
Hold on to me



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

07-31-2017, 07:40 PM

Tiburtius found a flat portion of land for him to lay on near the top of the waterfall. Unlike most he wasn't looking down over the view of the water. He was turned toward the border, looking in the direction of Abaven that was just a short distance away on the other side. He used to catch Finch's scent along the border from time to time, but lately he hadn't found any trace of her at all. He noticed her father's scent was also noticeably absent and he was beginning to grow worried. He wanted to stop being worried and stop caring, but it was hard. Where did she go and why would she leave without saying a word to him?

He sighed and forced himself to look away. He looked down the waterfall for a while, watching the water tumble down over the rocks. Eventually he pushed himself to his paws and gave himself a shake to get the dust out of his fur. His giant paws carried him down along the hill, slowly making his way down along the river bank. For a moment he just let all his thoughts drift away and he just listened to the rush of the water. It was calming and numbing, but it certainly didn't solve any problems.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
08-03-2017, 06:38 PM

It was about high time she started to forget about her crush. Having a crush on a man that lived so far away was bad to begin with. She knew that, but something about him had just drawn her. What if Talis decided to attack Fiori? Because of her comfort with Kharnage. Heather was not the one to easily lose people, her head went into a tizzy she knew she had illness of the mind but she wasn't open about it unless it came to family. Working through it was even harder. Part of her wanted to demand kharnage from Dragon and another part of her knew she'd be biting off more than she could chew. Besides, that would be selfish and Kharnage no doubt would hate her forever if she did that. In the midst of these thoughts though she saw Tib near the falls. Her ears pulled forward as she saw his expression. Almost seemed like he was trying to get over someone as well but Heather wasn't that smart she was making assumptions.

Carefully the queen went to approach the young man. "Hi Tiburtius." she smiled towards him. Maybe it was the pressure around him after all she knew there'd been a lot of just subtle drama around. Sadness engulfing others because of one reason or another. She was hoping the celebration she had planned would help keep everyone's mind off things. "The falls is a good place to clear your mind, but you can share your troubles with me if you're having any." who was she kidding he didn't know her.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-04-2017, 08:37 AM
Tiburtius glanced up with surprise when he heard Heather's voice greeting him over the rushing sound of the falls. He stopped and turned toward her with a small, polite bow. After all, she was the queen now. If he had noticed her earlier he would have done a more proper, more positive greeting, but as it was she caught him with his emotions on his sleeve. "Hello, Heather. It's good to see you." He really hadn't spoken to Heather like this before which was odd now that he thought about it. There were actually lots of wolves here that he had no real connection with even though he grew up in the same pack as them. He remembered seeing Heather and her siblings next to Leo at the first meeting after they were born. He was still very young then of course, but the idea that he grew up right next to all of these wolves that he hadn't had a one on one conversation with was a startling realization.

His brows lifted with surprise at her invitation to share his troubles with her. He chuckled a little and glanced away with a sad smile. "That obvious, huh?" He sighed softly and looked back at her with a shrug. "It's nothing really. I have a... friend that lives in Abaven, but I haven't seen her in a long time and I haven't smelled her scent near the border recently. So I'm just a little worried." There was much more to it than that, but that seemed like a nice condensed version. "It seems like Bass' scent is fading from the borders too... Makes me curious over what's going on over there." Hopefully that would distract from his trouble with girls. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't his first concern either.



3 Years
08-07-2017, 01:15 AM

So she'd been right, well - she kind of did herself proud on that one. Heather really was surprised that he was willing to share anything. Of course he was here when she grew up, but she too had been so intwined in her duties. Well perhaps it was time that stopped. The pack needed more interaction with each other anyway. If what alfred said was true they could use a lot more proactive members now. "I see, I come to the falls often to clear my mind.... it's something I have to do often." she didn't mind sharing her weaknesses with pack members. Her ears twitched a bit. "If it makes you feel better perhaps I can drop by Abaven and see what's going on. Even if it's bad news I feel like closure helps with everything." her tail flicked. She needed to see what sort of pack this Abaven was anyway.

"And friend sounds more like you had a crush on this girl." Heather grinned, not being able to help take notice to his pause. "I do apologize.... it's never an easy thing not knowing what's going on with someone." she frowned. Knowing that she'd felt the same when her mother went missing, the day something really had gone wrong with her. "But regardless, you'll need to perk up! The celebration will be soon and Jackson could use some help when he calls for the hunt. I'm hoping it instigates a bit of proactive culture within the pack. Do you think that's a good idea?" Heather asked curiously.


Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

09-03-2017, 11:15 PM

Tiburtius smiled gratefully with a nod when Heather offered to stop by Abaven and investigate. "If you'd like someone to accompany you I'd be happy to join you," he offered, partially because he wanted to get a closer look himself and partially just because he felt like it was his job to help protect their queen. He was one of the fighters after all. He was sure Heather could protect herself, but it never hurt to have back up, right? Normally he would have no fear of going to Abaven's borders, but with Bass's scent fading he really didn't know what to expect from the pack.

He chuckled awkwardly and a bit too loudly to cover up his internal embarrassment as she pointed out the fact that it seemed like he had a crush on Finch. He waved the thought away with his front paw and glanced away from Heather. How could he admit that he thought it had been more than a crush and he just had never found the guts to say it? It wasn't like anything had ever come of it anyway. All of this time and he had just been left broken hearted again. Twice he thought he had been in love and twice it just vanished without a trace. He was beginning to think he was cursed.

He brought his gaze back to Heather again when she mentioned the celebration and the pack hunt. He smiled at her enthusiasm and nodded in agreement to her question. "I'd love to see us all do something together. I know I haven't really been the best pack member... But I need to get my head back in the right place." Focusing on the here and the now instead of on things he couldn't control was really what he needed. If he was going to have any hope of getting over Finch he was going to have to stop sulking at Abaven's borders. What better way to do that then to give back to the pack that had given him a home for almost his entire life?

"Talk" "You" Think