
And I'm king of the rock! And there's nothing you girls can do about it!



1 Year
Dire wolf
02-24-2018, 12:35 PM
He clambered out of the den after a much needed nap. Their mom hadn't let them leave yet but he was determined to do so now.  He had gotten den bound for too long now. He sprinted out while their mother was out checking her traps. It was high time they got out of the den. "Come on losers!" mom really hated it when he called his brothers and sisters that.

He bounced past the clearing and into the woods around their home, not caring whether his siblings followed or not. He was the biggest and strongest so nothing could ever hurt him. He bounded up to a stump and grinned as he set to climbing up on top of it. He was gonna be their leader one day so it only stood to reason that he would claim the highest perch they could get to at their size. Of course Monty was super small so he had no chance of getting to Blaise.



1 Year
02-25-2018, 01:53 AM

Inside. He liked it here. This was his den, his home and everything he knew up until now. It was cozy and nice, they had plenty of food, why would anyone want to leave? The little cub could not understand why Blaise seemed so anxious to place his little paw outside. Was it something he did not know? The outside world was full of creatures, some big and some small but every single one of them had teeth bigger of them and claws bigger than them...everything was bigger than them. The violet puc shook his cranium in dissaproval just before golden optics notices the shadow of his sibling runnng towards the exit of their den and stepping into the sun, into the outside. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. What was he doing? Oh no. Come back. came the yelp of the tiny cub, barely above a whisper, hardly audible. What was he going to do? He was the runt, the tinies one, the lowest in the food chain. But he had to bring him back, right? With trembling tea-cup paws the violet cub headed towards the exit, woobly paws shaking with fear of what was beyond the line of the shadows followed his sibling pawsteps. Pace lessing as he approached before he came to a complete stop at the border between den and The Outside. Blaise.. he yelped one more time after his brother yet he was no where in sight. His bat-like ears, to big for his own skull, flatted upon his head as his tail was tucked carefully between his legs. I do not think w-we should do that. he tried again, an octave higher this time in the hope that he is still near by, listening. M-Ma-Mamma will be mad. he continued his pleading, his voice trembling along side his frail bodice. The sun was up in the sky, illuminating the forest and everything around them, forcing the young cub to squeeze his optics. Blaise..I..Imma tell on you.


html by castlegraphics; image by lupen-studios
His family members are always welcome in ANY of his threads.



9 Years
Extra large
02-25-2018, 08:24 PM

He was on his way back from another successful hunt. He was bringing back a small boar this time, something a little different for Jewell and the kids to gnaw on. It was a rather fat boar and somewhat awkward to drag, but the tall male was managing as best as he could. The pups were getting older now and soon maybe Jewell would be taking them out of the den to explore their home and to meet others in the pack. It would be fun to have to new blood keeping everyone on their toes and hopefully there would be plenty of mentors in the pack willing to help the young ones learn and grow. He could hear feint voices ahead and he paused to see if he could hear who it was, but he was to far yet to make out who it was. It was slightly off the path to Jewell's den, but he could at least stop and greet the fellow pack members.

He drug his quarry along with him, not wanting to leave it out of his sight until he could get it to the family so they could eat. He knew Jewell had traps, but this was the only way Frost knew how to help her out right now. His eyes caught the sight of the large pup on top of the stump ahead and Frost knew who they belonged to, it was easy to know. He also saw the smallest of the group to. The older male's tail wagged as he drug his quarry a little closer before laying it on the ground.

"And what do you two think your doing?" he questioned wondering why in fact they were away from the den without their mother.

"Frost Talk", & 'Frost Think'



4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
03-07-2018, 02:08 PM
With a huge yawn, Toulouse's eyes rolled open lazily, and his rather large head and giant ears raked the ground of dirt and dust. Lifting his head, he looked around the cave and groaned, pulling himself into a huge stretch, and a wild yawn, Late already... Rotten start to the day. With a shake, and watching in silent satisfaction as the dirt and dust fell, he walked lazily toward the cave mouth. Blinking into the sun lit space before him, he stopped, only for a moment, before setting his eyes off on his favorite toy's illuminated visage; Montague. A deep curl came to his lips, and he slowly edged closer, the sway of his tail increasing as he drew nearer to his prey. Stopping indefinitely, he debated on the trouble he'd get into, looking back into the den to survey where his sister lay, and his mother, whether she was inside or not, Even if I do get in trouble, it'll be so sweet to watch him freak out!

With that, the boy launched himself as fast as his burly paws could carry him straight into Montague. With a bark, he tumbled head over heels, tripping over his floppy paws and bowled into his brother. As Toulouse stopped moving, a deep laugh bellowed from his stomach and he tilted his head back, "One 'mall step, Monty! Jus one and you're in 'da world!" It wasn't until he could catch his breath that he realized they were with another, one whose coloring was earthy, and strangely reminded him of the first storm he saw. "Hiya! I'm Toulouse!" He untangled himself from the purple, white, and yellow frail creature, and made sure to push his brother a little further into the dirt as he rose. Tail wagging profusely, he pranced toward the other and sat a little bit away, lifting his hind leg to scratch at the base of his ear and neck. His eyes fell upon the lump near the male in front of him, and he peered around at it, "Wat is dat!" His interest clearly upon the animal that smelled faintly of blood, and he wanted to know what it was. He licked his lips slightly impatiently.