
who's working the front desk?


02-04-2015, 01:24 AM
She had gone out on patrol in the early morning, leaving children with their father as she decided she would do a few laps around the territory. Those laps had turned into hunger which had pushed her into the forest once more to hunt her fabled monsters. Hunting was scarce but as always looks mattered, allowing her to slip and slither like a serpent around her prey before opening veins and artery to the air, spilling bright crimson to the earth. Then all she needed, all she had was time. There was no stopping the bleeding easily, she would push her prey to make sure that it could not stop to lick it's wounds, following the trail of red that it would leave for her. Tremor would ripple through her body as she ineviatbly found her prey laying on the forest floor, blood pooling at its back leg. So very perfect.

Mercy was not needed here but it would be given anyways as Dione moved to the monsters head, jaws slipping with practiced ease around the base of the skull, forepaws lifting to press against the creatures shoulder before a savage jerk would be given, pulling her and it's head up at an awkward angle until there was a resonating pop, one she could feel in her teeth. Blood stained jaws would part to drop limp fork back to the earth it would doin return too before sitting back and lapping that delicious crimson from her lips and paws. She would feast, ripping at meat, making the body as indistinguishable as possible before attempting to sever a hind leg at the hip. Her children needed to feast, to ingest this monsters strength so they too could be strong. Wickid grin would trickle across lips as she collected her prize and set off towards home. She would move back towards the shrine before dropping the hind leg one the ground and howling for her second son. Necrosis was her weakest. He needed to eat...


02-04-2015, 01:38 PM

The boy would rise from his mother's leave of the den, making his way out side the den but seeing that the green figure was too far out in the distance to catch up with. He would take a seat just beside the mouth of their den in case anyone inside wanted to get out; he wasn't planning on getting trampled today.

He sat there a long while, looking up at the birds and the sky, thinking about the man who rode his chariot across it. He wondered what it'd be like to fly but... he didn't think he could just sprout wings and be off...

Eventually a call for him from his mother came by, and he would lift his head high wondering why she was calling for him. If she were in trouble, wouldn't she call Novaro? Was he in trouble...?

He then started to leap around to get to his mother, his legs uncomfortable from sitting too long. He would finally catch her in view and started to extend a jog and then stopping in front of her.

"What is it mother?" He questioned, looking down at the meat that was before her. He would put his nose right up against it, a little bit of blood sticking in between his jowls and some on his nose. "Is this for me?" He looked up at her with a tilt of his chin. He didn't want to start gobbling up whatever it was, and find out that it was her's or his father's...

Walk "Talk" Think


02-04-2015, 02:50 PM
So far she had only ever taken Toxin hunting, once when he was younger. Ganja and Necrosis were not yet ready for it in her mind, maybe soon though she would bring them with her if only to watch. To make them understand that they needed to purge the world of this evil and stay strong by eating the flesh of their fallen foes. But for now she would simply do the job on her own, slashing monsters and bringing them back for her children to grow strong on. At least once a week if not more. Necrosis was still... He needed to be stronger. She would wait patiently beside her kill, though her son never kept her waiting long, bounding eagerly forward before coming to sniff at her kill and asking if it was for him. She would smile sweetly down at him, eyes slack and lifeless as she studied her boy. He had always been the awkward middle child... He would look up at her, some blood staining his nose and finally her cold exterior would break slight and she would chuckle lightly. "Yes my boy. Today was a good day for hunting monsters. Eat up, I brought it back especially for you." Dione would say, motioning for him to eat easily. Wolves... She wondered if she would ever tell Ganja, Necrosis and Aakil that most of the meat she fed them was from those she had slain of their own kind. Toxin knew, he was even learning how to tell monsters from wolves... Her delusional mind didn't understand that she was killing innocents. She was simply killing the weak to feed the strong...


02-06-2015, 12:11 PM

Necro had no idea that his mother was giving them wolf meat. If he had noticed a taste or texture difference, he didn't pay any mind to it. She had probably been doing it since they could chew, who was he to ask questions if it were too late for that? the children were secretly cannibals, even if Toxin knew what they were eating he didn't say anything as if it were a bad thing.

But whatever mother says, goes...

The boy would look down at the leg, and was a little confused as to why it was just for him, he probably couldn't eat it all anyway... But what about Ganja and Toxin? Or even dad? Was he getting more attention in this way? Of course Toxin was learning to hunt them and Ganja had experienced Dione's drugs, Necro was probably the odd one out but he didn't see it.

He would nibble on the meat a little, taking his time as he thought about his siblings but respected that his mother brought him the meal special. After eating about a third of it, he would look back at his mother and lick at his lips, "What-What about Ganja and Toxin?"

Walk "Talk" Think


02-10-2015, 05:58 AM
One day she would tell, tell them that she was feeding them the flesh of their fallen foes, to drag them further down into this delusion but for now she would simply allow them to unknowingly dine. Her husband knew already, she had taken him hunting on their first date, and now she almost didn't realize that she should tell her children of the truth behind their food. It was just natural... Right? He would step forward and behin to eat in silence, she would drop back on her haunches in this time and allow him to dine without being harassed. Slowly purple tongue would flick out over lips, working slowly at freeing her maw of blood. After that she would pick up each forepaw, spreading toes and cleaning her paws of dirt and blood. She would only pause when he ceased eating and spoke, asking of his siblings. "They can have some only if you are full, if not then finish and I will go back for more for them." She would say easily as if this was the most natural thing of all. Jaws would gape as she yawned before rolling her shoulders back and peering down at her son. "Tell me Necro. What are your interests? Ganja is learning herbs, Toxin to hunt... Is there anything you wish to learn?" She would ask, tone lazy as she studied him curiously. Might as well ask right? Nova wanted her to loosen the reigns more.


02-10-2015, 04:07 PM

Just to please his mother, he would take a couple more bite before sitting back on his own haunches and looking up at her with a gentle wag of his tail. She would ask what his interests were and would tell him examples of his siblings. He just sat right outside the den or slept all day inside of it. He didn't have interests, but he was content all of the time. There was never a moment he was unhappy, just frightened of most things until he was used to them.

"I'll do whatever you tell me to do, mother."

Even if was looking at herbs and hunting, even if it were jumping off a cliff to see if he'd survive. No matter what Dione wanted for him, he would do it. Even if it weren't possible for him he would kill himself to do it. All three of the children turned out differently even though they were all raised in the same exact environment and brought up the same way; to kill monsters.

Walk "Talk" Think


02-10-2015, 09:46 PM
Obediently he would take a few more bites, the green dictator studying him easily down the bridge of her nose through eyes shrouded by green hair. For a moment she was silent, simply watching him as he cnsidered her question before replying. Such a good boy. Not motivated but a god boy. She would nod slowly, liked pursing and then twisting in consideration as she thought this over. "I would like to teach you to hunt, we can focus on that for now... If you ever chose another profession or decide you would like to learn something. Let me know. Okay dear?" She would ask, brow tipping as she looked down at him. She didn't skile with him as much as she did Ganja... She vaguely took note of this before brushing it aside. She didn't smile much with Toxin any more either. He had been scarce as of late. She would have to deal with him.


02-10-2015, 09:59 PM

As Dione responded, her look would make Necrosis flick his ears back, though not with anger or fear, he was just merely thinking. Thinking on how he would respond himself. If he ever wanted to do anything else, then he should ask. But what else was there to do? "Okay." He spoke contently, wagging his tail a couple more times.

He would then look down at what was left of the leg he was eating. His ears relaxed though he wasn't thinking about what he just ate, instead he would look back at his mother with the tilt of his head, "What else can I do without hunting and herbs?" If he wanted to have a choice, he would have liked to learn what else there was. He didn't really want to be like either one of his siblings, that was unless Dione wanted him to. He didn't need to say it again, but he would probably remind her in the future.

Walk "Talk" Think