
Blood ties us together [Vesta]

Athena I


9 Years
12-04-2014, 03:21 PM

She wasn't sure she would ever understand or accept why Vereux had left, even if he did ever return and explain himself, but it was time for her to move on. It was time for her to focus on those wolves that were still in her life and give them the attention they deserved. Her pups and Amalia were at the top of that list of course, but she also remembered making a promise to a bright-eyed young girl to be her mentor. What kind of mentor had she been? Absent most of the time, hardly a lesson to be had. Some role model she had been. Athena headed out to find her niece Vesta, determined to make things right. Well, at least to apologize and see if Vesta even still wanted her guidance. She honestly wouldn't be surprised if the girl didn't want anything to do with her at this point. She had fallen so far from the ideals she had held for herself before she got pregnant... would she ever reach that pedestal again?

She padded slowly through the red forest, sniffing and searching for Vesta's scent. It was still weird for her to think of this forest at part of her home. It made sense with Roman ruling the pack, this had been part of Roman's old pack so it was probably what Roman considered home just like Athena thought of the Sparse Pines, but it still wasn't something she was used to. Finally Athena caught her niece's scent and she followed it till her split-tone gaze caught sight of the white girl. She smiled and gave a little bark in greeting before trotting up to her relative, wondering to herself how the girl would react. "Hey, Vesta. How are you?"

Speech Thought