
The Abraxas Brood



3 Years
Extra large
02-12-2017, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2017, 06:43 AM by Ræsa.)

Legend tells of an ancient battle...

There was once one god who stood above all others. He was of a keener mind and surer ambition than his kin, and thus ruled them, as was fitting. Over the eons, a seed of discontent began to grow. Before long war broke out between them, and thus across all planes of existence. Gods waged against gods, mortals against mortals, earth against sky and sea against storm. The small gods gathered their power, attacking as one, as was their only hope to defeat their adversary. He was cast down to the earth and much diminished in the mortal plane. His godly powers were weakened, his dominion destroyed, and a seed of rage planted in his heart. This chaos bred the discontent of the world. Illness, sorrow, pain, and death came forth and have plagued mortals ever since. His descendants called themselves fallen angels, but to others they became known as demons; purposed with spreading the rightful rage of the Fallen God, given the task of restoring their lineage to it's deific birthright.

Brief Family history: Amon was raised in the same hateful light, filled with spite and rage from birth. His father told legend upon legend of their godly origin and the importance of their lineage, the magnificence of their name. His earliest memory is of their father killing two of his siblings in their puphood for being 'unfit' to carry the Abraxas name. As soon as Amon came of age, he was ordered away to sire a brood of his own, to ensure their line remained healthy and strong until such a time as they were able to find their way back to the godly realms. He found and conquered a healthy female and kept her close until his pups were born, carefully overseeing their training and exposure to the world.

Every night they would fall asleep to tales of their family's great deeds, and all they were entitled to. Every morning they would wake up and train both their bodies and their minds alike. Despite his best efforts, Amon had been unable to curb the love his children had for their mother, and feared their weakness. Once they had weened from her, Amon found that he no longer had any use for the woman, so she was quietly disposed of. The family began to wander, seeking a land they could seize as their own...

Assumptions/Other: It is safe to assume that while Amon is known to be harsh and manipulative, he does indeed love his children. The line blurs between what is truly in their best interest vs. what is in his, but that's not something he would give much thought to. He would have impressed heavily upon them that they are superior to others, that they are special, promising that upon their death they would return to the heavenly realms where they belong.

Their mother was killed when the pups were about six months old, but Amon disposed of her quietly. He told his children that she had left for their own good, so that her mortal presence would not weaken them. Since then, the family has made slow but careful progress through the lands, always sticking close to one another, always in training. Amon can be cold and cruel when displeased. It is safe to assume that the pups have a healthy dose of fear of their father, having been raised to think he was practically a god himself. Special attention will have been paid to strength, cunning, and ferocity.

In Amon's perfect world, these pups would grow into brutal (yet obedient) war machines. Whether or not this happens is up to the players of course, but expect him to try to mold them in his image. He dreams of himself and his children conquering all the land in the name of the Fallen God, and establishing their reign in the mortal realm. He will attempt to control them with an iron fist; crushing disobedience and lavishing praise upon those who please him. He will have no problem pitting the children against one another should weakness rise in their ranks. He eagerly awaits the day they come of breeding age, and can begin having children of their own, just as he was expected to. The continuation of their line is the most important, above all. Pride in their bloodlines and lust for what was stolen from them is all these pups will have ever known. Now, they are a year old and nearly ready to stretch their wings...

Amon's Brood are 1 Year old, season of birth is Winter!
Other relatives may be of any age, design, etc. (:


Amon's Design

NAME SUGGESTIONS: Abaddon, Agares, Alastor, Andras, Anzu, Astaroth, Bael, Belial, Berith, Daevas, Dantalion, Deumus, Eurynome, Gremory, Lamia, Leraje, Lilith, Malphas, Marax, Marchosaias, Melchom, Naberius, Oriax, Phenex, Pretas, Rahovart, Raum, Ronove, Sallos, Seere, Shax, Sitri, Stolas, Uvall, Vassago, Xaphan, Zagan

(These are pulled from a list of demonic names, but feel free to get creative and come up with something totally different!)

RULES & EXPECTATIONS: Nothing too crazy! I'd like to see at least a post a week with these guys. If they fall inactive, I will reclaim them. If you just need a break and you want to pick things back up in the future, just get ahold of me and we can work something out! I know muse comes and goes. Furthermore, Amon would not look kindly on certain things, i.e. recklessly siring/birthing pups and not caring for them, cannibalism, attacking within the family, etc. You have been warned!

***Strong preference will be given to players that I have not recently/never adopted out to!! I would really like to get to know some of our newer members, and get a chance to thread more regularly with folk I don't often cross paths with!***

ADDITIONAL FAMILY: For those looking to get in on this plotty goodness but don't want to apply for a pup, feel free to create brothers/sisters of Amon, or nieces and nephews, as it will have been expected that his siblings breed as quickly as possible as well. I'm open to ideas! Feel free to skype or message me with questions/ideas/plots/or D: All of the above.

<b>Personality:</b> At least 150 words
<b>Plans:</b> Just a quick bit about what you'd like to see this character grow into and/or accomplish. Where is their path headed?
<b>RP Sample:</b> At least two paragraphs



2 Years
02-12-2017, 09:38 AM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2017, 07:21 PM by Constantine.)
male, lawful evil, homosexual, 45", 200lbs

Personality: Being the first born weighs heavy on the shoulders of the young man, but he wears it proud. He goes through a lot of extra effort to ensure his place at the top of his fathers list of favorite and perfect children. He wants to be the first choice for everything, including the first chance at passing on his genes when he's of age despite his urges and feelings swinging the other way. He chooses to keep this as a secret, afraid to tell his father, but hates himself for keeping it from him, as if Amon will punish him horribly or outcast him. He's very afraid of his father, but he's also very loyal to him.

That doesn't mean the yearling doesn't have a spine however, because Daevas will fight for what he believes or die trying, even against Amon if he has to. Amons' wants are Daevas' wants, but Daevas has other, more personal wants as well. He's just as sharp tongued, intelligent, and a refined young man for his age as he is protective and stoic for his age. Because of his massive size and personality, he appears older than he actually is.

Plans: first born, largest???,  v gay (he will sire a litter or six tho to pass on the name, dont worry), wants to please amon so bad, believes in incest to make a perfect bloodline and to weed out mortal flaws.

RP Sample: His body ached after the days training and blood oozed from some wounds he earned in a practice spar before dinner. They were all harmless and he was sure to see a healer before bed to get them cleaned. He could afford weakness, but pain made him stronger. They ached as he walked towards the healers den, wondering if he'd meet his sibling here or if he won the unspoken race.

There was no winner to the spar, as it had been stopped before it got too bad. Daevas has been known to be hard to drag out of a fight, even against his own family in a practice spar. It was nothing against his family, he loved them, but he often saw red and lost most of his control to stop before anyone got hurt. Thankfully no one had to drag him off today; he was getting better.

He arrived at the healers den and walked to the enterance and stopped. "Healer? Are you home? I require your assistance." He spoke, looking around. It appeared as though his sibling hadn't made it here yet. Great. First as always. He smirked at the thought, patiently waiting for the healers reply should they be home.

* once my tax return comes in tomorrow/this week, ill pay for the dire pass!



6 Years
02-12-2017, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 02:52 AM by Poser.)

Name: Lilith
Gender: female
Design: five -- the smallest of her litter, but not small per se. Think 34" at the shoulder, medium build. Light enough to be light on her feet, distinctively feminine.

She came into this world screaming, covered in someone else's blood. She's not afraid to go out the same way. Though the smallest of the litter, some things are more important than size. Lilith was created from the same dirt as the first man, brought forth from the earth in the same manner, and will not be subservient. Not to anyone. Fickle beings, weak beings, she'll bring them all to their knees. Nothing can hurt the loyalty of a woman on a mission. Her mission? The safety of her family, the purity of the gods.

A creature born of the blood moon, she will live and die by it. There is no fear in her, and that creates a dangerous creature. Though she doesn't have the build of a fighter, she's smart enough to use that to her advantage. She will be a skilled healer, and that's her double edged sword. That which can heal, can poison. An angel of death, of mercy, and of something darker. She's smart. She's so incredibly smart, and she's incredibly good at not getting caught.

Protective of her own, Lilith isn't afraid to hang anyone else out to dry. Blood is thicker than water. The blood in her veins has made her who she is today, and she's proud of it. So damn proud of it. A true force of nature and a hardcore feminist. There's nothing that will stand in the way of her wit, cunning, and perseverance.

Plans: I'm actually really excited because she's going to be the loose canon chaotic neutral, but too smart for her own good. She'll tout herself as the smartest of her siblings. All she wants is to be her father's shining light, but she will be the one to challenger his control. She may start to see through his plans, but that's up to plots. She's not a blind follower of the way, and will play into the neutrality at its finest. It doesn't matter who stands in her way, the competitive nature... well, that will win out in the end. Skills will be healing and intellect.

RP Sample:
Get smart and nothing can touch you. Lilith lives by that, breathes by that. She's smart. Bright eyes, her father's eyes, peering out into the great unknown. A new land, a strange land, and she needs to take the reins. Out from under the heavy handed rule of her father, away from the gaze of her siblings... family above all, but there's something nearly uncomfortable about being watched all the time. Like they're waiting for you to slip up, like they're waiting for a mistake. A false move. She couldn't blame them-- it's what she looked for in them as well. Lili is smarter than that. She's smarter than all of them, as that's been proven.

The blood born creature moves with a grace that's unmatched. Her steps are high, gait easy. Terrain unstable beneath her feat, but she's nearly catlike in the way she crosses. No one would be able to find her here, no one would be able to catch her. Get smart. Get smart. The words echo in her head, and she's untouchable. Lilith is looking for plants, but she's also searching for something else. A vantage point. Somewhere far above everyone else where she can set herself and watch. Watching, you see, is the easiest way to learn. Watching and doing. Get smart, get ahead.

Around her the dusk falls, a comfort to the child with the bloody shoulders. Soon her moon will be out, shining down around them all. She's comfortable. Always comfortable. She traces the ground as she moves, learning the place, committing it to memory. Nothing could touch her.

follow no false light



7 Years

02-12-2017, 10:53 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 07:10 PM by Lillianna.)
Name: Astaroth
Gender: Female
Design: #3, the russet one except with one orange eye as well.
Personality: She is a goddess. It's so obvious to her, she isn't quite certain how it's not clearly obvious to the wolves around her. She listened avidly to any stories that were passed on, and she has absolute true conviction of the greatness of the Abraxos name - and of her own greatness. She is the child of the Fallen God - and she is inherently great as well.

She is confident in herself and her family; unlike others, she does not fake any of her greatness. She believes herself fully and confidently a goddess in her own right. Unlike the others, she doesn't constantly try to please her father, she believes that her actions and strength is pleasing enough without having to go out of the way to kiss her father's ass. She views the desire or need to act extra to be impressive as weakness; you should be that impressive and strong without doing anything extra to show it.

Perhaps that makes her cocky, but while in battle, she tries her best not to underestimate her foes. While she may be strong, powerful, and larger than most, if she were to believe herself invincible, then she would simply be foolish and weak. She is better than all those around her, yes, and born that way, but that doesn't mean that she can't be tricked into losing. Were she not wary, then she would grow lax and not be vigilant, and therefore be as weak as her mortal-born mother.

Despite her clear superiority, she does dearly love her family. From her father, to her brothers, to her sisters - even her mortal mother she loved, and loved even ore that her mother acknowledged her own weakness and left. She admires the strength in that action - to face one's weakness and to do the right thing regarding it. For her, of course, it would be to defeat that weakness, but one cannot defeat the weakness of one's mortal birth.

One other thing that this girl lacks is fear - especially of her father. She is a goddess, after all, and why should she fear her counterpart? She does, however, respect him, and will willingly follow all orders, rules and teachings out of that respect - and never out of fear. It is her belief that one should never act out of fear, but rather calculation and thinking... and respect.

note: she also sees competition as weak, because there should be no need for competition. She already knows she's the greatest; she doesn't need to compete to prove herself. Her very actions and existence prove it time and time again, and thus, being the 'first' doesn't matter to her - simply being the best does, and she does that with ease.

Plans: She is going to be the greatest. She is daddy's little girl; she is his perfect child who wholeheartedly believes everything he says. She will be the cruelest, most cunning and most ferocious out of them all; at the same time, she will be fiercely loyal and protective of all family. She will also have a cobra companion, who will be dear to her. Equatorial Spitting Cobra -- 1.25 meters (approx. 49 inches or so) -- male

RP Sample: Whoever thought that not-so-little Astaroth would find it in her black heart to love something did not have the name 'Abraxos'? Not herself, certainly... and yet she found herself in absolute adoration of this rather exceptionally intelligent snake - the snake that almost literally terrified the piss out of her only hours before. And yet, somehow... somehow she understood the warnings that it was giving, understood the grumbles that it muttered. And it understood her, much to her absolute delight.

It was that curiosity that made the snake follow her, and hold conversation; telling the creature all about her legacy and the strength of her family captivated it. Though, it was inaccurate, since she knew it was a he and he had a name... of Quetzalcoatl. And the fact that a creature so powerful, so large and strong was interested in being a companion to her... even if it was just for a short amount of time, to occupy him until he got bored. But she knew; a wolf family that understood him, and piqued his curiosity was no simple matter, and Astaroth was strutting around like the goddess she was...

Straight to her father. A wicked grin parted her jaws even Quetzal slithered from his spot on her lower back and legs to perch around her neck. He was draped loosely, holding his head up near her face while his lower half coiled around her leg. She chuckled low, marvelling at how close she was to a creature that could kill or blind her; he had told her that had she not made him curious, he would have simply spit his venom into her eyes and made her blind.

He was so powerful, and she loved it. "Father!" she roared out, a delighted cackle leaving her mouth. Oh, just wait until her siblings saw this - they'd be jealous, and she knew it; she already knew her father would be approving. Everything was just going absolutely fantastic for the goddess.
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-13-2017, 04:03 AM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 04:10 AM by Archon.)
Name: Archon Kai Abraxas

Gender: Male , 2nd Born

Design: #3

Personality: Hellfire could not have created a finer specimen of a demi-god. The world is at the young prince's claws, his to take and destroy at his leisure. He follows in the footsteps of the true god; his father. Amon had instilled in the prince that he is a creature of divine creation, one who is meant to spread his influence upon this mortal world until his time comes to return to their true kingdom.

Discipline rules the boy's world and it is discipline that will help him ascend to rule his own kingdom one day soon. He follows his father's orders without question, hesitation something he has never known. There is no line he is not willing to cross if his father commanded him to do so. He has taken it upon himself to become the perfect soldier. He pushes himself to his limits and then surpasses them in order to please his father.

But do not take him for a mindless robot for he has his own ambitions, bigger than being his father's perfect war machine. He seeks to learn all he can from the god, to take what his father has done and surpass him. He works to become a god in his own right, perhaps even outshine his father. For the time being he plays the role that his father wants him to play, but it is a role that he looks to cast away when the time comes. His loyalty will always lie with his father and his family, but he hold no quarrels with taking them out of the picture in order to reach his goals.  

Emotions have no sway over him, at least not the ones that make mortals weak. He feels no remorse and is void of sympathy or empathy. Those types of emotions are reserved for the weak hearted mortals, not gods like himself and his family. He knows love, though in his mind love comes in the form of loyalty. Perhaps once upon a time, when his mother had still been with him, he'd known some form of love, but that seemed like an entirely different life. Harsh words and even physical abuse register as caring to the hellish prince.  Cruelty, though not a frequent hobby of is, has become something that he has come to enjoy. Exploring new ways of torture is how he keeps himself busy when training with his father has been completed.

Plans: Essentially, I see him becoming like Amon, if not better (or worse, depending on how you look at it). He'll be taking pages out of his father's book (if not the entire book itself) to use in order to put himself at the top. He may even go so far as to challenge Amon one day to a death match, in order to eliminate any sort of challenge to his ambitions. He may or may not be wrestling with deeply buried feelings about his mother. Trying to decide if I want him to know that his father killed his mother (he followed amon, or saw something that led him to believe his father had killed her) or not, though leaning more towards having him know so that he has something that drives his secret hatred towards his father.

RP Sample: Russet blood soaked paws drummed against the moistened earth, leaving bloodied prints that mixed with the muddied dirt. Turquoise eyes flitted from the dark figure of his father to the path ahead, the organ in his chest pounding wildly against its confines. His father had pulled him aside after training had finished and he'd sent away his littermates, asking him to follow. Archon had not dared ask why his father was taking him away or to where, he simply bowed his head in acknowledgement and trailed after his sire. He hadn't cared to ask if he could first clean himself up, a sneaking suspicion telling him that he was about to get even more filthy, to which he held no objections.

The pair moved silently across the darkening land. Hues of amethyst and orange painted the sky, the waning sun rays straining to keep their hold on the land before nightfall came and swept them away. The day's training replayed in the prince's head, though he was careful to keep his attention on his father, in case the man had something to say to him. Not a single word slipped from the beast's dark lips, just the wordless command to follow him that came from a single ear swiveled back in his direction. They reached the lip of a hill, his father stopping at the edge of it, his son automatically stopping at his side. He looked to Amon, following the eyes that looked just like his, gazing down to an open field below. His gaze took in two shapes, both lupin, one significantly larger than the other. He observed them for a moment, realizing that the pair was a mother and her pup. He could tell the smaller figure was a pup from the way it stumbled behind its mother, gait uncoordinated and clumsy. Something deep in him stirred, something that he chose to ignore and stuff in the farthest recess of his mind. But before he could dwell on whatever it was, his father spoke. Kill them. Two simple words, heavy with the implication that there was no room for failure. Failure did not become perfection. He wasted no time answering, leaping down from the hill, powerful haunches launching the hellion forward as he charged towards his prey, a malicious grin spreading his blood soaked lips. Yes father.


02-13-2017, 10:08 AM
“Cause what I want, And what I need,
Has now become the same thing you’ve been offering.”

Name: Rahovart Abraxas
Gender: Male
Design: #2 :: 45" {Third Born? I don't really mind. xD}


The princling, the fallen-angel is but one of five, and one of the great! While not considering himself necessarily the greatest {for that sole position is reserved for his father} Rahovart certainly thinks of himself highly. He knows he’s better than the commoners who walk this earth, these mortals who who falsely believe in their power. Raho is an arrogant little prick, prone to being cocky and bearing a tongue that is blunt and smart. He is not afraid to cut others with his words. He cares little for the feelings of others, and sometimes that may even seem to be the case for his siblings as well.

Make no mistake, however, in the fact that Rahovart does care for his family. He would not betray them, though he is not against doing what he must to follow out his father’s orders; even attacking another sibling. His whole existence is built around not only self improvement, but serving his father and the cause of their family. Nothing is more important than this goal, and it can definitely be said that Raho respects the older man. There is a healthy dose of fear in that respect as well, as one who knows when he is before a better. But when it comes to his siblings he secretly plots on how to become stronger than each of them, working for the best place in his father’s eyes.

In battle Raho is cold and ruthless; he acts, he doesn’t care about consequences. Scars do not bother him, and he shoots to leave a mark on his opponent that won’t leave them forgetting about him. He can be possessive as well, for when Rahovart sees something he deems that he desires then he will fight to claim it. He is protective over what he has claimed, and though he might seem cold and controlling, there is a slightly softer side to the male as well. This could be the ‘weakness’ that Amon feared that their mother would put into the children.

While Rahovart strives for perfection in himself and his children he’ll have a caring side for those that he claims and the children he sires. They are his, and they will not be touched by anyone else. He might be seen sharing a tender moment with a lover or slave, a kiss on the cheek, but ask him about it and he’d be just as ready to rip a hole in your face. It is very likely Raho will be a nurturing father and a man who will not cull his own, even if they are deemed weak. Instead he will work to beat that weakness out of them.


-Raise Fighting Rank via Ardent’s system
-Follow his family to greatness
-Maybe claim / sub-claim a pack
-Cause trouble >D

RP Sample:

Wind whistled in his ears as the young man stood upon the hill overlooking his target. A traitor to his family…

The family who were fallen angels… and one day they would rightfully take their place among the stars. An ear flicked back as Rahovart examined the situation at paw. If he moved swiftly he might be able to take the traitor out before they were any the wiser of his presence…

Ah but that wasn’t very nice, now was it? He should at least let the enemy know that they were going to meet their doom, no? He grinned, a wicked grin appearing on his features as the youth tilted his head back and let out a bone chilling howl.

One of the Fallen was on the hunt, to bring about the justice his family DESERVED.

It mattered little to Rahovart if this mortal was a woman or not, nor the fact she was pregnant. She had tainted them… breeding with an outsider after breeding with one of his kin. The very thought made the man’s blood boil… and he had volunteered for the task of righting the wrong done to his brother. For his loyalty ran deep... and his father’s orders, once given, were absolute.

The brute bared his fangs, gaze narrowing as he set off down the hillside. He’d make this quick… and then he’d report back to his father.

“As days go by…
I've finally become what you want me to be.”



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
02-13-2017, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 05:18 PM by Tealah.)
Name: Seth
Gender: Male

36" in height but slim and elegant like his mortal parent rather than large and strong like the demonic line.
There does not appear to be anything immediately odd about Seth. He is pleasant, courteous, even charismatic and charming. He treats everyone with an earnest sort of old-fashioned manners, a certain gallantry. He shows sympathy, and empathy, giving a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear for a needed rant. He serves his cousins and uncle with a dignity and agreeable demeanor. But his charm is all superficial, for beneath the surface of this charismatic exterior lies something far darker and more dangerous.

Seth is afflicted - or perhaps blessed with - what is known as antisocial personality disorder, what some would term as a sociopath. Like all sociopaths, he is chiefly defined by his complete lack of regard for others. Oh, he may be pleasant to them, even helpful, but everything he does is entirely self-serving and intended only to manipulate. He is incredibly intelligent, in many ways even showing a great deal of intuitive insight into others' personalities and problems - observation and intellect allowing him to make incredible leaps of intuition, though just as in all things for Seth, it is difficult to tell where the truth ends and manipulation begins. Oh, he will help, but interspersed among the truths are lies, half-truths, misdirections. He is utterly without conscience, and so feels no hesitation or remorse when it comes to causing harm to others or flouting the law. He is deeply narcissistic, a fault that while well-earned in many respects is also his downfall, for it encourages a certain arrogance and recklessness in his deeds, encourages him to skirt a bit close to discovery. It is only his intelligence and his meticulous nature that allows this highly-organized killer to continue to walk that line between amusement and discovery.

Why would such an intelligent, functional young creature turn to manipulation and lies, to murder? There is a certain thrill he gets from having the power of life and death over his victims, of having the power to control and change those he manipulates, and there is a great deal of macabre amusement that he gains from never being the one anyone would suspect of such things. He insinuates himself close to the grieving, offering his assistance to those who would investigate his crimes, to lengthen his enjoyment of the process. Or to the dangerously insane, to manipulate and toy with them, to see just how far he can push them.

Despite his own proclivities and his own fascination with those like himself, he evinces disgust for those who cross certain lines. He is capable of interest in and respect for a select few others, and for them to be crossed is deeply offensive... and of great interest to him, as he avidly watches to see how they react to such adversity. Even here he continues his manipulations, curiosity pulling him to see just how far he can twist both those who have earned his respect, and those who are, like him, killers or potential killers.

Plans: For a nephew of Amon, maybe from a smaller sister who died trying to give birth to a dire wolf XD I plan for him to be there to be something of a chew toy slash minion for Amon's kids since he's a little too small, a little too weak, and seeming to be overall a lesser imp compared to Amon's more outgoing and... large demon pups, but despite his pretend submissiveness he constantly plays at attempting to manipulate them, like windup toys where he just winds them up and lets them go to see what happens.
RP Sample: Seth watched with a polite interest as his cousins sparred. Even as a pup sitting on the sidelines with his tail tucked about his slender paws, he cut an elegant, though hardly intimidating, figure, particular in comparison to the largest of his cousins. Even at the tender age of three months the smallest among them made his form appear willowy, and despite the strength in his wiry muscles he would never approach theirs, making his spars with them somewhat... challenging. Still, he calmly waited. Waited for the moment, undoubtedly soon, when his uncle would call for him. Sometimes it was to patch up a damaged cousin, others it was to be the punching bag if an example needed to be made of a technique that was not being performed correctly. Occasionally it was to employ the little birch-bark bucket of water that waited beside him, either to dump over a woozy combatant to bring them back to awareness when things went a little far, or to provide a mouthful of water to cut someone's thirst before they returned to it.

He didn't resent the treatment, not really - he allowed it, thrived on it, knowing that it would only make him into something better. Something cunning, something canny, something greater than the brute demonic strength of his uncle's children. His clever green eyes shifted from the spar to his uncle's dark form. Something greater - assuming his uncle didn't judge him to be too far inferior and remove him from the earth altogether. It was a possibility that always lurked at the edges of his mind, the faint prick of fear/not-fear that was more an acknowledgement of his uncle's power over his life, that any day could be his last if he did not hold to the exacting standards demanded of the descendants of the fallen god, if he did not in some way prove worthy of his continued existence. He let his gaze slide back to the battle casually before it could attract Amon's notice.



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-13-2017, 10:23 PM
These all look fantastic!!! I'm so excited about the quick response, start bringing 'em in! All approved!

Rasta & Daevas, Jake & Lilith, Kea & Astaroth, Wolf & Archon, Keno & Rahovart and Tea & Seth!

For anyone still interested, never fear! I'd love to see more apps for cousins/nieces/nephews and possible siblings for Amon? Feel free to keep it going! (:

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



2 Years
02-13-2017, 10:56 PM
8DD thanks! Congrats everyone else!


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
02-16-2017, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2017, 01:46 AM by Shrapnel.)
Right click and open in new tab to see full versions. Adra is on the top and Ana is on the bottom.

Okay so my idea starts off with the name I chose. Anamalech is Assyrian or whatever, and Ana is the lunar deity while Adramalech (male) is the sun deity. The great thing about this particular idea is that it opens up another slot/idea for someone else to play this girl's twin, the sun god, Adramalech (Adra) if you're up for it. Anywho you can see my design below (not completely 100% on it) but Ana will be an albino, completely white while I was thinking Adra could be completely black with black eyes (melanistic). They'd be expensive as hell, but super fun to play and them being twins would be so much fun. (I'm a twin and honestly it's super fun to be a twin xD) I'll explain more on their relationship somewhere down in the app.

Name: Anamalech (Ana)
Gender: Female
Design: click (planning on changing the accessories)
Anything you can do, I can do better - Ana is the lunar child, crafted from the rays of the moon. Where her sibling is raw fury and power, she's the epitome of elegance and grace. She is perfect in every way possible and in her eyes she has no flaws. Flaws would mean she's a mortal and she's already proven that she's not. She goes out of her way to make it a point that she's higher on the totem pole than anybody and there isn't a soul who could convince her otherwise. Not only does she think she's the greatest thing ever, but it translates over into her actions too. If issued a challenge, especially by a mere mortal, she'll go out of her way to prove that she can do it ten times better.

I am the best, you must agree - If her head were the size of her ego then Ana's head would have popped by now. It pairs rather nicely (awfully) with the mentality that she can accomplish anything better than anyone else. She can only recognize herself and her family as worthy of even looking at. The Abraxas name means everything to her and, like most of her family, is eager to ensure it's continued existence through breeding. That's not to say she'd be an easy female to woo either. She has high standards (she really does think she's one of the most beautiful gods after all) and she wouldn't just carry anyone's pups. They would have to prove themselves her equal, or even her better, if that's possible.

These words fall off my tongue like a poison - Ana is a tiny creature therefore she's not as ready to act as though she has the brawn to back up all her actions. She's a smart little thing with a quick wit and a sharp tongue. She eagerly looks for ways to tear down wolves from the inside out by preying on their weaknesses. One little slip up in revealing any personal information and Ana is on it like white on rice. She'll hurt your feelings before you even have time to blink. Witty banter isn't the only thing she specializes in though - when it boils down to a fight Ana is just as ready to prove herself as the rest of them. She's fast, she's agile, and she's got grace. She'll kick your ass with style and you won't even know what hit you. Needless to say she prefers mind games over actual battles though and will only enter a physical fight if she is in the mood to get her fur dirty. If she does then you'll know you've successfully pissed her off.

Nothing Else Matters - More than anything, Ana adores her family. Her twin, Adra, comes at the forefront of this love/adoration. By herself Ana is a handful, but together the pair are a monstrosity. A single snake with two heads, the pair thinks themselves unstoppable. While she absolutely adores her brother, she holds the same love, respect, and arrogant-like worship for the rest of her family as well and will happily sing their praises. She'll do anything for all of them.
Plans: "I'm here to smoke cigarettes and fuck shit up" Honestly I think Ana's gonna go around and basically do whatever she wants just because she can. Cross pack borders, terrorize kids, have all the fun. She wants the world handed to her on its knees and I imagine if someone plays Adra this will probably be a very chaotic duo.
RP Sample: Honestly hate rp samples >.> I'm sorry if this is crap. It's past 2 am and my brain says no.

The woman had managed to find herself separated from Adra, which was probably one of the most frustrating things. She wasn't used to being by herself and it made her irritable, testy, and, to put it short, a downright bitch. She hardly did anything without him - they were a pair through and through. She wouldn't go as far to say that he was her better half, but more that they were two side of the same coin. Equally as valuable - they were the equivalent of the moon and the sun. She was the gorgeous luminosity on a full moon and he was the blackened scorch of the sun. Both special in their own way, yet even more so while they were together. With him she could do anything.

Needless to say she was irritated. There was no telling what trouble he'd decided to get himself in to, but she was jealous. She was a selfish thing and wanted Adra's time to herself. Who else was she going to go terrorizing nearby pathetic souls with? The mortals were so easy to antagonize - it wasn't often that she ran into someone she couldn't annoy. If she happened to then it was there Adra came in handy. He made up for anything she lacked.

And irritated huff escaped her pale lips and cherry colored eyes flashed dangerously. There was nothing like the wrath of a woman and Ana was feeling particularly wrathful. It hadn't been the first time Adra had felt the sting of her teeth, but he never fully seemed to learn his lesson. While they often traveled together, there were times that he disappeared to go do god knows what. No matter - he'd soon learn that he wasn't allowed to go off and have fun without her.

It was hours later before he came back to their resting spot. Blood stained his rugged charcoal colored fur and yet it wasn't his own. She turned her snout up in an obvious display of annoyance - much like a small child making a face when given something they didn't like. He'd brought a peace offering, a baby seal, and yet she didn't even spare it a glance. "Come on Ana. I even brought you food. You can't stay angry with this handsome face." And to add emphasis he even gave her the pleading "puppy dog" stare. Even without giving him a sidelong glance from her eyes she knew he was making that god-awful face. He always did it when he knew he was in trouble. It'd stopped working forever ago and yet he did it anyways. "I told you, I don't like you having fun without me. I can see you went and got your paws dirty while I was stuck here bored out of my mind, you ass." And without a single warning her head flashed forward as her incisors sunk into his thickly furred neck. She'd never leave a visible scar, but she sure as hell would hurt him. Adra let out an indignant yelp causing her to grin as she let go of him. Without another word to him she grabbed the seal he'd caught her and padded off with her head high in the air. That'd show him to have fun without her.



8 Years
02-16-2017, 11:40 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2017, 04:25 PM by Solveiga.)
It's up to you whether this character becomes a brother of Amon or a nephew or cousin of Amon, either way I have ideas for his history. But the evil brothers, Fox, feel the tempts...

This application is filled out under the assumption that Melchom is a sibling. But this can easily be changed.

Name: Melchom

Gender: Male

Design: #4, but if it's okay with you Fox, I'd like to swap the blue eyes to green like this!

Selfish. Melchom was raised by the same spiteful father as Amon. From birth, he was taught that he and his blood were to be treated as gods among mortals. Like Amon, Melchom has memories of his father slaughtering two of their other siblings, because they had proven themselves unworthy of the Abraxas name. As a child, Melchom learned quickly that he could not dwell on what happened to others. He came first. His interests and the interests of his family were of top priority. He had no time to help the weak off the ground. In fact, he would stomp the weak into the dust if it meant he would be made stronger. Anything to please his father and bring honor to his blood.

Aggressive. By his own father, Melchom was raised to be ruthless and unforgiving. He will never hesitate to do what is necessary, or even what is unnecessary. He knows the taste of blood. He craves it. He constantly looks for ways to pick a fight, to assert his dominance over others and display his strength.

Fearless. Melchom is not simply brave or courageous. He is fearless, to an almost unhealthy extent. He has no fear of injury or death, which may explain why he is so eager to pick fights and chase thrills. In his mind, fear makes you weak. If Melchom had a singular fear, it would be the fear of failure. He never wants to see his family fail their divine mission. One day they will regain their status as deities, and rule over all the helpless mortals below.

Greedy. He will never be satisfied. It is in his blood. He was raised to always climb higher, to always demand more. As long as Melchom and his family remain on this mortal plane, he will never stop craving that which is rightfully his. Anything he decides he wants, he will fight to get. There is no question. Melchom was raised to have a sense of entitlement, and nothing will ever be able to sate such a hunger.

Sensual. Along with his lust for power, Melchom has a constantly burning lust for women. This is another area in which we will never be satisfied. He really has no standards, either. When it comes to sex and chasing his own release, he could care less who he's with. However, he cannot afford to have the same mindset when it comes to the continuation of his bloodline. He was taught well enough to know that only a strong and healthy female could be worthy to carry his offspring.

Plans: Melchom had the same idea as Amon, originally. He found and conquered a healthy female as well, and tried to keep a close eye on her until the pups were born. However, she could tell that something wasn't right, and knew that if she bore the children they would not be raised in an emotionally healthy way. So she poisoned herself. She ate harmful herbs that she knew would terminate her pregnancy, and then tried to pass it off as natural miscarriage. But Melchom saw through the lies, and when he discovered what the woman had really done, he killed her. He was enraged to know that his offspring had been killed so carelessly, so he did the same with their mother to be.

Now he has come in search of his brother, having heard that his female had successfully birthed and nurtured her children. Melchom cannot deny the hint of jealousy he feels at this knowledge. But he knows he will find a proper mother for his children eventually. And until then, he can be the beloved uncle of Amon's children, and he can help to teach them everything they need to know.

RP Sample:
Ghoulish green eyes snapped open in the middle of the night. Immediately Melchom lifted his head, every sense on high alert as he assured himself that the female – her name was Iris – was still in the den he had made for the two of them. Yes, she was there. But something was wrong. The air stank of blood and other fluids, and as much as she tried to quiet herself, Melchom could hear the labored breathing and the occasional whimper of pain.

"What is it," he snapped at her, rising from his bed of soil and crossing the distance between them. "What have you done?"

She whimpered again, and her words came out in a rush. The pups had come. It was too early. Something had happened, of course she didn't know what happened, but something, something... lies, all of it. He knew. He. Knew. Rage caused Melchom to shake as he moved down to her rump, finding his four stillborn children untended on the ground. But he wasn't an idiot, he had seen how sickly she had been the past few days. Her blood itself reeked of something, something poisonous. She had done this, on purpose. She had killed his offspring.

And for that, she would now die.

Melchom turned back to Iris, his eyes bright with malice and a grin that belonged only in nightmares began to spread across his face as he stalked closer. She started babbling again, about how it wasn't her fault, about how miscarriages happened sometimes... But those were the last words she spoke. Melchom closed his jaws around her throat, biting down until the life had been torn right out of her. When she was as dead as the pups she had murdered, he licked his lips clean and walked from the den. With the deed done, the night returned again to its peaceful stillness.



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-19-2017, 03:12 AM

Name: Adramalech (Adra)
Gender: Male
Design: As pictured only with silver eyes instead of black <3

Personality: Fiercely protective over his twin, Adra will not let anyone who isn't family close to her. He prefers her company to any other wolf's and will often glue himself to her side. When he is around those who are familiar to him, he is short tempered and snippy, though it is mostly from a place of love. He has an odd way of showing his affections toward any member of his family that isn't Ana. While there is a bit of hellish charm to the boy, he prefers to snarl rather than smile. While not a behemoth like most of their family, Adra is a rather intimidating creature, and most of the time, just his presence is enough to make tensions rise within their ranks. He is hot tempered and prone to rage flares, having been known to start fights for nothing just to get the anger to fade. Adra does not mind pain, in fact, he loves making others hurt and cry. Believing himself to be the physical manifestation of the sun god, Adra comes fully stocked with an ego that very little can bring down. He tends to stick close to Ana's side, forever possessive and obsessed with his sister. They were born together and they will die together in his mind.

Plans: Keep with his sister and protect the family lines. He will probably just run around and do his own thing for a while. Maybe one day rule the world lol

RP Sample: Ana was going to be pissed when he got back, but it would be worth her ire to see her feast on the food he would bring her. It wouldn't be the first time he had been on the receiving end of her wrath, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. He liked poking her anger just as much as he did anyone else's and while he was gone she had the opportunity to miss his presence and to pine for his closeness. His was an impressive aura, and surely Ana would be going crazy in his absence, no doubt the world was colder without him in it. He padded along on broad, ink dipped paws, tracing the path of a seal in the snow as he moved.

Once he happened upon the seal pup, Adra wastes no time, and pounces on the small creature. He breaks its spine and brings it back alive to Ana, wondering if maybe it would make up for his time away. He didn't truly enjoy having to share his den with the tiny terror that was Ana, not when she was angry at him and wouldn't talk to him unless it was to remind him of what he did wrong. When he returned to her, she was less than pleased, and he put the seal down. His ears went out to the sides and he spoke with a deep rumbling baritone that was not unlike a volcanic eruption. "Come on Ana. I even brought you food. You can't stay angry with this handsome face." He made his eyes large and cub-like, lowering his head and "puppy dog face" was achieved. "I told you, I don't like you having fun without me. I can see you went and got your paws dirty while I was stuck here bored out of my mind, you ass." And just like that her teeth were in his neck and he let out a yelp, resisting the urge to bite her right back. For such a small woman she could bite damn hard! She released him then grabbed the seal and walked back to their resting spot. Adra sat and watched her, shaking his head as he looked to the sky.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-19-2017, 05:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2017, 02:20 PM by Lucifer I. Edit Reason: Finished <3 )
Name: Abyzou "Aby" Abraxas

0 years(born in either winter or fall), maybe 33-36" with a medium-heavy build

I'm headed straight for the castle

They've got the kingdom locked up

To start with this child is all about impressions and whether you make them on her. Make a good one and she might not be as temperamental with you, make a bad one and you've loosed a fireball of anger. Her words cut deep and their very edges sharp. If she isn't giving you a sarcastic tone or quick comeback it means something is not quite right. She has been known to throw out a foul word now and again, even with her own family. She has never feared the wrath of the gods she surrounds herself with, as her own wrath can be just as harsh. While she may be young it doesn't necessarily mean her bite is any less worse than her bark, in fact it can be just as bad. She can get just as mouthy as her mother when she disciplines others.

She is the youngest of her family that she is aware of and takes a full liking to this fact. All eyes should be on her as soon as she enters a scene and she thinks they know it. None are more special than her in her family, as she isn't even one of them yet she blends in so easily. This fact alone makes her prideful of herself and should make her adoptive mother extremely proud of her in her opinion. She gets the same stories as her cousins and while at first they seemed outlandish, now they make perfect sense to her. She believes herself a goddess just as much as they do, though sometimes she needs reminding by her mother that she is in fact a mortal privileged enough to carry the name of the deities. Though these things will be overwritten by the fact that the rest of her family tells her she is a goddess.

She is hard headed and stubborn at times, rather doing things her own way than to follow orders blindly. She takes this note from her mother's book and would rather do things in her own time. Though there are exceptions to this, such as when her mother expects things of her, or even when she is pulling a prank or two, in which she certainly loves to do. She will do just about anything to get under everyone's skin. If she can make you squirm and annoyed then she's done her job.

She is a secret to herself and her mother, only giving away her most guarded of secrets to her. She is also a very jealous type, especially when it comes to attention. If she isn't getting it she will surely let you know one way or another where your wronging her. Should her mother ever find herself in possession of more children a jealous hatred would rise, a hatred that would make her want to oust her competition. She would think long and hard, becoming a silent entity. Her solution would well depend upon the time and place. The thought of her own children, while she knows it would be expected of her, enrages her. She doesn't want any, especially not from some male that is less than godly, she would rather castrate him and watch him bleed out. She will not be that obedient little toy for her family, she will be defiant but in her eyes better than all but her mother.

And there's an old man sitting on the

throne that's saying I should probably

keep my pretty mouth shut

Plans: A well kept secret by her and her adoptive mother(Ana), as well as her mother's twin. She will likely be a young trickster for a while and eventually start morphing into a darker minded child(possibly snuffing out any other children her mother has). She will likely stick close to the family and try to ensure they don't find out she is not one of them. she will probably when she is of breeding age be completely against it and likely will try to castrate any that try with her.
RP Sample: (going off bird and Shrapnel's<3)

Her momma was gonna be pissed when uncle came back, and frankly she couldn't wait to watch him get his ass kicked. Anytime momma laid down the law made her giddy with excitement. The girl was rather dark minded as it stood, her momma's tendencies just sort of feed it though.

She lay on her back somewhere near her momma, silent and bored as hell. Without Uncle Adra there she had no one in particular to annoy. It did her no good to annoy her momma, besides why would she want to? Boredom was a hard thing for the child to deal with, she had an ever-growing need to be amused by something and nothing to amuse herself with. A long drawn out sigh escaped her maw, only moments before her uncle came in with a prize, a prize she wanted. She was quick to roll to her stomach, lips twitching and a growl escaping her. Even momma was mad at him which only fed her want to be mad at him and please her momma. She was the only one Aby ever wanted to please, the others were just fun to defy and annoy. She knew her place well enough though, although she was still trying to find where the final button was on everyone.

Her form lifted as her momma bit at her uncle. She had size on her side, not a huge advantage but it was enough. She burst forward right as her momma released her uncle, sinking her teeth into the seal, though as she did her mother was lifting it. Her hind end slid out from under her as her momma lifted the seal, her mouth opening once more in surprise. As her momma took the seal away she gave a angry pout. There was just no way momma was sharing that now. She was quick to send a glare at her uncle's retreating backside before getting up and launching at his unprotected tail. How dare he forget her! She wouldn't release her bite either, forcing him to either notice or pay attention to her.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-19-2017, 04:51 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2017, 11:58 AM by Amon.)
Aby, Ana, Adra, and Melchom look great! All approved!! :D
*Pulls Asena, Shrap, Bird, and Req into a group hug*

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



4 Years
02-26-2017, 11:59 AM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2017, 03:31 PM by Naudir.)
WELL  I gave it a good fight but....  xD   -applies-

Name: Pyralis Abraxas
Gender: Female
Design:[Image: U5sPnIX.png]

Piratical and insubordinate, Pyralis has little love of authority.  She's far more interested in herself and dealing with her wants and desires than anyone else.  Freedom is precious to her and her strong will and tempestuous nature make her difficult to gauge and control, much like the flames for which she's named. Very few can cool her hot-blooded tenacity but she has a keen respect for her family and considers Amon the head of said family.  Though she may butt heads with him occasionally in her love of playing devil's advocate she has an innate trust in him, especially in a crisis and will follow his orders to the letter.

A criminal of the highest order Pyralis is skilled in manipulation and misdirection, taking to cheating, lying and stealing to meet her own ends.  She loves the rush of battle, the twists and turns of a well-played game.  Through her fangs she displays her ferocity but its through her mind the nature of her cruelty and cunning come to light.  She enjoys preying on others, raiding their homes and shattering veils of peace and serenity, taking what she wants and then fading into the night like a whisper of smoke.

Pyralis is a courageous woman.  She is dauntless in the face of fear and uncertainty and when she has a job to do and the will to do it.  Pyralis backs down for no one.  A survivor and fighter she has seen dark days and walked straight through hell and instead of giving in and melting into nothing she pulls herself together and molds herself into something stronger.  

Proud and spirited Pyralis is also a vengeful woman.  She detests feelings of shame and hates being taken advantage of or being made a fool.  She believes in giving back seven-fold and gives in easily to vindication. It is in games of vengeance that her turbulent mood can be particularly apparent.  Some days she's is patience personified, careful and calculating and other times she explodes like the sea in a storm, crashing into her tormentors with the fury of a boiling sea.  

Passionate and intense Pyralis is spitfire that resists being reigned in.  The exploration of new lands, the uncertainty of what lies around the corner, the constant shift and ebb and flow give her a zest for life and the world around her.  Adaptable to ever changing circumstances she loathes stagnation and complacency and feels constantly driven to see what lies just up ahead, to chase an unending horizon.  Joy to her is truly in the seeking, not in the finding.

Plans: After spending a fortnight scouting the surrounding terrain and feeding her lust for adventure Pyralis is seeking to be reunited with her brother Amon and his brood.  She doesn't care to plan to far in the future, preferring to take each day as it comes and will likely follow his lead as they press farther into new lands.  While she can be aloof and standoffish and lament that she's no good with children she will likely seek to impart knowledge upon her nieces and nephews in various fields such as battle and exploration.  

In relation to the spreading of their lineage she is expecting to eventually find a mate but she's extremely particular and has no intention of leaving suitors alive.  Pyralis is currently struggling with her role in this manner.  She wants to do her part but she recoils at the idea of being tied down with children.  She keeps this secret very close to her and hides any misgivings with simply stating she has not found a worthy man yet.  Which is true. Having to actually carry the children inside her body she is beyond picky when it comes to potential mating partners.  Pups are in the cards but who can say exactly when or the nature of their arrival into this world or whether fate might have her fold on this matter.

RP Sample:

Sleeping beneath a full summer moon, their chests rising and falling in gentle rhythm with the hum of the insects that glowed and sang in the meadow the tiny pack seemed so peaceful and still.  Pyralis was just itching to shatter their dreams and bring them surfacing, gasping back into the real world, her world.  She slinked through the darkness like a wraith, a shadow, each move calculated and precise as her golden gaze fixed on a young pup curled up against the back of his mother.  Her tongue ran lightly, lazily across her fangs as her limbs tensed.  She picked the paces to the target, the escape route, and when she was certain of her plan she exhaled and became stillness.  The world continued to spin for a few moments as if she didn't exist, as if she were simply a phantom fragment of some passing nightmare.

Pyralis sprang, her great limbs launching her into the midst of the lazy, dozing pack. A terrified squeal ripped through the night as she seized the child in her jaws and sprang off into the fractured blackness.  The furious and anguished cries of the pack ripped through the still of the night.  The were after her, hunting her now, but she had planned this. With a sharp twist and a nearby tree she stunned the child to silence its cries.  She needed it for a particular purpose and she didn't need the creature screaming, not right now at least.

Doubling back she followed the wind, slipped through rivers and down into the labyrinth of the nearby thicket, the child swinging limply from her jaws.  The cries and howls of the distraught mother, the searching pack grew fainter and fainter.  By the time she slipped into the gorge nothing met her hears but silence and the occasional call of a great-horned owl.  Step one, complete… She grinned maliciously as she peered into a nearby cave and shifted the child, the bait, in her jaws.  Now for step two…



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-26-2017, 03:58 PM
Beautiful, Luns! Can't wait to see Pyre in play!~
*coughs* I'm impatient

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



9 Years
Athena I
03-12-2017, 08:35 PM

Uvall Abraxas


Design #1 - Heavy Build - 42" Tall
This god to be is cloaked in a monochromatic blend of blacks and grays. The lighter of these two shades touches the top of his head and drips down around his face as if a spot light is pointed on him at all times. Black takes over from there, unevenly covering his muzzle, neck, back, chest, and tail. This color is never really solid at any point on his body. Instead the darker shade fades in and out in gradients and slight ticks of various depths of the same tone. More gray comes into play around his stomach, legs, and underside of his tail while each of his paws is dipped in black all the way to the first joint of each leg. He is a sturdy, powerhouse of a wolf. Once he has reached his full glory he will be 42" tall and have a naturally muscled, structured build. His is as luxurious as he is strong, coating his form perfectly. His eyes add a clear dash of color to his otherwise simple palate. His gaze is clear and calm like the perfectly smooth surface of a lake.

Even-Tempered:: As a general rule, Uvall is as steady as a calm breeze. He is not quick to anger or to show joy. He is careful and methodical in his ways. He is very conscious of the impact his actions and behavior has so he is careful to only start a wave when he knows he can control it. Only his family and siblings can pull any more emotion than this from him and even then he is only rarely reckless with his emotions.

Reserved:: In this same theme, Uvall is quite reserved compared to some of his other family members. He truly only speaks when spoken to or when something of note is on his mind. He wants to be a steady rock for his siblings to lean on and touch base with. He believes that this is his role in the family and takes that role very seriously. The one soft spot in his shell is for women that he sees similarities to his mother in. He had indeed loved his mother dearly, even though he never spoke of it aloud. Now he keeps this small crack in his armor well hidden and out of sight.

Devout:: He fully believes in every word his father has ever spoken to him and firmly sees his tales as truth, including the explanation behind his mother's disappearance. He has learned to crave his father's praise and approval and is happy to follow his instruction. Any other world of belief is completely intolerant to him. He is an intellectual and thoroughly thinks through every option, but his upbringing and the lessons that he has been taught greatly influences his decisions.

Watchful:: Uvall is akin to the watchful gargoyles that linger on the edge of crowd. His natural lean toward being a quiet observer makes him the perfect statuesque guardian for his family. He is protective over his siblings and his instincts constantly bring him to watch over them to ensure that they are safe and are not wandering off of the path set out before them.

Powerful:: He does not take the strong, well built body he was given for granted. He trains diligently to ensure that he is indeed as special and superior as his father has lead him to believe. He is confident in himself and his abilities. He firmly believes that no one is more powerful than he is other than his father.

I'll build out his personality more as I play him and feel out how he interacts with everyone!

I see him being like a quiet mastermind for his siblings, like a puppet master that watches the play happen in front of him and only swoops in to interfere when he sees someone veering off the path. My main idea for him right now is to have him to have a couple of litters to follow Amon's wishes, but then one of the mothers gets to his soft spot and he starts to develop feelings for her. Maybe he hides her away from Amon to keep her safe in case Amon thinks she's making him weak. Or maybe Amon finds out and kills her before he can hide her, depending on who plays the mother in this scenario!

RP Sample
Uvall treaded along behind his siblings, letting his sapphire gaze drift from one wolf to another. This is where he prefered to be, behind everyone so he could keep an eye on them. Whether they wanted him to or not. He saw himself as the protector and leader of this band of theirs and he wouldn't forgive himself if something were to happen on his watch. His large paws moved as lightly as could be given his size, leaving slight indents in the dirt behind him. He wondered how many paw prints they had left behind them at this point. It seemed like their travel was never ending. They would reach their destination soon enough though, he was sure of it.

His ear flicked at a sound to his left and his head turned in that direction slightly. His steps paused for a moment so his eyes could scan the trees carefully, his gaze narrowing when he saw nothing to justify his examining. There had to be something, right? Noises didn't just come from nowhere. His ear swiveled toward his siblings when one of them called back for him and he gave the area another scan before he turned back toward the group and jogged forward to catch up with them. Perhaps it was nothing... but he still kept an ear turned back to listen behind him just in case.


03-13-2017, 12:18 PM
I volunteer my females Naomi and Zenara for the potential brides of Amon's litter

Naomi is a submissive and fearful girl that is almost completely blind due to bring beat by her "master" that she has run away from

Zenara is a sweet girl with a mouthy companion that doesn't like having company other than Zen



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-16-2017, 05:41 PM
Uvall looks great, Shelby!! Can't wait to see him in play! Accepted!! <3

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



7 Years
Extra large
03-24-2017, 10:57 PM
Name: Razi Abraxas
Gender: Female
Design: Link!
Torn - Razi deeply cares for her family, but she also has trouble allowing herself to commit her whole heart to them. Events long past leave her struggling to feel she is where she needs to be, struggling to allow herself to connect with others in any meaningful way though she does wish she'd overcome this.

Thick-skinned - Hardly one to be bothered by what anyone says about her, you may as well insult a rock as it will likely give equal reaction. She had no time for petty behavior and worrying about what someone said about her. Now, if one to insult someone she cares for that would be an entirely different matter.

Composed - Reactive would be the opposite of Razi. Few things ruffle her feathers or get a rise out of her. There's no point. Becoming flustered puts one at a disadvantage. Being sensible is far more valuable than becoming unhinged at every minorly upsetting thing.

Intelligent - Learning is an obsession for her. She wants to see and learn anything and everything she can, from gathering and crafting things to healing and poisons. Poisons in particular fascinate her, she often tests new and interesting mixtures of deadly plants on unsuspecting wolves to see what happens and if the symptoms of both will show up. Conversations involving herbs and other useful knowledge will almost never be turned down. Her hunger for knowing more has lead to her being a very smart and calculating individual.

Proud - Perhaps she comes off as a bit aloof, her head held high no matter what transpires. If anyone thinks highly of themselves it would be this woman. Even Razi cannot help but have a sort of haughtiness about her, knowing she is descended from something amazing and powerful, though she is hardly the worst offender when it comes to this quality, especially among her kin.

Healer - It's in her blood, tainted by her mortal half, a near goodness in her that was quickly turned around to be made useful to the family. More compulsion than genuine nurturing, the dark and light creature finds herself drawn to the ailing and injured, needing to fix what is broken as soon as she lays eyes on it. She is protective of her patients as a mother over offspring, a trait amplified when family is the one laying ill in her den.

Patient - To rush is to invite failure, it is far better to be calm and wait for opportunities to present themselves than to dash into a situation without getting ones bearings first. Unrivaled in her ability to wait for things to be just right, Razi can wait longer than most when she's set her sights on something.

Determined - Once a goal has been set she will reach it or die trying, it's that simple. In spars she displays ferocity usually seen in real battle, rarely holding back for she is always determined to win. Meeting a healer more skilled than herself is the reason she still pursues this interest. The day she found someone better at it than herself she decided to surpass them and hasn't stopped learning since, firmly set on learning as much as one wolf is able to in order to reach a goal set so long ago. On occasion her determination can become more stubbornness. Forget talking this girl out of anything, once it's decided, that's that.

Opinionated - No matter the issue, she has something to say about it. Whether or not her thoughts will see the light of day is debatable, but she's been known to mutter to herself or even chatter with patients who are stuck in her den with whatever ailment. Every decision another wolf makes will be watched and she will try and determine if they're a fool for it or not. Those who she decides make well informed choices will be praised, even if only in her mind.

Snarky - While not bothered by attempts at causing her offense, she's more than happy to engage in rapid-fire exchanges when it suits her to. Rude or condescending comments are her specialty. When you got a good comeback, it'd be a shame to let it go to waste. The only time she reigns in her sharp tongue is around older family members. Anyone else is fair game to subject to her attitude.
(more to be added when I figure her out more)

Plans: Since I plan for her to be one of the youngest siblings of Amon and the others, I'd love to see how she interacts with her siblings, and other relatives for a number of reasons. I also want to do a lot of healer things with her, claim all dem skill points and have her learn all kinds of herbs and things. Also I just want to see her character develop and take on more depth through her interactions. I think she has the potential to be pretty interesting and I'm excited to see where she goes, how far she'll go for the abraxas bunch, and if her past will eventually start to effect her more in the future.

RP Sample: Quiet, stealthy, she sank low to the ground, moving only a few steps at a time before pausing just to make sure she wasn't heard. Dark coat color paired with copper accents made for surprisingly good camouflage in the early morning hours when things weren't terribly bright but patches of sunlight littered the ground here and there. Silently she'd sneak up on her target, certain she'd arrive unnoticed. Just a few more feet before...

Razi sprang, leaping onto the unsuspecting wolf who cried out with a start. The poor girl, just a year or so older than Razi, hardly had time to get a word in edgewise before she was assaulted with questions far more viciously than the physical attack that had just taken place, "Who are you? You're a healer right? What are you looking for? How many herbs do you know? Teach me them!" the serious ember-marked pup demanded.

The wind tussled her lengthy fur, pulling it this way and that as if in an attempt to lead her somewhere. Razi could only be bothered to flick an ear, too busy with her work to make time for musing about things like the elements and their odd ways. Golden brow spots knit together in a frown; what was this thing? Eyeing the leaves and taking deep breaths hoping the smell would unlock the mystery, the dark and light woman continued studying the plant growing before her. She made mental notes of its features, the way it smelled, where it grew and anything else of even vague importance. As soon as she found someone in these lands who knew the local flora in depth she would pry some answers out of them, one way or another.

Ever since she met that older wolf, the one who seemed to know a billion more things about so very many more plants than she, Razi had been focused on surpassing her. Raising her head to look around at the rock-littered slops she stood on, she decided it was time to move on. One didn't achieve their goals by standing idle, now did they? Just like that she was off, scaling the hilly terrain in a vaguely southward direction, seeking knowledge and eventually her family if she were lucky. Her pursuit of information had distracted her so now there was no time left to lag behind any farther lest she found herself permanently alone.