
The Abraxas Brood



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-27-2017, 05:27 PM
Razi is gonna be an awesome addition! Very much looking forward to seeing how she plays out (: Accepted!

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



4 Years
04-15-2017, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2017, 09:57 AM by Phenex.)
Name: Phenex Abraxas

Gender: Male

Design: Built like a badger, there’s little that can stop Phenex. His legs are stocky and powerful, built not for speed but for stamina and strength. The paws that bottom them are wide, toes often spread and black sharp claws giving him traction. His shoulders are wide set and muscular. His hackles stand at parade rest at all times because of the bulk under them. His barrel shaped torso tapers mildly at his hips, but even they are wide set.

Phenex’s pelt holds the same mottled pattern that the Abraxas family was known for.

[Image: rbXNWz6.jpg]


Phenex is proud. He is proud of his family and their heritage. They are demigods. Royal blood runs hotly in their veins, burning up every mortal cell in its path. It is this that pushes him onwards. Phenex is still young at only two, but old enough to be in his adult frame and bring forward a new generation. He has yet to come to terms with the fact that he is aromantic and asexual, for how else will he spread his blood?

He hates ignorance. Either in himself or in others. This leads to him being obsessive about details - he want’s to know every single little thing about every little event, object or being. He does not like being left out of the loop. Phenex understands that he is not the most intelligent wolf around, hates himself for it, but refuses to be ignorant of all the details. Wolves who choose to live their life under a veil of lies are not worth his time either. He has zero respect for the naive, oblivious and obtuse.

He loves the process. Order is important. Phenex is a wolf of habit. He hunts the same way every time because if it ain’t broke, there’s no need to fix it. He eats in the same steps - first the liver, then the heart, before digging into the haunches and finishing with the tongue. He gets up at the same time every day, turning and stretching thirty minutes before sunrise before starting his day.

He is quick to anger. Anything that rubs him wrong (which is a lot of things with his obsession for order and information) causes him anger. Other wolves may feel simple grumbly anger but Phenex finds himself so stupidly angry so ridiculously quick that it endangers all of those around him. He becomes snappy - not so much in words but in actions - when he’s angry. He’s quick to attack, to eliminate the irritation.

He has night-terrors. Maybe some of the reason why he can be so irritable is because he is rarely running on full power. Phenex doesn’t like to talk about it, not wanting to give any weakness away. The terrors range from fires to deep water to unbelievable beasts that swallow everything whole. Sometimes they feature their father’s sharp teeth and blazing eyes. They cause Phenex to wake in panics. Sometimes he doesn’t even realize he was awake, that it was a dream, and continues to defend himself against faceless fears. A part of him believes that these night-terrors are messages from his ancestors on high.

His obsessive tendencies can go haywire. As said prior, Phenex likes order. He has a step-by-step process for everything he does. It’s annoying even on a good day. Sometimes something just flicks off, or twists sideways, or crashes and burns. Sometimes he gets stuck on the same step, doing it over and over again, looping and circling. It isn’t often, thankfully, but can escalate in stressful situations. As he ages, especially once he was pressed out of his pack and on his own, it became worse.

Sometimes he paces, back and fourth, back and fourth. Sometimes it’s a mild sway of his head, a stereotypical repetitive behavior. Sometimes its worse - biting at his own legs, digging and digging and digging and finding no answers to calm him. He tires, eventually, but it is worrying nonetheless. Phenex tries to hide this from others; they would elimate him if they knew he was tainted. He convinces himself that its the result of the messages from the Gods who had banished his ancestor, that his mortal body could not handle it, but he is not stupid enough to let others know. He can handle himself in a fight, but all against one? He understands he would have no chance.

Plans: Phenex would be Amon’s younger sibling, from the litter after him. While he is now mature in body he still has some growing up to do in mind and his problems (the terrors and accidental self-harm) will likely get worse. I fully expect there to be some family drama on this end, because what self-respecting Abraxas would allow such a wolf to exist and possibly pass on his genes?

RP Sample: The grasses had been in the process of hibernating for awhile now, storing as much energy as they could in their roots and taking away resources from their blades. Still they weren’t dead, not yet anyway, other than in a linear stretch. This twenty foot long trail had been beaten down for months. The dirt was compacted hard and not a plant dared trespass.

Upon this stretch of dead land a wolf paced. It was hard to pick out his form in the dark night. The moon was a thin sliver that gave little light to the land below it. Even the red and orange leaves appeared black tonight, so the wolves form was more heard than saw. His deep lungs took in great big breaths, his padfalls thudded against the ground, and every so often a growl would escape him.

Phenex had been at it for over thirty minutes now. Just before then he had been thrust into the real world after a night-vision proved to be too turbulent and rejected him. Flamed had surrounded him, chased him, overcame him. It had consumed his flesh. The smell of burning hair still stuck in his nose. He had woken with a gasp, his lungs still smarting from the smoke.

Then off to his usual pacing spot, back and fourth, over and over again.

”What do you want?” he muttered, teeth flashing as he snarled at imaginary figures. Phenex’s tail raised as he continued his stereotypic behavior, pacing over and over again, beating the ground with his paws, ”What do you want?!”

They didn’t answer. They never did. Phenex could only imagine the Gods laughing at him in their realm. His hackles rose higher and another deep snarl pressed out of his jaws, taking offense at their jeering.

He would continue to pace until the sky lightened, breaking his mind of its trap and clearing out his nose of burn.

Note: Phenex decided to be a little left field and if that doesn't fit into the scheme just let me know ^_^



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-16-2017, 01:57 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2017, 01:33 AM by Dragon.)

Name: Kasdeya Abraxas, The Poison Queen.
Gender: Female (Amon's littermate)
Design: ^
Kesdaya is a creature of mystery and trickery. Nobody knows who she truly is or what really makes her tick. She prefers to keep herself hidden under a veil, never truly showing her intentions to anyone unless she wants them to be known. When plans brew in her mind, she will often keep them to herself and rarely will she tell anyone else, unless of course, she purposefully wants someone to know if only for the sake of having an audience to enjoy the spectacle.

Quick and Sharp
The Abraxas woman seemingly has a hawks eye for detail and nothing gets by her without her noticing. She can easily read others as if they were an open book, noting every movement, every word, every emotion that flickers across whomever she's around, right down to the slightest twitch of a muscle. Her ability to read others so easily often gives her an advantage in being able to stay several steps ahead of those around her.

Slow to Anger
Despite her gargantuan size, Kesdaya is generally a calm and level headed individual. It takes a lot to get her angry, and nobody really knows exactly what can set her off. She can be slow to anger, but beware! Her anger is something to be feared! Should someone manage to get her angry, then that's it. The beast is unleashed and there is no mercy, no calming the raging storm. She will rage, and rage hard! The only thing that can stop her is herself, and it's best to steer clear and out of her sight, for almost nobody is safe from her wrath once she reaches that level. Eventually her anger will slowly trickle away and subside, though there is no telling how long it will last for it is different every time.

"Kids will be kids" is often her motto when it comes to children getting into things. However, she does have her sense of discipline when it comes to them as well. Small things like kids complaining and many other things that's normal for young ones, she merely shrugs it off and doesn't generally go too hard on them. She is amused by kids and their antics, but she will scold and discipline them should they get too out of hand. She dislikes temper tantrums and will immediately put a stop to it, and if they refuse to listen then she might just be inclined to hang them in a tree by their tails. Asides from that she is a caring figure when it comes to kids, a side of her that is rare to see among adults. While she doesn't exactly care to have kids of her own, she doesn't mind looking after (or "borrowing") someone else's.

Kesdaya is a woman of epic feats! She likes to pull pranks and her sometimes laid back attitude helps her snag potential victims. She often creates elaborate traps that are well hidden, and will always try to lure others into them whether or not they are friend or foe. Of course, when it comes to tricking friends, her pranks and traps are harmless. Should an enemy fall for one of her many tricks, however, it could potentially leave them with injury if not fatal. She will often act like she has no idea what's going on and plays the part of innocence so well, that she never gives her plan away.

The woman loves herbs and anything to do with them. Not only that, but she will also use various other materials such as animal parts to create medicines and other concoctions. Her favorite thing to make however, is poisons. She's a master at it, and she can make anything as potent as she wants. She can create things that will make someone vomit and feel sick, or something that will kill someone slowly and painfully, or quick and painless. It's generally best not to get on her bad side, you never know what she will try to give you...
Family, however, don't have to worry about this from her. Unless of course, they volunteer to be a test subject. She knows how to make medicines that heal, poisons, antidotes, and anything in between. Of course, if you just want something for recreational purposes, she can help with that too. Often times she will use her knowledge to hinder enemies or those she simply doesn't like, such as hiding one of her concoctions inside food or water and, watches whomever consumed it trip out as they hallucinate.

She is a woman of many faces. She is a woman of mystery, after all, and she prefers to keep it that way. Asides from her family, nobody else knows her true identity. To outsiders, she is known by many different names and aliases, and will often wear elaborate masks that she makes out of plants and animal furs and feathers. Her voice can change at will to suit whatever persona she's showing at the time, and she has fun doing it too.

Manipulation is in her core. Obviously. It's a part of her trade as trickster, and she will use her talents to manipulate whomever she needs to in order to get where she needs to or what she wants. She's a smooth talker, able to make her words quite convincing and believable, though she won't stoop very low. Her body is off limits to those she deems unworthy, but she won't hesitate to flirt and play hard to get. She can be charming, playing the innocent act until she acquires what she wants.

Plans: Perhaps be the spy and healer/poisoner for the family? She can take on a motherly sort of role to the younger ones while still implementing discipline among them. Follow Amon faithfully as her brother, and probably be the "mother" of the group.
RP Sample:

She waited patiently for her victim to wander closer to the trap she had set. A pit fall carefully dug out and expertly made, carefully hidden from anyone but her. She always knew exactly where her traps were set, and she couldn't wait to watch the fun begin. Sea colored eyes darted up as she heard the footfalls of the male who had begun to follow her enticing scent, the trail leading straight towards the trap she had set. A playful smirk tugged at her lips, the titan struggling to hold a giggle in. Oh, if only Amon were here to see this! While some of her acts and pranks might be seen as childish for some, to her it wasn't just fun and games. This guy in particular had tried to seduce her, and when she refused her advances had tried to force himself on her. Now though, the tables were turning. Not only did she leave the guy with a bloody wound on his face and shoulder, but he was about to learn that he couldn't get his way with every pretty girl that so much as looked his way. And he was about to learn the hard way. Inside the pits, she had several sharpened sticks tipped with the poison off the skin of poison dart frogs, expertly placed in positions that would give a very painful, very slow death. If he fell just right, then the open wound on his shoulder would be particularly painful when the poison etched it's way into his bloodstream, burning the skin beneath and below.

Her eyes began to narrow to slits of delight as he drew closer, the woman holding her breath as step by step, he was nearing his inevitable demise. He paused then, the woman eyeing him from her hiding place. What was he waiting for? Just a few more steps, dammit! The male looked around, seemingly about to turn around and give up the search, but that's not something she would stand for. No, she wanted to watch him burn from the inside out, and nothing was going to take that from her. Slowly, she rose from where she hid. "Giving up already? You seemed pretty determined to get at me earlier. What's the matter? Did your balls shrink on the way over?" She chuckled darkly, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched the male focus on her. He bared his teeth, tail lashing as he growled. "I'll have you pay for that with your tongue, wench!" She snorted, her own teeth flashing in a devious grin. "Come closer and say it to my face, cur." She replied smoothly. Angry, the male took a couple of steps before leaping forward, though as soon as his forepaws touched down, the ground suddenly fell away beneath him. She watched with satisfaction as a loud yelp sounded, and slowly she moved forward until her gaze looked down to find him impaled. Sharpened wood stuck through his body like a pin cushion, though in non-vital points, just like she planned. He struggled, though his legs would not move since those were the main points she was aiming for.

She clucked her tongue, head shaking slightly. "Oh, what happened? You almost had me." Her tone was mocking, her smirk ever wider as she stood there and watched his blood trickle down. Should she explain to him exactly what was happening to him? "Ergh...y-you bitch!" Oh, well, still a feisty one, wasn't he? "Now now, name calling isn't very nice, is it? If you had been a gentleman before, then you wouldn't be in this position, now would you?" She giggled darkly, neck rolling to loosen her muscles before she settled down onto her belly, forelegs crossing over one another. "Too bad, you were kind of decent looking. Maybe you'll think twice now before mistreating a lady. Oh wait, there won't be a next time." She smiled at him, a sickly sweet smile as her eyes flashed. "The way you've fallen has impaled your joints, so unfortunately you won't be able to move much. Don't worry though, you'll die...eventually. I've made sure of that. So you'll have plenty of time to think about your actions. And to help things, each point was dipped in poison from a poison dart frog, feels good doesn't it?" She watched him writhe and gasp, teeth gritting as she watched the poison begin to take effect. "That burning sensation you feel? It'll pass when, you know, you stop breathing. So next time, I suggest you be more courteous when speaking to a lady." She winked at him, blowing a kiss before standing and shaking the dust off her pelt. One last look at him, and she turned and headed off to find her brother. She was satisfied with her work, and the male? He'd die eventually.

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-16-2017, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2017, 01:06 PM by Amon.)
Phenex looks great, Magpie! Definitely a wild card <3 Annnd Dragon, Kas looks awesome too! Both accepted!

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!


06-06-2017, 02:11 AM

Name: Skia Abraxas

Gender: Female

Design:Link to full sized design

The most apparent thing about this woman is the fact that she is one of the most predatory of the Abraxas lineage. Not only that but she is pure in blood and deems to keep it that way. Blood purity is something she has learned and has been preached to her from the time she could hear. She is of the mind that the Abraxas lineage is the greatest ever and should be preened like a well kept garden, only the most beautiful of specimens should survive. She is a far cry from her cousins, raised to be ruthless and kill those deemed weaker. Her father was ruthless and she has taken every quality she could from him. She unlike those of her cousins finds herself to be something to be feared only when she falls silent. Silence from the woman is a key in her tactics. Fall silent, observe, decide, then finally act upon that decision. That is her process. She is a ruthless fiend just like her father before her, prefering to Bleed her prey out than kill it outright.

She has heard many things of her cousin's exploits and her interest has been piqued. Though whether it is a good or bad thing is still yet to be decided. Though upon her decision she will act upon it and stick to it. Should it be to swear loyalty or to abolish her cousin's rule as head she will only decide upon meeting him. She lives dangerously, often finding it best to avoid the main branch of the family, though to satiate a curiosity she will find them to see for herself.

She has always been one to silently take orders, and turn them on their head though still execute them admirably. She seems to let orders go right over her pretty little head but even her father knows better, she is listening though thinking the best way to turn the orders around and get away with putting it in the order's master that she is no whipped child and will do things her way. That is how it has always been, her way or just not at all. She is a machine of war and bred to be the ultimate weapon in the abraxas line. after all what greater than a pure child to take the throne her father had been passed over for.

Though she just as easily falls in line when it is necessary. She knows how to respect just as easily as the next, but demands respect herself for you to gain hers. She is not some child to be toyed with. She is highly intelligent and knows who to give respect to and how to read other's just as easily. She is no potions master but has learned how to ferment fruit into wine. Her strengths lie in brute force and intelligence all the same. She is vile in her temper and often in the things that come from her mouth, though make no respect she can be just as silently dangerous, like a trained assasin.

Plans: Cousin to Amon and siblings, born from Kronoah Abraxas and Seranna, would of been born after Amon's departure. will be coming to learn of her cousins and determine their greatness for herself (had it in mind that her father would of been feared and respected by all and would of been a close second in line for the throne of the abraxas clan) She also is an only child as her siblings were culled for weakness and disrespect, would be known likely by Phenex and Razi, perhaps even Kas as they are the newest. She may try to split the fam somewhat and take the northern continent in a sister empire sort of thing or stay with amon and take the southern one with him

RP Sample: She moved with deadly intent, a shadow across the land. Her target was completely unaware he was even being hunted. How could he be? Her cousin was ignorant of her existence, and if he remained so it could be a deadly mistake as she turned it into her own personal game of cat and mouse. He had her father's pride and she wouldn't have it without knowing why. No she was the princess her family deserved to have. She had heard of giants roaming the land, causing chaos, and she snarled at the thought. To be so blatantly bold and risk exposure before an empire could even be raise was foolish and as far as she was concerned stupid. They deserved no respect for it, only the fact that the name was attached to them saved them from her true wrath.

She knew what they would probably think of her when they met. That she was some yearling mortal that wanted to prove her worth by slaying them. What could save her though was the icy gaze that was undeniably her fathers. The man had been old and wasted when she left, her last order from him was one she uncharacteristically obeyed without fault. His death laid at her paws, and she had done exactly as he asked. His words still played in her head like a mantra one could not refuse. "Skia, do not ignore what you are told this day. The god sings praise at what I have bred in you, take my life today, wear my blood on your fangs. Spill it in the name of purity and the strength in which i have given you, give it unto the true god. Then leave here, our time has been spent in the homeland, go follow your cousins, take from them what should of been mine. Spill his blood if you must, but leave the prodigal son alive to live under your shadow as i have done my brother for years." His voice was begging, pleading even. It sickened her that such a strong man had fallen so low. She knew the homeland was not to be hers but this foreign land, it could be if she played her cards just right. Though to usurp her cousin would mean to gain the favor of his own brothers and sisters. Her sacrifice of her father had been the start, though she knew better than to expect things to be as easy with the others. Though she knew word of her slaying of her own father had to gain some sort of respect among the family.

She shook her head to rid herself of the thoughts, continuing on her youngest cousin's trail, after all Phenex would be moving to find Amon, or at least he could lead her close enough. She moved like the devil she was. Head down and ready for action should she need it. Her size wasn't anything to snuff at. She was a giant among these creatures, just as large as her cousin. Her dead mother was where she gained such proportions. Serrana had been an easy conquest for her father and when the Abraxas had weaned the unholy children her father had silently culled her. He would not let her weaknesses enter his children. Though she remembered him culling her two siblings quickly when they would not heed his words or do as they were told. She was smarter though. She learned the quickest way to survive was to be a cutthroat and always do as she was told.

The savage she was was thanks t the man she called father. Though her uncle had always been weak and disapproved of his brother's tactics. She snarled once more at the thought. She was everything the Abraxas line needed. She stopped when the scent crossed that of something else. Another male, one that smelled like he had everything to do with Gaios, yet still nothing at all to do with the weak man. A smirk touched her lips, this must be him. She gave a good sniff to the scent before deciding which way it headed. She was quick to deduce its southward direction. This would be a cakewalk.

As she crossed lands and came to a canyon, one such as the split of the fallen one, she stopped. A scent here of stale birth lingered and she smirked. So they were already raising the army, good one less thing to check off her list. Her first heat would come and she expected to find a suitor soon enough. She gave a small howl, one easily recognized as that of her father's kin, with its low decibels and haunting sound. He would come to her now.

(need to get a dire pass for her)



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-06-2017, 10:34 AM
Skia looks great, Asena! Can't wait for her to meet the Fambam~ Accepted!

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!

Absinthe 1

06-08-2017, 12:58 AM
Kaine Abraxas

Nonbinary (agender) AMAB (uses they/them)


Hungry// The beast seeks to devour. Land, slaves, lovers, it doesn't matter. It is all theirs for the taking. With zeal, they lay claim to whatever they want. The world of mortals has nothing to soothe the desires of a deity. It is all dust beneath their paws, waiting to be graced by their want. The crave for power is like a vortex in their gut; cloying to be fed and quieted. The ever present want keeps them moving, searching for the next thing to take for their own.
Silver tongue// A wordsmith to the core, tongues are their speciality. With several languages under their belt, Kaine is always eager to learn new ones. Serenading potential lovers with sweet nothings in foreign languages is a trick that is tried and true. Somehow, they simply know how to get into someone's head, or under their skin.
Proud// Head held high through their lowest moments, Kaine knows exactly who they are. Their blood is divine, and it shows. A mottled pelt means nothing of purity, its somewhere in their guts. Mortals, crawling through this realm like bugs to be crushed beneath their paws, are hardly worthy of being anything but wombs to use or slaves to work. Even their leaders deserve no more than a curled lip from the likes of Kaine and their brethren.
Survivor// In this sense, they are comparable to a roach. Always there after disaster takes the rest. No matter the cost, they will outlast the rest. Kaine is a wily wolf, who will not be brought down by anything less than divine intervention. When something goes wrong, they are the one you want on your side. Their hunger extends to a desire to live, and see what the next day will bring. Perhaps, despite what they all say, they are not held by the notion of rising into the afterlife to join the pantheon.
Chaotic// There is little joy in monotony. Every day is something new, and they thrive on exploration and discovery. Many assume Kaine is mad, for there is no order in anything they do. However, they simply are blind to the system upon which they base their life. The minor details are the key, and they are drawn by the whims of the wind. Whatever claims their attention in one moment will most likely have an effect on how they proceed through the rest of their day.
Antagonist// Starting a fight, or even starting a war is something to feasibly be blamed upon Kaine. They cannot help themself. Playing the devil's advocate to cause trouble is all fun and games in their eyes. Pushing back against a force that dares them not to. Even in matters of diplomacy, where a misstep could be fatal, no one is safe from their urge to destroy the peace.
Charming// All smiles and flattery where it counts. Kaine loves to make friends, if only for their own benefit. Getting in good with the locals everywhere they went was high on their priority list. It's more a learned skill than a gift from above, but oh do they ever do it well. It plays well into their gifts with words, and they could charm the skin off a snake if they set their mind to it.
Vain// Part of being a deity is that Kaine believes they are one of the most gorgeous creations under the sun. They take great care in their appearance, and thrive on the affections of others. It's half of the reason they so frequently take lovers. Anyone with positive attention to pay to them is something that must be claimed. Those who believe them to be anything other than divine are but fools to be maimed.
Wicked// There is something broken inside of Kaine, that allows them to casually do harm to others. The act of maiming or harming another is banal in their view, and simply another aspect of life. Some might even describe them as malicious. Rending flesh and breaking bones is far from sinful in their eyes. They see violence with the same absent expression as they would the swaying of grass in the breeze. Kaine finds themself to enjoy violence.

Reunite with family members
Find a niche somewhere
Steal some shit
Make a name for themself?
Steal yo girl/man/partner
Start shit
Kill someone?

RP Sample:
Fluid spewed across Kaine's cheek. It smelled musty, not as sharp as blood. The taste of it on their tongue was mild, just a step above water. Only a few seconds later, the sharp tang of blood dripped into their maw. Dark lips twisted into a grin, and they released their grip. The body of the smaller wolf, a simple mortal boy, crumpled to the ground. Bright crimson liquid gushed from an empty socket.
"How about now? Do you see?" they purred, one brow quirking upward in question. The other wolf wasn't quite cowering, but his earlier bravado had fled.
"I see it!" he cried, though his features didn't show the rapture they hoped for.
The smile dropped. "No you don't." they rumbled. Mismatched eyes narrowed, a frown creasing their expression. A plot formed. "If you don't see me, then what's the use in you seeing at all?" Kaine lunged forth, pinning the boy by the neck with both forelimbs. In one swift movement, they clamped their teeth into either socket. The taste returned to their tongue, and it still wasn't as satisfying as they'd hoped it would be. Nothing was. It was like the tales of old, where food would turn to ash in the mouths of the cursed.
Oh, how he screamed now. The boy must feel foolish, for insulting Kaine so deeply. Thanks to his ignorance, he would never lay eyes upon another soul again. What's worse, he would be their new plaything. There was no need to see anyone else, after all. It was a blessing to serve Kaine, as it would be to serve the rest of the family, whenever they found them.
Wailing turned to whimpering. He begged for his life, for the pain to stop. Heat pooled in their belly. "I'll make it stop, αγάπη." They crooned, trading their grip from his eyes to his neck. It was a mockery of a lovers grip. Mounting his small frame was easy, especially when he was so pliant. Losing air did that to you. This one would make a good slave. Penance for his sins against the Abraxas line, by insulting them. Provided he lived long enough.



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-11-2017, 12:32 PM
Kaine looks interesting Den! Welcome back! <3 Accepted!~

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



6 Years
06-13-2017, 04:22 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2017, 04:53 PM by Dumois.)
FINALLY settled on what I want for this guy I decided to just go with him being a trouble maker and of course horribly violent

Name: Andras
Design: Up there yo ^
CONCEPT: The prodigal son is here to leech off of Amon's success like a parasite. While he'll pull his weight, and has in fact pulled his weight by wreaking havoc and destruction in other far off lands, he'll mostly live off the success of his family. While Amon and his closer relatives stuck together Andras was off galivanting the world, killing a path through anything and everything in his way. His mad dog tendencies however have caught up with him and now he’s found that several foreign packs are after his head. As luck would have it news reached the wayward son that his brother Amon as well as the bulk of his extensive family had set up camp in a land far beyond the ears of any of his malcontents. The next step of course, seemed obvious; rejoin his beloved family and keep pillaging and raping his way through Boreas.

"I'm going to conquer and kill and spread bastard children throughout the land like wildflower seeds!"-Kingsley, Season 1, Galavant(2015)


Andras believes he is the fallen God's gift to the earth. Born a remarkably handsome dire wolf Andras has every reason to believe everyone wants him and those that don’t just want to be him. He has never wasted an opportunity to tell those around him that his lineage is Godly, and believes that mortal wolves- who he calls “Terrans” are his to use as he sees fit. Any attempt to bring him down from his high-horse is usually met with laughter and the judgment that they’re simply envious of his prowess. Within his own family he believes that he's lived the most fulfilling life by spreading the Abraxas name like wildfire across the world rather than bothering with the next generation


While on the outside he may seem wildly compulsive, internally, Andras never makes a move until he’s weighed his options and taken necessary precautions. He makes several risky decisions but each of them is carefully calculated before they’re set into motion and he is always sure to minimize evidence as much as possible unless he wants to be found.  From years of experience, he’s learned how to react to different situations, and what behavior is necessary to get the result he wants. While his impulses tell him to take what he wants when he wants it, he’s learned to delay gratification for a greater end.


Andras has never had a sympathetic thought in his life. He has never had an emotional connection to anyone and likely never will regardless of their relationship to him. Most of the people he associates with are only in his life because they serve a purpose to him, ulterior motives are the basis for his relationship with his family and anyone else he might keep handy. While he is partial to those that inflate his already inflated ego he will abandon them completely once they have fulfilled their purpose to him or he grows tired of them. He loves no one and defends no one.


If pressed for violence Andras will happily oblige. While he tries not to react violently around those that he might need later he is prone to outbursts of extreme violence and occasionally murderous rampages.  While these rampages are often done in secret and usually go unfound he is perfectly capable of bringing them into battles and all out fights. The temptation to outright kill is always present in his mind although unless the situation calls for it, is rarely acted upon.


-General troublemaker, he would sh*t stir with as many packs as he possibly can as long as he thinks Amon will bail him out

-Will happily use his family members to meet his own ends and cause as much unrest with Amon’s children as possible

RP Sample:


He woke with a start on the beach, his vision spinning wildly before he closed his eyes and dropped his head back onto the white sand. The last thing he could remember was jumping into the Black Bay in Eclya; some shit heel island he had stumbled upon in his travels. His movements there had mostly gone unnoticed; he had debauched himself for a good two seasons before news of his presence reached the local alphas. One of the shits had actually managed to not only capture him- but hold him in man thing they had appropriated specifically for holding criminals. A stone cave with only one exit, covered by a single, solid, metal barrier.

For weeks he was kept there in the darkness, no food except the vermin that had made their way in through holes he was far too big to pass through, water coming from moisture dripping from the roof, and no one else but his thoughts. He simply laid on the floor, waiting for the end to come pondering how these mortal wolves had captured a god, when something miraculous happened; the barrier parted with a loud groan. He heard voices, questioning whether he was alive or dead, and he remained perfectly still, holding his breath, and waiting. “You go check.” One of them had said, and he could feel his heart begin to race as the click of claws drew near. The guard came closer, and closer, his paw tentatively drawn back before reaching out to touch his massive frame. In an instant he snapped into action, his jaws closing around the smaller wolf’s throat with a loud CRUNCH as his larynx was crushed and then promptly ripped away from his body, soaking his russet fur in glorious warm blood. The other guard had screamed and run away from the door, leaving it hanging open as she ran for the exit to the caverns, a warning howl on her lips. She leapt toward the sunlight and was promptly pulled back into the shadows by her leg and thrown in an arch to the ground, her skull colliding with the stone floor and rolling her eyes back into her skull. He eviscerated her leaving her to bleed with her guts strewn across the floor and then filled his belly.

He may have been free but the humiliation he had suffered would not go unpunished. They had incurred the wrath of a god and he would take everything from the alpha that had imprisoned him. Except of course, his life. He would live to tell the world what would happen to those that dared to challenge Andras Abraxas, but the old fool’s pregnant wife would not. He left the alpha’s progeny out for him to see on the floor of his royal den, their frail lifeless bodies torn away from their mother’s gaping womb. The whole of the pack was rallied to chase him and they did, until he flung himself from the cliff over the Black Bay, and swam with all the adrenaline fueled energy he had left.

As he remembered how he had come to the beach, he dried off his fur and moved further inland. Everywhere he stepped seemed to pass through some sort of spider’s web, which was a mild annoyance but one lost on him, as the familiar scent of his family’s blood reached his nostrils. He grinned; the rumors were true, his family had congealed on some forsaken land far from Eclya and Bromos and Parth. It was finally time to meet the family.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
06-28-2017, 01:46 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2017, 09:10 AM by Tealah.)
Name: Apollo
Gender: Male
Design: Compared to most of his siblings, Apollo appears almost more ghost than living wolf. Some quirk of genetics has seemingly washed all color from his former, leaving even his pawpads and nose leather an unusually light grey. His coat is a colorless silver-white, all but the dove-grey mask that covers his eyes to feather partway down his muzzle, and the saddle that sits lightly from shoulders to hips and gently feathers off rather than showing a sharp termination. It is clearly only the guard hairs on his back that are tipped in the color, for the feathering seems to shift and change with every movement to reveal and hide the color. Only his eyes are unaffected by the anomaly. A bright golden yellow like highly polished gold in the sun, they are startlingly bright on an otherwise colorless form.
Also his voice sounds like James Earl Jones because why not.
Personality: Cold, so cold. Apollo was consumed by the hate bred into him, but in him it has solidified into solid ice, and he views everything through the cracked and wavering surface of it. He was molded by their father's teachings perhaps even beyond the extent of his brother, perhaps because he was born with a deeply ingrained need to please others and belong, a need that was twisted and warped within him into a nearly fanatical loyalty to his littermates. It is because of this deep flaw that he will never make a good leader, but it does make him an unbeatable second.

Highly intelligent, Apollo has sought knowledge in wide-ranging subjects, believing that you couldn't always keep a specialist by your side so it is practical to be able to do the basics of just about everything yourself. You never knew when some small bit of information would be useful.

His mind is highly logical and analytical, the mind of a tactician. Though he has emotion, he tends to suppress it rather than embrace it. A weakness he can't afford. He has some very curious blind spots though, in his logical outlook, most obviously his belief in the history of their bloodline and the Fallen God. He is all too likely to accept what he is told by his brother, rather than stopping to analyze it for flaws. His sister puzzles him to no end with her occasional bouts of extreme illogical behavior. Why would anyone go penguin bowling?

Violence comes easily and casually to him, the sudden intensity of his actions often seemingly at odds with his icy blankness. His ambitions for the family are far-reaching and boundless, though he has less care for most individuals among them, including himself. Watching his father cull two of his weaker siblings had cured him of any lingering sentimentality for individuals, lest he be let down and the family lessened through them
Plans: Amon's littermate replacing Melchom, possibly the youngest of the litter. Troubled by his father's increasingly irrational behavior, he decided to track down his brother and support him instead as the logical successor to their father and therefore the family's patriarch.
RP Sample: Apollo's long legs carried him easily through the muck, ground wet from spring rains churned to mud by the hooves of prey beasts he had neither seen nor smelled before. Despite the wetness it was easy to follow the scent he sought, that of the Abraxas. It was not Amon himself, but he had faith that where he found one Abraxas he would find his brother. Or signs of his brother, which meant only that he would take up his search once more.
And oh, what a fascinating land Amon had led them to. Wet, yes, but abundant with prey and plant life. They would prosper in this land until they could take up their rightful place in paradise, yes. The spawn of a God they might be but their mortal forms still required care, and this continent seemed ideal for it. Lifting his pale head suddenly he speared the wolf who had appeared before him with an icy gaze. Ah yes. Seth, the dwarf healer. "Where is my brother?" he rumbled, deep voice booming in demand.



5 Years
Dire wolf

07-22-2017, 05:37 PM
Tea, I can't wait to see Apollo in action!! Accepted <3

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



09-12-2017, 08:21 PM
This is Laz, yo

Name: Malleus
Gender: Male
Design: Design #1
Personality: Steadfast and loyal, Malleus is the rock upon which his family is always welcome to stand. As a child he craved the attention of his father and learned quite quickly that the best way to get it was to be perfect. If disobedience had ever been a part of his makeup Malleus abandoned it the moment that realization struck him. That conclusion is responsible for much of this demigod's stoic personality. He is courageous in the face of adversity, calm under pressure, and loyal to a fault. While he is consumed with his own desires and selfish almost to a fault among mortals, when it comes to his family the reverse is true. For the good of the family Malleus is willing to put their needs above his own. One day the Abraxas will reclaim their rightful place among the stars; if he has to sacrifice today to make that happen, so be it.

First and foremost Malleus is a prince of heaven; a son of the fallen god. His only equals are the rest of the Abraxas horde and this firmly held belief has a way of coloring his interactions with outsiders. More often than not, with them, he is haughty, aloof and quick to lash out with scorn. A wolf doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep; the same too can be said of gods and men.

Malleus could best be described as the strong silent type. Beneath his quiet, brooding exterior is a rich inner world governed by a sharp, analytical mind. He is a planner, a plotter, a long-ranged thinker, and he prides himself as the kind of person who can make difficult decisions. To those that don't know him Malleus probably seems like nothing more than a sulking henchman, but those that do know him know that he is quick to smile and eager to pepper those dearest with subtle affection.

Plans: Malleus will replace Uvall as one of Amon's sons. Mally will want to stick close to his family. He's loyal to his father and sees himself as a valuable asset in Amon's campaign for supremacy. At the moment he thinks he'd make a good second in command, but perhaps one day he'll see himself as more than just a useful tool.

RP Sample: Some ways away his father was speaking to one of his many cousins. The distance between them made it impossible for Malleus to hear what his father was saying but he knew by the demigod's stance that his cousin was getting his ass chewed. He knew that look - that venomous sneer - and even now it struck a chord with the titan. It took him back to his childhood. Once, and only once, Malleus' fear had gotten the better of him. He didn't remember what he'd done wrong but he vividly remembered the look on his father's face as the man thundered towards him. With a roar his father was in his face demanding an explanation...and then it happened. His fear had gripped him by the belly and before he could stop it, the small boy had pissed all over himself. The smell filled the air as hot urine ran down his legs. His face flushed with embarrassment as he curled in on himself in a desperate attempt to melt into the muddy piss puddle beneath him. Anything. He would have done anything to escape that moment. To escape the look of disgust and disappointment that had come across his father's face.

A frown depressed the corners of Malleus' mouth. The shame that had flooded his chest then filled him now. His frown deepened as the shame ate at him and then, catching himself, the prince shook his head to clear away the sour memories. He wasn't a child any longer. More importantly, he wasn't getting his ass chewed. Since that day Malleus had made it his life's goal to earn his father's praise. He had twisted and twisted, finally contorting himself into the perfect son. Long gone was the boy who'd pissed himself in fear. The boy who had gone off on his own to cry when he'd learned that his mother had left.

In that boy's place was a man who would make his father proud.

With a dismissive sniff Malleus rose and turned his back on his young cousin. Today it might sting to be dressed down in front of his peers, but in time the boy would learn. While he might be upset now, one day he would realize that Amon had done him a favor. He was being sharpened and honed for greatness. What he needed was a thicker skin and a harder heart. Once he had those he could wear them like armor and none would be able to harm him.



5 Years
Dire wolf

09-13-2017, 02:04 PM
LAZ! Malleus is beautiful! Goodness. Accepted <3 P.S. I love you.

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

10-25-2017, 11:46 PM
FEN! Andras looks good!! Can't wait to see him up! :D

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!


01-02-2018, 04:41 PM
Name: Mercury Saevas Abraxas
Gender: Male
Design: Click!

Naturally manipulative and eager, Mercury is not one to be easily pleased. He believes – like the rest of his family – that he is above every other mortal around him. Stubborn, arrogant and head-strong, he is unlikely to take no for an answer. He is disciplined in his ways and thrives for both power and control. There is no lie that he is a control freak; he wants everything his way, or no way at all. Believes that the male gene is better and higher than that of females, he will only breed with the very best (and if that means breeding with close & distant family, he will be prepared to do so) to ensure that the family remains the truest of bloods. He lacks the basic emotions and will often have a straight face – without feeling and emotion, Mercury does not care for the feelings of those around him. Fiercely loyal to his family and the single female he love (should she be strong like him and his family), he will protect them until death. Thick-skinned and aggressive, it is likely that he will fight, scrounge and kill to get what he wants; there is no two-ways about this. A self-confessed sociopath, he has a dark sense of humour (often sadistic) and can often be described as cold. Mercury is certainly a complex character, incapable of feeling but certainly adept enough of dominating.
Plans: Meet with Amon, rekindle relationship. Join a pack & raise the ranks. Take a pack. Most likely kill someone/something. Interact with family & I'd like to see how he acts when challenged, meets a love-interest and has kids.
RP Sample: The wind thrashed through the atmosphere tonight, it's harsh and unwelcoming movement forcing anything in it's way to suffer. The sun had been set for no more than an hour, and the temperature had already dropped significantly. A soft white cloud could be seen when anyone spoke, shivers common among thin bones who struggled against the cold. Crows squawked in the distance as the moon began to rise against the black sky, blanketed with stars that burnt out without a sound.

Mercury had been planning his attack on the deer for hours now, not moving for quite some time. Ice blue eyes feed off the information he had gathered and it was almost time to make his move. Tonight, he'd bring down the deer by himself. Black limbs move without a sound, his cold and calculated expression causing him to quicken his pace, the sound of the wind acting in his favor. A sickening smile formed on his features as he came closer to the deer, though it was swiftly taken away when the sound of a branch snapping behind him caused the deer to freak and flee. Mercury stood, then, and pulled back his ears, turning as his ice blue gaze focused on the darkness. Pulling back his teeth in annoyance, he stalked forward and watched for movement. Anger rippled through his veins as he pushed out a snarl. "Come out, come out -- wherever you are," He jeered, continuing to stalk forth into the darkness.



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-03-2018, 05:42 PM
@Shark: Mercury looks good!! The only thing I might caution you to change is the liklihood of inbreeding. It's surprisingly something the family shies away from, if only because they're crazy enough as is without the help? Other than that he looks good! Edit at your discretion, and feel free to toss into acceptance!! <3

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf

1KChristmas 2019
01-07-2018, 03:05 AM
Mon roped me into making a Razi sibling. Blue and I agreed to share the design and make twins.

Name: Nura
Gender: Female
Design: [Image: gPym5qT.png]
The oracle is a china doll, standing at 37 inches she is just slightly shorter than her other litter mate, her frame is light and almost frail looking, she is distinctly different from her more brutish, demonic family. Unlike them she is clearly not built for fighting, though perhaps that is for the better.

Swathed in eye catching gold and black Nura will never know how majestic she truly is. The base of her coat is a pure pitch black, her coloration comes in as a golden color along the fur running at the rim of her elbow. The same color marks around her eye and flecks under it. The top of her skull all the way down her neck, along her shoulders and just past them are marked with the same golden coloration, which fades out down the side of her body into more flecked markings. A silvery, grey color is also flecked along her stomach and the top of her for legs.

Seated deep in that black fur is a pair of pale, clouded and sightless eyes.

Personality: Oracle- Despite being born physically blind, Nura has the sight. She and her twin Nowa both profess the ability to see the future in one form or another. Though while Nowa was given the gift Nura was given the curse. Her "visions" are only that of misfortune or death for at least one of the wolves involved in her prophecy.

Believer- Despite her less than pleasant ability Nura is a true believer in her father's words and her older brother's mission. There can be no other explanation for her and her twin's "gifts" other than their divine birth. She sought only to help her family once more ascend to their heavenly throne regardless of the good or ill it will cause.

Two of a kind- Nura and her sister Nowa are close in the way only identical twins can be. They share much, as both fully blind and seers they are sometimes the only ones that truly understand each other. They are so close it is rare to see them separate from each other and tend to share opinions about individuals, it would be very rare for one to like a wolf the other does not. Still they both are individuals and they will not let you forget it.

Unfeeling- Nura can often seem so detached that she may seem to be almost an automaton, she ultimately has little care for the fate of mortals as she neither wishes them ill nor particularly cares if they face success. She is very objective in her views and understanding of the world, the pain or joy of others has little effect on her life.

Dark- Despite her more neutral stance Nura very much has slipped into the mind set of her curse, she brings harm to others and has accepted her role as a doom bringer. Having dived so fully into her role she turned her interests from the healing arts to poisons instead.

Plans: Nura will find her way to the empire and offer her sight to help her family in their expansion. I'd love to see her delve more into poisons etc as she's not really fit for fighting or hunting. Blue and I were also planning on having our twins wear some simple golden bangles on opposite legs to help tell them apart as well, so those would be purchased. If one of them finds a love interest chances are they will share him.

RP Sample: Snow fell around the oracle, lightly dusting her shadowy coat and if she could have seen the serene scene spread out before her she might have thought it beautiful, or perhaps she would have only been drawn to it's darker side. The snow muffled everything, the world was as quite as death, fitting for the bringer of it. She shifted her weight to her side, knowing Nowa was there and for a moment the twins basked in each other's heat. Then pulling herself away Nura spoke, her minds eye swimming with visions of the future. "Before our brother's conquest is complete there will be much bloodshed. The mortals will not go quietly." Her tone was even, neutral as if she gave no care either way.

Nura wondered if her sister had seen the same thing, their visions often seemed to be linked, though only one of them ever saw the true scope of the horrible fate that awaited them. "Brother will need our guidance in the weeks to come." She stated as thought it were the most plain fact in the world. "Shall we?" It wasn't really a question, there was only one reason the pair had come to these lands to begin with. Somewhere a head of them a bird let out an alarm call, warning all other prey in the surrounding area and Nura's lips twisted up into the smallest form of a smile, yes they were coming, and with them they brought the power to bring the mortal realm to it's knees.



5 Years
01-07-2018, 08:23 PM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2018, 08:27 PM by Jackson.)
Name: Nowa Abraxas
Gender: Female
Design: Bottom left
Additions to the image: She has milky white eyes because she was born blind, 37 inches high with light build, 2 gold bangles on right front leg.

She is known to be a loyal follower of the Abraxas and like the rest of her blood related kin she believes that she is above others. She has a strong belief that she was born as a divine being because there would be no other reason for her unnatural sight. She believes that it is a gift directly from their Fallen God and she takes pride in her ability. She also takes great pride in her family and the achievements they had made so far. She trusts and believes that they will accomplish their plans and has every intention to do her part in the plans.

She has a vary strong bond with her twin sister Nura. If you find one of them chances are the other is not far behind. Both of them share quite a bit both having a special sight, both blind since birth, both the same height, and most often they will share other much smaller things. Nura is the only other person in her life that sees the lighter side to her personality the caring side to her, the more gentle side to her. Her twin sister is her world aside from her family. Nura is the only one who will ever know all of Nowa's secrets and who can fully understand her.

Even with the strong bond she has with her sister, Nowa does not fully depend on her. She makes her own decisions despite the influence from her twin. She she is vary different from her twin in all the same. Despite having visions of the good Nowa has a more darker and clouded mind from her sibling. Darker desires and darker thoughts. Her sister likes poisons, so does Nowa, but Nowa has the mind to find a mortal to test her mixtures on, to listen and monitor what happens to them with this, or with that. She also has vary little care if a mortal dies during her experiments. There is always other mortals to find.

Also for her size this creature is known to be vary dominant, vary influential. She is a vary orderly creature to the point one may wonder if she has some sort of disorder. Her things need to be in a specific order that may only make sense to herself, her actions and daily traditions may also only make sense to herself, but there is always reason behind it.

Plans: Heading for the Abraxas pack to join the others with Nura. She will also be more then happy to offer her sight to help her family with their plans and to also do what she can. She will be looking to grow her knowledge of healing herbs, poisons, and drugs and hope to find a 'test subject' or two from the mortal community. Though love and procreation is not foremost in her mind, in order to help the family she will procreate when the time comes and more then likely share the partner with her twin.

RP Sample:
The world around the twins was silent, something that to her was pleasant and relaxing. It gave her mind a chance to grind it's gears and to come up with more ideas for her mixtures. Once they found their family and settled down she could finally get her so called 'lab' set up and maybe find herself a test subject. Her and Nura would come up with mixtures that the family could use to their advantage and to help them conquer more quickly.

She was quiet basking in the heat of one another while she thought, though her thoughts were soon disturbed by a vision, one similar to her twin's, but the posistives. What the family would accomplish with their help, the downfall of the mortals. A crooked dark grin spread from ear to ear as Nura pulled away and began to speak. Her nails dug into the snow with anticipation. Her sister knew what must be done, they must find their family and help bring down the mortals.

She stood up and stretched warming up her muscles for the travel ahead. They will find them.

"We shall dear sister," she replied.
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf

01-14-2018, 07:45 PM
Nura and Nowa look great guys!! <3 I'm excited to see them in play!

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



7 Years
02-16-2018, 01:23 AM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2018, 10:05 PM by Nephthys.)
Possibly editing or doing something else with him. Still not decided.
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together