



5 Years
Dire wolf

11-15-2017, 12:15 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2017, 01:11 PM by Amon.)
Alrighty guys, I've got some Abraxas readopts for all y'all to peruse. The designs can be kept or changed, up to you! Along with each available design I'll post a short bio so you know what they've been up to. Please only apply if you feel confident in posting about once a week! A month without posting and/or setting them inactive may provoke them being reclaimed! <3

Right now the family is getting ready to embark on their quest for conquest! Two of these available wolves, Lilith and Archon, are of Amon's first litter and he will want them to be particularly active in the coming events! If you want to get in on some of the Abraxi goodness, these would be a good bet. I'll be slightly more picky with them than with his half-brother! So, without further ado...

LILITH ABRAXAS - 3 Yr.o // Birth Season: Winter
Design: Here

Lilith is the youngest of Amon's first litter. As a pup, she was trained in battle and strategy, encouraged to have a biting intellect. She took an interest in healing, but this could be changed if you like. She was the smallest of the litter (also able to be changed of course) but it did influence her personality into something more manipulative. Not afraid of using her looks to get what she wants. Lilith developed an especially close relationship with Archon; it might be fun for their next players to maintain that? Each of the pups would have been instilled with a deeply ingrained sense of familial loyalty and respect for their kin (and most likely a bit of fear of Amon, ngl.) All of Amon's children were encouraged to adopt his level headed mindset. He will not tolerate reckless behavior which endangers the family from any of his children, but beyond that feel free to alter the personality as you see fit!

ARCHON ABRAXAS - 3 Yr.o // Birth Season: Winter
Design: Here

Archon is the second eldest son of Amon. He is also 45" inches, so that's pretty dope. Archon was played primarily with a nigh-desperate drive to prove himself worthy to his father and his family. Just like the others, he was raised to both respect and fear his family name, and with the knowledge that their lineage of the Fallen God makes them among the most superior creatures to walk the face of the earth. He's certainly not a humble lad. Amon expects all of his children to be particularly careful about their lineage, and he would have emphasized this more strongly with the boys, seeing as it is far easier for them to mindlessly procreate. For Archon, I ask only that his respect and loyalty stay in tact.

PHENEX ABRAXAS - 4 Yr.o // Birth Season: Autumn
Design: Here

Phenex is Amon's half-brother and the only one created so far in his litter. I would happily toss up some other siblings for adopt if it is something his new player wanted to see brought in. He's pretty much a clean slate and a wild card. He would have received the same education as Amon about the Fallen God's power, and would have grown up seeing Amon in action as his father's side, along with the rest of Amon's siblings. Amon left home when Phenex was 1 to rear his own children. Canon is that Phenex grew tired of their father's erratic ways and has come to track Amon down and give him aid. Feel free to do whatever you like with Phenex's personality or design. Still, I would prefer players apply for characters meant to help the family as opposed to cause trouble within. We'll be making plenty of that on our own soon enough, I promise!

If you would like to apply, please fill out the following application!
<b>Applying For:</b> Lilith, Archon, or Phenex
<b>Changing Name?</b> Y/N? If yes, post new name
<b>Changing Design?</b> Y/N
<b>Personality:</b> At least 150 words
<b>Plans:</b> Goals/plot ideas/etc

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



7 Years
Extra large
11-15-2017, 12:47 PM
Applying For: Archon,
Changing Name? Nope
Changing Design? No
Personality: Archon is not a modest creature to say the least, the Abraxas holds his lineage in high regard and he does not deign to bow to any but his own blood line. He is a prince in his own mind and he makes sure all those around him know it. He is rightfully above those outside his family, their godly origin he wears like a badge. He will not let any mortal he meets forget their place before him, he is not a kind deity. He keeps his bloodlust behind a wall of regality and kept in check by his father's reminders to not act brash.

Still when among his family the man will humble himself, they are the most important thing to him. They are all divine in their nature and therefore worthy of his respect and humility. Not that they will always get along of course but the prince knows his place among them, those older than himself he will defer to but he will also assert his dominance over those younger of himself, there is little that could ever convince him to turn against his family.

The one wolf he holds above anyone else is his father. If Amon ordered him to kill his own siblings he'd do so with impunity. The prince sees himself as his father's natural heir and he craves nothing more than to prove that fact. His father's is the most driving force in the man's life and he needs to stand beside the man more than life itself.

Plans: With the news of Amon's designs reaching him he'd be more desperate than ever to prove himself to his father, he might also be starting to feel a bit of the tug of the responsibility of his blood line and would starting to feel like it's time he finds a woman who would provide the Abraxas line with strong good children. I'd love to keep him close to Lilith (which could maybe play into that latter point? IDK Up to her player) He'll probably be clamoring Amon to give him things to do to help him in his plan.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
11-15-2017, 01:27 PM
Applying For: Archon
Changing Name? new name- Achilles Tendon (JK!)
Changing Design? Nooo byy nooooo
Personality: Archon is proud of both his lineage and family and he's not afraid to show it. He is driven to help to bring his family's name to the forefront of everyone's mind, and why shouldn't he- they're incredible specimens.

Speaking of incredible, this man will settle for nothing less in a potential mate. He knows he must find one and that he will sire pups to spread his bloodline, but he will not allow any stray females to cause his purpose to falter. One might even say that he doesn't experience true attraction, and perhaps that is true. He is driven only by family. His family's goals are his own.

This, however, is not to say he doesn't have his own thoughts or ideas, simply that they take a backstage to the overall goals of his family. By himself, he thinks the mortals of the world are fascinating in their own cute little way and he wishes to explore and understand their world. They are amusing.

He thinks that his own life far surpasses anything their minds could even muster and that those mortals must be grasping at thin trails of smoke to even begin to experience life with the vivid richness and complexity that he and his family do. Though he is not always outwardly cruel to them, they are only slightly more than prey: perhaps a test, here in this realm, to keep him and his family from rising to their rightful place.

He has no qualms about killing. He is unafraid of fights. He is, after all, a god in his own right.

Archon knows, however, that his father who he both adores and fears, will lead his family to victory and he will follow Amon's word without question nor hesitation.

Plans: Reunite with the fam! I bet he'll want to go have some fun with his siblings. He intends to drag someone along on his observations of mortal culture until Amon is ready to strike. Perhaps he'll even learn something that will help them in their plans. I want to RP him more with his siblings and family to kind of grow his personality. I think I'm gonna work on getting his gems up a bit to buy him a companion forril.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



5 Years
Dire wolf
11-15-2017, 01:34 PM
I will think on it today but def might apply for lillie

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
11-17-2017, 09:33 PM
Applying For: Rahovart
Changing Name? Yes - Ronovae
Changing Design? Nope - linking this here so I don't lose it, click
Personality: Ronovae is a force to be reckoned with. Her personality is something akin to storm. Of course if you asked her she'd say something along the lines of "I'm not the storm, I'm a damn hurricane." She's bold, she can be arrogant, but most of all she wants to be recognized. Anywhere she goes she aims to make a statement where she can. She is an Abraxas, a child of Amon, and she wants the world to know her name as well as her family's. She's there to make a name for herself and make the world fall on its knees and bow to her like the royalty she is. She's not all spoiled, bratty princess either. While she has that arrogant air about her it's because she feels like she's done something to earn it. She carries it because she deserves to be recognized and seen as that all powerful force that could turn your world upside down. The vibes that surround her are toned down in the presence of her family, but that same fierceness burns just the same anywhere she goes.

She's loyal, as many are within the family, but she's blindly so. Her devotion to the Abraxas, and their cause, knows no limits. While she'll make exceptions to those outside the family those bonds aren't as strong as those within. The minute someone turns on her or her family she'll unleash a fury worse than hell itself. This also extends to those her father dislikes or distrusts. It doesn't matter if she knows your or not - she's going to share those same feelings.

She's still fairly young so she can be brash at times, but only in times of high stress. She does her best to be more militant and reserved, like Amon, but it's still a flaw she's working on. There are times where her emotions get the best of her and its rip faces off ask questions later. More times than not though she tries her hardest to ignore that part of her and slow down to make the best decision possible before she acts on it.

In the same sense she has a bit of a temper on her. After all she wants to be the destroyer of the mortal realm, the reaper of souls, so it doesn't take much to push her buttons if you know exactly how to push. As mentioned before her love for her family is a weakness just as much as it is a strength. She's fiercely protective of them, even if they don't need protecting, and that's something that won't ever change. She's also quite stubborn and often won't change her mind once its made. Arguing with her is near impossible as she's determined to win every single time, even if she's wrong. She accepts her faults though and in due time she plans on working on them to make herself the perfect example of an Abraxas.
Plans: To reunite with her family. She left in the first place because she felt like she was failing to be a perfect child so she went to go explore the world and learn all she could. She wants to come back with full force and prove that she is a worthy to be the child of Amon. Once she learns that Amon is planning to move against the mortals she'll want to jump in head first. Eventually she'll also want to perform her duties and find a worthy male to provide the next line of Abraxas. I'm mostly looking for family threads so she can reconnect, as well as train, and then maybe some smaller plots so she can possibly rile up some mortals.



4 Years
11-22-2017, 03:37 PM
Applying For: Lilith
Changing Name? Nope
Changing Design? No just her height to be 35"
Personality: While not the largest of the Abraxas family she is certainly one of the most cunning. She's not a top strategist but that never stopped her. She's a thinker, constantly her mind turns with the ways she can out think her competition. She considers herself to be one of the most beautiful godlings around. Beautiful and deadly.

She is a herbologist and a specialist in poisons. She's learned from the best to do what she does best. Her victims would never suspect a thing either. After all who would look at a healer and see something so deadly. Her face shows no sign of her deadly nature, she is a master of concealment. She appears to all as a quiet and friendly healer. Yet beneath the surface there are demons about, just as ready to poison you as to truly heal you.

Family is an important value to this girl though. They are the few that she can count on to back her up as nothing but an honest healer. She counts on them to fight for her, though be no fool, she can fight just as well. She just prefers to use her other talents to kill. She isn't afraid to have blood on her paws but why make herself a bloody mess if she doesn't have to?

Despite all this bravado and ferocity, there exists a hint of fear in the girl. Fear of none other than her own father. In her own beliefs he may even be the reincarnation of the fallen god. She must be perfect to do him proud and keep from bringing his ire unto her. Mortals must be scorned and only the strong would be looked to to father her children. But no mortal being will taint her children, as she would never allow one to raise her children with her.
Plans: Perhaps have her come back with a child that she's been grooming for "perfection"(likely only a season old or less), definitely want her to come back and be more active with the family, She'll Likely want to keep to her father's pack (unless Archon makes one and she's close to him), Probably will aim for a higher position like head healer or a tier two, she will be more into poisons but will definitely be a healer definitely will be getting her a cobra and flying fox bat as her companions after i get her posts and gems up, also for any that want war paint i intend to have her figure out how to make dyes and paintbrushes

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



4 Years
11-22-2017, 07:58 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2017, 09:48 PM by Tyranis.)
Might pan a few of the details out better later
Applying For: Lilith
Changing Name? No
Changing Design? No


Some might call Lilith the Queen of Lies and it would be a far cry from wrong, for most it is hard to tell where Lilith- The true Lilith- starts and where the lies end. Unassuming and small for an Abraxas, it’s hard to consider her much of a threat and with a body as shapely as hers with glistening fur and bright wide eyes, it’s just as hard not to be charmed by her as well. The only one truly safe from the various masks she wears is her beloved brother Archon who she has never in her life been able to lie to or hold any malice toward. The remainder of her family- especially with the latest siblings she’s acquired are forfeit.


Like the fire she so closely resembles Lilith burns passionately in her desire to outshine the rest of her family. Lilith will do whatever is necessary to get what she wants with her ultimate goal of being the most feared and renown Abraxas in mind. In her pursuit of greatness, she has exceeded the knowledge of poison and has learned to make remarkable tinctures that are nothing short of potions for whatever she needs; comatose sleep, inoculation, and of course death.


Although her family insists on expanding their lineage Lilith has no such plans or desires to bear children. She has no interest in men- or women for that matter and refuses to resign herself to being a broodmare simply because her father and her family demand it. She tries to keep an open mind but ultimately has little interest in intimate relationships. Lilith is far too driven to bother raising children and is more than convinced no one will ever please her enough to be considered her lover.  


Lilith carries a good amount of baggage with her; from her father’s demanding nature to her beloved brother’s compliance to their father’s will. She has gained several grudges that range from mild annoyances to fully fledge spite and those at the core of her ire she wishes to destroy entirely. In spite of her rebellious and passionate nature she does wish to prove her worth to her father, specifically by exceeding the expectations he had of her and any expectations he might have had for himself as well. None of her family members have earned the all-consuming hate she is fully capable of once she has been crossed no ocean or mountain will keep her from her vengeance

Plans: Going straight to Dauntless, Fox has all the details

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



5 Years
Dire wolf

11-23-2017, 09:44 PM
Alrighty guys!!! Thank you all for applying, this was a super tough choice! <3

Congrats to Iko, Fen, and Shrap!

I'm excited to see Archon, Lillith, and Ronovae in play!!! (:

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!


11-23-2017, 11:06 PM
Applying For: Phenex

Changing Name? No

Changing Design? No


Phenex is proud. He's proud of both himself any anyone that may be in his family. To Phenex, they're demigods, so much better than the mortals. Nothing could ever come close to how great they are. Maybe it's his pride, directed towards his family, that makes him want to bring a new generation into the world. A part of him feels like he owes that to the family, although a part of him deep down is repulsed by it. He figures that he needs to push that part of him aside for now, at least until he can spread his royal blood.

While he knows that he's not the most intelligent wolf, and hates himself for it, Phenex holds no pity for the naive or oblivious. If they plan to live their whole lives knowing nothing, then they deserve anything and everything that may come their way. He refuses to respect them, and they'll be treated in a way that makes it obvious. He refuses to be like that, and he wants to know everything. He hates being kept out of the loop, or unaware of something. He wants to know about every little object, event, or being that he may happen across.

Phenex is quick to anger. Anything that rubs him the wrong way, which is a lot of things with his obsession for order and information, causes him anger. While other wolves may feel slight, grumbly anger or annoyance, Phenex finds himself furious within a short amount of time, so mad that it puts those around him in danger. Phenex becomes snappy, although with actions rather than words. He's so quick to attack, and to want to get rid of whatever is making him so angry.

Some of the reasons for his short temper may be that he's hardly ever fully rested. Although he doesn't like to talk about it, afraid that he'd give his weakness away, he suffers from night terrors. The terrors range from blazing fires to deep water to huge, terrifying beasts that swallow everything in their path. Sometimes these terrors feature his father's sharp teeth and blazing eyes. They cause Phenex to wake in a panic, some of these panics so bad enough that he doesn't know that he's awake, that it was just a dream. He'll try and defend himself from these terrors even when he's awake. A part of him believes that these may just be messages from his ancestors, something important.

Phenex is a wolf of habit and order. Everything has to be the same. If nothing is wrong with how he goes about his day, then he finds no reason to fix it. He hunts the same way each and every time, and eats the same way as well; the liver first, then the heart, then the haunches and the tongue last. He gets up at the same time every day, thirty minutes before sunrise, twisting and stretching before starting his day.

Although it's not often, sometimes Phenex gets stuck on the same step, repeating it over and over, and it can escalate in stressful situations. When he was on his own and forced out of his pack, it became worse. Sometimes, it's pacing, back and forth. Other times, it's just a slight sway of his head, a mild repetitive behavior. Other times, it's worse, with Phenex biting at his legs, digging but finding no answers to calm him. Although he tires himself out eventually, it's worrying. Even with Phenex convincing himself that it's a result of messages from the gods, he knows that he cannot tell the others. They would turn against him if they knew, and while he may be able to handle a fight, he could not take them on, all against one.

Plans: Maybe has one litter to contribute to the family and is a terrible father? Another one is that one of the family finds out about his tendencies and he has to get away/defend himself? (If we went for this one, I'd kinda like him to make it out somehow, even if it's by escaping.)



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
11-24-2017, 04:41 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2017, 04:42 PM by Tealah.)
Applying For: Phenex
Changing Name? No
Changing Design? No - maybe. Possibly to change eyes to blue/silver, still thinking about if I want to or not

Night Terrors
Compulsive Behaviors

Phenex shows great pride in himself and his heritage, bordering on a sort of aggressive arrogance that allows no opposing viewpoints. The Abraxas are the best, the greatest, and the fiercest creatures, with no rivals among the mortals, and their way is the best, greatest, and only way. This often leads the hot-headed male into trouble with his take-no-quarter-give-none attitude, as he will find himself giving and taking great offense when disagreeing on this point with others, which in turn will quite often end in violence.

Phenex is quick to anger and quick to violence anyway, as belligerent and confrontational as a weasel. If you have ever seen a stoat take after a rabbit twice their size without hesitation, or a wolverine defending itself against a wolf or bear, then you have an idea of Phenex's own attitude toward a confrontation. Which is to say, he throws himself into violence with little care for himself or a great deal of thought as to whether it is entirely appropriate to the situation. "Hot-headed" would certainly be an accurate description of this Abraxas.

He has very little patience with other ways and opinions in general. He isn't one to be compassionate and coax along a shy or nervous wolf, or put up with what he might see as an overabundance of caution or debate. He is a wolf of action, a my-way-or-the-highway wolf with no patience at all for other creatures' flaws and absolutely none for excuses and whining.

Phenex's act first, think later approach to life gives him a well earned reputation as something of an irresponsible, reckless daredevil. Actions speak louder than words and brave deeds impress more than caution after all. A single impressive act will be remembered far longer than any amount of prudence, so why hold back? Hesitate and die. Seek glory and live forever.

Phenex's impulsive behavior comes, if one is to be brutally honest, from deep seated psychological trauma and self-doubt. He was born in a litter of five healthy pups who were removed young from the mortal who birthed them and subjected to the same training and education of their elder half-siblings. Two pups, a male and a female, were culled from their number within the first few months of their lives for their weakness. The female, shy and fearful, prone to tears, had been the first. Their brother, nervous and compassionate and in many ways effeminate, had followed. Two more siblings disappeared shortly after they turned a year old, and Phenex was uncertain if they were alive, though he suspected and feared they too had been culled. This has led him to fear, deep down, that his entire litter was flawed at the very core. That he was flawed, weak, and should - would - be killed as well. His actions are deep down a desperate attempt to prove that he is every inch the perfection demanded by his birthright, and that he is untainted by the contamination of the female who whelped him and the siblings who had suckled her beside him.

Like a high strung and neurotic border collie, his constant high level of anxiety and fear has led to other, even less healthy neuroses in an attempt to release some of the excessive stress. One way this manifests itself is in horrific night terrors and waking nightmares. Night terrors that grip him in a stranglehold as he writhes whimpering and twitching but unable to wake, sometimes even stopping his breathing. Rarer, nightmares that send him into waking in a rush of terrified fury, with eyes still blinded and mind fogged by the dream, and teeth and claws ready to rend anyone near. Sometimes when exhaustion and fear catch up to him in the lonely dark, nightmarish almost-hallucinations, paranoid visions in the corners of his eyes that he can't quite shake.

There are times during his waking hours that compulsive actions manifest in him. Times when he grooms himself too excessively, when he licks and chews at whatever fur he can reach, particularly his paws, until sores form and in some places begin to bleed. When he scratches excessively at simple bug bites (real or imagined) or licks at wounds so obsessively they reopen. He shrugs it off when asked, with blithe lies that he had hurt himself doing something foolishly reckless, and follow with an embellished tale of some fake exploit or other.
Plans: basically, to be the family's attack dog when needed, mostly to struggle to find his place, to make a name for himself both within his family and without, to make his family name known and respected by all means necessary, to come to terms with his own flaws. Eventually to consider raising his own litter to bring glory to the Abraxas name.



5 Years
Dire wolf

11-25-2017, 12:25 PM
Woo, Phenex gets some love too! <3 Both apps look great, guys!

Tea, I love the changes you've made to his personality! I'm excited to see what you do with him!

Sorry Croa, it's just too similar to Magpie's original app. Maybe next time, though!

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!