
Praetor Imps



6 Years
Extra large

04-29-2018, 03:18 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2018, 08:51 PM by Elias.)

Zuriel x Elias Praetor

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4 has been claimed by Shelby.

Heyyy, we're doing things. Although Elias has some skepticism on bringing pups into the pack so soon after claiming land, he also has very little will-power to resist being all over Zuriel. So, these pups are coming into the world whether he thinks he is ready or not.

I am willing to change the eye color of these designs for you, but you must read the following. Eye color has some superstition behind them in the Praetor family. I would like to keep giving Elias reason to believe in these superstitions, so please match the eye color to the personality you'd like to develop on your pup.

  • Blue eyes are very rare in the Praetor bloodline, but those with blue eyes are believed to be freshly molded together souls. It is believed that the demons that came through into the body of a blue-eyed child were demons that were tightly knit together in another life, if not several. These demons have blended their energy into one powerful entity. They are hallowed beings and thought to grow into highly intelligent adults full of insight and wisdom.
  • Red eyes are much more common in the Praetor bloodline, and thought to be tied to the most ancient of demons that haunt their family. The original Apollyon was said to have had the very same red eyes, as did all of his disciples. They are demons that, rather than coexist with other souls and join their power willingly, have devoured many to accomplish their survival and strength. They are thought to be chaotic but powerful beings.
  • Gold and silver eyes are slightly more common than blue eyes, but these are thought to be the collective souls of natural demons. Every life form in the natural world has a soul, not just wolves. Occasionally, an ancient natural demon finds itself being claimed for Ruina- whether it's the spirit of a mountain, tree, deer or frog. Anything that has been claimed for Ruina becomes a part of it forever. In order for their soul to have the strength to measure up to the will of the demons already tearing through the seams of reality to get into the vessels that are these pups, it is thought that a natural demon must be even older than the soul of Apollyon. Therefore, these children are prone to wanderlust, making friends with familiars, and listening to the land in a way others might not understand.

  • Alright! So now that the religious stuff is out of the way, here is the fun stuff.
  • You will be able to have 25% off height for these pups up to 42" due to Elias' height.
  • Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder/borderline personality disorder, and dissassociative identity disorder are all reoccurring mental disorders that have been experienced by members of Elias' family. Most of these cases required some sort of traumatic event that brought these disorders to the surface.
  • For wolves in the Praetor bloodline that have height over 36", arthritis and heart disease generally show up after they reach 8 years of age. Please remember to plot this in your pups older years when going that far up in height. That being said, I want these all to be relatively tall babies.

  • Requirements.
  • You must get to 100 posts on your pup in order to be exempt from reclaim. It does not matter how much art you purchase. These are my designs, and buying them art before you reach 100 posts means you are aware that you will not be able to use it. If you wish, the new adopter of the design will not use it either- but please, know that I will reclaim them if you go inactive before you reach 100 posts. I will never take a design/character away from an active player.
  • You must post at least twice a week until they are a year old to keep your character. Elias was really molded in his first year, and I roleplayed him constantly on Furcadia. That sort of character development is what poured my soul into his character, and I know that it'll do the same for you if you commit. I want you to feel connected to the upbringing of your character. If you miss three weeks (not accumulative), I might ask for reclaim. Please take note of this.
  • Ruina is for life, these characters are meant to stay within it. If you want to roleplay them outside of Ruina, be prepared for controversial roleplay.
  • Expect violence in their upbringing. Although Elias would never think of himself as a child abuser or want to hurt them, he has very little patience and is sometimes unaware of his strength. With a lack of self-control, he will not tolerate his children challenging him on anything- no matter how much he wants to try and remain on their good side. You must consent to possible maim/violent situations with your character during their upbringing, and that probably extends to more than just their interaction with Elias. Ruina is a tough place for children.

  • Are you scared away yet? No? Okay!
    Currently accepting two pups for this litter, and another 3 will be brought in by Shelby, Morgan and I.

    If you have your own name, please make sure it is latin and let us know of its origins!

    Lyco: Male. Meaning independent/confident.
    Musetta: Female. Meaning little muse.
    Renata: Female. Meaning reborn.
    Aer/Aeris: Female. Ethereal.
    Bestia: Female. Of beasts.
    Casso: Male. To destroy.
    Caste: Female. Pure.
    Thelonius: Male. Lord.
    Constance: Female. Constant.
    Consantin: Male. Constant.
    Imperia: Female. Royal.
    Silas::Male. Of woods, or forest.
    Romulus: Male. Of strength and power.
    Nicasius: Male. Hallowed.
    Nero: Male. Stern.
    Merc: Male. Of the stars.
    Maxim: Male. Of greatness.
    Lucian: Male. Of the light.
    Leandro: Male. Of lions.
    Gravis: Male. Serious.

    <b>Which design?</b> Pick two.
    <b>Ambitions:</b> Or lack thereof. If you need ideas, feel free to look over Ruina ranks!
    <b>Plot Ideas:</b> Think of two that could occur before they reach one year.
    <b>Eye Color:</b>

    Don't stress too much about these, but it helps to know.
    <b>Height:</b> How much height can you currently purchase for your Praetor pup?
    <b>Pup Slot:</b> If needed, can you pay for your own pup slot?

    Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

    Tag Me!


    Permanent Ghost

    Master Fighter (275)

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    An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

    13+ Years
    Dire wolf
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    The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
    Christmas 2019Treat 2019
    04-29-2018, 04:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2018, 02:27 AM by Acere.)

    Which design?
    1; 3

    Ignis has always had a fiery and dominant spirit since birth, and it shows even more fiercely as he grows into his young pup stages. Like most children, he is curious about the world and the family he was born into. He isn't a perfect child, however. He will often come to challenge authority, believing that he is better than the other kids and will throw his weight around to try and prove it. He is mischevious, unruly, not quite understanding that his attitude is the very thing that gets him into so much trouble. He tries desperately to understand Ruina's ways, but it may not quite stick in his head until he's really taught a lesson. This leads to him getting into trouble a lot, but he takes it all in stride as he learns from his mistakes. The fire within is hard to quench, and this headstrong boy refuses to be put out.

    As he grows closer to his first year, he'll have an intense curiosity about the Praetor religion and history of his bloodline, as well as what is truly in his blood and what that entails. He has an almost insatiable thirst for knowledge, and he hungers for it like an emaciated creature hungers for food. As he grows older, Ignis becomes incredibly devoted to the Ruina doctrine, following what his ancestors believed in down to the core. He is still high spirited, but he has learned to reign in his reckless attitude just enough to keep him out of the crosshairs.

    Will eventually develop Dissasociative Identity Disorder, possibly Bipolar Disorder as well.

    Fighting x Intellect

    More than likely he'll attempt to rise as high as he possibly can, most likely towards the rank of Cerberus. He wants to be the most powerful fighter the world has seen, and will more than likely accumulate many scars in his drive to achieve this.

    Plot Ideas:

    • Since his future goal is to achieve the rank of Cerberus, then perhaps an event could happen while he's young (bear maybe? Saw someone get torn apart for the first time? idek) which would bring out his Dissasociative identity disorder. OR it could be brought about by him constantly disobeying and getting his butt beat until he figures it out that obedience is key.
    • May try to attempt to lead loners and/or wolves from other packs and bring them to Ruina to potentially be taken as Lambs.
    • Try to fight a predator to prove that he's worthy and a badass.

    Eye Color:

    Ignis at first glance upon arriving into the world is an oddity compared to those born beside him. At first, it would appear as if his mother had hemorrhaged while birthing her children into the world, but will soon be discovered that luckily, it wasn't the case. From the moment of birth, Ignis shows that he has a fiery spirit, unwilling to let those around him keep him from what belongs to him.
    The beast appears as if he were born from the very pits of Hell. Noticeably different then his littermates and the rest of his family, Ignis' fur is blood red, a contrast to those who were born beside him. Likewise, his eyes seem to hold the same crimson like the rest of his body, and in time he will earn the nickname "Blödhgarm" which means Blood-Wolf, a name that perfectly describes his unique appearance. The male takes after his father in height, coming to stand at 42" and weighing a hefty 200 pounds. Thick muscles and a powerful frame carry the man tall and proud, his stature never wavers even when the odds are against him. His fur is thick and coarse, giving him a rugged looking appearance. Rubies are set within a chiseled visage, the beast commanding the attention of those among him. He always carries himself high, crown and banner almost always seeking to rise above the rest.



    Pup Slot:



    10 Years
    Extra large
    04-30-2018, 01:13 AM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2018, 05:44 PM by Lirika.)

    Which design?
    #1: Design 1 #2: Design 2

    family oriented// From the moment he opens those brilliant eyes, he will love his family wholeheartedly. Filled to the brim with loyalty to them, bursting at the seams. It could even turn doting, when it comes to his mother. If it came down to it, he wouldn't think twice to kill for any of them. Slaughter droves, drive out armies, if it meant they would all be safe. Perhaps it is a weakness of his, but he wouldn't trade it for all of the apathy in the world.
    loyal// A rock amongst raging rapids, he will be all but unflappable. Nothing will shake him from those he has attached himself to. Friends, family, lovers. They can all count on him, no matter the hour or the need. When it counts, he will always be within arms reach. Just a call away.
    wise// Something old resides in this boy. Somehow, he picks up all the little things that others may forget. Picture the classic stereotype; cigarette in hand, taking long drags as he dispenses wisdom oh so offhandedly. It may take many moons to achieve a mind that can be so easily relied upon to offer solutions in times of need, but it will develop nonetheless.
    mercurial// A crux of his lineage. His mood can shift from moment to moment. Wholly unpredictable. The shifts will be quick, like a viper's strike. Not always violent. Sometimes, he will simply slide from a jovial mood to a depressive episode. The triggers will vary from time to time. He will do his best not to allow these mood swings to affect his duties, nor his ability to help those around him. However, there is no promise that he will not become aggressive and/or cruel at some point.
    dutiful// He will always do what is asked of him. Without fail. Such dedication may one day be the death of him. Working himself to the bone to make sure that what is asked is done. Quickly and thoroughly, without breaks in between. Perhaps he is desperate for validation, and seeks it out in the oddest of ways. Following orders will be a priority, before nearly all else.
    charming// There's something to be said about being well mannered. It serves him well, when interacting with others. A dip of the head here, a compliment there, and he becomes quite good at getting what he wants. Wooing others will quickly become a weapon within his repertoire, earning him a few kind words from his superiors. Beneath the aloof, easygoing demeanour, he's desperate for attention and love. It's what drives him to behave this way.
    domineering// A byproduct of his surroundings and his upbringing, there are times where everything about him becomes immense. Booming voice, fearless flashes of sharp ivories. Generally, this is how he puts others in their place. Not his favourite aspect of himself, but a necessary evil to assure that those below him are aware of their status. All of the charm and smooth talking only lasts to a point, and once that rope snaps, an arcane beast emerges.

    Intellect and Navigation

    .:This might sound.. weird? But I kind of want this kid to turn into a Succuba/muse, full of charm and honey. Always ready to rally the troops with a few gentle words and sweet nothings, more than happy to lend his body to the cause. (However, it looks like the rank might be exclusive to females?)
    .:Otherwise, I think those charms would suit a Zepar pretty well in terms of reaping souls and whatnot
    .:Pretty much always lurking around to offer a good time or a way to get someone's mind off of their troubles
    .:Will almost certainly learn every inch of the home territories before a year old, desperate to see everything and know what's out there

    Plot Ideas:
    .:Accidentally mouth off, become the first to illustrate to the rest of the kiddos just what happens when dear old dad gets mad at you (scar that child, physically and mentally!)
    .:Assert dominance over an unruly lamb?
    .:Get knocked down a peg for being a bit of a stuck up hoe? "I'm the prettiest! Look at me"
    .:Constantly be trying to lure strangers to Ruina, honing his skills from the point that he's.. 6 months? Something like that

    Eye Color:

    (37-39" - Medium build)
    Youth// An entirely average pup, with little to draw him from the rest. At least, in terms of build. Among the sooty, ashen children of his litter, he will be a beacon of hellfire. Brilliant crimson, with eyes like smoldering coals. Mottled mahogany across his back, but no real definition to his form otherwise. Oversized paws and floppy ears. A toothy grin. Covered in downy fluff, and a thin layer of puppy fat. Far from the biggest of children ever conceived or born. He will bloom as he grows, growing lanky. Joint pain will not be uncommon, after he settles down to sleep. The proportions will fill out over time, an allusion to the man he will become.
    Youth// Nothing special. Just like the rest, and far from spectacular. Sooty fur mottled with fine, choking ash. Darker at the underbelly. Marked with only the vaguest hues of his future brilliance. Perhaps even a runt, comparatively. The margin between sizes is so minute, it could only be a theory at all. Bearing all of the trademark signs of youth; large paws to hint at great size, a hint of fat, and big ears. His teeth come in remarkably fast, but with quite a bit of pain on his part. As he grows, he will become a leggy creature. Prone to rather intense growing pains. It will take much time and training for him to be molded into the glorious creature he is to become.

    Build// Where many others are immovable creatures, steel bones and titanium musculature, he is slender. Chiseled angles and elegant curves. A shrine to brimstone charms, birthed from the smoldering coals of hellfire. Alluring to any who dare lay eyes upon him, and intoxicating to any who pursue their desire. Well built shoulders, slender hips. Like fine wine, only getting better with maturity. Strong legs to carry him far and wide. His spine curves into a thick, plush tail. A long, curved neck to support that serpentine crown.
    A face any fool could become enamoured with. The planes of his face are sharply defined, carved from marble. Long lashes frame fathomless eyes, deeply set into his face. Tall, pointed auds seem to be constantly flutter atop his head. A thick, elegant muzzle crowns his features. Skin stained with hues of garnet, furthering his bloody visage.

    Coat// Lacking in the density of a northerner, and the short coat of a southerner. Perched easily on the fence, neither here nor there. Thus, he finds himself avoiding the most extreme ends of the weather spectrum. It thickens up ever so slightly around his neck and shoulders, a luxurious shawl draped languidly over him. Along his topside, it is coarser than his underbelly.

    Freshly spilled blood paints itself across his form. Rich carmine hues, lustrous as a beating heart in the gleaming sun. Darkened atop his crown, down over his shoulders and hips. Tracing along his throat and shoulder blades, and curving over the fronts of his thighs. Drawing the eye to the elegant curves of his musculature. As the eye is drawn down his limbs, the colour begins to lighten. Below his wrists, it is lighter than his ankles. Hardly noticeable, often attributed to a trick of the light. A smattering of paler hues breaks up the solidness of his darker topside. Lightened brow points and lining beneath his eyes only serve to make his gaze stand out more.

    The bluish slate of an angry sea, far off in the distance. Blackened and charred, imposing. A cape of pallid ash drapes over his shoulders, trailing over his hips and down his tail. Regal and elegant, in every sense. Throat and underbelly lightened, flashing pale blue with each glimpse of his soft stomach. A cowl of soot covers the top of his head, slides down his neck. Highlighting those stunning eyes, elaborate markings like the outstretched wings of a bird along the cheekbones. Supple limbs dipped in ink, hiding any notion that perhaps he might have dirty paws.

    Eyes// Enchanting scarlet encircles his fathomless pupils. Only a hair lighter than the rest of his pelt. Cherry wine, easy to get drunk on with a simple look.
    Voice// Honeyed vocals, soft as cashmere. Each syllable that drips from his tongue is divinity and hellfire entwined. In the shadows of a downy bed, each sweet purr is meant to soften the hardened edges of reality. Coupled with a sly grin, he speaks as though he is something ethereal; removed from the mortal plane. At maturity, he speaks in a tenor tone.
    Scent// Brimstone and cinnamon

    AMAB Male


    Don't stress too much about these, but it helps to know.
    Height: Currently? None. By the time they're born? Maybe one or two inches, depending on my dedication and mental health

    Pup Slot: Maybe? Again, you might have to hit me up at a later date on that one, I'm a fickle creature



    5 Years
    04-30-2018, 10:52 AM
    hi hello. i'll fill out the proper application but for now if you dont mind..I post a lot of inspo stuff above it? just as im putting together ideas for the kid <3
    big wip. lmk at any point if you aren't me adopting if that makes sense?


    Which design? 3. purely going for the color tones.
    Personality: quiet, idle in life but arrogant. jealous, cautious in life.  
    Ambitions: Or lack thereof. If you need ideas, feel free to look over Ruina ranks!
    Plot Ideas: Think of two that could occur before they reach one year.
    Eye Color: blue if you want to stick to the design, but i'd be fine with red <3
    Appearance: washed up gravel, agile shoulders but there is base beneath what one would call fragile. she is not that, with smudged eyeliner in her youth and bright eyes.
    Gender: female

    Don't stress too much about these, but it helps to know.
    Height: I dont think any currently, but I can grind out some posts and donate art/money into being able to if possible <3
    Pup Slot: see above



    4 Years
    05-01-2018, 04:27 PM

    Which design?#1 but born just a hair darker and brightens by age of 6 weeks(okayed with Denny for twins >>) or my own(if need be, okayed by Sin Via discord)
    Personality: As pup

    at 1 year

    Skills: Fighting and Intellect
    Ambitions: Aim high! Push it with evry lamb/purgatorian that she is superior. Probably end up a succuba later until she gets it in her head that she can beat whoever and tries to take over everything
    Plot Ideas: Push buttons, prolly get scarred or maimed. Find a guy that lives outside of Ruina and in another pack, around the same age likely, develop feelings for him and have no clue how to express these feelings and try to force claim him as her slave so he can never leave. Might plan to buy a teen preggo pass and her have a whoops litter at a year old.(still deciding on that) And possibly make enough trouble that elias has to teach her a permanant lesson.
    Eye Color: Red
    Gender: Female
    Name: Calida Praetor(-Adrevendi?) (or Aeris if you don't like this)

    Calida-latin meaning fiery or hot

    Don't stress too much about these, but it helps to know.
    Height: I can't afford it in gems rn but might be able to swing a dire pass if tips are good at the restraunt
    Pup Slot: I got this covered

    Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

    All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



    6 Years
    05-01-2018, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2018, 12:42 AM by Poser.)
    Big ol' work in progress right here, wait with me.

    Which design?
    3, 2

    I am not a girl, I am a storm with skin
    Aurelia will always have a slightly skewed sense of identity. Some would call it dissociation... which is pretty correct. Like watching herself in a movie or not being completely in control of herself and her body, the girl feels sort of disconnected constantly from the world around her. It's this out of touch sense of being that leads her to make some strange choices regarding the way that she interacts with the world around her. It's as if all consequences for her actions are something that won't truly impact her at her core-- good or bad. Like watching herself on TV, or in a novel, or through a spyglass... Aurelia will never have a solid sense of being in her own skin, and in this world.

    Glory and gore go hand and hand
    From the moment Aurelia learns how to fight, it's going to be her life. Every moment of her existence is going to be spent looking for another fight, another thing to throw herself head over heels into. Though smaller than her siblings, she's going to use that to her advantage. Faster, better than all of them-- at least in her mind. Maybe that's the pride speaking, but she loves that. Prideful, angry at the universe, and driven. Does she know why the rage builds up in her system as it does? Absolutely not. Does it matter? Not to Aurelia.

    The one parents warned you about
    Don't expect her to play nice. Aurelia's entire existence is play dirty, get shit done. Smaller, the right size to play tricks and pull fast shit on everyone around her. Trouble, but she'll never read like that outright. Steal some hearts, get what you want, and no one will notice until you're long gone. Learn to hustle like a man, never trust one.

    She was wrath
    Aurelia has an incredibly difficult time controlling her anger. It bubbles up inside her, white hot, and cannot be tamed. It will take a lot of time, and even more effort to get it under control. Rage in a creature of her breeding, of her ilk, is not something to mess with. Aurelia may never be able to tame the creature that lives inside her in the worst way, but eventually she will try. It will take until she's much older to even recognize there's a problem.

    What survived may not be kind, but it's me
    Maybe she's a little bit of a bitch, but she shows (mostly) well in public. Behind closed doors, when her struggles are allowed to rage full force? Well, that's a different story. The things in her head, the prevailing thoughts, they aren't always kind ones. Aurelia fights the war in her head on the daily, and it will push her further and further to an aesthetic that isn't... the most graceful. Some days it's all she can do to survive. On the days when she doesn't have a lot of spoons left? Maybe she's a little awful to the people around her. Even existing... hell, it can take so much sometimes. Maybe all Aurelia wants is for someone to understand that.

    She was not truly loved, and it made her cruel
    Aurelia convinces herself on a constant basis that she is on her own. No one needs her, no one loves her. Even if it's just her brain playing tricks on her, she'll struggle with demons from the early days. This leads to incessant recklessness, and something that can't be tamed or chained. Though the child is golden, she is different. She will always be different, and she will be painted black in time. Her lack of understanding love unless it's blatantly presented to her, her lack of feelings unless they are in the moment... maybe Aurelia will outgrow it. Maybe she won't. It's something only time will tell.

    Fear not the forest
    Aurelia lacks the healthy fear of the things in the trees, the things in the forest that go bump in the night. What she will learn is that she is that thing. Her understanding of plants and nature will be natural, and she'll soak in all the information she can find, all the information others offer her and what she can learn on her own. A skilled healer, a reader of the natural world. The wild spaces are where she's in her glory, and it's magical. Enchanting. A little bit of that spark lives in her every day.

    Healing and fighting, which will be swapped to intellect after she's told she can't be Nefas

    *Aurelia will spend her early year(s?) insisting that she can fill the position of Nefas as well as any of her brothers, if not better. She's going to believe this in its entirety, and it will take a lot to get her to stand down from this. It'll become nearly the point of obsession.
    *She will likely end up as a succuba... this will have an impact on how she sees herself. Her initial stint there will be as an impulse-- if I can't be Nefas, then I guess I'll be a WHORE, because that's all you see for a WOMAN (or something of the like) in a tantrum like state. It will alter her sense of identity, and maybe change a shift in her childhood personality.

    Plot Ideas:
    *She's going to bring home her first companion, an injured bird of prey, and absolutely beg Zuriel for help nursing it back to help. An owl or a falcon, something of the sort, with golden eyes like her own. This is going to be her best friend, constant companion, and the first time she'll really show her knack for healing.
    *Maybe have the very first showings of borderline personality disorder... grow a strong bond with one of her siblings, thick as thieves and attached at the hip, and then convince herself that sibling hates her. Distance herself in such a severe way that she damages that sibling relationship for the rest of their lives, and leave everyone wondering why. She won't know herself, not until she's much older.

    Eye Color:

    Aurelia takes after her mother in most things, especially the way in which they come into the world. She is smaller than her brothers and sisters, looking nearly frail by their sides in the early months. Light in build, which makes her light in step. More agile, quicker, sharp as a knife. Like her mother, she will only strengthen as she grows. Monochromatic like both of her parents, but erring on the lighter shades. Darker and shadowy across the topline, fading down to pale greys at her sides. Dark grey toes, as well. Her expression tends to be impish, usually with a sly grin and a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. Those, those are a work of wonder. Like liquid gold, shining in pools on her face. 36" at the shoulder when fully grown, but it make take her a little longer than most to reach her full, mature adult height.


    Aurelia-- meaning golden

    Don't stress too much about these, but it helps to know.
    Height: I was thinking about sticking her around the 36" mark honestly, because of the whole "takes after Zuriel" thing
    Pup Slot: I'mma say ... potentially. I'll get back to you <3
    [Image: VVdK7m3.png]



    7 Years
    Extra large
    05-02-2018, 01:53 PM
    Which design? #3 (Second choice is one of my own design, pending approval by Sin)

    Personality: Even as a child the girl will seem wise beyond her years, she is unflappable, patient and in fact may seem detached, though in truth she is simply observing, watching the whole of the world around her and taking in information at all points. She wholly believes in the teachings of her family and will only refer to herself using plurality. She believes herself to be many, less an individual and more a tight collection of many given form.

    She always eager to offer her insight and answer any questions posed to her. Her mind is clay, malleable and easily molded and shaped with each new thing she encounters. She approaches all new challenges with an eagerness to learn and improve and with curiosity, even if it's not evident on her face. She seeks nothing more than to better herself with each passing day.

    Hidden bubbling beneath the surface of the calm and detached surface is her second self, a fiery individual who only rears her head in moments of high stress. Musetta like many of her line lives with Dissociation Identity Disorder, a second wholly separate personality lives within her. The two cannot actively exist at the same time and when the secondary personality takes over often causes blocks of her memory to be missing when she returns to "normal."

    This secondary personality is high individualistic, when she is taken over by it the girl no longer sees herself as an amalgamation but as a whole. This secondary personality is vibrant and very much reactionary; prone to rash decisions and high emotions. The secondary personality can often seem to be a sort of defense mechanism, jumping in to protect the girl from harm her normally slow and methodical side is unequipped to deal with, however the change can last far longer than any perceived danger can, the length of the disassociation seeming almost random though usually lasting no longer than a day at most.

    Both personalities however are highly dedicated to Musetta's family and her duties as a member of the Preator line. She shares a deep, nearly inexplicable bond with her family, something very few outside her line will experience though her love is evident.

    Skills: Intellect and Fighting
    Ambitions: To rise to the ranks of The Judge and barring that become a Forcas.
    Plot Ideas: A trauma of some kind (perhaps related to her family's own struggles with mental illness) causes the first apperance of Musetta's second personality, it lasts several hours and could be potentially distressing for other members of the family.
    Musetta will likely challenge her Forcas many times as a child, seeking to escape to a rank that she feels actually suit her, whether her constant challenges are rewarded or not could be plotted out.
    I can see a decent amount of scarring or maiming happening as well, though I don't see her being the provocateur, rather a side effect of some of the more violent tendencies of the pack.

    Eye Color: Blue
    Appearance: To look upon her is to truly see Zuriel in her daughter, the girl will stand 39 inches tall as an adult taller than her dame but shorter than many in her line, similarly the girl will be more willowy in frame. She is light and almost delicate looking. She stands with the poise of a queen and moves with the grace of a cat, long thin limbs can propel her forwards at great speeds though she rarely reaches them.

    Her pelt is short and light, like that of her sire but she carries a more varied pallet of monochromatic tones. She is mostly light in tone, light grays making up her base; though darker tones mark her toes, and run along her sides. Darker tones still, ashy grey would mark her crown and the base of her ears as well as flow down her neck and along her spine to the end of her tail, the same color branches off her back and extends down her shoulders. An even darker, nearly black color marks her muzzle in line with her nose down her chin as well as around her eyes and the tips of her ears. All these shades of grey fleck along most of her body though are most mixed along her shoulders.

    Her most striking feature and the one that informs most of her life are the clear sky blue eyes that peer out at the world, her gaze is strong and is clearly intelligent.

    Gender: Female
    Name: Musetta

    Height: Theoretically up to 40" (Though I want her to be 39")
    Pup Slot: Yes



    4 Years
    Extra large
    05-03-2018, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2018, 08:19 PM by Branch.)

    Which design? 2 (cause I like darker hued characters) or 3

    Reflective & Reserved;; There is never a dull moment in her life, never a time where she can truly say she is bored. Even when sitting and staring off into space her mind is hard at work, thinking and calculating things through. Thinking of new ways to be a loyal member of Ruina and thinking of general out of the box ideas. She constantly comes back to things until she feels she has solved what needed to be solved. Thinking of ideas to organize and reorganize and just generally going over everything that has happened to her in the day. When around her you will quickly realize that she is vary low key some may even say she is laid back. She is a reserved creature with the skills to be a good listener.
    Observant & Apathetic ;; Observing is how she learns mostly everything. She has no problem sitting and watching a fight, she has patience to sit and watch prey animals for the perfect strike. She is also so observant she will learn to pick up the vary smallest of details. She's the creepy wolf in the distance, not saying a word, just watching you and listening. Don't be a traitor or she'll rat you out. Tread carefully around her if you don't want her to hear anything. She will also learn to control her emotions, to push back the weak ones and only allow the strong emotions come through. She will learn to create the perfect poker face that won't let anyone know what she was thinking. This can also make it vary difficult for her to keep relationships, because they don't understand that her way of caring is just different from normal. She does love and she does care, but she shows it in different ways from the normal. Healing is one way, if she doesn't poison you it's one way to know that there is some ounce of caring creature buried within her.
    Intelligent & Focused ;; With her thirst for knowledge and her ability to retain information so easily she will develop into a rather intelligent creature. She will learn from both wolf and other species of animals about everything she can and use it to help aid her survival in this world. She is also a vary focused individual. When she had a task at hand she will get it done and be careful if you decide to disturb her. She will force herself into testing her focus also, learning to be focused in as many situations as she can. There won't be much that can fully distract her in the end.
    Tactful & Calculating & Photogenic memory ;; She will become a good fighter for this reason. She plans out everything she does and everything she says, making sure she makes the best moves possible. This paired with the knowledge she will gain over time could become a vary deadly combination to those who choose to challenge her to fight. She will watch fight after fight, move after move, and try to come up with the most efficient style and attacks to fit her. Most of her fighting and sparring from the start will be spotty. Later on in life she will pair this with her knowledge of healing and poisons and she will develop a way to quickly take down any threats or dangers to her home and family. The memory of this girl is also pretty cool too. She is able to perfectly remember images she has seen within her mind, to recall them easily and be able to explain thoroughly about what she has seen. She takes everything in even the vary smallest of details.
    Loyal & Orderly ;; Mother and father are not to be disobeyed and she learns that extremely quickly and at a vary young age. What is ordered goes and regardless of her own opinions and feelings towards things. This will get stronger with age and when she's out of the den will quickly expand to include Ruina. She does not go against the laws of the pack, the orders of a higher rank, or the orders of her parents. Ruina will always be a part of her no matter if it fails or succeeds. She will be a stickler for the old ways (the laws of when she grew up) and if anyone tries to change things later in her life she will be stubborn towards changing things. This can also extend to friends, but the solitary being will only ever have a few close friends.
    Self-sufficient & Resourceful ;; Actaea learns quickly how to do things on her own and her little puppy mind will absorb all it can and as fast as it can. She will be able to provide for herself and learn what she can substitute to stay alive. Being such a creature of solitude she will desire to provide for herself, learn herself what needs to be done, and rely on herself for the most part. She does not like to stand out especially in crowds and will learn to keep herself from the spotlight as much as she possibly can. Being that she doesn't want to rely on others to ensure her survival she tends to pick things up along the way, think out of the box some would say. She learns to be resourceful to keep herself alive and rolling with the punches.
    Morbid & Ritualistic ;; Actaea starts off with a deep interest in more of the darker things in life starting with a fascination in death and the afterlife. Much of this steps from the culture of Ruina itself along with the fascination of the demon that shares her body. Bestia is her name a former member of Ruina back eons ago. She was a well known healer and helps to push Actaea to learn the art of healing and to push her into things she normally wouldn't dare do. She likes to study death, what causes death, and the different stages of decay. The stages of decay she will like to study in both bodies and in plants so that she could learn how long the plants will last and when they need to be purged. She will also be rather fascinated with poisons and how they effect others and would learn to make potions to lace traps, or healing potions. With her being a fighter she also likes to learn the best places to do the most damage and to shed the most blood. She has a deep interest in learning and memorizing the different rituals of Ruina mostly the blood oath and the harvesting ritual along with learning about the demons themselves and the past members of the clan.

    Skills: Healing and fighting
    Ambitions: Healer for sure, but she will take a liking to being able to kill or harm others with different poisons and learn to lace traps with poisons. I also think that maybe someday she could consider her father to have another special healer rank other then the demon mother. She would be good at making potions and will teach herself to lace traps and things with poisons. And if that doesn't work she will aim to gain the rank of Judge.

    Plot Ideas:
    • I would like her to find out how her father's demon can overtake him, but since she is loyal to him I think it would be found out seeing him protect her, so maybe he takes her out for hunting training and they get ambushed by a predator.
    • I also have plans for her to go snooping in her mother's herb stock and find a poisonous plant that she ends up ingesting, it will be the first time that Bestia overtakes her and gets her to ingest bark and root of Elderberries to induce vomiting up the poisonous plant.
    • She will get 2 companions by the time she turns one and may eventually form a small hoard of them to help her gather things and learn.

    Eye Color: red and gold in both eyes
    Puppy ;; She seems small and dainty as a puppy, some may even say she would be considered the runt of the litter. A small all black ball of fluff that will be a vary late bloomer. Her paws do look somewhat big, but not near as big as one in her line should have. She will be rather graceful as a pup and full of fluffy silky black fur. Most times she will get too warm cuddled next to everyone and this will start her need for space. Her eyes will mostly look like red rubies with vary faint gold coloring lining the outside (and by vary small I mean you literally have to be inches from her face to notice). She will be rather leggy, long thin legs holding the fluffy body up. She will be vary hard to see at nighttime or in dark areas because she will blend vary well, but each time those eyes will give her away.
    Adolescence & Adult ;; She is still a late bloomer by the age of one and will still be somewhat short. She won't grow to her full height until one and a half years of age. Unlike most of her siblings her body seems to grow evenly especially since her training will help to build her muscles. Her fur will have started to lighten up top before she hits a year and shortly after a year the hues begin to grow more vibrant giving her more of a purple tone to her fur. Her markings will start to come in, but won't be fully in until 2 years of age. Her fluffy puppy fur will shed out and instead replaced by slick and soft adult fur. The gold ring in her eyes will become thicker and more noticeable giving her eyes more of a haunting look and a pair of eyes one may not easily forget. She will get to forty one inches in height and retain a more medium build. She will have sleek muscles and will continue to maintain her athletic toned body. She will be swift on her feet which will make her a good fighter.

    Gender: Female
    Name: Actaea (highly toxic plant/berries)

    Don't stress too much about these, but it helps to know.
    Height: will buy to at least make her 40 or 41
    Pup Slot: Right now yes!



    6 Years
    Extra large

    05-03-2018, 08:42 PM
    I am loving all the interest so far, aaa. This is going to be hard.

    Alright, so let's make it even harder for us to decide, yeah!??!

    Shelby and I know that we will be accepting one boy and one girl.
    We also already bought art featuring the red design with red eyes, and know that we will be using that for the boy we decide to accept. If you are interested in playing the boy, please know that we will be wanting him to be the red design. Feel free to touch up your applications, and do NOT worry about the price of the color! We'll take care of it.

    Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

    Tag Me!



    Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
    05-10-2018, 06:56 PM
    Thank you so so SO much for all the interest guys! I know the slots were pretty limited this time so if you didn't get picked this time around keep an eye out for future Runia litters! Theres lots of plots in the works as we speak~

    Sin and I agreed to go with Dragon with Ignis and Bluetick with Actaea! I'm excited to see them in action ^^ I'll cover the pup passes for you guys so I'll send you links to the purchases once they're up!