
Burn it down [meeting]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-28-2015, 08:30 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2015, 08:30 PM by Epiphron.)
Note: set after Jupiter's death. Anyone interesting in joining has until Sunday, February 1st until Epiphron speaks. Obviously they can join afterwards, this is just for this meeting.

Doubts will try to break you
Unleash your heart and soul
Trouble will surround you
Start taking some control

Jupiter was dead. Though her scent lingered still, she knew with a painful certainty that she would not be seen in these lands again. As Epiphron padded aimlessly through the packlands, a dull ache began to settle in her chest. She was gone; and she knew what she had to do next. Amalia's return had cemented the decision in her mind. There was a wariness in her step as she moved, taking careful steps toward the center of the territory.

Being appointed to heir had been an honor, but she had never expected to truly need to take over Ludicael. Being made heir had been little more than a distant afterthought; something that was necessary for a leader’s peace of mind, not something anyone expected to be made reality. There was no doubt in Epiphron’s mind that she needed to step up now, lest she let this old empire fall and disappear into the abyss as Seracia had; even if it wasn’t something she had ever expected to need to do. She needed a home for her children and whatever family she had left in Alacritia.

She had led a Kingdom once, but she hadn’t exactly been in the best mindset to. Slowly she had lost Seracia, spending time doting on her children and her husband instead of paying attention to her subjects. Though her rule had not been unimpressive, she knew she was capable of so much more… but she couldn't help but wonder if she was still cut out for it.

Unlike the first time she had come to rule, she had not inherited a kingdom; she had inherited the mangroves and a group of cowardly prisoners. While she was no tyrant, the thought of her simply releasing an entire pack didn’t settle well with her. Though if they were too spineless to fight for their freedom, she didn’t know why they would argue with her suggestion to stay here. She knew Jupiter had taken Ludicael out of revenge, to punish them for being too cowardly to stand up for themselves -- but Epiphron simply would rule Ludicael because it was hers to rule, and for no other reason. She had never been a woman prone to violence, nor to tyranny, and that would not change now.

With that, the ivory-furred woman would tip her head to the sky, letting loose a call for them. The song was loud, intended for all to hear, whoever might still be out there that might remember her and be willing to give her a chance.  Soon they would know that Jupiter was here no more, and that they would be free to live in Ludicael free of fear -- for they had nothing to fear from her let they betray her...




7 Years
01-28-2015, 09:17 PM

Amalia had been settling in well with her mother, but then again she hadn't really been adapted to the North. It was Athena and the boys who were taking a bit longer to settle in, they had been born in the North and this land was too hot for them. She giggled, it was only Spring. Just wait until summer rolled around! She had made a den for her family in the mangrove, weaved in between the large roots of the trees. She had to made it big enough that her whole family could fit in, her large boys as well. As she stepped out of it she looked over her shoulder to gaze fondly at her handwork. Good, it was perfect now! Nodding her head she was about to go gather up her family for a little adventure when Pip's call sounded. She knew that her mother was still adapting to the pack, and Amalia was more than happy to help her out. Springing upwards her little bunny tail wiggled as she sprang forward, not waiting for the rest of the family as she ran to meet her mother.

She seemed to be the first to arrive, and stepped forward to nuzzle her mother. Even though she had risen her voice at her the other day, she still loved her with all her heart. "Mother," she said softly, pulling back as she eyed her mothers beautiful face, "always a pleasure to see your lovely face." She said with a giggle, stepping slightly to her own left before settling down beside her mother. She thought that she should probably sit in front of her mother, but old habits died hard. Her little tail wiggled on the earth as she waited for the rest to arrive, eager to see who would join her mothers pack. She knew that there would be a sad moment when Pip shared the news, but she would be here make them all happy!

Athena I


9 Years
01-28-2015, 11:21 PM

It was so bloody hot here! At least, it seemed like it to her. All her life she had been adapted to the snow and ice of the north and now she was having to readjust and it certainly wasn't easy or even all that pleasant. She was just glad her boys were still young, it would be easier for them to adjust than it would be her. Of course, moving away from the only home they've ever known was going to be difficult for a while, but she prayed they would grow to love it here too. This was somewhere that memories of their absent father would not linger, where traces of long lost family members wouldn't haunt them. They could all start anew here.

She knew Amalia had been working diligently on their den so Athena had begun to explore their new home, not venturing farther than a few dozen feet from the den so that if Amalia wanted her or needed help she would be there in just a moment. She took her boys with her on her exploratory mission, not quite ready to let them out of her sight yet in this new place. She knew they were growing up fast, but it was hard for her to let go enough to let them run free here. She would of course, just not yet. They had only just joined them here the day before after all. She wove her way through the mangroves, protective Vitus at her side, Archelus and Bacchus just behind her, and ever energetic Tiburtius in front leading the way. She smiled, loving these moments with her sons, quietly hoping that this never had to end.

Epiphron's call broke the silence and she paused, turning her head toward the howl and listening. A meeting. Without hesitation, she said her her sons, "Come on, boys. I suppose it's high time we formally introduce you to your Grandmother Epiphron." She supposed Pip was going to be as much their grandmother as Amalia was their mother so she wanted them to get used to hearing her refered to as such... and wanted to get herself used to it as well. She hurried forward at a quick trot toward the meeting, her sons on her heels. When she arrived she saw she was only second to Amalia and she smiled when she saw her wife sitting proudly next to her mother. She chuckled, coming over to Amalia first and nuzzling her cheek before taking a step back and turning her gaze to Epiphron, giving the queen a respectful nod. "I'd like to introduce Tiburtius, Bacchus, Archelus, and Vitus," she said with a smile, nodding to each one in turn to indicate which one was which. She knew there would be plenty of time for them to get to know each other later so she smiled and nodded once more to Pip before turning and taking a few steps away so that she could sit down in front of her mother-in-law where the rest of the pack would be sitting, motioning for her boys to do the same. She wanted to sit beside Amalia, but her wife was up front next to her mother and she knew that wasn't her place. So instead she smiled and peered proudly at Amalia, her tail wagging behind her.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
01-28-2015, 11:26 PM

Though she was loathe to attend a meeting her curiosity at the caller not being Jupiter was enough to bring her out. Had the woman been vanquished? What was this newcomer doing within their home now? Though she would have preferred them stay within the den the fat that her sons were now more than a year old they insisted they would come with her and Ara. With a sigh she would set off cautiously, her form coming to stand before two strangers, though she'd been born in Epiphron's previous kingdom. Not that she would have remembered anyway.

Curiously she would come forward, her head tilted to the side as she sat down to the left of the gathering. Her little family welcome to cuddle up next to her as she waited for what this woman had to say, and wondered what her presence would mean for her future.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Psalm 1


2 Years
01-28-2015, 11:36 PM

Psalm's small form would easily follow after his mother, after much debate on his part. She always wanted to keep them home in the den, too dangerous out by yourselves.. oh he'd heard that so many times. He wished things would go back to the way they used to be. Back when the rest of the family was still around. As Novel grew more timid Psalm would surge ahead, afraid of nothing as he made his way to the clearing, his eyes coming to rest on no one familiar. However as he looked across the way he was surprised to see the boy with the white marks across his side. His own markings were so similar. He'd smile in amusement, but knowing the worry of his mother would keep to himself for now. His small form would sit easily beside the small black and white she wolf, his bright blue eyes watching the other wolves expectantly.



2 Years
Extra large
01-28-2015, 11:45 PM
He was almost thankful that his mother had not let them disperse yet, the unfamiliarity coupled with the loss of so much in one day had him rather dazed. He'd not been as eager as usual in the past few days and had hung back a little more than usual. Life was weird right now and he wasn't sure really where they were going. Where he was going. What about their aunt Talvi? He would walk with his head lowered, happy to follow his mother about, when they heard the howl. He'd find himself perking at his mother's words and would follow wordlessly.

He would nod his head politely when his mother introduced him to his grandmother, uncertainty still plain on his face as he went to nuzzle his mother Amalia before being ushered next to Athena. He'd keep his eyes to his paws, still not feeling anywhere near as bold or inviting as he'd been before Roman's death. Still, he could see this as an opportunity to start anew, like his mother reminded them. Now it was unlikely their father would ever find them again, even if he did come back. Not a thought he'd expected from himself but it would still cross his mind as he waited quietly to listen to the meeting.



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
01-29-2015, 12:51 AM

Outside, it seemed more a mystical magical place than actual location he had once experienced. Only once since the orange woman’s appearance had he snuck out and since then the leash his mothers kept him on was a tight one. Still he was growing a season from being a yearling and already starting to outgrow his brother.

But then momma Ara had done something he had not expected, poking first her head out of the den. (That was enough to get his attention.) Then leading them all out seemingly in answer of the howl that had rung out. At first he had stayed behind her, then as Psalm raced forwards so too did his twin. A yip of excitement burst from his lips as he easily kept pace with his brother, the exhilaration of finally being free filling him up and pushing out any fear. They would stop in the clearing, crystal blues scanning for any wolves he knew, for his friend.

He had not seen where she had gone… but regardless not seeing her again would not put a damper on his good spirits. Hymn settled himself, less than gently, beside his brother. Playfully nipping and tugging at Psalm’s ear. For what felt like an entire life time he had been forced to control himself, to hide away and now he might as well have been a season old again. It was time to make up for all the lost playtime.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



7 Years
01-29-2015, 04:53 AM
An Armada no longer ruling. The idea seemed crazy to the young boy, so proud of his bloodline. Of course he didn't know the full extent of his family history, such facts could have a rather detrimental effect after all. One thing he did know however was that he missed the North. The cool conditions were indeed homely, what he was used to. He had never travelled before certainly not to a place as warm as this.

They were staying though, apparently they had some more family with a pack and Athena now would introduce them to this woman. Her colours, were far paler than Amalia's most of the appearance alone not enough for Archelaus to see the family resemblance anyway. He was about to take a seat when their mother moved away again though the other remained in place next to their grandmother. The separation was rather confusing. "Why are we sitting here?" He enquired as he looked to Athena now.
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



5 Years
01-29-2015, 06:25 AM
 Vitus hardly moved from his mother's side for a second, not since that fateful day when she had told them of their new found homelessness. He would find himself pressed so tightly to her side in the night, soothing her woes in the day with his new found broken speech. He needed to help her, needed his mother to be happy, to feel better in this life. Despite his refusal to leave his mothers side, he was still there for his brothers and Amalia. With gentle nudges and small smiles Vitus would attempt to sooth their aches as well, giving as much affection as he could possibly do. Yet Athena was his focus, for he knew how much she had gone through in this life. All he wanted was for her to be happy.

So he remained at her side, day and night, even now as she directed them towards the meeting. His strong shoulder would bump hers as he walked, trying to show her that he was here. That he wasn't leaving. Never, not him. He barely made a noise about the heat that he wasn't used too. His fur shed without a sound, without a complaint. He was happy here, at least...if Vitus could understand what happiness was. No, vitus was content here, with his family at his side. Dare he say, this experience made them grow closer together, and he wouldn't trade it for anything...except maybe for Roman's life, of course.  With a gentle sigh he smiled in Athena's direction as introduced them to the alpha, before he turned to her himself. With the deepest of bows he rasped to her, "i m' strength an' loyalty eternal. Than' you for helpin' my family." He didnt feel self concious as he stumbled over his speech, hoping that shed accept his lack of words as an offering. He rarely spared his speech for much, only those he deemed important, and he hoped she'd understand the sentiment. Without another word he joined his mother, sitting snug close to her side, hoping he had done good for their new alpha.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



10 Years
01-29-2015, 07:35 AM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2015, 07:38 AM by Ara.)
It was surprising when a call, vaguely familiar at best, roused them from there den. The last meeting they'd had here had been far from pleasant and she felt dread weighing down on her and her wife's shoulders. Though being a prisoner was not awful for her -- she was content to stay home with her family, to keep to themselves -- she knew her sons were growing rapidly and needed room to roam and hunt, room to explore and do as children were meant to.

She was quiet as they wandered from the den, slowly ushering the boys with them, though they needed little prodding. There was a wariness in her step as she padded besides Novel, hardly looking up from the ground -- only barely, to keep an eye on Psalm and Hymn. They seemed to have a newfound playfulness, something they had been forced to stifle for some time, and she found a smile playing on her lips.

It took a long moment for her to finally direct her gaze to the woman that had called them, and it took a bit longer for her to realize who she was. Confusion welled in her chest as her gaze searched for the one that had declared them prisoners, but she found nothing. "Novel..." she whispered under her breath, words meant only for her wife as they came to sit amongst the few that had begun to gather, most of whom were unfamiliar to her. Who were these wolves, and why had they come to Ludicael? "This was my Queen, back in Seracia," she explained slowly. Though she had been young and largely uninterested in politics, as she still was, she remembered the woman with a bit of fondness. "She and her husband were very kind." Though she had little to do with them, they'd presented themselves with dignity and they had been good to her family, even offering her mother a higher position within the Kingdom despite her mother's age, and giving her a healer -- a woman named Loccian -- to help tutor her. A slight smile tugged at her lips, a warm feeling of hope beginning to sprout in her chest. "If she is to rule, we might not need not be afraid any longer..." Perhaps things would change now; perhaps they would no longer be prisoner in their own home. Gently her tail twitched as she leaned to press her nose into Novel's neck, giving her a gentle nuzzle as she considered what this meant for their lives and the future of their sons.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

01-30-2015, 08:40 AM

Ever since their move to this new home, Tiburtius had come up with a new kind of coping mechanisim. He had taken to being much like Amalia in the way she bounces from place to place and faces everything with a certain over exuberance. He wouldn't let himself slow down long enough to really think about what had happened or the major changes that had recently happened in his life. He hurried ahead of the group as he walked with his mother and brothers, bouncing a long excitedly like he still had that hyperactive energy of his early puppy days, looking at all the new sights like he was super interested. In reality he had gotten very little sleep lately, laying awake at night unable to sleep while he thought about his old home and how much he missed the cool air of the north, wondering how the rest of the Armadas were doing where ever they had ended up.

His ears perked up and he looked to his mother when he heard a summoning howl, following her obediently as she led them to the meeting. He smiled and trotted over to Momma Ama when they arrived, slipping up to her right after Mother and nuzzling his face into her neck before looking to the woman that was apparently their grandmother. He smiled and dipped his head to her, his tail wagging happily, hiding his uncertainty about her. He then went to sit next to Athena at her prompting even though he was just as confused as to why they weren't sitting next to Amalia as Archelaus was.




9 Years
Athena I
01-30-2015, 10:29 AM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2015, 10:30 AM by Leo.)

Honestly, it had only been a matter of coincidence that put him near the Ludiciel borders when his mother's call went out. His mismatched ears perked with interest, the all too familiar voice finding his eager ears. Curious, he turned and trotted toward the sound, but stopped when he reached the obvious pack border. He sniffed at it with interest, noting his mother's scent mingled there. It still smelled strongly of who he expected was the former alpha, but Epiphron's scent was certainly there. He cautiously crossed the border, keeping an eye out for any angry pack members in case his assumption was wrong and he was actually trespassing.

Soon enough, however, he spotted his mother's pale form and a huge grin split across his face. So it was true! He hurried toward her, his tail wagging when he saw Amalia next to her as well. "Mother! Amalia!" he called out happily when he got closer, trotting up to his mother and nuzzling her cheek happily before going to his older sister and doing the same. He peered at them both happily as he asked, "So is this really your pack then, mother? I hope you don't mind me making myself at home!" His tone was teasing and a grin played on his lips, knowing that his mother of all people would surely be all too happy to have him in her pack. He went to sit on the other side of Amalia, helping himself to a spot at the front with them, and peered out at the other wolves who had gathered. It seemed to be two families, two women with two young boys with them and then a larger silver-hued woman with four boys sitting around her. It was an interesting group so far, himself being the only adult male to appear so far. He wondered if any of their other siblings would come as well or if they might appear in the coming days. Surely his siblings wouldn't turn down a chance to live together with their family again.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
01-30-2015, 10:00 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

The female would breathe in, heeding to the call, though she didn't understand why it was not the phoenix who called for the pack. No, somewhere, deep within, she sensed the answer. The phoenix... was she... gone? Dead? Arisu shook her head, removing herself from her den. A look was cast at the herbs she had been growing -- poisons. Radioactive gaze lingered on them for a long moment before giving a sigh. So it was time to see who the pack was passed to, and to give her word that she would not be staying. Her loyalty had been to Jupiter, no one else.

"Hnn." She would take her time getting there, finding others already gathered. Gaze would shift for the one holding themselves in a position of authority. There. Arisu would approach her, tail kept respectfully lowered, but coming too close into personal space as she gazed into the other's eyes.

"My 'oya'y was 'o' 'o you. I reque' my 'eave." Words came from her mouth, with no tongue to help shape them, leaving them distorted. Yet she spoke loud enough, as one speaking clearly would. She held no shame in her maim, nor her decision. There was no need to sugarcoat things or to make this any harder. She just hoped this would not be a pain to get permission to head off.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
01-31-2015, 07:32 PM

Birna was hunting outside Ludicael when she heard the call. Black-tipped ears flicked in the direction of the call and she quickly leaned down to grasp the neck of a slain fawn in her jaws. The little creature was suffering some respiratory illness, it's sudden cough giving away it's position and marking it for certain death. It was a small catch, meant mostly for herself and her brother. The bear woman carted her kill back to the den site and stashed the kill away before heading to the meeting. As such she arrived rather late and to a large gathering. Cerulean eyes narrowed as she examined the strangers, many of them had to be new faces or just recent members. She hadn't seen any wolves other than the new alphess, her brother and the former, now deceased, queen. Birna nodded her head in greeting to Epiphron before taking a seat for the meeting.

[Image: 262ny8g.png]


02-02-2015, 09:03 AM

Bjorn's heavy paws had carried him restlessly outside the territories that morning - not an uncommon occurrence as so little happened of interest within it. Birna and he had the comfort of a pack, someplace where their lineage wasn't held against them, yet it still felt they were nothing more than loners still, warriors-for-hire. They still hunted for themselves, just as if they didn't have the protection of a pack, because the rest of the pack was too self-absorbed to actually participate in pack life and he was too self-absorbed to want to put himself out for the sake of a community that didn't care. The rest of the time was spent babysitting a bunch of whiny prisoners that Jupiter had for whatever reason decided to keep around after she got the pack. He hadn't been here. He didn't know the reasons behind it, nor did he really care.

A call pricked his ears up, the alpha of Ludicael calling for a meeting. It wasn't Jupiter - of course it wasn't, she'd died. He didn't know this new alpha, though he knew Birna had met her at some point. Jupiter had never called meetings since he'd come here, so at least this was an interesting change. Not going would draw unwelcome attention, and he was not yet sure if Birna still wanted to stay, so the ursine wolf followed the call back to the territory. Late, but at least arriving before the new alpha had begun to speak, he seated himself beside his sister, rubbing his cheek affectionately against hers. Unsurprisingly there were very, very few wolves there from among Jupiter's ranks. Those loyal to her had seemingly fled, and those prisoners there had been that remained to the end of Jupiter's reign were as useless and absent as ever, save for one small family. Pale lavender eyes were cool as he surveyed the group and raised an eyebrow eloquently at his sister. Real lively group, wasn't it? 

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
02-04-2015, 12:47 PM
What had happened... how could things turn for the worst, again? Was S'alkrie unable to find happiness and start new? She believed Jupiter would offer that, the orange woman was so strong and full of determination. To see those goals suddenly fall had given S'alkrie no other cause or purpose to be here. She would gently jog towards the placid woman whom called, the howl not familiar though Sal would enter with caution. She would stay within the back, feeling no need to make a grand entry, especially since she planned to leave. Her eyes would skim, looking upon all the strange faces before falling on pip, who seemed like the leader here, considering she was at the front. S'alkrie would half heartedly bow, no longer feeling any desire. " I shall be taking my leave from Ludi, it seems it just wasn't how expected it to be." She couldn't help her sudden feeling, but the sudden loss of Jupiter meant Sal was no longer tied here, unless she was claimed. With that she would make her exit, not looking back behind her as she did.

-exits unless stopped.-



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-04-2015, 10:15 PM

Slowly, they begin to trickle in. It is no surprise to her that Amalia is the first to arrive, diligent and ready to prove herself, though she had little need to reassure her mother that she is loyal to her. Athena is close by her side, followed by boys that she could only assume were their children; they were quite large for their age, already dwarfing their tiny adoptive mother, though they all had a cool and composed air about them. Next was a girl doubtlessly of Destruction lineage, followed by a girl vaguely familiar to her from her old Kingdom, followed by two lanky but energetic children with similar appearances, with black fur and white markings.

A smile was offered to Amalia and her wife and children, pleased at their prompt arrival. One of the boys questioned why they were sitting there, asking Athena; another turned to her, swearing his loyalty and thanking her for taking them in, his voice hoarse but understandable nonetheless. A polite boy, if nothing else --  and though she couldn’t help but see hear her brother’s last dying breath whenever she looked at Athena, this boy evoked no similar emotions.

It was a surprise when Leo came bounding forward, apparently summoned by her call. Instantly her otherwise serious demeanor cracked, another smile dancing across her features as he rushed forward to greet her, instantly joking about making himself at home here. A soft laugh would be offered to her son as she returned his embrace with ease. "As if I would ever deny a child of mine a home," came her soft words.

A few others approached -- one with a garbled tongue, asking for her leave, and another who simply stated that she was departing before turning and fleeing without waiting for an answer. Finally, she spotted Birna, the big silvery woman she’d spoken to not so many weeks before, with Bjorn at her side.

Her attention would shift to the girl that had already made her leave, a light laugh bubbling from her throat. Epiphron was no tyrant; she saw little use for wolves who wanted no place here. Prisoners had little use beyond flaunting, and the energy she might spend fighting for them was worth far more than they were to her. ”You may go,” she turned to speak to the woman whose words had been barely understandable. She knew little about the promises Jupiter had made and she was content to sever whatever ties that her former Sol had once had with the wolves that no longer wanted to live among the mangrove trees.

There was so much to be said, but as she let her gaze drift aimlessly across the group of wolves that had gathered, the ones that had come willingly and seemed willing to stay. Slowly she would rise to all fours as she cleared her throat to begin speaking.  "First off, I’d like to announce Jupiter’s death." There would be no cries of mourning, of that she was certain. Even the woman Birna she had spoken to had known little of the orange-furred woman. Epiphron was quite possibly the one here that had been most deeply affected. She couldn’t help but wonder where her son had been, the one that she’d spoken of -- and she couldn’t help but feel distraught at the thought of leaving a pack to little more than one slightly saddened woman and a group of prisoners. "She was killed by a stranger, but I don’t suspect any of you will be in danger here." The woman was a fighter, and she’d worn her scars plainly; was it any surprise she had gotten herself killed?

A short pause followed as she let her eyes drift again, finding the faces of her children and settling on each of them momentarily. There was a faint tinge of nostalgia as she stood here, talking to this group of wolves, though Maverick had often been the one to talk first. Now -- she stood alone and felt far more unsure than she looked. "The legacy of Ludicael will be taken to the grave with her. She left this pack to me. We shall be known as the Kingdom of Fiori," the name was offered slowly and deliberately. There would be nothing to tie this place to Jupiter, to the Destructions that had held this place before, for it would be something entirely new.

”For all those that have been held as prisoner, I give you your freedom.” The female’s intense blue stare lingered on Novel, Ara, and their children for a brief second, for they were the only prisoners that had bothered to remain. ”Though I ask you to think before you flee. I am a fair leader, and I will offer you a good home. These lands are safe and plentiful, and I will do everything in my power to ensure your safety here.” Perhaps they might leave regardless, but she had no qualms with the Destructions, as Jupiter so obviously had. But if this pack would be home to her children, she would do nothing but defend it tooth and nail for her family.

”Many of you are my family, and I know with all my heart that you can be trusted. Amalia, I’d like to see you as our lead Medic,” she offered warmly with a smile, searching for her reaction. There would be no rank offered to Athena. Despite Amalia’s reassurance that she was to be trusted, she was an Armada regardless and her trust would need to be earned. Despite this, she didn’t even know what she excelled in… nor what most of the wolves here were interested in or proficient at. Eyes would narrow as she considered. "Birna, you strike me as the fighting type," she mused as she came to her next train of thought. "If you’d accept, I’d like to place you as the lead Sentry. Alongside Björn, if either of you have any interest." What little she knew of the duo, they struck her as the fighting time; strong and serious and even a bit intimidating, though she’d seen even less of Björn than his sister.

”As for the rest of you, I’d like to know where your interests lie.” The majority of the wolves before her were children. Did they even know what they wanted to pursue, if anything? ”I do not wish to be a dictator here,” Epiphron explained calmly. Perhaps once the thought of holding so much power had been thrilling to her, but time had left her jaded, and if she wanted to truly ensure excellency in this pack then she would have to change things. ”I wish to rule not alone, but as a group.” Perhaps if only she’d listened when she had been a Queen, perhaps things would’ve turned out differently.. perhaps she wouldn’t have grown jaded and tired of the Kingdom she had once ruled over so proudly. Even then, she had never been the sole leader; her decisions had always been influenced by Maverick, by her children, by her family. ”As we grow, I’d like to appoint a small council to make final decisions, though I’d like to keep pack meetings much less formal than many of you are used to. I welcome discussion and input from everyone. I will say right off that I have little taste for needless violence, though am not beyond keeping prisoners if and only if they have deserve such a fate.” Briefly she thought of Neo, of his betrayal to the Tortuga pack, when he'd given information to an enemy simply to spite her father, the very one that had raised him. Still she felt a bit of indignation rise in her chest at the memory, letting her tail briefly flick behind her. "Treat one another as though you'd like to be treated, contribute, and speak up when you have problems. I have come to know these mangroves as my home, and I wish to offer the same thing to those that are willing to work for it. That is all I ask." Slowly her posture would relax, slackening as she pulled back to recline to her haunches. There was much left to be said, and to be decided with input from the others... but she wanted to hear what all they had to say, if anything.



7 Years
02-04-2015, 10:52 PM

So much happened in such a short time, that it really left the girls mind spinning. First Athena came up with the boys, introducing them to their Grandmother. Amalia couldn't help but toss a huge smile at her wife as she nuzzled her cheek, quickly nipping at Athena's cheek in both a teasing and excited manner. But when the little family moved away from her she stood, wishing to follow but also wanted to offer her mother support. She felt torn, blue eyes casting back and forth between the two. Bacc said nothing, just went and sat with his silver mother, neither did Tib. But both Archie and Vitus questioned why they had to sit apart. Forcing her rump back down to the earth, she offered each a smile, winking at Vitus. He was brave to come up and speak to Epiphron as he did, and she was going to be sure to talk to him about that later. But her gaze was torn away from her loved ones when another couple came in, two darling boys following after them. Did those little ones have two mothers as well? She eyed the two woman, offering a smile from around her mother's flank. If they were, she sure had a lot to ask them. And the boys had others to play with! She felt a longing deep in her heart for a little girl though, secretly she had been hoping that one of the black and white boys would be a girl. But no, all boys! She wouldn't trade in her babies for anyone else, and kept her wishes to herself.

Amalia's eye caught the streak of russet that raced towards her, and she stood and let out a wild squeal. Her mother smiled as well, but this girl was pure and happy to the core. She hadn't seen Leo for quite some time either, and was more than overjoyed to see him here. He joked about making this home, and Pip said that she would never turn him away. Ama's little bunny tail was moving along with her rump as she pranced up to him, trying to playfully tug on his right ear as they both sat down once more beside Pip.

When the nearly mute woman came in asking for her leave -- she thought -- she looked over to her mother. She knew that Epiphron was a noble woman, and she did indeed let the girl go. She couldn't help but tsk her tongue softly, wishing that she could as least offer her a bit of aid before she wandered off. But she looked a bit scared, and no doubt wished to leave. Another woman strolled in after her -- it would seem that this pack was full of them -- and said that she was leaving. Not asking. She said nothing else but turned and left, leaving Amalia to look at her wife with a brow raised. She didn't get pack stuff much, she was usually so busy with her herbs, but that seemed rather rude to her. Oh well, if her mother didn't question it, she wouldn't either. Turning to Leo she shrugged her shoulders, moving to rest her coloured head against his shoulder.

Two similar wolves came in next, and with them seemed to be the first grown male in their little gathering. Her mother seemed to know them, but she did not. They were tall as well, and Amalia blew out a soft sigh. "I am forever going to be the shortest, aren't I?" She whispered at Leo, a smile still cracking her lips as she eyed them. But as soon as they entered the gathering, their mother stood and drew the attention to her. Docked tail wiggled among the blades of grass, excited to hear what she had to say. It wasn't a long speech, but when she spoke of the passed leaders death she looked around. No one seemed to be phased by it, even though it had effected Pip it seemed to have little effect on the others. Very strange... Amalia eyed her boys, trying to see how they were taking it. Sure they didn't know the woman, she hadn't either, but after learning about Roman's death she was sure that the news of more would upset them further. She wished to hold them close to her, but settled for placing her paw over Leo's. Death was never an easy thing to hear about, regardless if she knew them or not.

Epiphron turned to her then, offering her the position as lead medic. Amalia stood and grinned at her dame, her eyes sparkling with joy and pride. "Of course, Mother. I would be pleased to take that position." She was trying really, really hard not to squeal in delight but instead react a bit more calmly. Eyes quickly shot over to her family, rump wiggling a few times as she showed them her massive grin. She couldn't help but notice that Athena was offered no rank, but either were Leo or the other woman. The other two that came in, Pip had called them Bira and Bjorn, were offered a rank of fighters. But her mind dwelled on her own ranking and the name of their new pack, their new home. Fiori. What a delightful name!
Her mother went on to talk about how she would like to run the pack, speaking of a council. She nodded her head, indenting to get herself a seat on that group. But for not Fiori was young, and the wolves within it would grow with it as well.

Amalia cleared her throat, stepping forward a bit to speak. She eyed her mother first, seeing if it was okay. "Before any of you leave, as well as any other wolves that did not show up, I offer my skills as a healer first. If there is anything you need to be seen, or any herbs that you have been lacking, you can come see me. I have gathered up a large stock already, and I'm not sure if there are any healers among you that would seek to use them." Her gaze roamed across the group, while none looked harmed she wasn't sure if there were others out there who needed help. Watching Epiphron take a seat she did as well, waiting to see if any other wolves spoke before leaving to see her family. Blue eyes fell on Leo, nudging him softly. "You see that silver woman with the four boys beside her? That is my wife and my children. I would love for you to meet them after this!" She whispered, trying to keep it down encase anyone else was speaking.

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-08-2015, 12:08 PM

Birna smiled as she noticed her brother enter the meeting. She reached out to nuzzle him, pleased to be in his company once again. The pair had been fairly quiet and keeping to themselves. A pack of slaves made for an excess of boredom but look at what a change in power could make! There were at least a dozen knew faces here. Finally it looked like the pack would begin to actually function as a pack. Birna listened quietly as the new Queen began to speak. The pack would be known from this point on as Flori and the Queen wasted no time in releasing the prisoners. That was just fine with Birna. They were extra mouths to feed and not of all that much use anyway. Cowards that could not value their freedom were better off dead in her personal opinion.

The next statement caught her surprise. Epiphron was offering her the position of Lead Sentry? Well, she had explained her past as a warrior and she had successfully dueled Jupiter, easily keeping up with the former Queen when it came to battle. She looked to Bjorn and nodded. "I would be honored, milady."

[Image: 262ny8g.png]



3 Years
02-08-2015, 01:13 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

Arisu was granted the right to leave, with no hassle at all. Another former Ludicael member was not as kind as she to wait around for permission. Hell, had this not been the phoenix's successor she too might have shared that same ignorance. Head would dip, a last, fleeting sign of respect. It was, in essence, a shame. She was a creature whose heart was warped, mind a thing that longed to take away life. Arisu would lift her head, turning on her paws. She would start to walk and then she stopped, glancing over her shoulder at the new alphess. Acidic eyes seemed to bore into her as she left her with parting words. "Bri'g 'his pack from 'he as'es, jus' as s'e wou'd expec'." Then Arisu swung around again, taking her leave out of these lands. There was nothing left for here here.

-Exit Arisu.-

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'