
Wreckage Adoptions



9 Years
03-05-2017, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2017, 03:38 PM by Shrapnel.)
Alright Folks I am starting a thread for adoptions for the wreckage family line. This thread will be added to and changed so please check back. First I am going to start with the current new blood to the line which are the pups of Storm.

Sire: Elias Praetor
  • Important to remember, Father is known for dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia which may or may not pass onto these pups.
  • Also the line is known for Bipolar disorder (females are more prominent), schizophrenia, and arthritis (due to their large size)
  • Red eyes, yellow/gold, & Silver eyes are prominent in the line. Blue eyes are rare and Green are not in the family line.
Dame: Storm Wreckage
  • Storm's line comes from northern regions (not on Ardent) and are known for thicker and fuller coats. Their sizes range due to the time they were born and what kind of year the clan was having. Storm was born in the winter and was born in a year that food and survival were rough. She was the only pup in her litter and small due to this. Her younger sibling Frostbite was born in the winter also, but a year were food was bountiful and the clan was thriving hence him being much bigger.
  • Common coat colors in the wreckage line consist mostly of blacks, greys, whites, and silvers. Though Storm's grandfather (mother's father) which is brown.
  • Storm's father was various shades of white with a slight bit of silver in his coat while her mother was shades of black.
  • There is no known mental disorders in her family line and her blindness was due to a spitting cobra's venom. (Which means it's not inheritable, but not impossible for her pups to be blind either.)
  • Eyes colors vary in her line because mates of her family are from all over (since the clan constantly traveled)
Siblings are:
Rules & other Info

  • 25% off height up to 42"
  • Pups will be raised in Abaven.
  • Pup passes will be paid by me for the remaining two pups
  • You may come up with your own design, but please refrain from using exotic coloring.
  • I have the right to take back the pup and/or get a refund for my free pup pass if these pups fall inactive. One post a week with these guys preferably.
  • Since both Corentine and Derecho are storm related names I would like to keep this theme with the other two pups.
  • Birth season is summer and they will be playable on March 7th and these apps need to be done by then

Male Name suggestions: Pyry (meaning snowstorm), Thor (meaning thunder), Tyranis (meaning thunder),
Female name suggestions: Aella (meaning storm wind; whirlwind),

<b>OOC name:</b>
<b>Personality:</b> At least 150 words
<b>RP Sample:</b> At least two paragraphs
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times


03-05-2017, 04:56 PM
OOC name: Alexa
Application for Design 3 *Complete*

Name: I'm drawing a blank... Aella*/Tempest/Hurricane/Rainstorm/Petrel/something feminine and storm-y? I'm open to any name you like best, these are some suggestions (:
Gender: Cis female
Size can be adjusted, I can see her as small or large, but will use large for this example

The pup is born as if inspired by her father’s image. As a newborn she leans towards a large size that will continue to grow in uncomfortable bursts. As an adult she will reach 37" - small compared to her sire Elias but large for her species. At birth her pelt is a small bundle of darkness, darker than the night sky above them. Her body is draped in an ebon cloak; with a gray undercarriage and silver highlights along her back and chest. Her colours mimic the perfect storm, a whirlwind of black and gray blended together. Her eyes are a light chestnut brown.

Her paws are wide and deft; a hint of how large she will become. As a pup her gait is clumsy and awkward. In happy moments she will run a lopsided gait from one place to another, oft tripping over her paws. However as she reaches adolescence her growth will become smoother and she will develop a style of grace. She will always appear a little aloof at times, her movements unpredictable and hurried. When she can manage to be still she is a beautiful silhouette. She is unique in her lax figure that transitions from one moment to the next. Her limbs are nimble and in her youth she seems alive and energetic. It is rare that her motion would seem stiff; it does not collude with her nature.

Her voice is a bark. In her lightest and darkest moments she demands to be heard. She does not possess the finesse to let her voice fade. Her ears are sensitive but she lacks the skill to listen; too wrapped up in the working of her own mind. Despite her tendency to talk loud, her voice still retains a musical chime, and she develops an ability to sing in rhyme.

Chatoic Neutral
Suffers from bipolar disorder. *Potential triggers. I am taking a stance on her experience with bipolar disorder; I am not saying that this is necessarily true for all that have bipolar disorder. I was diagnosed with OCD as a young child and often felt alienated because of it, so it's important to me that people know that if there are inconsistencies or stereotypes in here I do not mean for there to be. In particular, the part about her emotions running her decisions, I know that this is not exactly true. For her it is, but I am aware it is not a part of bipolar disorder, and I don't mean for it to be. (: *

As a pup she is born innocent, with one thing in mind: mother. The pup will wiggle its way to survive from Storm’s milk, in competition with three other siblings. She is born blind and deaf like the rest, an innocent bundle of fur at the mercy of the world. In slow stages her senses will develop and so will she. There is more than mother now. There is sister, brother, father. She is in awe of her family and places each upon a pedestal. As a young pup she is playful and full of energy; an unbearable amount at times. She is eager to explore the world and to learn, and to be a part of it. She sings from time to time, never by herself, an annoying hum in the ear of her family. Shy is a foreign term to her.

She transitions from a world of perfection to a dark storm seamlessly. As she grows, her emotions will become stronger and flicker from one to the other. She suffers from bipolar disorder, and it becomes more prominent as she approaches a year. She is thus too young to understand, to convey, the whirlwind of emotions within her. Her only form of expression is in utter happiness and despair; jumping around with joy and then crying. She cries a lot as a pup - moreso than normal, her sadness pooling around her and her family. She has no remedy for her feelings. She feels deeply and due to this finds herself limited when it comes to rational decisions. She cannot separate her mind from her heart; she must act with how she feels. She is impulsive and sometimes needs an eye to watch her. When she is feeling down she can be a danger, primarily to herself - losing care for the world and the natural instinct to live.

Despite the rocky path of her life she loves others. She loves her family the most, and is loyal to them. However, when she does feel down she will oft push them away, proclaiming to be unloved by everyone. Whether this is true or not depends on one’s perspective; only time will come to tell how she is raised. She is a handfull but full of life. Her condition strengthens over time but she fights it, pushing the erratic feelings of sadness and overwhelming joy aside, always searching for a neutral she can survive in.

RP Sample:
Note: Ignore the cringe xP I struggle with playing pups when they're very new but I quickly get into their vibe.

Chestnut eyes opened wide and in a heartbeat she was up. Her little tail wagged behind her and she scanned the dark den, searching for her siblings, her parents. Her onyx coat was highlighted with tiny flecks of silver; her pelt had begun to grow in. She lost the gloss of a newborn’s pelt but it was replaced with a new shine. Two spots of silver sat atop her eyes and this was the face, the body she wore. She had yet to see herself save for the black, clumsy paws she wore. She had studied those paws endlessly in the den, come to learn each part of them, with a natural self-interest developing. She was so curious! She stared around her and then darted to the edge of the den. “Ma, ouside!” she demanded, pointing. She wanted to go. In fact, she would go! She couldn’t wait another day. Without another thought the pup bounded outside.

It was a whole new world out there. She was overwhelmed with various scents and colours; textures and life that was new to her. They were surrounded by various plants and tall trees - strange large beings - and she was silenced for a moment. Then she had perked up again. “It’s pretty…!” Her tail wagged furiously behind her and she danced around, running back to the den to see if anyone else would come. “Let’s play!” She said impatiently to her siblings, jumping around one to drag them outside. She was bubbling with energy and excitement, and it showed in the quiver of her young body. Today was the first of many she would feel the sunlight upon her dark back; the first she would play outside, the first to learn from the world.



9 Years
03-05-2017, 07:10 PM
Added a couple name suggestions still looking for more
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-05-2017, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2017, 12:28 AM by Dragon.)

[Image: kjPee9f.png]

OOC name: Dragon
Name: Cloudburst "Cloud" Wreckage
Gender: Male
Design: Using my own! But with Silver(L) & Gold® Eyes instead of red.
Cloud is somewhat of an oddity when it comes to personality. As a child, he will be curious about the world and those within it, wondering how things work and why. Despite his curiosity, he isn't the type to go sticking his nose into things or other peoples business. He observes from a distance, observes in silence as the world moves around him. He doesn't exactly feel the need to get into other people's business, and as he grows older he'll never really get the urge to meddle in the affairs of others. Unless of course, it involves his own family. He is a quiet soul, not really one to speak unless spoken to, however, when it's just he and his mother then it's a whole other story. His personality becomes more outgoing when he's around her and only her. But around strangers, or even his siblings, he becomes reserved and almost...robotic, in a sense. He's quieter around others, less animated. He's not sure why he acts that way, but he doesn't really question or wonder it. He just knows he's different then those around him.

Cloud is the type to generally keep his mouth shut in most situations. Save for when it comes to his mother, of course. He's extremely protective of his mother. Not because of her blindness nor the fact that she might be helpless with her lack of sight, but he feels a strong need and desire to protect and defend her from harm. She is his idol, his everything. Without her, he feels like he is nothing. She birthed him, after all, and so he feels the need to give back to her and support and protect her as much as he physically can. He feels the need to be close to her, and it may also be due to the fact that he often feels afraid when she's not around. He's discovered that when he's alone, he gets this strange feeling around him. Like something is watching him. Little does he know that he has inherited his father's schizophrenia, and to be alone means to be alone with the voices in his head and feelings he is not familiar with. He doesn't know how to comprehend this, and so he keeps it at bay with his mothers presence. Somehow, her presence alone is often able to keep the voices and those weird feelings away.

While he may not be the most "normal" of the litter, Cloud has some decently good qualities about him. He's capable of being loyal to those he has come to trust, and those are very far and few in between. First and foremost, his loyalty and trust is given to his mother freely and without question. Secondly, it's given to whatever pack he might be in, regardless of what their alignment or beliefs might be. He is indifferent when it comes to others, and unless you're one of the select few who has somehow managed to be a big part of his life, then he doesn't really care what happens to you. He won't fall to pieces if a fellow packmate has died, or if something bad happened to someone that he had previously met. He has his own life to live, and to spend time and energy worrying about others (with the exception of his mother), isn't worth it to him.

This leads him to have a sort of detached manner about him. He doesn't particularly care about other lives, much less so if they're insignificant in his life or if they don't really have any sort of influence or importance to him.

RP Sample:

What was wrong with him? He had been approached by other pack members, but he couldn't really find the need or will to talk to them. Instead, he just kind of gave single worded answers and gave off the vibe that he wasn't really interested in talking. Instead, he preferred to watch from afar. He preferred to observe the goings on around him, how the others ticked, how they spoke and moved and thought. He sat outside the den doing just that. His mother had gone off to do whatever it was the adults did. She was a healer she went to look for herbs? Or so he assumed, anyway. He didn't often go too far from the den, but when he did he just kind of wandered the territory and wondered what was on the outside. He didn't wonder too much, however. His life was here in Abaven. He didn't really have a need or desire to go beyond the boundaries, for now at least. He did want to eventually go with his mom on one of her herbal escapades, if only to be close to her and to see where she went to collect the best plants. By that note, he didn't know if he even really had an interest in herbal medicine. Sure, he thought some of the plants looked nice and pretty...but he wasn't all that interested in trying to heal others. He mostly preferred to keep to himself, but also...well...he wasn't totally sure. He knew he wanted to protect his mother when he got big enough, that was for sure.

Sighing, he got up and decided to head over towards the rapids. The water seemed to soothe his tortured soul. And he needed a distraction. With his mom out, he felt his fur prickling with the weird feeling that he was being watched. He often got the feeling when his mom was away from him, and he didn't know why. Sometimes it left him feeling tired. A voice often woke him up at night, but whenever he woke up, there was nobody else there. It didn't take too long for the boy to reach the rapids, and upon approaching the rivers edge, he peered into the water. A face stared back at him, one silver and one gold eye glaring back with a stony look. Was this him? Was this how he always looked? He generally never smiled. He didn't play. And he didn't know who he was. His father wasn't in his life, and he didn't know who his father was, either. It often left him questioning if he really knew himself. He knew his mother, but what about his father? He felt like an incomplete puzzle, and sometimes wondered if anything would be different if his father were around. Did it really matter though? Some part of him felt like it did matter...
"I wouldn't get too close to the water unless you already know how to swim." Cloud turned around to see an odd looking creature. It wasn't a wolf, that was for damn sure. His pelt was orange and white, weird black markings and scars across him. He tilted his head a bit, noting that the small canine...if he could call it that, had a more slender muzzle and a much longer and bushier tail then he did. This was maybe the first time that his curiosity about someone else was piqued. "What are you?" He questioned the creature. "I'm a fox. Name's Dart!" Cloud looked him up and down, trying to determine what to do next. "Are there more of you in the...pack?" Dart shook his head, his grin widening. "Nope! I'm the only fox in a pack. At least, I've never heard of any other foxes living with wolves. What's your name, kid?" Cloud almost thought about not answering. He had gotten his answers, and figured he could just...go on his way. He remained silent for a long while, leaving Dart's grin to fade and look on in confusion. Finally, after what felt like forever, he responded. "Cloud." With that, he turned the opposite way and walked off.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


03-05-2017, 10:19 PM

OOC name: FenBen
Name: Tyranis
Gender: Male
Design: ^

Curious  Tyranis considers himself to be better than the average wolf because while most practice fighting and hunting he seeks to learn as much about the world as he can. While he doesn’t particularly like the idea of helping others he is fascinated by the stars and by diseases of the mind as well as how the mind works.

Ambitious Tyranis takes great pride in his place as a member of Abaven and hopes to one day be named Prima Pattuglia. He lacks the discipline necessary to hold a high rank but feels he is entitled to it regardless because he spends most of his time in Bass’s shadow. He rarely takes advise but feels he has been personally robbed by society, he self victimizes and if he loses in any regard his immediate reaction is to believe rthe odds were stacked unfairly against him.

Manipulative His mother’s gentle and forgiving nature has made him expertly skilled in the art of lying. He believes he is capable of fooling anyone to believe anything he says because they are less intelligent than him. More specifically he has become very good at telling people exactly what they want to hear and what he needs to say to get what he wants. Despite this he can never bring himself to fully lie to his mother although because of his nature he will convienetly leave out damning details and often manipulates the situation to make himself appear as the victim

Selfish Believing he is superior to most if not all other wolves only acts in his own benefit. He is quick to react with sarcastic and snide remarks to anyone that asks him for help outside of his mother. He adores Storm but holds little love for his siblings and the rest of Abaven.

RP Sample:

Aged 2 years

His eyes narrowed, focusing on the opalescent beetle as it skittered around on his raised paw. Like most of his days Tyranis spent this one on his back, resting rather than working and convincing anyone who asked that he was busy studying. His other paw joined the first and the beetle, predictably, made its way on to the newly provided surface. He sighed, turning his paw as it moved before his head snapped forward and his jaws crushed the beetle. It was time to move on. With a loud groan he rolled onto his paws and meandered through the tall grasses of The Thicket, an ink black shadow slinking listlessly through the emerald grass. He yawned and shook out his neck as he walked, with no destination in mind. He preferred to be alone on his walks of course because other wolves, even those in Abaven were simply too stupid to keep up with him.

He turned his head upwards, scenting for anything that might have been mildly interesting. Mornings were usually boring to him, he was more of a night person because it meant he could study the stars as he wandered, but in the mornings he needed to find his own fun. His ears raised as he caught the scent of fox piss, a small, excited grin crossing his features. Foxes were his favorite to torment because their small fangs could do little damage through his thick pelt no matter how hard they bit him.

Slowly he crept through the grass until his golden eyes fell on the small foxhole carefully hidden in the base of a tree. He let out a low growl to alert them to his presence, but wouldn’t pounce until the anticipation of an attack drove it from its shelter. He crouched low, muscles tightening, ready to spring forward. There was a moment of utter silence and stillness. He growled again, louder this time, deeper, and then continued to wait in silence. A branch snapped and fell from the tree and all at once a flurry of vibrant red burst from the hole. He was after it in an instant, flanking it from the side before pulling back to chase it on the opposite side, sending it further into panic until he could drive his head under its slender body and lift it into the air to grab its thin leg. His head swung in an arch and a single strangled yell escaped the small creature before its skull cracked loudly against a rock. He dropped its limp form, tongue lulling from his jaws and his heart beating wildly. It had been fun while it lasted but now it was over. He wasn’t particularly hungry and had in fact only killed it for fun, but that wouldn’t be what he told his mother when he presented her with his trophy.



5 Years
03-06-2017, 10:21 AM
I'll give till tonight before deciding that way dragon has some time to get the app finished. Sorry for the rush on this everyone, but if the apps are not in the acceptance board by the end of tomorrow then the last two pups won't exist
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



03-06-2017, 01:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2017, 01:22 PM by Tealah.)
Visitor, you need to PM me. - Tealah

(I am also applying for an Ancora pup.)

OOC name: None, yet. I am considering the username Pocky, however.

Name: Pyry Wreckage. (Nickname would be Blizzard, and he will prefer to go by it when around family.)

Gender: Cis male.

Design: Design number four.

Personality: Pyry's name means snowstorm, and a snowstorm he is. Even at the young, tender age he is, he views the world with an almost sort of quiet calm. Movements are rare; angering him is nearing impossible. He tends to keep his emotion under control, which can either be a good thing or a bad thing. As it is, he isn't one to go off, and is far from a ticking bomb, but to others he can be almost rude.

Others' feelings, and dealing with them, are rare for him. He doesn't really understand it, as he keeps his bottled up. He says it like he sees it, and his words can come off as critical and harsh, maybe even rude. He doesn't mean to be, however, although he could stand to learn. After all, a wolf like him, who points out others flaws and what may be weird or off about them, is not one that will make friends.

Even so, he knows that he's not perfect. In fact, Pyry knows that he's imperfect, that everyone is. Still, he also believes that with time, with patience, that things that other wolves are bad at can be perfected in that particular skill. He wouldn't be the type to help them, however. Not until he is done with it first.

In Pyry's mind, he comes first and foremost. His well being, his healthiness, his happiness; he'll work on it first. Next would come family, someone he is just as attached to although he would give them a chance first. He believes that to become truly strong, one has to do whatever they can by themselves. If his family were in danger, however, he would give no hesitation in protecting them as long as he was not originally in danger.

Pyry thinks with his mind rather than his heart. If danger was going to cost him his life, he would stay out of it. If it would be lingering dangerously towards a fight, he would try to resolve it. He wants to be as calm as he could.

Growing close to others is something that's hard for Pyry. He doesn't make friends easily, through his almost rude nature and his bottled up emotions. He doesn't want to get close, figuring that they may eventually leave and it would hurt him if they did. Crushes will be bottled up, with his feelings, with the hopes that they will go away.

RP Sample: (Used when he's six months)

Breathe in. Breathe out. Ivory chest fell in rhythm with the thoughts ringing in his head, continuing, jaws open slightly as he breathed in the air that almost seem stifling. Rain was on the way; a quick glance at the gray, clouded sky, confirmed that. Light eyes moved, slowly, towards the den, head following and a soft, soundless huff escaping his jaws. He had wanted to hunt, but he could smell no scent of prey on the air. There may have been some a distance away, but he was un-moving for now.

Ears twitching, he hesitated. If he went further out, in search of prey, the rain could have started heavily and washed away his scent. There was always the possibility, as well, that he could wind up getting lost. He didn't know enough of this land, and he may have wound up traveling more than he wanted for someone so young. Pyry stood still, silent, ears flicking as he debated it, until his gaze raised to the sky once more. The rain seemed like it would be a while away. He had time yet.

Mind made up, he made his way forwards, pace picking up until he was at a light jog. He was wary, cautious; he had to be fast. He couldn't take his own sweet time. It would be in his best health to get there and back, and as fast as he could. Ears twitching, he caught the faint scent of rabbit, and light gaze searched for it. There it was! At a medium sized rock, almost camouflaged because of the dusty brown of its fur. Had it not been for the slight movement, Pyry would not have caught it. Ears twitching, he moved forwards slowly, one paw in front of the other.

Once he grew close enough, he pounced, paws propelling his body forwards with a force he didn't know he had. Within a short chase, Pyry's jaws had clamped down around the rabbit's throat and it now hung limply in his jaws as he cast a glance at the sky, wincing just as the rain dropped down onto his snout.

He had almost been in time. Now, though, he would have to go through the rain back to the den. It was worth it, however.



9 Years
03-07-2017, 05:06 AM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2017, 05:09 AM by Storm.)
The winners are
  • Alexa with Design #3 female
  • Dragon with Cloud
  • Fenben with Tyranis

I decided to make it a litter of five since I loved the apps so much!!!!
Please get your profiles done and your acceptance apps up ASAP! Also since the profile of the remaining two pups were never posted you should be able to use the pup application for acceptance!!

Also Alexa I like Aella or Tempest :)

Also don't forget to link my gemstore purchase for the extra pups!
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



2 Years
03-07-2017, 05:11 AM
Thank you! <3 I'm so happy to have this opportunity and play a sibling! Also congratulations to everyone else. <3


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
03-07-2017, 05:32 PM
A reminder that these pups need to be completed and posted for acceptance by the end of today or they WILL be considered still born.

My focus needs more focus.