
One Last Easter Egg



03-30-2018, 05:45 PM
Hear ye, hear ye!

With the Spring Fling coming to a close soon, we have one more surprise to offer you to celebrate springtime: a pack contest!

We are down five packs right now and staff have decided that we will be holding a pack creation contest. The rules are simple: You must not already have a primary alpha, your would-be alpha character must be a year old, be a wolf or a canine over 23" tall, and must have a mere fifty posts to qualify. No activity requirement, no follower requirement. Just fifty posts! Simple! Just one catch:

You must fill out and post in this thread a nomination form to include all of your potential pack's information and some form of explanation as to why your pack should be chosen. You have two weeks from today to get your nomination in - April 13th at 11:59 PM we will close all nominations! No nomination may be edited after that point or will be disqualified. Any nomination not finished at that point will also be disqualified. All the nominations will be put into a poll, and we will hold a site-wide vote for everyone's favorite pack idea!

There will be two prizes given out. The second highest scoring person will receive their pack, with their choice of land! So if the second highest gets their pack, what does the first highest pack get? They get their pack too! But they get not one, but TWO lands of their choice! That's right, folks, we're giving out two separate packs here, so step right up and apply now!

A note: If your desired alpha character does not currently meet the requirements you may still post your pack here. As long as they meet the requirements before we close the contest they will be included in the poll. Otherwise they will be disqualified from the voting round.

<b>Alpha:</b> <a href="URL">Name</a>
<b>Proposed name:</b>
<b>Proposed color:</b>
<b>Proposed lands:</b> (first and second choice)

<b>Why You Should Vote for Me:</b> (what makes your pack unique? what sets you apart and above the other packs?)

<b><u>PACK INFORMATION</b></u>

<b>Tier 1 Rank</b>: Rank
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 2 Rank</b>: Rank
[b]Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 3 Rank</b>: Rank
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 4 Rank</b>: Rank
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 5 Rank</b>: (if any)
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Tier 6 Rank</b>: (If any)
<b>Description</b>: Description

<b>Laws</b>: What will your pack laws be?

Daemon I


3 Years
03-31-2018, 12:01 AM
Alpha: Daemon
Proposed name: Sparta
Proposed color: #008080(teal)
Proposed lands: The Orchard and Buffalo Knolls

Why You Should Vote for Me: (what makes your pack unique? what sets you apart and above the other packs?)


Tier 1 Rank: King
Description: The highest position in the pack. This is always to be filled with a male, usually two males will hold this position with power split equally among them.
Tier 2 Rank: Prince
[b]Description: The heir to the kingdom. This is chosen by both kings, and always a male. He is groomed to become the future king should the current ones fall or retire. he is at age two allowed to accept new members and assign ranks of tier 3 and below.

Tier 2 Rank: Strategos
[b]Description: The top ranking soldiers and hunters of the pack. There are two positions available here, and only given to the most experienced or those that can prove they deserve this rank. They act as the seconds to the kings. They are the guards to the king's childrens and are given exclusive rights to put members they feel have broken the laws into a tier 5 rank. They have their pick of women in the pack directly after the kings.
Tier 2 Rank: Matriarch
[b]Description: The top ranking female. She is usually the favorite of the ruling male, and the most talented healer in the pack. She has scraped her way to the top to gain privileges that are hers alone. she may place those she feels need it into the tier five positions. she may also hold celebrations and ceremonies. She may leave the territory as she pleases, so long as she returns each time. She may not be bred by any but the kings.  

Tier 3 Rank: Mediki
[b]Description: The healers of the pack. they are charged with the health of the pack. They are in charge of keeping the herb stores stocked and aiding females who are giving birth. they may choose a woman so long as she is not taken if they so choose. this rank ins made up of males mostly, but a few privileged females that prove themselves may take up this rank.
Tier 3 Rank: Leucrta
Description: The females and mother's of the pack. They are to be respected though if they do not produce a litter by their fifth heat season may be forced to conceive by a tier 3 or higher male. If they are paired to a male they may remarry to gain a male that can preform better. are not allowed to leave the territory without a soldier to guard them. they are allowed to learn the healers trade should they find an interest in such things.
Tier 3 Rank: Soldier
[b]Description: The fighters of the pack. They are charged with protecting the pack and borders. They are free to choose a woman should they wish to, so long as the woman is not already taken. males are the only ones to hold this rank.
Tier 3 Rank: kynigi
[b]Description: The hunters of the pack. they are to feed those that cannot feed themselves and keep the prey stores stocked. They may call pack hunts, and organize hunts for the journeys of the pack. they may choose a woman who is not already taken if they so choose. this rank is made of only males.

Tier 4 Rank: Mothake
[b]Description: Children born into the pack. They will be placed here until they are old enough to take on a Journey position, to begin training for their purpose in the pack. They must stay within pack lands, and listen to their elders and those of ranks. they may be punished only by their parents and those of tier 1.
Tier 4 Rank: Journey
[b]Description: The apprentices of the pack. These are usually given one teacher to teach them a trade, but may request to be given a new teacher if they feel a pull towards a different purpose. They are given daily chores, usually to take elders and new mother's prey and change bedding if needed.
Tier 4 Rank: Denizen
Description: The main populace of the pack. These are those that have newly joined and have no rank yet. They may be kicked from the pack if they do not begin working towards a skill or job within one OC month of joining.

Tier 5 Rank: Helot
Description: These are the slaves of the kingdom. Usually this rank is given to prisoners of war or those forcibly claimed into the pack. They must obey all orders and are not allowed to breed. They live to serve all member of the pack tier four or higher. They may only be punished by those of rank 2 or above.
Tier 5 Rank: Drudge
[b]Description: These are those within the pack that have broken the laws in some way. They must work to regain the trust and grace of the empire. They are to obey all tier 4 and above members but rank above some others in this tier so may therefore give small errands or tasks to others on this category. They may not leave the territory without proper permissions. only tier 2 and above may punish or release these members from their rank.


(wip will finish in the morning its 1 am here and i'm tired)



8 Years

Treat 2019
03-31-2018, 03:52 AM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2018, 11:08 AM by Tealah.)
Alpha: Enrico (Mask)
Proposed name: Niente
Proposed color: #121110
Proposed lands: Sparse Pines and SS Antiox

Why You Should Vote for Me: Niente would be what might be classified as a hard neutral/soft dark - they might break your legs if you cross them, but they won't feed your children to alligators, you know? This allows for a wide variety of personalities and alignments in their ranks. The guild setup is also fairly unique, as this pack puts equal importance on fighters, hunters, healers, navigators, crafters, and traders in allowing them to exercise their path and gain rank. The hunters that feed the pack are no less important than the fighters that defend it, and the navigators that gather information about the world around them no less necessary than the healers that keep them healthy. Crafters and traders work together with the other ranks to make and trade necessary items that make life easier for the pack, and bring in new items and wealth from afar. Everyone is valued, necessary, and expected to pull their own weight.


Tier 1

Tiercel - Enrico, the primary alpha. His is the final say in all pack matters.
Sarcel - Enrico’s second in command. As this rank represents a close bond and immense trust and Enrico does not easily trust anyone, it is unlikely to ever be filled, but if it is the Sarcel will hold nearly all the same power as the Tiercel.
Passager - the heir to the pack.. This will be reserved for a trusted young wolf, either a pup or yearling, who will be groomed to leadership - not necessarily leadership of Niente either, as they are encouraged to go out into the world and begin their own pack when they come of age, rather than stagnate and waste the skills they’ve learned. As they learn and grow older they will slowly earn privileges and responsibilities and will eventually be nearly equal to the Sarcel, though they may not promote anyone past Tier 3, nor may they punish a pack member in a permanent manner (major maims or removal from the pack) without consulting the Tiercel.

Tier 2

Alula - You could call these three wolves betas, though in actuality they are somewhat closer to what might be ambassadors. They are experienced and wise wolves who act as counselors to the members of the pack in an advisory capacity, as teachers, and can be trusted to represent Niente to the rest of the world. Their judgement has been deemed sound, and so they are trusted to know when it is safe to open their borders to new members, what information is safe to share with outsiders, and to carry sensitive messages from the Tiercel. Not necessarily the best in their field of study, they must instead have proven to be among the most cunning, trustworthy, and loyal of the pack.

Tier 3

Malar - These wolves have proven themselves experts in healing. Although proficient in all forms of healing, many masters prefer to hone their expertise in one or two specialties. In addition to mentoring apprentices, specialists may chose to bring up a journeyman who has an interest in their field. The Malar with the most experience and leadership ability is chosen as the senior Malar and is expected to be the liaison between the Tiercel and all the healers. They will also be expected to make certain that all healers keep up on their responsibilities, and might find themselves called upon to advise the Tiercel on which healers might be suitable for advancement in rank.
Yarak - These woodswise wolves have proven themselves experts in hunting and tracking. Although expertly knowledgeable in most forms of prey or tracking techniques, many masters prefer to hone their expertise in one or two specialties, such as plains hunting, or tracking other wolves. In addition to mentoring apprentices, specialists may chose to bring up a journeyman who has an interest in their field. The Yarak with the most experience and leadership ability is chosen as the senior Yarak and is expected to be the liaison between the Tiercel and all the hunters. They will also be expected to make certain that all hunters keep up on their responsibilities, and might find themselves called upon to advise the Tiercel on which hunters might be suitable for advancement in rank.
Mantle - These wolves are the most elite among the fighters. They have proven themselves in battle countless times and hold the wisdom and cunning of experienced warriors. These are the wolves who will be chosen for the most important of tasks - as guards for precious lives or cargo, or as assassins. Although all are expert fighters, some may choose to specialize, whether as bodyguard or assassin, and in addition to mentoring apprentices some specialists may choose to bring up a journeyman who has an interest in their field. The Mantle with the most experience and leadership ability is chosen as the senior Mantle and is expected to be the liaison between the Tiercel and all the warriors. They will also be expected to make certain that all warriors keep up on their responsibilities, and might find themselves called upon to advise the Tiercel on which warriors might be suitable for advancement in rank.
Hallux - spymaster, master thief, master saboteur
Rufter - trademaster, master crafter

Tier 4

Accipiter - These wolves are warriors, proven in battle to show competence in their field. They have shown themselves capable of choosing their own path in training without the supervision of a mentor. Some may wish to train in a more specialized path and seek out the guidance of a master in the field, but journeyman are considered full warriors. Accipiters are expected to continue to train their skills by attending regular spar sessions among the pack as well as journeying to the battlefield to test themselves against strangers. They are also expected to assist buteos at need.
Buteo - These wolves are hunters and trackers, proven in the field to show competence. They have shown themselves capable of hunting or tracking on their own without the supervision of a mentor. Some may wish to train in a more specialized path and seek out the guidance of a master in the field, but journeyman are considered to be fully capable hunters on their own merits. When tracking wolves or other dangerous predators, buteos are expected to work together with at least one accipiter or mantle for protection. They are expected to participate in group hunts regularly to supply the pack with large game, but are also to hunt smaller game on their own to provide for those who cannot hunt for themselves.
Kestrel - journeyman healers
Broadwing - journeyman traders and crafters
Hobby - journeyman spies and thieves, saboteurs

Tier 5

Haggard - unranked adult. These are wolves who have not shown interest in or the ability to follow any particular guild, whether through simple disinterest or infirmity. They are expected to make themselves useful to the pack in some way regardless and to better themselves however they can. Wolves who remain in this rank through disinterest for too long will be strongly considered to be candidates for indenture or expulsion unless they make themselves very useful here.
Creance - all apprentices regardless of which guild they belong to will be ranked the same, and if their guild needs to be known, they would be referred to by their mentor's name and rank. For example: "Kestrel Arlo's Creance" or "Broadwing Siv's Creance". Creance can be any age, and a joining wolf interested in a specific guild who cannot prove their competence in that guild's field to the satisfaction of both the Tiercel and the guildmasters will be placed here.

Tier 6

Eyas - unapprenticed pup (under 1 year)
Quarry - indentured servant, held for labor

Tier 7

Mute - punished
Bechin - prisoner held for blackmail or ransom


Above all else, Loyalty - Once you have joined the pack, nothing is more important than Niente and your brothers and sisters in it. Nothing CAN be more important. By putting the pack first, you insure the survival of the pack.

Respect - Show your brothers and sisters in the pack respect, no matter who they are. If you don’t like them, be respectful anyway. We are gentlemen (and women), and gentlemen (and women) do not treat each other in an impolite manner. Showing a disrespectful attitude towards your packmates will not be tolerated.

Be Cautious - Outsiders are not to be trusted. Pack members are expected to show restraint and caution around anyone who does not already belong to Niente.

Be Watchful - Wolves showing up on the borders uninvited, for any reason, will be treated with suspicion unless vouched for by a pack member. Anyone without a recommendation will need to be tested thoroughly before being allowed in the pack. Active recruitment of trustworthy individuals will be the preferred method of bringing new blood into Niente.

Silence and Secrecy - Anyone caught giving outsiders, even allies, information about the pack without permission will be treated harshly. The only thing outsiders need to know is the pack’s name and that they have many things to trade to willing parties. No one needs to know how many members the pack has, nor do they need to know the names of the other pack members. If there is some question about whether the information is acceptable to disseminate, ask the Tiercel or Sarcel.

Ferocity and Ruthlessness - all wolves are expected to turn themselves wholeheartedly to the defense of the pack and their interests, particularly in defense of the pack itself. All wolves are expected to respect the borders regardless of status or intent. No Niente wolf is to bring an outside wolf passed the borders without the express permission of a tier 1 or 2 wolf. If the borders are breached it is the responsibility of all Niente wolves regardless of rank to sound an alarm. Mantles and Accipiters (and any other lower ranked wolves so inclined) are expected to seek to maim perpetrators with an easily visible scar that will mark them as an enemy of Niente - a deep and terrible scar from the corner of their muzzle to the base of their ear... One strike against Niente, one side scarred. Two strikes, two scars. Three strikes... That does not bear considering. Those of a high enough rank to force-claim are expected to do so unless the situation warrants otherwise.

Honor - It may not seem that way to enemies of the pack, but wolves of Niente are expected to hold themselves to a high standard. Polite, efficient, the wolves of Niente must show the world a gentlemanly veneer despite the less-than-savory nature of some of their ventures. There are some rules of honor they are expected to uphold - for instance, harming children for any reason is strongly discouraged, and even threatening them in a “what a nice child, wouldn’t it be a shame if they had an accident” cliche villain trope is frowned on. Until necessary, you should treat others in a polite, mannerly way.

Restraint - Unnecessarily evil behavior that puts Niente at risk for retaliation - such as rape, and unauthorized killing (except in self defense) or torture, will not be tolerated and will be repaid in a manner relative to the crime. While there may be some blurred and gray areas, doing harm just for fun, thoughtlessly, and for no reason is unacceptable. Sexual relations of any sort with an underaged wolf (including yearlings) will be severely punished and the wolf immediately removed from the pack. Not only does behavior such as that put your fellow Niente wolves at risk, it is against Niente’s core principles.

Obedience - this is pretty self explanatory. Obey orders from the Tiercel and his commanders. Show up to meetings and training without delay. Follow the rules.

Self improvement and Education - Niente wolves are strongly encouraged, even expected, to seek to improve themselves constantly through training and education. Do not pass up the opportunity to learn simply because it doesn’t seem relevant to your rank. You never know when that new knowledge will come in handy. Pass on your own knowledge to your packmates so that they can share in your successes and strengthen the pack as a whole. Journeyman and master ranks are required to take an apprentice when the opportunity arises, and masters are encouraged to take journeyman on for additional training as well.

Contribute - If you have nothing or are not willing to contribute to the wellbeing of your brothers and sisters in the pack, find someplace else to lay your head. Even if all you bring to the table is loyalty and a willingness to lend a paw however you are able, that’s still something. If you join and then refuse to do anything, expect to be indentured until you’ve worked off your debt before being kicked out of the pack.

Ransom and Servitude - Wolves may occasionally be held for ransom until their friends or family pay it. If they refuse to or can’t pay the debt, the kidnapped wolf will be indentured to the pack until they can pay off the debt themselves. Other situations may lead to wolves being indentured as well, and the price for their freedom depends greatly on why they were indentured to begin with. (See OOC rules for more information on getting out of servitude)

► If you find yourself in the unenviable position of being indentured, don't worry! It's not too hard to earn your way free of your position. After all, you're in that rank because somehow you've incurred a debt to Niente, so your best and easiest option is to pay that debt off. Depending on the debt, you might have to do more or less than someone else. Escape attempts and bad behavior can also add to your debt so be careful! There are a variety of ways to pay off your debt, but basically anything that benefits Niente can go towards paying it off. Hunting, collecting herbs, assisting Niente wolves - trustworthy Quarry might be called on to watch pups or teach lessons, though that sort of thing won't count unless they're actually asked to in character. Even just doing the bare minimum (for instance, all indentured wolves are required to assist in pack hunts) your wolf will eventually pay off their debt. But the faster the better, right? Threads focused specifically on doing something helpful, such as a thread focused on hunting rather than just mentioning hunting, will be worth more. Just being active with Niente wolves will earn you a small amount of points as well if the character is actually interacting (1-2 points per thread) and behaving themselves. The average indenture is going to be worth 100 points, which sounds like a big number, but it won't be difficult to reach it. Depending on the effort put into the thread, completed pack hunts are worth 15 points, small game hunts around 5 points, medium game hunts with other pack members are worth around 10. Collecting herbs would be around 5 points, while assisting a pack healer might be around 10. You can see a trend here - interacting with pack members earns you more points! It's your responsibility to keep track of your indentured character's threads and ask about points.



4 Years
Extra large
04-05-2018, 08:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2018, 08:19 AM by Branch.)
Alpha: Branch Wreckage
Proposed name: Kesali
Proposed color: #6a93ae
Proposed lands: Weeping Woods & Tall Grass Plains

Why You Should Vote for Me:
My main focus for this pack is to focus on trading and healing. They will not be a true neutral pack that focuses on the survival and growth of their pack. They will aim to forge good relationships with other pack, trading what they have with what they may need from other packs (Herbs mostly, but trinkets, crafts and food will be traded also). They will not be a pack to raid, siege, or any of that sort. They will also focus to spread their knowledge of healing, hunting, and crafting with other packs. I really wanna focus on the aspect of trading and healing!


Tier 1 Ranks
Rom-Baro: The main alpha of the pack and also the main decision maker for the pack. Whatever the Rom-Baro says will go no matter what. The Rom-Baro always has the pack's safety and survival in their mind and tries to make the best decisions from there. He will collectively take opinions from others to thought in his decision making.
Phuri: The second in command and the wolf who works directly under the Rom-Baro. Generally this is saved for the Rom-Baro's mate, but this will not always be the case. This is the one wolf that the Rom-Baro trusts above all others and is generally the closest to him. Together the Phuri works to help make the pack work like a team and also helps to take some of the leadership responsibilities.
Chava/Chavi : male/female heir to the pack. 99% of the time it will be the Rom-Baro's own children or family that will gain this rank, but again there may always be a chance were he feels there is another wolf more fitting.

Tier 2 Ranks
Drarnego: One of the Rom-Baro's council of three. This wolf is also the master healer of the pack and knows as much as there is to know about healing. This wolf is in charge of keeping track of the herb stock, instructing other healers what is needed to be collected, enforcing regular healer training, and determining what level of skill a healer in the pack has.  
Amria: Is the master in battle and defense knowledge. This wolf is in charge of tracking border patrols, enforcing fight & Defense training, and picking the head traveling guardians that go with those wolves who are sent out to trade with packs and loners. This wolf is also the guardian of the council members, the Phuri, and the Rom-Baro if they choose to leave the pack lands and request aid.
Baxtalo: This is the one and only diplomat of the pack, the wolf that oversees anything pertaining to pack and loner relations. Working with the Drarnego they aid in the herb stocks, food stocks, and the trinket stocks. They organize the groups that travel pack to pack to trade and ensure relationships between other packs and our own. The Baxtalo also serves as the festival organizer and the priest for more ceremonial things the pack does.

Tier 3 Ranks
Drabéngro: These are the expert healers of the pack and work directly under the Drarnego. They are in charge of getting apprentices paired with trainers and to keep track of how they are doing. They also aid in the testing of advancement for the lower ranking healers in the pack
Kooli: Working directly under the Amria this is the pack's main line of defense and protectors. They are also the trusted guardians that are to travel with the groups going out to trade with other packs and bands. If the pack is ever attacked they are the front lines and the merciless fighters that will defend the pack.
Lel: These are the eyes and ears outside of the packs. Their duty is collect information on packs, territories, and bands. They are also considered the pack's scholars and should have knowledge on the weather, the moon phases, and the stars.
Barvalimos: These wolves are the main traders for the pack. They are the wolves chosen to travel to places to trade with others. They also should have decent knowledge of herbs, game animals, and crafts so they know their worth when trading with others.
Doodah: This group is in charge of feeding the pack and bringing in game to keep the food storage stocked. They organize pack hunts and work with the lower level hunters in training them. They also work with the crafters in the pack to gain knowledge in traps and tanning furs.

Tier 4 Ranks
Pattríensis: Intermediate to advanced healers in the pack that are working themselves to settle into the Drabéngro rank. Most often these wolves will be the ones taking on apprentices and going out to gather herbs.
Ferari: The crafters of the pack, experienced in making various things for the pack to use or to be of value to trade. They could know anything from simple bandages to making beds or traps. They normally have creative minds and are always looking for things to use to make into something.
Gavver: The second line of defense and offense in the pack. They are more inexperienced and are often being taken on and trained by the Kooli. They are to attend every fight training session as well as sparring with fellow pack mates.
Mas: Lower level hunters in the pack that are still working and gaining knowledge in their trade. Most are easily able to hunt small game in their own and able to do fairly simple tracking. They are the apprentices that the Doodah take on and are to attend every hunt training session and every pack hunt that is called.
Patrin: The travel bugs that have the knowledge and skill of navigation. They like to travel and to learn about the various territories of Ardent. They learn and report back to Lel to report their findings so that it may be passed on to the other members of the pack. They may even travel with the healers on their quest to gather herbs to explore and help find herbs that are needed.

Tier 5 Ranks
Gabori: These wolves have a like for shiny things and look for things such as jewelry, to bags, to anything they could find left over from the humans decades ago. They tend to have good noses like the hunters and like to travel like the Patrin.
Churara: Lowest level of fighters in the pack. Their main duties are to learn and to be the pack's main border patrol. They are early in their learning stages and take most of their time to train their bodies to become higher level.
Drab: These are Novice healers, ones that know enough to treat minors wounds and minor illness'. These wolves are still expected to attend all training sessions that are called and to test each other. They also help the Chitries with their duties
Chitries: Beginner healers, the first step in their skill set within the pack. Their duties consist of studying, learning, and learning basic care. This starts with aiding the elderly of the pack and babysitting the young pups of the pack. This also means they help make sure expecting and new mothers have everything they need to remain comfortable.

Tier 6 Ranks
Manush: This is only meant to be a temporary rank. When first joining the pack if you are unable to decide on a rank or need to be tested you will first be placed here. This is also a rank designated for young wolves in apprenticeship and are working their way to know where they want to go within the pack.
Tenimos: The youth of the pack. They gain this rank upon their birth up until they are in apprenticeship. It is another rank that is only temporary.
Lashav: Omegas

Laws: What will your pack laws be?
  • Rom-Baro's word is law. Though he is highly considerate of his members thoughts and opinions he tries to make decisions based on what is best for the pack as a whole and his word goes. Do not question and respectfully listen to what he has to say.
  • Honer and be considerate of your pack mates. The pack is family which means fighting among the pack wont be tolerated. If you have issues with another member and don't know how to handle it, feel free to come to the Rom-Baro for help and he will help you work through the issues.
  • Privacy is a must, no need to share information other's don't need to know. We would like to stay clear of quarrels between other packs, this means who and what is traded to who shouldn't be discussed with other packs.
  • Respect and be kind with other packs. We do not want to start fights or a war with another pack so we must remain respectful of their rules when we go to trade. If you prove you are unable to do this your rights to be a trader for the pack.
  • Rank Challenges are allowed for certain ranks. Challenges can happen for the fighting ranks only. Healing and hunting ranks are based on the knowledge you can show in your posts and your skill numbers.
  • Teamwork is highly encouraged. Everyone will have their rank, but this does not mean this is the only thing you do in the pack. It is highly encouraged to learn and help other ranks within the pack, knowledge is the key to life in the Rom-Baro's eyes. Those who pitch in wherever it's needed will not go unnoticed and will be praised for doing so.
  • Start Young, but we remain careful. We try to start as early as possible when teaching the youth, but this doesn't mean they can be taken out of the pack to do so. All training will remain within the pack borders until they are closer to a year and a half. This also means until they are a year old of age they will remain in the Tenimos rank.
  • Love is encouraged, but respectfully ask! We allow others to find mates and to bare pups, but we do request that you ask the Rom-Baro before conception has happened. The reason we request this is because we need to ensure there is enough food and supplies and room to ensure your young will survive and thrive.

  • Abiav; Wedding feast. This is held in celebration of new mated pairs within the pack. A large feast will be held after the private bonding ceremony so that the whole pack can give them gifts and words of encouragement for their next stage in life.
  • Pomana; Kesali's celebration of life (Funeral ceremony). First will start with a quiet burial under the grand mother willow where bunches of flowers and trinkets will be placed on top of their grave in honor of them. Afterwards a group feast in honor of the fallen and any are welcome to say words or memories during this time. This is a big bonding time for the pack to be there for the family and for the pack during their grieving.
  • Đurđevdan; Return of spring. Spring is a special season because it is the season of new life. Kesali honors it because it is when the new growth of herbs and new birth of prey happen which is part of the main form of life to the pack. Without what spring brings it would be difficult for the pack to survive.
  • Toamnă Trade Fair; Held in the fall where all packs and bands are invited. Object is to trade and bond with others and to keep herb and food stocks packed up for the winter. May hold Healer Training, Spars, and even hunts with others if they are willing.



6 Years
04-08-2018, 04:42 AM
Alpha: Iskra
Proposed name: Empyreal
Proposed color: #DE2B3C (Pink)
Proposed lands: Algoma prairie and Gambit Briar

Why You Should Vote for Me:

While Empyreal’s ranking and governance system do not differ too strongly from those you’re used to, I believe the pack will be different greatly in culture and attitude towards other packs. It’s quite common to see packs whose interests reside mainly within their own borders. Empyreal will be different, in that they are more or less in the business of knowing what’s going on everywhere in Boreas. Knowledge is power and this pack intends to capitalize on that fact.

Next, their attitude towards training will be different from what we’re used to. Empyreal will greatly value creativity and betterment on one’s self, and back that stance up by expecting members to train frequently outside of mandatory trainings. If you want to level your character’s skills and are committed to making them go down in Ardent history, well Empyreal is a great place to do just that.

As for myself? I think we all know Iskra’s my main girl, and I don’t think I’ll have a problem letting her dominate my threadlist again and keeping activity up. I’ve played with the idea of creating a pack long ago but never had a character I wanted to do it with until now. Additionally, I do love drama, so Iskra and all my other chars are never entirely safe from harm and I think the fact that I’m willing to take risks or lose them makes for more exciting gameplay.


“The brave do not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.”

Empyreal is a pack that ranges far across the board alignment-wise. They may be considered a Chaotic good pack, but it is not uncommon for them to show tendencies of other alignments ranging from Lawful Good to Chaotic Neutral. They stress the importance of information, knowledge, above all else and their ranks and behaviors reflect this greatly. They are the shadows lurking in the background, the spies, the ones you can always trust to know more about a pack than the members themselves. Emphasis on the chaotic aspect of good, this is a bunch of risk-taking informants who keep their allies appraised of the goings-on in the world of Ardent and watch their enemies’ every move with a calculating gaze. Loyalty is key if you wish to live among them, as well as a good worth ethic.

Tier 1 Rank: Commander (1)
Description: He or She is the ultimate authority in Empyreal. What this wolf says goes, though they should always strive to do what is in the best interests of the pack and it’s allies. The Commander has the final say in making all major decisions. While their Second and Champion may help with the responsibilities of leadership, anything that affects Empyreal’s future falls to the commander and the commander alone.

Tier 1 Rank: Champion (1)
Description: The right hand of the Commander, this wolf is their most trusted ally, though they may or may not be the commander’s mate. This wolf is expected to share all the responsibilities of the Commander, and may call meetings, promote or demote wolves up to tier three without consulting the Commander, doll out punishment and accept new members. Empyreal’s Champion acts as the voice of the Commander in meetings with other packs should the Commander be unable to attend. This wolf is the Commander’s most trusted ally, and because of this it is a rank impossible to obtain without establishing closeness with the Commander beforehand. They serve as the secondary leader of the pack, and are the only wolf allowed to fight in the Commander’s stead.

Tier 1 Rank: The Commander’s Second (1)
Description: The Commander’s apprentice, in essence. May or may not be a blood relative of the Commander. Their main job is to learn how to be the Commander in the event that the current Commander should pass. Extensive training in many fields of study is required, and if the current Second does not impress the Commander with their drive to succeed, a new one will be chosen to replace them. Once the Commander thinks them fit, and only then, the Commander’s second will be granted more or less the same power as the Champion, though the Champion will still outrank them.


Tier two: The wolves under this Tier have the power to punish anyone who falls under their charge except in the case of major offenses. Promoting and demoting, hosting and keeping track of the training done by those they are responsible for are some of their most important duties. In the event that something happens to all wolves in Tier one, these wolves could be eligible to oversee the pack and potentially become the new commander.

Tier 2 Rank: Warmaster (1)
Description: Head soldier, it is this wolf’s responsibility to not only hold at the minimum bi-annual trainings for soldiers of all ranks, but they also must ensure that all wolves under their command train regularly and to aid the Elite Soldiers in making opportunities for Soldier ranks to bond and train together as well as see that the soldiers are being trained adequately, and assigning soldiers to Elites. Trainings could include minor festivals, games, competitions, and more. The warmaster should have a high skill rank(compared to the rest of the pack at any given time) OOC and need to regularly work on skill and training threads to prove they are keeping their skills sharp.

Tier 2 Rank: Emissary (2)
Description: Call them the Ambassador, if you will, as far as the other packs know this is the face of Empyreal when the Tier one ranks are unable to meet with other leaders themselves. The Emissary must have great knowledge of all friends and foes, and constantly be seeking to learn more about the world around them and keep up to date on current events in Ardent. The lesser-known duties of this rank include a heavy emphasis on espionage, they are the best of the best when it comes to spying on others be they friend or foe. It never hurts to have dirt on your pals, and the Emissary is the go to for such incriminating information. Darker duties like the assassination of traitors or important enemies fall on this wolf’s shoulders. They are in charge of all Informant ranks. If two wolves attain this role, they may divide the ranks tasks between themselves, more often than not assigning one to focus on duties outside the territory while the other focuses on internal affairs.


Tier 3 Rank: Elite Soldier (3)
Description: Their name says it all, really. These are the best fighters Empyreal has to offer, and as such they hold great responsibility. While the Warmaster is in charge of all soldier ranks, they do not oversee the day to day training the way an Elite Soldier does. Leading small groups of Soldiers, they’re expected to oversee their underlings training and ensure no one under their purview is slacking. Frequent sparring and fitness training is a must. As the fighters of the pack, they are in charge of organizing patrols, preparing defenses against attack or invasion, and ensuring the pack is war-ready at all times. While most scouting falls to informants, often times a soldier will accompany them in case things go wrong. The Elite Soldiers will assign Soldiers for such tasks. Their fighting skills should be reasonably high to reflect their ability.

Tier 3 Rank: Elite Informant (3)
Description: The backbone of Empyreal, for it is not a pack focused on war or peace but rather the gathering of information. Elite Informants are required to have vast knowledge of the terrain, and have explored a vast number of lands in both continents before rising to this rank. Lots of exploring and skill collecting is a must for them. More often than not they will be traveling, leading groups of the lower ranking informants either on missions or for training. It’s not uncommon for ranks who stay within the borders to hardly know these wolves, for they are a busy lot with a great deal resting on their shoulders. Collecting information on both allies and enemies is imperative. Assigning scouting missions to Informants as well as coordinating with the Elite Soldiers to assign backup is only part of their job. Being familiar with the weather patterns in lands near and far is important, as well as seeking to become familiar with all of the territories of Boreas and Auster. In the absence of an Emissary, they must work with the higher ranks to plan what areas to scout most frequently depending on the state of Empyreal’s relations with other packs.

Tier 3 Rank: Elite Hunter/Huntress (3)
Description: The men and woman who pride themselves on their tracking and hunting abilities, pack members owe these diligent and highly trained hunters for ensuring there are meals aplenty for the scout-heavy pack. As Hunters are not a main focus of Empyreal - but no less valued despite that fact - these are the highest ranked hunters in the pack and as such bear full responsibility for leading and training the other hunters. A vast knowledge of all prey in and around the pack is a must, as well as keen senses and unrivaled tracking ability. These wolves may also be called on to assist Informant ranks if a mission requires a great deal of tracking. Calling pack hunts as well as leading trainings for those they are charged with is important. They may also help see that all of Empyreal’s pups and adult members have a good grasp of hunting and tracking and can fend for themselves if needed. Joint training with other ranks is not uncommon.

Tier 3 Rank: Elite Medic (3)
Description: Another underpopulated but highly appreciated line of ranks, the Elite Medics are akin to their hunter comrades in that they are the highest ranking in their job. As the doctors of this overly involved bunch, the Elite Medics are treated with utmost respect, unofficially acting as the highest rank in tier three. A vast knowledge of herbs and their uses for all kinds of ailments and afflictions is strictly required. They must prove themselves to the Commander his/herself as the best in their field to rise to this rank. Training all medics is one of their greatest responsibilities, along with doctoring any and all injured Emyreans. It is expected for the Elite medic to take on one or more apprentices and ensure that they have a second worthy of replacing them if something should happen.


Tier 4 Rank: Soldier
Description: Well versed in the art of battle, these are the main fighters of Empyreal and often stand between the pack and disaster. Protecting the inhabitants of the pack, aiding other ranks on missions outside the borders, maintaining and patrolling the borders, as well as assisting in training apprentices are all duties of these fight-hungry wolves. They are required to train often, and help see that the wolves in other ranks have the basic ability to fight and fend for themselves. The image of Empyreal’s ideal of self-reliance, a Soldier should know a little of everything if they can pick it up, and always be working towards self-betterment and the possibility of ranking up to Elite.

Tier 4 Rank: Informant
Description: The bulk of the pack. An informant must know the pack lands so well they can walk it effortlessly with their eyes closed. Scouting and learning the terrain and weather-patterns of all surrounding territories is a must as well. The bulk of Empyreal’s activity belongs to them. The nosy, sneaky, sly Informants know anything and everything they can about the world around them. Scouting out other packs, checking on and helping to maintain relations and communicate with allies, investigating enemies or potential enemies, and keeping tabs on the current major events in Ardent are all their responsibilities. Since they leave the pack so often and work closely with each other training with comrades and forming close bonds is highly encouraged. Like the Soldiers, they should always be training and working to rank up. Ambition is rewarded in Empyreal if it is showed consistently.

Tier 4 Rank: Hunter
Description: Trackers and hunters, these wolves keep their senses sharp and the pack from going hungry. They report to the Elite hunters or another high rank if there is no Elite. These wolves are to be shown respect as they keep Empyreal in business. When the pack isn’t busy sticking it’s nose in everyone’s business, they have been known to trade with allies, which means hunters should not only feed the pack, but gather and save things that may be crafted into items of value. Hunters may accompany Informants on some missions as trackers, though they spend the bulk of their time nearer to the pack. Participation in hunts is mandatory for these wolves unlike the rest of the pack, and just like everyone else they must train and pull their weight to show they are working hard and keeping their skills sharp.

Tier 4 Rank: Medic
Description: What is a busy-body without someone to patch them up when they get hit? Medics are the doctors who tisk and bandage the other pack members when needed. They should always seek to expand their herbal knowledge, as well as ensure they are well versed on wolf anatomy and many methods of healing. Attending all meetings and trainings held by the Elite Healers is a must. If there is no Elite they should be busy vying for the place. Frequent trips in and out of pack lands to gather herbs and resources as well as ensuring the pack is well stocked with all it may need eat up a large amount of their time.


Tier 5 Rank: Recruit
Description: New members of the pack and unranked adults. This is not a rank one is meant to hold for long if possible, but rather a point to pause in before picking and training for a certain path. Until they pick a path, Recruits must attend all trainings to help them decide, as well as perform any tasks a higher rank asks of them.If they cannot choose a rank, the Commander may assign them one, most often ranking them as hunters until something else appeals to the recruit in question.

Tier 5 Rank: Apprentice
Description: Adults and pups who are training with another wolf in an effort to learn to serve in a particular career. It is possible for young children to Apprentice early, though often times they wait until six months but may take no longer than a year. Apprentices are the sole responsibility of their mentor, and must listen to that wolf and train with them frequently to learn the skills they will need. When their mentor or another higher ranking member believe they are ready, they may test with their Mentor and the Commander or Champion to rank up to a tier 4 rank. If the Commander or Champion are not present, the test will not count.

Tier 5 Rank: Pup
Description: The children of Empyreal. They will be treated with love and kindness, but this does not mean that the youngsters can escape punishment if they do wrong. Exploring the territory, meeting pack members, and following other ranked members are encouraged to help the children choose their future path when it comes time for them to become Apprentices. Additionally, they must learn about Empyreal’s rules, and the basics of what every wolf must know to be self-reliant. No child of a capable age should be helpless if they are lost or alone.

Tier 5 Rank: Veteran
Description: The elderly members of Empyreal, these wolves have given what they have to offer and may now spend time in a less demanding rank. Of course they do not live without responsibility - sharing their knowledge, helping to teach the young pack members, and spreading wisdom are important duties for the Veterans of Empyreal. Treating them with respect is required, as they have earned it in full.


Tier 6 Rank: Prisoner
Description: Those being held in Empyreal for crimes against the pack or it’s allies. Most often outsiders, they have a very limited range that they may travel within the pack lands to keep them from being able to share knowledge of Empyreal’s inner workings. Depending on their reason for being placed in this rank, it is possible for a wolf to work hard and become a true pack member, but only through dedicated effort on their part. If their crime is too great, they will only be in this rank long enough to await fitting punishment.


►The Commander is the ultimate authority - All wolves in Empyreal have one undisputed leader and that is the Commander. What your leader says goes.
►Attendance is not optional - All meetings mandatory for certains ranks should be attended by all wolves in those ranks unless they have legitimate IC reason not to be there, or an absence is posted by the player. Empyreal will have a heavy focus on training, comradery within it’s ranks, and self-improvement which cannot be achieved without hard work, and good attendance.
►Just cause you want it doesn’t mean you’ll get it - While not specified in rank descriptions, it is possible to challenge for some ranks. All rank challenges should be okayed by the commander. If he/she does not see the challenger as worthy of the rank they want, it will not be allowed. Tier one ranks will never be up for challenge, and tier two ranks will require a wolf who most likely has a fair number of skill points under their belt.
►Learn, don’t share - Empyreal is in the business of knowing more than any other pack; it’s their thing. However, sharing pack-related information without the okay of a rank one or two wolf is a punishable offense. Telling other wolves who does or doesn’t live here is unacceptable considering Empyreal’s potential for making enemies as it could put pack members(or ex pack members) in danger. Additionally, members are not to share the packs numbers, ratio of ranks, or any other information that could reasonably be used to hurt the pack or those within it. This is risky business and we need not let anyone have an ounce of power to do Empyreans harm.
►Trespassers beware - Intruders may be attacked on sight. Unless there is reasonable evidence to suggest the wolf intruding within the borders is in need of help, is an ally with permission to enter, or is probably harmless, it is even required to attack potential enemies. Those without reason to enter uninvited should wait at the border or risk bodily harm.
►The more you know - Empyreal focuses heavily on those with Navigation skills unlike other packs. They are heavy in spies and trade in knowledge. Because of this, Informants must do their duty, and should spend a great deal more time outside the borders than most pack wolves do. If an Informant is not performing to the satisfaction of their higher ups they may be assigned a new rank or demoted until they can bring something interesting to prove their capabilities.
►Be wary - Enemies abound, and Empyreal is stationed purposefully close to the bridge between Auster and Boreas. This is to ease travel and situate the pack where they can easily keep tabs on who’s going where, however, it puts them in a vulnerable position. Whenever a member is within pack borders they should be doing patrols every other day if it is not their job, just to ensure there are more eyes to keep watch for potential threats.
►Treat your friends well - Allies are valuable, almost as valuable as knowledge. While they make enemies easily, Empyreal also works hard to maintain friendships. The Emissary and the Informant ranks should make regular trips to ensure friendly packs are doing well, and calls for Empyreals help will never go unanswered.
►Put your money where your mouth is - Lesser known ideals of Empyreal include self-reliance and consistent improvement. If you say you wanna be a great fighter, well, you better prove it you you probably don’t have a place here. Additionally, all wolves in this pack are required to learn the very basics of every skill. This is non-negotiable and it is not uncommon for higher ranks to ensure this is done by testing pack members randomly.
►Learn, learn, learn, train, train, train - That’s right, it should be obvious but the Commander still specifies clearly to every new member; you must attend every training required of your rank unless you are on death’s door or gone on a mission. No exceptions. If you’re in the recruit rank, then you better train with anyone and everyone to figure out what you wanna do and prove you can be good at it. Training outside of the group training called for by higher ranks is required to prove you are keeping your skills sharp and remaining a useful asset to the pack. Basically, don’t be lazy or you’re gunna face some consequences.
►Don’t start what the rest of us gotta finish - Creating unnecessary conflict with other packs is a punishable offense. Don’t do it. Unless you can justify your actions and prove it was reasonable to start shit with somebody, there’s no excuse.
►Sort it out - Conflicts between pack members are expected to be handled maturely. If members cannot work things out they must go to a higher ranking wolf for assistance with their dispute. If they do not and choose to fight, both will be punished.
►Babies - While Iskra doesn’t really wanna know about your sex life, she would like to be apprised of any new lives being brought into the pack, preferably before they are conceived. This is so Empyreal’s population can be monitored so it does not go over it’s maximum members. Of course accidents happen, but, avoid that.
►Think before you leave - While you don’t need to check in every time you leave, always ensure someone reasonably knows where you’re going. Empyreal is home to chaotic types, but not fools. If you’re leaving on a mission then obviously the one who assigned it to you knows, but if you’re a healer or hunter make sure you pass on your intentions so pack members know where to look for you if you’re gone too long!
►Traitor! - Turning one’s back on Empyreal is not something that is taken lightly. To betray them is to betray everyone in the pack. Traitors are to be maimed on sight if they attempt to return to Empyreal’s lands or are caught too close to its borders. As far as deserter or those who simply disappear? They may return but must explain their absence to the Commander’s satisfaction and prove themselves once more as capable, trustworthy members of Empyreal.
►Bonds beyond blood - More than anything, it is desired for members to become close-knit, form friendships and learn to work well in groups. Pack members are all treated as family, whether they are relatives or not. Family of pack members will be treated with similar kindness and often are more easily allied with than total strangers.


Recruitment festival - Every year Empyreal will host a grand festival meant to draw in new members, allow bonding with their allies, and the possible forming of new friendships and alliances. It takes place in the Prairie, in a select portion that is opened up for outsiders to enter freely for the duration of the festival. Many things occur during this particular festival, including but not limited to,trading with loners and other packs, drinking, recruiting of new members, games, spars, and even the occasional mystery challenge provided by the Commander. The winner of the Commander’s challenge gets a special prize. Rather than having many festivals, since they’re a rather busy bunch, Empyreal packs much of it’s partying into this single grand festival under the guise of wanting to attract new members.

The games - Games are not only for the festival, no, but rather are an important aspect of Empyreal’s training. Members take part in activities and competitions with one another frequently, sometimes led by higher ranks or other times thrown together by lower tiers as a means of both bonding and sharpening their skills. As a navigator-heavy pack group trips into surrounding lands are commonplace, and things like races to set destinations are among the most popular of the games played by members.



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
04-08-2018, 11:38 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2018, 09:42 PM by Philomena.)


Alpha: Philomena
Proposed name: Deliverance
Proposed color:
Proposed lands: Fern Gulley, The Whispering Caves

Why You Should Vote for Me: (what makes your pack unique? what sets you apart and above the other packs?)


Tier 1 Ranks

Great Lady:

Great Lord:

Prince / Princess:

Tier 2 Ranks

Head Tactician. Head of Battles.

War Cleric / War Monk:
Head of Medicine / Healing. Also doubles as a fighter / in field medic.

Head at Tracking and the Hunt.

Tier 3 Ranks

Main fighting unit.

Cleric / Monk:

Trackers and Hunters. Swift of foot.

Tier 4 Ranks

The Old / Injured who can’t fight



Laws: What will your pack laws be?
  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!



6 Years
04-13-2018, 12:30 AM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2018, 12:31 AM by Poser.)
Alpha: Poser
Proposed name: Young Gods’ Club
Proposed color: #FF69B4 (hot pink)
Proposed lands: Amron’s Castle; The God’s Garden

Why You Should Vote for Me:
Who doesn’t enjoy a deluded leader that gives very few fucks?  Exactly!  The Young Gods’ Club is meant to be a very loose and laid back pack.  Take care of your own, and if there’s more than enough resources, take care of those around you too.  Poser has been through a lot, seen a lot, and at this point just wants to do a bunch of drugs and hang out with those that will “join him in godhood.”  The eating will be good, the drugs will be good, and the times will be good.  This is a pack that will be reaching out to share the lovely times, hold festivals at least seasonally, and enjoy the world around them.  Poser aims to attract many healers and storytellers, and all will be welcome at their table… loose, come and go as you please, and welcoming of all.    

On my side of things?  Well, I’m home (to Ardent) after a long hiatus, and I’m here to stay.  I’ve got a lot of fresh outlooks on Poser’s character, and he’s honestly always been my favorite.  I’m here, active, and my Discord DMs are always open for plots and ears and absolute love for you guys.  For those of you I haven’t met yet, hi, it’s nice to meet ya!  <3


Tier 1 Rank: Adonis
Description: the main alpha, the all father, the man that sits at the head of the table.  He claims responsibility for making sure that the times are good and the wine remains flowing.  His people are his love, and he a great love for them.  

Tier 1 Rank: Cup Bearers (2)
Description: the right and left hands of the adonis.  They are his closest advisors, and always on hand if something should go wrong.  These are friends of the Adonis, and trusted beyond belief.  If something should happen to the alpha, it falls to the cup bearers to take the lead as a team.  

Tier 2 Rank: Hearth Warmers (3)
Description: This is a rank for the shining stars, those that have truly set themselves apart and chosen themselves worthy.  They are invited (read: expected to attend) small council meetings.  This is a group that should be good at a little bit of everything, and can be called on for whatever jobs that may need to be fulfilled around the pack that the Adonis can’t necessarily get to.  Their task list is odd, but their rewards will be handsome.  

Tier 3 Rank: Consort (1)
Description: This role is mainly symbolic.  It’s whoever Poser has taken a shine to at the moment, and can absolutely be challenged for-- with the understanding that a challenge win will not mean promotion to this rank.  They have a bit more power when it comes to helping the Adonis make decisions, but are largely normal citizens unless otherwise noted.  

Tier 4 Rank: Pantheon (∞)
Description: The standard members of the YGC.  This is where everyone starts, and it’s from here that everyone begins to make their mark, write their story, and grab their own piece of history.  

  • Care for those around you.  Pack first, then share with the needy.
  • Don’t intentionally stir the pot, internally or externally.  
  • Communicate.  The Adonis is a friend and a counselor to all, and he’s happy to step in for all necessary issues.  
  • Participate!  Festivals, hunts, learning opportunities.  If you have ideas feel free to step up and present them.  Effort makes the world go ‘round.
[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



04-14-2018, 05:41 AM
The pack contest is now officially closed!

Our contestants will be:

Enrico with Niente
Elias with Ruina
Branch with Kesali
Iskra with Empyreal
Poser with Young Gods' Club

Voting will begin shortly!

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