



11-24-2014, 12:26 PM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2015, 11:27 AM by Tealah.)

"Wash the sorrow from off my skin
And show me how to be whole again"

Yfir is a fully neutral pack, being neither fully good, nor evil. They make no claim to purity of purpose or intent and their ways may be considered by some to be harsh, even barbaric, but they simply walk the line between light and dark, balanced between two extremes. It is a home and a haven, a refuge for those in need and a family with unshakable bonds of love and trust, but to those who would seek its destruction it is blood and death, a fierce enemy. Yfir's word is unbreakable, and those who betray them will be treated harshly. Woe betide those foolish enough to ignore their border markers, for Yfir has no qualms against slavery and those who would cross them may find themselves marked for life as an enemy of the pack. But if harsh penalties are drawn against those who would cross their borders, harsher yet await those who would actively harm or betray an Yfir wolf. Those who trespass against the pack will be repaid in kind, whether it be an eye for an eye or a life for a life. Rather than an army, this pack is a tribal settlement on the edge of a vast wilderness with enemies all around - always standing ready to fight or to raid for their survival but rarely involving themselves in full scale wars.

Pack color: #121110
Claimed territories: Waterfall Peak, Red Forest, and Gale Gorge
Former territories: (as Ebony) Firefly Lake, Rock Garden, and Stone Steppe
Former leaders: (as Ebony) Raisa Xanilov, Katja Finnvi, Valeriya Xanilov, Kassander Xanilov

Open/Joining threads for Yfir wolves

Note: if you don't check the events regularly, you WILL miss out on pack events and you WILL face IC consequences for it.



11-24-2014, 12:39 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2016, 06:59 PM by Katja the First.)

Kaprafyrstr Stallari
Laufeyannarr Stallari
Cathaoirfyrstr Karl
Hárekrfyrstr Karl
Kassanderfyrstr Fóstru
Lyndvarrfyrstr Karl
HaniThrall (deceased)
Lærkefyrstr Karl
Warjafyrstr Fóstru
IngaHuskarl (deceased)



11-24-2014, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2016, 09:06 AM by Katja the First.)

Wolves of Yfir will be awarded ranks through deeds well done, or hard work. The ability to battle for ranks will be limited but still allowable. Dreng may battle for a full warrior's rank if they feel their mentor is holding them back unfairly. Thegn may battle the herse for his or her title. If a karl wishes to join the thegn as a full warrior, they may battle for recognition, and if proven worthy will be allowed to swear their oath and placed as a thegn by either of the alpha pair. Those wishing to find recognition amongst the healers may not fight for rank as it is their knowledge of healing that will avail them, not battle, but they may be tested in other ways to prove their worth. A wolf wishing to swear themselves to the service of the gods needs not be tested, but must prove themselves sufficiently knowledgeable and experienced to move to full priesthood.

TIER ONE These wolves are the ultimate authority in Yfir
Dróttin: (1) The Dróttin is the highest authority of the pack and all other decisions made by lesser ranking wolves are subject to their veto. They are expected to lead by example, to shirk no duty and to do what is best for Yfir rather than what is most comfortable for them. If they make a judgement, they are expected to be the one to carry out the sentence rather than simply pass it off to another. They must be involved, even if peripherally, in every aspect of pack life whether it is the larger picture of pack alliances and wars, or the minutiae of the lives of each pack wolf.
Jarl: (1) The Jarl is the Dróttin’s most trusted friend and ally, their second in command. Sometimes they are a mated pair - usually they are not, and may in fact be the same sex or siblings. Regardless of the relationship, the Jarl is the wolf the Dróttin can rely on the most and so much be chosen with the utmost of care. They are the Dróttin’s near-equal in power and are trusted to make all the same decisions as the Dróttin and to speak with the Dróttin’s voice in all matters.
Erfingi: (1) This is the wolf whether offspring of one of the alpha wolves or simply the most qualified young wolf, chosen as the Heir to the pack. While their status should be shown respect they must still earn their responsibilities through hard work and by proving themselves truly capable. They can eventually earn the ability to accept wolves into the pack, though they cannot appoint wolves to higher ranks without the approval of the alphas. They are being groomed specifically to one day take over the pack - this is not a responsibility to be taken lightly. They can expect a great deal of highly specialised training from all the various wolves of the beta council as well as the alpha pair.
TIER TWO These wolves will, along with the hofgodi, make up the beta council, the elite members of the pack who have earned the trust of the alpha. They will not always be called upon for their opinions in matters but they are trusted to be able to go about their duties and to lead the other members of the pack without constant orders from the alpha.
Stallari: (3) fyrstr Stallari, annarr Stallari, þriði Stallari - These wolves are more than simply the betas of the pack. They are each leaders in their own right, with many of the rights and responsibilities of alphas. In war, these wolves each marshal their forces under the direction of the Drottin. They may lead their warriors in raids at their own discretion, though they must consult with the alpha if they intend to lead a raid against an ally, or lead wolves not strictly within their own band. In peacetime they act as advisors for the alpha pair and directly oversee the wolves in their line of command. If both halphas have fallen and the heir is unable to assume the throne due to age, the senior stallari - fyrstr Stallari - will act as regent for the heir until they are of age, or in the event of the death or abdication of the heir they will become alpha. This rank may be challenged for, but whether the winner of the challenge becomes Stallari is subject to the decision of the alpha, for the Stallari must be much more than simply a strong fighter and they are a crucial part of the council. These ranks are named in order of seniority and experience with the rank rather than age, and a wolf may move from annarr Stallari to fyrstr Stallari, or priði Stallari to annarr Stallari, if the wolf senior to them steps down or is replaced. The bands take their names from the seniority of their Stallari, so a warrior in the annarr Stallari’s band would be called annarr thegn.
TIER THREE This rank includes those who have worked hard to distinguish themselves from their fellow packmates by training hard in a field of their choosing. They are dedicated to the service of the pack and all its members and have chosen to put that service before themselves. These wolves acknowledge that the care of the pack must come before the care of individual families within it, and have given up much to join these ranks. Though they may still have families of their own and are indeed encouraged to, they have sworn themselves to Yfir.
Hofgoði: (1) - the head priest of the pack, they exist outside the pack’s hierarchy, answering only to the alpha and the gods themselves. They are expected to see to the training of new priests as well as the spiritual education of the pack’s young. While the alpha has charge of the pack’s secular ceremonies, the hofgoði has sole charge of the pack’s religious rites.
Herse AND Eir: (6) Each Stallari’s band will be able to choose from within the ranks of the senior warriors and healers one leader from each branch. The herse will serve as lead warrior for the band, and the eir as head healer. Both will be expected to offer advice and guidance to their Stallari, but are subject to the Stallari’s judgement. They have the power to call meetings for those they oversee as well as organize training in their specialty, and will be expected to do so on a regular basis or lose their rank.
Huskarl: (∞) These wolves will be diplomats, traders, and thinkers of great skill and experience, and will be respected within the pack. They will be expected to give counsel not only to the pack members, but to be called on by the alpha in important matters. Certain aspects of law will be shared with them, such as trading, overseeing diplomatic encounters with members of other packs, and assisting in passing judgments on those who have acted against Yfir. They will oversee the karls and the family matters of the pack as well, including assisting in the training of young wolves in matters of pack etiquette, economics, society, and navigation among other things. These wolves will often, though not always, be among the elderly wolves who hold much experience but who are not yet ready to retire despite the infirmity of their bodies.
TIER FOUR This rank includes those who have worked hard to distinguish themselves from their fellow packmates by training hard in a field of their choosing. They are dedicated to the service of the pack and all its members and have chosen to put that service before themselves. These wolves acknowledge that the care of the pack must come before the care of individual families within it, and have given up much to join these ranks. Though they may still have families of their own and are indeed encouraged to, they have sworn themselves to Yfir. It also includes the craftsmen and traders who have not made such oaths but are to be held in high regard for their work.
goði: (∞) the fully trained priests of the pack, they fall outside the normal pack hierarchy, belonging to no one band but rather to the pack as a whole. They act as the packs’ conscience and guidance, their link to the gods. They may have secondary skills, whether as a hunter or fighter, healer or trader, but they are sworn foremost to the gods. Though all vikings may converse with the gods as they wish, the goði are sworn solely to their service. They may act as emotional mentors, as storytellers, as historians, much as the huskarl do, but while the huskarl may act from a practical, earthly standpoint the godi are generally more concerned with the spiritual aspects. They carry the history of the pack, of the families within it, and the stories of the gods in an oral tradition and so must have well-trained minds in order to memorize what they must recite at need. Goði will be expected to act as mentor to at least one gyðja in their lifetime, so that their way of life might be preserved for the next generation. No wolf younger than three years old may find themselves in this rank.
Thegn: (∞) The thegn are the elite warriors and hunters of the pack. They will be expected to learn both arts though it is accepted that they focus their concentration on one or the other. They will be the first line of defense when war comes, as well as provide most of the hunting for the pack for those who cannot feed themselves. They will be expected to mentor one or more dreng in the art, as well as participating in any training to improve their own skills.
Hirdha: (∞) The hirdha are the elite healers and medics of the pack, trained in both the curing of diseases - including those of the mind - and in the chaos of battlefield medicine, though it is acceptable for them to chose to concentrate on one or the other. They are also expected to take on one or more skald from the pack's youth to educate as they age, as well as participate in any training to improve their own skills.
Kaupmaðr: (∞) These are the pack's craftsmen and traders. Though they may have other skills that they may be called upon to use in emergencies, these wolves have chosen to pursue a life dedicated to the finer arts. Craftsmen are greatly honored and lauded for their artistry, and are encouraged to take an apprentice or two who shares their passions to pass on the knowledge of their craft. Traders often travel far distances from the pack for their goods, learning their way through many types of terrains and knowing many wolves, and when needed may act as scouts or spies. They have made no stringent oaths but are expected to act in such a way as to honor Yfir and to protect their brethren - though of course they are encouraged to make a profit while they're at it.
TIER FIVE These ranks and up are reserved for those who are considered full adult members of the pack - though the student ranks may in fact be filled with wolves under the age of one, they have earned the right to be considered adults through their oath of service and are full members of the pack. Karl are divided equally among the bands, while the skald and dreng will join the band of their mentor to work beside them. Concubines join their patron’s band upon entering into their agreement. Taking a mate in another band is allowed without question and ranks may be rearranged to allow families to remain comfortably within the same group if desired, though it is preferred to keep mates separated to minimize the likelihood of pups orphaned if a band is wiped out in war.
Skald AND Dreng: (∞) These are the wolves who have sworn themselves to the service of the pack and have earned a rank as a junior warrior or healer. This is not a rank conferred automatically but one that must be earned through hard work and perseverance while among the lower ranks. Apprentices to their arts, this rank is not limited to the young and they include newly joined adults wishing to join the ranks of thegn or hirdha who have not yet proven themselves fully trained. Dreng are the junior warriors and hunters, while skalds are those students studying the arts of the eir. Neither a skald or a dreng will not be able to advance in either order until their mentor feels them fully trained or they can sufficiently prove themselves to the alpha.
Gyðja: (∞) The priest-trainees, these are wolves who have sworn themselves to the gods but are too young and inexperienced to join the ranks of the priests. They are outside the normal order of things, belonging to no one band but rather to the pack as a whole. A Gyðja may not advance to goði until their mentor judges them to be ready, both intellectually and spiritually, or they can sufficiently prove themselves to the hofgoði or alpha.
Farmaðr: (∞) Apprentice traders and craftsmen - though they like their mentors swore no extra oaths they are expected to dedicate themselves to learning their crafts thoroughly, and to comport themselves with the proper manner when trading among strangers.
Karl: (∞) The karls make up the rest of the population of the pack, those who choose to join neither order or those unable to perform those duties. Heavily pregnant or nursing mothers among the thegn and eir will be moved to this rank until the pups are old enough to begin official training. Those who have fallen ill or been injured will be moved to this category as well until they can return to their duties once again. The honored elderly will also find themselves in this rank and are to be held in the highest of respect for the deeds they did in the past and the knowledge they still hold despite their retirement. Unless pregnant, ill, or infirm, karls will be expected to hunt for themselves to the best of their ability and all able-bodied Karls are to join together for pack hunts.
Hirdhmadhr AND Fóstru: (∞) Equal in rank to the Karls are the Hirdhmadhr and Fóstru. These are wolves who have skill in their chosen field (Hirdhmadhr being warriors, fóstru being healers) but choose not to take the oaths to be an elite warrior or healer. They will train with the Thegn and Eir when called upon by their band’s leaders and may be entrusted with additional duties but will otherwise be considered equal to and a part of the Karls.
Friðla: (∞) The least among the full members of the pack, friðla are the concubines - wolves who would have otherwise been of a low class had they not entered into concubinage with a member of the pack. They are expected to participate in pack life as though they were a karl, though they essentially belong to a single member of the pack.
TIER SIX This rank belongs to the children of the pack. Though no child truly outranks another - and in fact it is expected of the pups to sort out their own social structure without adult interference entirely aside from their rank in the pack itself - pups of certain families will have responsibilities and lessons not expected of others and so are ranked accordingly within the pack. Pups will belong to the band of their father regardless of their mother’s status.
Kynslóð: (∞) These are the natural-born children of the Dróttin’s family, conceived of in marriage or through the blessing of a blót. They are likely the future rulers of Yfir, and should be treated with respect though their rank does not entitle them to soft treatment - if anything, more will be expected of them rather than less. The line of succession will default to the oldest child of the Dróttin if one has not been chosen among them, but it is the pup who shows the most promise that will be appointed to heir no matter what the age.
Kind: (∞) While the duties of a pup will be few, note will be given to the children of those who have proven themselves exceptional. This rank will consist of the base-born children of the Drottin’s family, as well as the natural-born children of the elite ranks in the pack. It will be expected of the pack to treat these youths with respect, out of respect for the parents, but like the kynslóð they will not be entitled to soft treatment nor allowed to be disrespectful of the pack members. These children will be expected to learn skills from both thegn and eir at a young age and much will be expected of them.
Barn: (∞) While they may lack the rank inferred by highly respected parent, children of any birth will be well provided for within Yfir and can expect to find a mentor among whatever branch interests them. They will be cared for by any and all members, and it shall be the duty of all wolves to ensure that no harm comes to them. The children of Yfir are the future, and the security of the future is paramount.
TIER SEVEN This rank belongs to those who are not considered to be full members of Yfir. They are also not divided among the bands as full members are, but are instead the sole responsibility of the Drottin. Among them number the slaves, the prisoners of war, or oathbreakers awaiting trial, as well as refugees who have sought protection from Yfir but have not chosen to join Yfir’s ranks.
Gjalda: (5) The Refugees, the temporary members of Yfir who have been granted asylum for a short time. They are not considered full members of the pack but they gain the protection of all of Yfir while they are among them. They are to be treated as respectfully as one would treat a full member of Yfir, but they must also be prepared to obey the orders of any adult member of Yfir - only the thralls must obey a refugee.
Thrall: (∞) Thralls are the slaves of Yfir, those who have been force-claimed into the pack and may be expected to either serve the one who claimed them, or the pack as a whole. They must obey the orders of and show respect to any pack member right down to the children and the refugees, and though they are not required to obey the immediate commands of oathbreakers and prisoners they must still show respect. They may follow no orders that would result in the death or injury of an Yfir pack wolf, no matter what punishment is given for disobedience. Thralls are given some rights within the pack and may be able to eventually earn their freedom or a full rank within the pack. Pack members are expected to keep a close eye on any thrall's activity.
Nár: (∞) The oathbreakers, this rank is reserved for any who would go against their pack and either break the laws or betray a fellow packmate, and they will be demoted to this rank until punishment is carried out. Lawbreakers should take great care until they are officially punished, as they have few rights at this stage and may face abuse by those members of the pack wronged by their actions. Pack members are expected to keep the closest watch on any Nár among them.
Fangi: (∞) Prisoners taken in battle will be of this rank until they are ransomed or released, or taken as a thrall for nonpayment, or unless they chose to join Yfir of their own volition. They are to be treated with respect, and any unnecessary abuse of a Fangi will be considered a breach of trust with Yfir and the abuser punished accordingly. That said, any Fangi attempting to run away or leave Yfir lands unchaperoned, or in any way break Yfir’s laws, will be punished harshly, and abuse directed at Yfir warriors by a Fangi will immediately call the attention of the alpha… and you really don’t want that. Just keep your head down and be respectful and you’ll make it through your captivity unharmed.
UNOFFICIAL These are not real ranks and will be applied to wolves who are not in the pack and may be a different pack and rank altogether.
Nástrandir : The exiles, the condemned, the damned: these are wolves that have been ejected forcefully from Yfir's ranks and cursed to wander alone, an enemy of Yfir. Any Yfir wolf caught interacting with them in a friendly manner for any reason whatsoever will find themselves dropped to Nár and may face being enslaved or maimed for their betrayal. Any pack who has taken one in will find themselves the brunt of Yfir's suspicion.



11-24-2014, 12:56 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2016, 11:33 PM by Katja the First.)


1. Loyalty and Trust - the bonds between Yfir members are tighter even than the bonds of blood. Yfir wolves are expected to be loyal to one another as well as to the pack, and such vows are not easily dissolved. Each wolf must be able to trust in the protection of their fellows, and must be trusted to always be there to support the pack. Yfir is not a temporary home, but if you are in need it will never let you down.

2. Valor - to protect your fellow Yfir wolves without fear or holding back is the ultimate honor and privilege of each Yfir warrior, and to fight with all their knowledge and courage to heal their fellow packmates the privilege of each Yfir medic. To back down from such a challenge is a betrayal of the bonds of friendship and pack. To hold back is cowardly and unacceptable behavior as it could result in the injury or death of a packmate, and will be punished by demotions, shunnings, and other such public shames.

3. Honor - To act without honor is to bring shame and chaos to the Yfir pack. Yfir wolves will be required to behave honorably among those not of Yfir so as to not bring shame and danger to their packmates. Rape, torture, murder - except in the case of war these will not be tolerated even among non-packmates and will be punished. However, Yfir will not allow another pack - even an allied pack - to punish its members and will close ranks around the accused even as far as going to war for it. It is a matter of honor and pride. Yfir does not submit to other packs' punishments.

4. Strength - Yfir wolves will be expected to train hard in their chosen field. Whether it be the path of tooth and claw, or herbs and mind, they will train to the utmost of their potential. As a lack of effort in practice could result in injury or death of a packmate when the skills are needed most, slacking will be punishable by demotions and public shaming and if necessary removal from the pack. Even those not among the elite are expected to train their bodies and minds in some way to better themselves.

5. Pride without Arrogance - Yfir wolves will display their pride in their pack at all times. Yfir is strong and any wolf can count themselves lucky to be a part of it, and that is the attitude expected to be shown at all times. Denigration and speaking badly of the pack and it's members to outsiders will be considered a betrayal of trust and will be punished accordingly. Pride, however, is not arrogance. Arrogance leads to mistakes.

6. Obedience - although questioning and independence of thought is encouraged to prevent stagnation, the failure to act decisively and swiftly when given orders could result in the injuries or deaths of Yfir packmates. Obey immediately, ask questions later. Failure to do so will result in punishment.

7. Family - Yfir is a family... complicated but closely joined. Mates from outside of the pack are not allowed. If a mate is taken from outside the pack the mate must also join Yfir, for Yfir loyalties cannot be split between a mate and the pack. All children of Yfir wolves are expected to grow up within Yfir regardless of whether or not both parents are in Yfir. Permission must be obtained from an alpha before children will be allowed from any pairing. A lack of control that results in pregnancy without permission will be punished through severe demotions and shaming of the parents - in severe cases where the repetitive failure to control their own urges begins to put the health of the pack as a whole at risk, the pair and their children may even be demoted to thralls. Parents are responsible for the very early training of their children to the age of six months, at which age the pups will be fostered to other Yfir members to continue their training or they are allowed to take the oaths to become dreng or skald if they are ready.

8. Community - once every season the pack will be called together in a meeting, a thing where the alpha may make announcements, assignments for the coming season, and promotions. The pack will be given the opportunity to publicly voice complaints, concerns, ideas, and desires. Justice is often given at the things and any pack member can request a hearing before the assembled Yfir. Likewise the various cadres will gather regularly to engage in activities of learning and fellowship.

9. Marriage and Concubines - In viking culture marriage is considered a business arrangement, a manner of producing heirs suitable for their family, or the sealing of a peace agreement between warring factions. A male must essentially purchase the right to marry a female to bear his heirs, with lavish gifts to both her and to her family, and the female will often act as a peacemaker between her family and the family she married into. They are the physical embodiment of an alliance, not a love-match. Therefore it is considered acceptable practice for married men to take concubines - in Yfir it would not be entirely untoward for a female to take male concubines as well, though the practice would be frowned on if it resulted in pups. The pups that result of a marriage will always be considered to be higher than those resulting from a concubinage. Concubines are of a lower social strata, often taken from among freed thralls or loners, and so are not a threat to the spouse. They are not bed-slaves, as they must enter into the concubinage of their own free will, and so any illegitimate children of their bonding will not be made slaves even if not acknowledged by the father. They are not, however, the equal of the wolf who took them as concubine. They are expected to show complete loyalty, and to refrain from sexual activities with other wolves.

10. Slaves - Slavery is allowable under Yfir law but even thralls have their rights as members of the pack, no matter how subservient they are. The murder, rape, and maim of prisoners is severely punished, and unnecessary beatings are strongly discouraged. Murder is likewise unacceptable for slaves, and rape is highly discouraged in part due to the possibility of pups. Pups of slaves will also be slaves, but must be cared for by the pack and given medical care, as will any slave crippled or sickened. Maims and unnecessary beatings of slaves are discouraged. Slaves can barter with the alphas for their own freedom to either leave the pack or join as a full member.

11. Protection - All wolves are expected to respect the borders regardless of status or intent. No Yfir wolf is to bring a non-Yfir wolf passed the borders without the express permission of a tier 1 or 2 wolf. If the borders are breached it is the responsibility of all Yfir wolves regardless of rank to sound an alarm. Thegn and dreng (and any other lower ranked wolves so inclined) are expected to seek to maim intruders with an easily visible scar that will mark them as an enemy of Yfir - a deep and terrible scar from the corner of their muzzle to the base of their ear... One strike against Yfir, one side scarred. Two strikes, two scars. Three strikes... That does not bear considering. Those of a high enough rank to claim slaves are expected to do so unless the situation warrants otherwise.

12. Allies - They have few allies but those few will be considered part of a larger tribe, one of yet apart from Yfir. Fostering youths to allies, or taking in allied youths to foster, will be an accepted practice, as will arranged marriages among allied packs. Despite this, allied packs may still be considered fair game for small-scale attacks and raids to promote and display the skills and training of each pack's warriors.

13. Asylum - Rarely, Yfir may offer temporary asylum to refugees. This wish must be made clear upfront, before they enter the pack, for once fully joined to the pack Yfir wolves are not allowed to leave without punishment. Refugees seeking asylum will be considered lesser members of the pack and their stay will be brief unless they make the decision on their own to become full members.

- blóts (festivals) celebrating the three seasons (keeping in mind that vikings were not farmers by nature and did not reckon on four seasons according to planting, growing, harvesting, and fallow as many cultures did) and honoring the gods
  • vetrnátta blót - the Sacrifice towards Winter, which takes place mid-October, where sacrifices are made to ask the gods for a good year.
  • miðsvetrar blót - Midwinter Sacrifice or Yule, which takes place mid-January, where sacrifices are made to Frey asking for peace and fruitfulness, and solemn oaths are made.
  • Sigr-blót - the Sacrifice toward Summer, which falls around mid-April, where sacrifices are made to Odin and ask for victory in battle.

- when a litter is birthed, upon their eyes opening the father (or husband or male relative of the mother in the absence of the actual father) will choose whether to claim them as his own. If he does not, the children are considered illegitimate and will bear only the mother's family name having no connection to the father's family or any inheritance from either family. If they are claimed, water will be sprinkled over them and the father (or husband or male relative) will take them against his chest and name them.

- arranged marriages (explanation of ceremony to come)

Pack History:
Pack history goes here.



11-24-2014, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2016, 11:21 PM by Katja the First.)

Pack Relations:
ABAVEN: former ally, currently unknown
ARGEAD: unknown
BOREALIS: unknown
CELESTIAL: unknown
DONOSTREA: unknown
FIORI: unknown
IMPERIUM: ... interested

Other Species Allies:

Pack News:
- 2.14.2016 The winter season's Thing has been called, and spars have begun for those who seek higher ranks.

- 7.17.2015 Raiding season has begun, and Yfir's vikings have set out on their first expedition as a pack.

- 5.4.2015 After the death of his brother, Kassander turns Ebony back over to Katja Finnvi, who renames the pack Yfir and introduces her family's culture into the newly renamed colony.

- 2.23.2015 Kassander leads Ebony to war against Arcanum.

- 11.18.2014 Valeriya has made the decision to leave Ebony and places the rule of the pack with her oldest brother, the healer Kassander.

- 9.2.2014 Katja, having fulfilled her oath to Raisa Xanilov, has passed the control of Ebony back to her heir. After some dispute between the two remaining daughters, Valeriya took the throne. Svetlana has left pack lands.



12-15-2014, 11:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2016, 06:02 PM by Katja the First.)

► Catch Me If You Can

- It's spring, and with spring comes the perfect hunting opportunities. Katja has called together all Karls and any others interested so that they can take either a caribou calf or a recovering mother before they can catch up with the herd. Deadline 7/25

► Give Me More

- Katja is holding a meeting. All wolves are required to attend. A religious ceremony will follow for those interested. Deadline April 22nd.


► Invocation

Katja is holding a blót dedicated to Tyr and Odinn, to adopt Laufey officially into the Finnvi and to celebrate the start of the season of raiding.

► Lo, there do I see my father

Katja has led her pack on a raid to Threar! The raid is successful.

► Let's Begin

Katja has called a mandatory meeting at the start of spring. Failure to show up will result in demotions or dominance fights, possibly even maims for continued absences.

Second Deadline: Friday, 17th of July @ noon

► let yourself in

Katja has moved the pack north and is gathering them at Waterfall Peak.

Second Deadline: June 17th

► Everything Ends

Kassander informs the pack of Sigmarr's death and turns the pack over to Katja. Katja announces changes in the pack's name and laws.

► Retro

Kassander reclaims the Rock Garden and calls a meeting of the pack.

►days fell away with nothing to show

Kassander has called a meeting on the last day of spring with the intention of honoring the wolves born in summer.

►knock knock

Ebony moves to lay siege to Arcanum.



► June Yfir Writing Frenzy

Get the most posts in the month with your Yfir character to win a prize!

Contest ends 11:59 PM Ala time on June 30th



10-20-2015, 10:26 AM

In light of the recent lack of activity within Yfir, I am instituting some new OOC policies. Sorry guys! But there are only a couple members out of many that are active and though yes, I myself have been inactive as I've been getting settled into the new house, a scarce alpha should not mean a completely inactive pack! So here we go. Find your character's rank to see what their requirements are. Each character is considered separately so each must have their own posts in meetings, not simply be mentioned in another of that player's characters' posts. This includes playable pups! If the once-per-season proves too fast a pace for meetings I will scale it back to once per two seasons but for now I will be expecting a high level of activity.


First of all, there will be a pack meeting (called a Thing) every season from now on. ALL wolves are expected to attend, from playable pups to thralls and up. The thralls will be expected to be serving the full members food and drink and babysitting pups while the full members will be expected to listen to announcements, bring up any issues, and vote if called for it. Everyone will be expected to post to at least the first two rounds of the meeting and are encouraged to actually participate in discussions.

The beta council (all Tier 1 and Tier 2 wolves) is expected to meet once a season after the Thing to discuss any problems with the lower ranks as well as any possible promotions, etc. This could be as short as two rounds but discussion is encouraged so they may run longer.

Once a season the Stellari or Herse will be expected to call the warriors together for hunt training. The Godi will be expected to call all the healers together for training or other healing-related activities.

Huskarl are expected to complete at least one lesson per season in the skill of their choice (history, culture, mythology, language, hunting, etc). There can be as few as one student, but the lesson must have at least four rounds for both teacher and student.

Karls will be expected to participate in one pack hunt from start to finish per season. This includes Hirdhmadhr and Hirdha. Anyone of any rank (except tiers 5 and 6) may call a hunt and Karls who have not already completed a pack hunt should answer. Karls with a hunt skill should also have at least one smaller hunt of their own per season. Hirdhmadhr are expected to participate in at least one spar or fight training per season, and Hirdha must participate in healer training or other healing-related activities at least once a season.

Thegn and dreng are expected to participate in pack fight training once per season. This may or may not include a spar at the discretion of the one who called the training. In addition they are expected to spar on their own at least once a season. In the event that the Herse or Stellari does not call the meeting, a Thegn may call the group together to train.

Eir and Skalds will be expected to participate in healer training once per season. This may or may not include an actual lesson, at the discretion of the Godi. In addition they are expected to participate at least one other healing-related activity per season. In the event the Godi does not call the meeting, an Eir may call the group together.

Pups are expected to participate in pup training events (basic self defense, basic first aid, storytime, etc) at least once a month. This is to make sure that all pups are actually played, and to give IC basis to forming their decision at six months to a year old as to what skills they wish to ultimately pursue. If they do not choose a skill by a year old they must continue to participate in pup events until they reach a year and are moved to the Karl rank. Pup training events may be called by anyone, most often by the parents or huskarls but anyone is welcome to participate in training the pups. These meetings should be four rounds in length, but should be fairly quick because let's face it, pups don't have a great attention span.

Thralls are expected to participate in all pack hunts, pack meetings, and are encouraged to participate in the meetings for the skills of their choice though depending on the character who calls the meeting they may be fetching or serving rather than participating. A slave who does not actually post actively within the pack will be at risk of being punished by any tier 1 or 2 pack member and treated badly by any other pack member they meet. A slave that willingly participates without force will earn more freedoms and find themselves treated better and trusted more.


One missed meeting will result in an ooc warning.
Two missed meetings will result in an ic warning.
Three or more will result in a demotion for each missed meeting until they find themselves Nar. You don't want to be Nar.

Thralls with three or more missed meetings will face the possibility of a maim.

If two seasons pass without another missed meeting, the timer is reset, but repeatedly missing meetings despite warnings (even if not in a row) within an ooc year will put the character at risk of being ejected from the pack.


An absence during that season's Thing will excuse you from that meeting without consequence. An absence during a training event or hunt will excuse you from that event without consequence, but must be made up later with extracurricular threads in that subject.

A scarcity will not excuse you from mandatory meetings and training, but will excuse you without consequence from the extra threads required of the character's skillsets. For instance, a karl with a hunting skill whose player is on scarcity must participate in an official pack hunt once a season, but is excused from the additional smaller hunt requirement.

I must be kept updated on scarcities and absences (because I do not always check that board) and repeated abuse of scarcities and absences could result in your character being dropped from the pack.