

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-21-2017, 10:29 PM

Moonlight pierced down through cloudy veils, striking harshly against the rock of Fenrir's Maw. Panting Birna slipped out of the den in which she'd laid the ailing and bleeding Dagmær. She'd been hunting with the girl in the Redbud Nook. They'd separated to go tracking but when it came for them to rendevous Birna waited for hours for the girl only for her not to show. Hours stretched on until she'd finally gone to look for the youth and found her badly bleeding, in disarray. Birna knew little of plants but she caught the foreign scent of the herbs as she assisted the youth on their way back to Ivory Ridge.

Every step they took Dagmær seemed to be getting worse. She'd been attacked and poisoned. That much Birna had been able to deduce but who had managed to take her down? Dag was young but a formidable warrior. Had she been poisoned first? It didn't make sense but she quickly howled for Karabela and when the woman approached she spilled out everything that had happened.

[Image: 262ny8g.png]



4 Years
Extra large
02-21-2017, 10:32 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2017, 10:39 PM by Karabela.)

Karabela had been half-asleep when Birna's desperate call rang out.  Her eyes snapped open and she was out of the den a moment later, traversing the rocky terrain to the source of the call, her heart pounding.  What now?  What on earth was going on now?  She slid to a halt in front of Birna who was blood-stained but as the older woman spoke it became clear that the blood was Dagmær's.  She'd been attacked and…. and poisoned? "Who did this?"  Birna hadn't seen the attacker and Karabela snarled in frustration.  Had she made some unseen enemy?  

Karabela tipped back her head and howled for her pack.  She needed her menders immediately to assist with Dagmær's recovery.  As for the rest of them…. they had blood to spill.  Karabela slipped quickly into Birna's den, gently licking the face of her niece. "It's ok Dag, you're home, you're going to be fine and when you wake, I'll have the head of whoever was foolish enough to-"  Dagmær froze as she picked through the scent that still clung to Dagmær's fur.  It was subtle but familiar, gods where had she smelt this scent before?  Her eyes drifted to Dag's open mouth as she spied the shredded remains of a magpie feather.

Raba's eyes widened in recognition as she thought back to the spotted wolf with the magpie companion.  They'd had a chance encounter, pleasant enough but there's been something about the woman that had seemed off.  She seemed almost nervous around Karabela as if she knew her.  Surely that wasn't it though…  

Shaking her head Karabela strode out of the den.  She had a bitch to catch.


ooc:  OK so here's the deal.  Been planning this awhile and am worried I may be running out of time to enact so I figure what the hell let's do it now.  So I know some of this is vague because it's been subtly built up since years ago but here is the gist.  There is an intense rivalry among the Thyres since the days of Dægmar and Aerndís (old lunar chars).  After a run-in with Karabela, Rœkia who goes by the con name Magpie is making a move against Ivory Ridge by poisoning Dag to honor the name of her adoptive mother Aerndís.

Here's where you guys come in. Note that this is just an event and not required.  Post here if you're interested in participating.  The event starts the 22nd and ends March 1.  This will be pretty short and sweet.

MENDERS:  Your task is to heal Dagmær.  She has been poisoned with a plant that may or may not be in the guidebook.  Starting the 22nd Ardent time, ONCE a day, you may pm a guess and a question to Karabela's account.  The question should regard Dagmær's symptoms, not the plant itself.  For example:

Was she poisoned with Dandelions?
Is Dagmær nauseous?

I will reply in the evenings with yes or no to each question.  Note that I work during the day and am in bed by 10 most nights so that's when you can expect a response though I will try to check in the mornings as well.

Whoever guesses correctly first or the closest will have cured Dagmær and will win an ink drawing of from me of a character of their choice.  It will be similar to this  Note that this will be the image of the drawing.  I don't have the means really to mail these things  xD.

EVERYONE ELSE:   You're part of the hunting party that's searching for Rœkia!  She's hiding out somewhere in Boreas and your job is to find her.  Much like the Menders you will be allowed to pm Karabelas account ONCE a day with a guess and a question.  For example:

Is Roekia hiding out in the Orchard?
Is Rœkia hiding somewhere near a lake?

Note that if you're trying to get to tricksy with your questions I reserve the right to have you ask another one.  No super long crazy things with commas please, keep it concise!  ;D

Same prize, an ink drawing of your character.

Note that you need to post in this thread first before you can start pm'ing me otherwise I'll ignore your pm's.   Ok, I think that is it.  Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about this or if something isn't making sense.  I know I can get rambly when I stay up late typing  xD.

-throws confetti-  


You may participate in both contents but you can still only pm Raba's account ONCE per day even if you have multiple characters that could participate. So say you have two Menders. You can still only pm once a day. But if you have one Mender and one Defender you can pm once for the healing and once for the hideout finding. Hopefully my inbox can handle this lol xD
[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-21-2017, 11:07 PM
Chaos' head snapped up in concern as Birna's voice echoed through his cave, calling an emergency call for Raba. He didn't hesitate a moment before throwing himself out of the cave, startling the owls into flight. He hadn't gone far toward the call when Raba's voice rang out as well, calling the pack together. He put on a burst of speed - rather considerable for a wolf with legs as long as his were. Behind him, Heecha and Sgili struggled to keep up, chittering to each other in concern, but he ignored them for the moment. It was good he'd taken time to obsessively familiarize himself with the territory until he knew it well enough to travel it by memory in the darkness, knowing that someday there'd be some emergency, or a raid, or even as simple as a hunt that would require him to take the paths at insane speeds. It wasn't that long ago that Nah had fallen to her death doing this exact thing...

He skidded to a halt at the sight of his alpha and the other defender. Blood stained the defender's pale coat, and Chaos' leathery nose flared to take in the scent. Dagmaer? "Tell me," he requested, a hard note in his voice as his incisors worked against the fur of his lower jaw. His lean body was taut with readiness. Mismatched eyes met Raba's and Birna's firmly, fearlessly, before moving to roam the moonlit darkness around them.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



2 Years
02-22-2017, 09:41 AM

Qualm was filled with a determination as a mender now. The reason Nah had died is because he didn't take the time to guide her through the mountains - he should have had her memorize every crevice. Be wary of every step - and she would've grown stronger. It was his fault and was something he would have to keep in mind if the man was ever to adopt or have a litter. Regardless when the emergency call range out Qualm quickly grabbed a large like leaf and bundled some herbs within it. Never hurt to be prepared, as he ran towards them and instantly noticed that he'd been right to bring his herbs. He stopped in his tracks though - wide eyes as for a moment he looked at Raba. "Poison?" this was something he was no experienced with, he'd never healed a poisoned wolf before. Of course the first thing he would've done is induce nausea so she puked the rest of it out but there was also a chance it would make it worse.

He looked to Daemar an took a deep breath. Starting to sniff her and look her over. He needed to remember every herb he knew of, every poisonous substance there was. The symptoms had to click and he had to figure out a way to get rid of it. He did kind of beg for kassander's assistance this time, but Qualm also wasn't going to just stand by and let this happen to a precious pack mate.




7 Years
02-22-2017, 09:54 AM
Kassander was deeply asleep when Rommel nudged him awake. He started, dislodging Remy from the mouse lemur's position between his paw and his muzzle. "Trouble," the fox told him simply, his voice as always calm, but carrying a grim note. "Your alpha is calling the pack together."

A chill shot through the healer-crafter, and he immediately left the cave on Rommel's heels. His companion led the way to where he'd heard the howl, and Kassander trustingly placed his every paw step where the fox's paws struck, trusting to his agile friend to lead him there safely. He didn't stop to grab any herbs, though he wanted to. He didn't know what the emergency was so any time he wasted picking through herbs was time he couldn't get back if he guessed wrongly. He could send Rommel back for any herbs if he needed them - the fox's swift and sure paths through the mountains would mean that he'd waste little time.

He came to a halt, wide-eyed but with little trace of the anxiety that had always plagued him when he wasn't actively wearing his metaphorical healer's hat. Rommel stayed back, within easy speaking distance if he was needed but out of the way of everything.

Blood-scent washed over him, and he moved immediately to his cousin's side to check if she was injured, but the blood-scent wasn't hers. He sent a questioning glance at the den the others had gathered in front of. A deep breath to settle himself into that deep calm that would be almost eerie when he thought back to it. A healer had to be calm, had to spread that calm over the whole situation and everyone involved in it.

"What do we know?" he asked, directing the question to all there, slipping into the den as he did to check the patient. Dagmaer, he vaguely recalled. Qualm may have already examined her before he'd arrived - Karabela or the warriors might have been there when it... whatever it was... happened - they might know where to direct his attention and save time.



4 Years
02-23-2017, 08:19 PM
Dominik lifted his head from his resting place as he heard an urgent howl ring out across the jagged, rocky terrain. It was not the voice of their leader, but it was a pack mate, and no less compelling. The honey-eyed wolf rose to his paws, shaking out his coat as he began carefully along the rocky paths he had grown familiar with over the past months. It was still not his specialty, moving with haste amongst such dangerous mountain paths, but he was at least comfortable enough with his surroundings that he knew he would not fall so long as he was careful. His nails dug into the rock as he moved, trying to travel a little more quickly than he normally would, wondering what was going on and why it sounded so serious.

When he arrived, there were a few wolves already gathered, with someone clearly very ill in the middle of them all. His brows furrowed as he neared, wondering what had happened. Had this wolf fallen? As he drew nearer, he heard the words of another; "Poison?" asked a young man. His eyes flashed, widening with fear. But his hackles spiked, a feeling of anger rising within him. He may not have known these wolves well, but he knew that these were his pack mates and they needed to stick together against threats. He wasn't much of a fighter, but he wasn't going to sit quietly in his den while his pack mates healed the poisoned wolf and hunted down the criminal who had done this.

Still, with little confidence, he knew he would only be lending a paw, leading nothing. So he quietly joined the group of gathered wolves, listening to the words shared as his eyes flicked to Raba, wondering what she would decide to do, his muscles tensing as he readied himself to take whatever action was requested.



4 Years
Extra large
02-23-2017, 09:40 PM

Chaos was the first to show and Karabela felt a rush of gratitude. She'd need his skills in hunting down the perpetrator. He was followed swiftly by two of their healers, Qualm and Kassander and finally by Dominik. Karabela didn't wait any longer and spoke swiftly. "Dagmær was attacked and poisoned by a femme who goes by the name of Magpie. She has a magpie companion. She's of average height and build, silver with dark flecking and dark stockings. I ran into her some time back…" Karabela hesitated to add more. So much was supposition at this point. "I… believe she may have a grudge against my family line. Either way this was a direct attack on us and it won't stand. Kassander, Qualm, tend to Dagmær's wounds and the poison. If any other healers show enlist their help. The rest of us will go hunting for this witch. Capture her alive. I need answers."


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



7 Years
02-27-2017, 09:22 PM
Kassander nodded distantly as Karabela and the other warriors left to track down the culprit. His place, he knew, was here with Dagmaer, and it was on her that his entire focus hinged. "No convulsions," he spoke out loud as he examined her, ear pressed against her chest. "Labored breathing. Erratic heart rate. Hm." He pressed a paw against her neck. "Low blood pressure. Signs of vomiting." He nudged her gently with his muzzle. "Dagmaer? Dagmaer I need you to talk to me ok? Dagmaer?" he persisted, to draw her clearly wandering attention. "Ok, Dagmaer, can you tell me what you feel? Sick, yes, I know you are. I'm sorry, I'm trying to help. I just need you to tell me what's wrong. Oh, your head hurts? And throwing up hurts? Do you have any tingling in your face or anything? Tingling, Dagmaer, like little tiny bees buzzing on you." He could add 'giddy and confused' to his list, apparently, judging by the wandering nature of her speech. "Ok - dizzy too. All right, Dag, you rest here now, Qualm and I will get you fixed up ok?"

Kassander scooted out of the den, sending Rommel off with a couple words before turning a grim expression to the other healer. "It's aconite," he told him soberly. "Wolfsbane. There's not a whole lot we can do except treat the symptoms and hope that she didn't get a fatal dose. I sent Rommel back for some charcoal and bitter salt, we'll have to crush it up and make her eat it. Charcoal will hopefully absorb some of the poison, and bitter salt will treat the arrhythmia. I don't really know what else we can do. She's probably got an awful headache but I don't think we can really do much for it with the low blood pressure..." He resisted the urge to scrape at the ground in his anxiety from waiting on Rommel - he knew how important projecting calm all around could be.



2 Years
02-27-2017, 11:20 PM

He had to remain calm. Carefully as if Kassander was his teacher at this moment he listened through. Wolfsbane, he never would have caught that it wasn't something that he had studied that much. As such Kassander sent his companion off to gather some herbs but the other did voice his worry about her pain and lower blood pressure. His ears pricked for a moment, trying to search through his head for an answer. They could give her poppy seeds, but she was far too week to chew on those and if she fell asleep induced by the herbs that probably wouldn't be a good idea. After all, her body had to fight off the poison so after they gave her the charcoal there really was not much to do. Then he remembered something.

"Actually we can do something about that. Rosemary - if we crush it up she could take that. It'll get rid of her headache and treat the low blood pressure. Though it's better to put it in some hot water and her to drink it I think in this case it'll be alright if we crush it with the charcoal and bitter salt." Qualm said as he looked to Kassander. Trying to give off a good vibe, perhaps the male hid it well - but Qualm could feel anxiety coming off the other in waves. "She'll be okay Kassander, and she'll have you to thank when she wakes up." he tried to reassure him.




2 Years
03-01-2017, 08:28 PM
ooc: Good work everyone! Tealah correctly guess aconite as the poison and the hideout as the Redwater Rocks what an over-achiever ;D She'll start a thread there later and we'll get this plot wrapped up.

Dagmær's thoughts swirled around in her head, cloudy and jumbled as she leaned heavily against Birna. She felt awful. The young woman shuddered, stopping again to rub at her face and her legs, she felt like she'd stepped right in an anthill and the creatures were crawling all over her! Fangs met her scruff and with a half tug, half drag, she was alongside Birna once more. It felt like days before they'd reached Ivory Ridge. Right on the border she heaved painfully and lost what little she'd had in her stomach.

Panting she sat on the border, to exhausted to speak as she gave her aunt a pleading look. Just let her rest, just let her- another sharp tug on the scruff and she was up staggering into the densite. Her head felt like it was splitting open and just when she thought she couldn't take another step Birna deposited her in her den. She was dimly aware of wolves moving around her, a familiar flash of rust. "K-kass?" Was he speaking to her? What was he saying? She tried to piece out the words but right now all she wanted to do was sleep.

He was asking her how she felt? She shot him a dirty look that quite plainly said how she was feeling but she quickly berated herself. He was just trying to help. Spirits her head hurt. "Muh h-head… hurts." She took a few gasping breaths. "S-s-stomach hurts to I-" She flinched, his words fading out again. Timping? What the hell was timping? Oh… tingling. She nodded vigorously and tried to stand but immediately stumbled onto her belly.

"…th-thank you" she murmured as Kass and Qualm started to talk. She tried to pay attention but she just couldn't do it.

Walk, "Talk" Think