going to be late, and now Lillianna insisted she come too, since it was partially her fault. She wasn't the same rank as he was, but fight training wouldn't be so bad for her either. After all, she'd been in more fights than he had, and she bore the scars for all to see. Finally slipping from where they'd been lying, he headed toward his father.

Once he arrived, his stomach sank; many were already there, though not everyone. He noticed Finch and Sparrow immediately, and as usual headed to Finch's side, flopping down with a loud sigh. He hoped he'd get a pass on this one -- he had showed up, and he was hardly late for anything, even if he hadn't been that active in Abaven for awhile.


02-10-2017, 09:00 PM

Lyre would only come in interest of Bass' voice. She wasn't a fighter to be honest, but she knew how to protect herself and her family if the chance came through. She could be a little feisty outside her little gentle spirits, could be surprising to most.

Showing up after everyone was due, she would walk along past lark and find her own seat amongst the crowd. She wasn't expected but she would still be involved. It was rather quiet around here. She was just happy to be here apart of the pack and apart of Bass. She was interested in learning anything he had to teach her.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years

02-10-2017, 09:47 PM

The call went into the air, and Lillianna hesitated for a split second. Normally, she'd answer it, and without hesitation. Even if it wasn't training for her, she'd answer it... but, uh, she might have been enjoying herself a bit much. Even Lark procrastinated and groaned, and she grumbled and huffed with him, sending a single glare towards the direction of that call. But she knew, and okay, even though they both pulled away from each other, she couldn't help just a little more. So while they procrastinated, she placed teasing nips on his shoulder and neck, nestling her nose into his fur as well, and leaning against him. Okay, while it was comforting, it also did nothing but increase the flame inside of her, and when they actually, fully tumbled apart, she cringed at the sound of the angry alpha.

Uh-oh. They had to go. Lark moved to leave, but she intercepted him only briefly, insisting that she'd go to - it was her fault too, anyway. Even if the idea of approaching Bass with their scents tangled and her obviously in heat, in front of the rest of the pack, was not something she wanted to do. And mortified her. She knew exactly what the pack would think about it, since they had noses, and while they'd not be far off... she still didn't want them to know.And uh, they were showing up late. And she felt bad. Because the pack would know why they'd showed up late.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't entirely her fault... but she still felt pretty damned bad. Even if a bit of her was pissed at the god-awful timing of this training. The hormones were surging through her body, and she wanted, as much as her partner did - wait what? The thought paused for a second, the rational part that wasn't still dazed from the... ahem, distractions, that had been taking place not that long ago. Partner? Without giving it much more thought, Lillianna purposefully dismissed the thought - it was accurate.She didn't need to dwell on the emotional impacts of that word, yet. She also dismissed the place where she was heading, even though the scents of many of the pack grew stronger in her nose.

Of course, it was hard to ignore it when she spotted the wolves, and she stared doggedly ahead, her ears fluttering with withheld embarrassment as she trailed after Lark. She froze briefly when she spotted Sparrow, but simply continued on, ignoring the girl. She gave a faintly embarrassed and guilty grin to Finch; she was certain that Finch had already picked up on their mixed scents, as had... well, everyone ese. Embarrassment flooded her eyes even more when she looked at Bass, and for the first time ever...

She might have realized how significant it was that he was Lark's father. AND her alpha. Well, fuck. She swallowed heavily. And, that's when her brain decided to stop working and her mouth started. "I, uh, I'm sorry, it's my fault Lark was late, we were - uhh - not paying attention and uhhhm, I'msorry," she babbled, though thankfully not loud enough for everyone to hear. Just mostly everyone.

Her eyes widening and her ears nearly flattening to her head, she hurriedly scuttled the few steps to slide to the ground beside Lark, her gaze stuck straight ahead as embarrassment and mortification roared through her. Oh gods, why had she done that? What was she thinking? Oh no... what had she done?

"Talk" "You" Think
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



8 Years
02-11-2017, 06:23 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2017, 06:24 PM by Asha.)

The girl had spent the majority of her time in the water that day. The temperatures were warm and with spring came her heat season. Unlike some wolves, Asha didn't fret over the fact that she was now six. She wasn't worried about her age, or how decrepit she would become eventually, and instead was only focused on the feeling in her gut. It was that season to avoid males and a swim had been the perfect thing to help soothe her. Plus she'd even managed to catch a few fish while she was at it.

She'd passed out on the bank of where she'd been swimming while she warmed up in a sunny patch. She was in a rather deep slumber when Bass had made the first call. Her ear flicked at the sound, but it didn't fully register to the female. It wasn't until the second call was made, this time more angry, that she woke up with a start. A dark ear flicked towards the meeting place and then both flattened against her skull. She honestly wasn't a big fan of all these formal social gatherings, but this didn't sound like a normal pack meeting and, despite her affinity for trouble, she didn't feel like disappointing Bass. She hadn't done much to prove her worth since she'd gotten here, but now was her chance.

So she headed towards the meeting at a run and didn't slow until she could see others. She noted that Bass was in front of his den, and then she took in the sight of other wolves. She didn't know them well enough to be able to tell who was missing, but she did see that the fox was missing and most likely a few others. At least it seemed that she wasn't completely late. She flashed an apologetic grin towards Bass before padding up to Pyrrhus and bumping her large frame with her shoulder.

"What's up Big Red. Catch any more birds lately?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]

Merlin I


3 Years
02-21-2017, 12:55 PM
True to form, Merlin showed up late to the meeting and covered in mud.

He had been put by a slower part of the river "fishing" for hours and had "accidentally" slipped down the muddy bank like an otter. Multiple times. Eventually he had given up all pretext of fishing and just spent the rest of the time just sliding. When his dad's voice had reached him, it had taken some time for him to wallow his way out of the muck and cross the pack lands to find the group. It was with joy that he spotted some of his siblings among those waiting and through himself into their midst with puppyish abandon, giving Finch, Lark, Sparrow, and Bass equally snobbery, muddy kisses, heedless of who else might be caught up in his generous mudding.



7 Years

02-22-2017, 03:05 PM

It would seem like his second howl had kicked some wolves into action. Lark wandered in, but it was who he walked in with that had his attention. With narrowed yellow eyes he stared at the two as they walked side by side, clearly smelling of each other. Lillie's heat scent was twined around them, and he was looking at them now more as Lark's father over their alpha. His gaze followed him as he made his way towards Finch, flicking off of him only when Lillie approached him. He said nothing as he looked between the two angsty wolves. He kept his mouth closed, knowing that his irritation might wind up making him say something he would regret. Lyre came next, followed by Asha. He was about to start it when Merlin bounded in covered in mud. He stood up and reeled backwards, but it was too late. He splashed against his chest, splattering mud around his pale coat. A kiss followed, and his anger melted away as he let out a booming laugh. Leave it to Merlin to be completely clueless and help pick up everyone's mood. Shaking his head back and forth, he cleared his throat and addressed the gathering.

"Let's get this under way. We have all different levels of fighters here, and I will be pairing you off to work with each other. It will be up to you if you want to spar or just go over the basics. Merlin and Asha, you will work together. Lark and Lyre, you will be paired. I know it's not your rank, but since you guys are here you will be put to work. Kakashi and Sparrow, Liviana and Lillie, and Finch and Pyrrus." He nodded his head toward each of them, knowing that some were more equal in skill over the other. "Each group will elect a captain to be in charge of the lesson, while Storm and I come through to check you out. I will be watching how things are going, and I might call for a switch up. If I do, the captains must change and take over the lesson right where I stopped it. Storm will be there to make sure that any injuries are looked after." He turned to look at the blind woman, wondering if she would be okay with it. Turning back to the pack, he let out a bark to signal that they should start.

ooc;// Sorry about the wait guys! Each pairing please start your own thread. Bass might post in your thread at any time for you to switch it up. If you want to spar but don't want it judged, Bass can look it over and I can do a quick calculation of the injuries and attacks, calling the winner. You have until March 3rd to fully complete the training thread.
