
Giving Them A Future


07-07-2017, 12:54 PM
He was tired… so tired… but the impossibly tiny bundle of fluff in his mouth encouraged the old man to keep going. The bundle of fur was his son, his last attempt at a family… and it’d been in vain. Vine had died during childbirth, and any other pups she might have bore died with her. Allen had once chance, and one hope of seeing his son live… He had to give him up.

Allen pressed doggedly on, fighting to keep his gaze level. His eyesight had slowly been failing him the previous winter, and his hearing definitely wasn’t what it used to be.

Allen was old.

The man paused, scenting the air. Though his other senses were failing him the one thing that was not, thank the Gods, was his scent. He could smell a new mother’s scent… her milk… it was what his son needed. Allen pressed on, desperately searching for her den…

...and nearly stumbled into it.

He came to a stop and set his little one down, his raspy voice rising with urgency. “Miss?” He asked, his tone weary. “Miss… I need a favor…” How much time did he have left in the world? How long was it going to be before he joined his mates and children in Somnium? He sank towards the Earth, hoping he at least had the strength to say what he needed to say.

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
07-08-2017, 07:38 PM
The female had been resting, her body still recuperating from birth and heartache… but thank Gods she had Clay to turn to. But when she heard a voice it didn’t belong to the large man she’d come to respect. It was outside the den, and Kait hesitated. It wasn’t until she heard the pitiful mewls coming from a pup that she rose and exited the den.

A man was waiting there… an ancient man who looked so worn by emotion and age… Kaitlyn swallowed hard. He looked like one strong gust of wind could blow him over and that’d be it. But then, a moment later, her eyes were brought to the little one at his paws. Her heart clenched, gaze flicking back to his. Was there no mother? No… she realized. She could smell blood and death upon him… so…

“W-what is it?” Kaitlyn asked, waiting to see if her suspicions were correct.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.


07-08-2017, 07:49 PM
She came out of the den, a small female fit for his tiny son. Perhaps he’d not even know the difference between her and Vine… Allen let out a soft sigh. “This is my son… His mother died during childbirth.” Allen glanced down at the little bundle of fluff, his heart breaking. “You’re a new mother, yes?” He didn’t know that her own children had been taken from her of course. Well…truthfully she’d abandoned them… but that hardly made losing them any easier.

“Please… I have no one to turn to… I give you my son… Raise him as your own… but please… don’t let him die.” Allen’s voice cracked as he started to take a few steps back. He didn’t wait for the female to respond before he turned away. He could hear her shout after him, but he couldn’t respond to her. Not anymore… He just to hope, and pray, that his little one would be safe with the woman…


Kaitlyn I


6 Years
07-08-2017, 07:55 PM
Kaitlyn listened to his words; it was as she feared. His mate died… and he had only his son. Without a mother’s milk it would die, Kait was no fool. She moved closer to the little one, feeling her heart clench as the calico man pointed out she was a mother already. She didn’t answer him, but carefully picked the little ball of fluff up and set him on her forepaws. When she looked up again he was moving away, and Kait gave a whine. “Wait! What’s his name? What’s your name?” She called after the man. But he didn’t stop… didn’t turn back to answer her.

As his figure began to fade on the horizon Kaitlyn sniffed at the little boy on her paws. He was so little… much smaller than her own children had been. But she found herself falling in love with him all the same. Kaitlyn glanced around before picking him up and returning back to the den, setting the squeaking baby at her side. His ears and eyes were still shut to the world… The poor thing. Kaitlyn closed her eyes, making a decision then.

She’d raise this boy, yes, and she’d raise him as an Agatsuma. Nudging him gently to a teat the woman watched as he clamped on and began to greedily drink, her gaze softening. “We’re the pair, aren’t we?” She whispered to the pup… realizing just how much they needed each other.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
07-09-2017, 01:01 PM

He had remained in the grove since that day he crossed her path. He hadn't planned to especially with the heat that Auster's summer was having, but he remained in the territory and nearby the territory. He hadn't heard from her and was beginning to grow concerned. Had the male been nearby the day of their conversation and heard of the potential plan? Had he killed her after she had given birth and Clay was at fault for the end of her life? It had made him sick to his stomach to think so. He had known vary little of Kait, but he felt himself sick with worry since the day they had met. Maybe it was just as easy that she had changed her mind and decided to stay with the king? Huffing the large male shook out his fur and strode on.

The season had changed and the drought these lands had been suffering from had ended. His time alone had given him more information about Auster and he had discovered that a pack lived not far from here. Though it could provide protection it may be to close to the king Kait would be trying to get away from so Clay was left with trying to figure out more options so he would be prepared if he would find him again. Now that it was cooler Clay had been working hard to get himself into shape again to be prepared if he would have to face the demon king.

The male was just returning to the grove from hunting, a decent sized fawn in his jaws. He wasn't that hungry, but he had planned to bury it and to save it for later. He was headed back towards the area he had been staying in before a familiar, yet different scent caught his attention. Ears perked as he placed the prey on the ground and sniffed at the air. It was Kait and the scent of new mother and milk was mixed in with her own, something he recognized from growing up with his family clan. So she had taken his offer? He was curious and picked up the prey before fallowing her scent trail.

It led him to a den and the male stood by the entrance staring into the darkness of the hole. Setting the prey down again he sniffed the ground around the den catching to more scents by the entrance. These to scents were strange to him and had not been the same faint smell Kait had carried on her fur at their first meeting. Someone else had met up with Kait, not the demon king. Eyes narrowed before he slipped away from the den doing a quick search of the perimeter to be sure no one else was here. Then he returned to the entrance of the den and looked towards the entrance of the den again.

"Kait," he deep vocals quietly called down into the den, wondering if she had really taken his plan to heart.

"Clay Talk", & 'Clay Think"

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
07-09-2017, 04:59 PM
Kaitlyn rested in the cool darkness of the den for some time, letting the little one nurse. He was so little… Gods so little… but her heart went out to him. He was helping her heal with every little guzzle of milk he took and somehow, somehow Kait knew things were going to be okay. Even if she didn’t meet back up with Clay… She could take her new son and make a new life. It took her a while, but eventually the femme settled on a name for him. Baldwin. Her little Baldy, whom she’d raise with love and devotion, just as if he’d been born her own son. He’d know no different… and Kaitlyn found herself able to drift off a little to that thought, getting some rest.

When a voice drifted down to her it was masculine, deep, but not of Lucifer nor of the man who’d been there some time before. It was Clay! Hearing his voice after not seeing him since their initial meeting gave the young woman even more hope than before. Her tail began to thud on the earth, and gently as she could she slipped away from Baldwin, who had contented himself to sleep, before emerging out of the den beside the giant male.

“You’re really back…” Kaitlyn said softly, tears forming in her eyes. She had been fed so many false promises… to see that Clay had actually returned after so long made her happy. She glanced back at the den, feeling excited and nervous at the same time.

“You wouldn’t believe what has happened since we last saw each other. Turns out I’m going to have a little one to raise after all.” She closed her eyes. “He took his children… but… but another man just came and said his mate died in childbirth. Their little son was so tiny… but he needs me.” Kaitlyn opened her eyes again, the tears shining within them. “Do you want to see him?” The femme asked. She looked so relieved… so glad that things were starting to look up. It’d gotten worse before it got better… but now… maybe everything would be okay.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
07-09-2017, 06:18 PM

His ears pricked as he heard the thud of her tail against the earth and he felt relief to know she had gotten away.  Soon after she appeared from the den relieved to see he was here. She had doubted he would come back, but the male kept his word. He was glad to see that she had taken his offer and got away. She then went on to explain what had happened and the male intently listened to her explanation and nodded. Though she had to leave her little ones behind she was free from the demon king, even though Clay was still weary of repercussion from either himself or his queen.

His tail wagged as she spoke of the good news that she will have one little one to raise, one that an older man had brought her. This was good news and it seemed to make her so happy which he was even more glad of. She was excited for him to see the little one also and how could he deny her the joy of sharing her new little bundle. He smiled at her and nodded his head in agreement.

"I would love to see him," he replied with a warm smile. "I have some dinner if your hungry I know you must need it."
"Clay Talk", & 'Clay Think"


Kaitlyn I


6 Years
08-13-2017, 03:31 PM
Kaitlyn gave a happy nod as Clay also said that he brought some dinner along. “That sounds perfect.” Her stomach gave a growl of agreement. With everything happening so fast she’d barely been able to wrap  her head around simple concepts of self care. She hadn’t realized it but she was practically starving… but right now she was going to push her own needs aside for just a little longer. She slipped back into the den, carefully grabbing Baldwin’s scruff in her jaws. The little brute gave no complaints though, allowing himself to be carried to the outside world once more. She set the little one on her forepaws and then looked back up at Clay as her tail gave a slow thud upon the earth. “He’ll need a name…” She paused, looking to her new baby as he wiggled close to her belly to get at her milk. “Will you help me name him?” She felt… at ease now that Clay was here again. His presence made her feel safe… even if naively so. She was clinging to the one thing that seemed sane in her world right now. She lowered her body around the little brute, feeling her own exhaustion wash over her in a wave. She’d been more tired than she realized… but she didn’t want to sleep. Not yet. Not when everything finally felt like it was going to be okay again.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.