
The Beginnings of a Choir



7 Years
09-06-2014, 10:31 PM

Silver paws traced a meandering trail through the willows? trailing fronds. The wind whispered through the leaves, and the moon, in its waning phase, sent a silvery spotlight to the path ahead. It sparked of silver guard hairs intermixed in the black saddle, setting them aglow. She held herself with a regal grace, stepping lightly over raised roots, treading easily through the shallow streams. She dipped her head to lap briefly at the water, cooling her thirst, before traipsing onward, tail absently swaying behind her.

Mismatched eyes of blue and gold scanned the shadows cast by the willow branches, searching for movement. He would be here. He hadn?t gone far since he?d found her. A smile caressed her jaws, her mind trailing to the thoughts of their night together, and their continued closeness. There would be no more disappearances, no more losing one another. And there would be more. A land to retake, someday, and a family to cherish.

Her silver and black timber frame slowed to a stop, poised in a spotlight of the moons rays, her dusky silver ears cocked as she listened for him. ?Falk, love. I?ve something to tell you.? She called to him, lilted mixed accented voice warm. She did indeed have something to tell him. It had taken only her mothers practiced eye and nose to catch the changes in the silver lady?s body. Only a week for her scent to begin its change to that of a mother.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
09-07-2014, 10:48 PM

Falk's mind had been busy in the days since he had finally been reunited with his mate. He hardly let her out of his sight from fear that if he did she would suddenly vanish into thin air once more. In fact, he caught himself following her from the shadows just the day before and had forced himself to turn and go back to wait for her from their den, realizing how irrational he had been. But, luckily, Surreal didn't seem to mind or at least she hadn't commented on it. He was slowly beginning to settle down into the idea that this wasn't a dream and she was actually here. With that idea finally beginning to become a reality, his sister came back into his mind. He knew he needed to keep his promise to go visit her with Surreal in tow, but their last meeting had been so strange that he wasn't sure if he should bring his mate just yet. Maybe he should just go on his own first...

Just then his love's voice broke his train of thought, calling him forward to share news with him. She wasn't far away, as usual. He tried not to follow her like a stalker any more, but he did keep himself within earshot of her at all times. Just in case. Rising to his paws, he quickly trotted forward to find her. The moment her silver form came into view a smile came onto his face. It still amazed him how just the sight of her made him so ridiculously happy. He padded forward till he could press his head to her shoulder and nuzzle her affectionately. "What is it, love?" he rumbled, placing gentle kisses on her cheeks. He was built to be a war machine, a terror to those who faced him, but Surreal brought out the most kind and gentle notions in him.




7 Years
09-07-2014, 10:58 PM

He came swiftly, as she was sure she could always count on him doing. The kisses he dropped upon her cheeks were returned with interest, her nose trailing through the creamy fur of his cheek a she lifted her eyes her lock with his, savoring the closeness. She moved to brace her frame alongside his, leaning into the larger, earthen toned male, tail beginning to wave as she thought of the news she had for him.

A family, to carry their combined blood far into the future. To carry a legacy of Kings and Queens. They would be legends someday. If not known to all the world, then known to their descendants. She would be her best for them, those undetermined, nameless sparks of life within her. She would nourish them, but make sure they knew the meaning of hard work, honor, and earning their way through the world with those traits. A smile grew as she gently nestled her head under his chin. ?We?re going to be parents, Falk.?

So much happiness in those words. And to think, once she?d been a young beta in training, with no mind beyond her duties and training. No mind beyond trying her best to ensure that her pack would be safe.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
09-18-2014, 11:48 PM

Of all the words that would have come out of his mate's mouth the news she had for him was possibly the last he would have expected. He wasn't sure why he was so surprised, she had been in heat the day they reunited, but still her words were a shock. He lifted his head to pull away enough to look down into her eyes, his light blue gaze wide with surprise as he searched hers to make sure there was no hint of deception or joking there. They were going to be parents. They were going to be parents! For several beats he could only sit there in stunned, frozen silence, but when the words started to sink in a huge, joyful grin broke out across his muzzle. "Parents... We're... Y-You mean...?" His tail thumped against the ground behind him and he immidiately pulled her back into a tight embrace. Not only had he been reunited with the love of his life but now she was going to be the mother of his pups. They were going to be parents. His neck curved around hers and a giddy laugh left his muzzle as the excitement overwhelmed him.

Pulling back again, he covered her beautiful face in tender kisses, barely able to sit still from the excitement as he thought about this new step in their lives. He wanted to run and tell every wolf he knew, to shout from the mountaintops of how much he loved his mate and how much he already loved the pups growing inside of her. Slowly the real idea of the matter would begin to dawn on him. They weren't just going to be parents. He was going to be a father. Pride swelled up in him, but with it a hint of worry. Would he be a good father? And what if he had a daughter? Oh gods, how was he going to deal with her finding her own mate one day... He stopped his snowballing thoughts and focused his gaze back on Surreal with another small laugh. "You only prove to be more and more of a blessing to me, Surreal," he said quietly as he kissed her cheek again, slowly beginning to calm down and settle into the idea.

Something he had been pondering for several days came to mind and this new revelation only made his resolve to follow through with it even stronger. He didn't want his children to have his father's legacy to follow them. He had forged his own path and he wanted that to be good for its own sake. Falk wasn't sure how Sibelle would take it when she found out about it, but that would have to be a bridge he crossed later. After what Sibelle told him the last time he saw her he really didn't feel like she had any place to judge his decision. "Surreal... I don't want our children to have my name. Armada, I mean. I've been thinking about asking your mother to marry us... and if she agrees I would like to take your last name." He smiled softly and gently kissed her forehead. "Your family has been more family to me than most of my own blood has been. I don't want my family's past to be tied to our children. I want them to grow up to be like you."



09-18-2014, 11:57 PM

Cru would kill her when he found out she had left their home. He had become quite overbearing and protective since she had not only returned home half blind, but also told him she was pregnant. But she needed to get away, she needed some time along to think. She was going to be a mother. A small smile would curl her lips as nervous excitement swept through her. Russet sides had begun to swell ever so slightly and she found herself wondering what her children would be like. It had been unexpected, but she welcomed them nonetheless. And so had Cru. But now she had a far more debilitating issue to deal with. The entire left side of her world was dark.

It was taking time, but she was slowly relearning how to navigate her world with only one eye. The lid drooped hideously where her eye no longer existed. She hated it. For awhile depression had gripped her, kept her away from anyone and everything. But slowly Cru had lured her out, taught her how to move about, and Ekkos steady presence was welcomed, the smaller woman often acting as a guide in a subtle way. But today she had escaped with neither of them. It had been a painfully slow journey that was filled with her bumping into things and tripping endlessly. Irritation brewed inside her, peeling back her lips and dragging a growl from her throat.

And now she found herself in the woods. Naturally. Roots tangled at her paws, forcing her to move even slower and keep her gaze on the ground. Hackles would bristle in irritation, her tail beginning to lash back and forth. Damn that bitch to the deepest pits of hell. Voices would have the Queen lifting her head, broad furrowing. Audits strained, determining they had come from her right. Her singular verdant orb would shift back and forth, one voice in particular was familiar. Falk. She hesitated in approaching, their last meeting had not gone well, and now he was not alone. Steeling herself, she would move to approach, forced to take her time, their intwined scents filling her nostrils. Could this be Surreal.

Weaving in and out of trees, navigating over roots, it would take some time but fate had been kind and finally formed a small path for her walk uninterrupted. His last few sentences would breech tattered ears. Your family has been more family to me than most of my own blood has been. Ears flattened against her skull, immediately halting her steps, but it was to late to turn back now, her singular verdant orb would land on his familiar face, hurt and confusion flashing briefly. Her skull would tip to her left, angling her face so that she could see him better. Her words were suddenly useless, his name hanging on the tip of her tongue, but refusing to come out. It only vaguely registered that he was speaking of children. Their children.




7 Years
09-21-2014, 12:15 AM

She grinned as she watched his face, while the thoughts whirled in his head, and then fell into registry of what she?d said. Her grin matched his; an expression of interminable joy. His embrace was returned by her wriggling one, her nose burying in his scruff as a soft laugh echoed his. ?Yes! Children. Oh Falk.? Another laugh bubbled from her throat as he buried her face in kisses, her own tongue lashing out to catch his face a time or two.

She could practically read his mind from his face. The pride, and that faintest hint of worry. Truly, she?d had that thought herself. ?You will be a wonderful father. They will learn honor and courage, and strength. They will never want for love or protection.? And she truly believed what she spoke to him. With all her heart. She just hoped she could be as great a mother as her own had been. She didn?t think she would ever know a wolf more kind and caring than Erani. Erani, who was willing to adopt an Armada whose own father disowned him and threatened his life.

When Falk made his request about marriage, her heart soared. According to her mother, ?marriage? was something that Erani hadn?t quite grown up with. Back in Calarada, and Redwood Pack, the joining of two wolves had been called, quite simply, a mating ceremony. Her tail swept the ground, the air, and the ground again, as her rear waggled, her own particular brand of joyous action. ?Of course. Mother approves of you a great deal. You?ve made a good impression. I think a Mating Ceremony will do her good. She feels she failed Valhalla in losing to the bitch who only wanted to toss it to someone else?? She pressed her head against his cheek. ?And I want them to be just like you. Kind, gentle, and wonderful.?

And that?s when she felt the sensation of being watched. Both ears flicked back, before she whirled with the poise of a dancer, coming to rest squared between whomever had encroached on their moment, and Falk, squarely set to defend her mate from whoever it was. She wasn?t heartened to see the familiar face; albeit the face was missing an eye, and gained a few scars. Her own eyes narrowed guardedly. She was pretty good at reading expressions, and this female, who had been at the Challenge in support of Viridiana, looked almost stricken, her one eye on Falk. ?Falk?? It would be his word that settled whether she attacked to defend, or stepped back and tried to forge a new bridge. Funny how fast your emotions could flick from love to anger in the blink of an eye when you were pregnant?

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
09-21-2014, 12:44 AM

His tail thumped happily against the ground and he leaned into her touch as she spoke of her mother's certain approval of his request. He couldn't think of a better way to really start their lives together than with this 'mating ceremony'. They were going to start a family. Everything was falling into place. Now if he could just figure out how to break all this to Sibelle, and figure out how to tell Surreal about his sister's part in the challenge for her home, then he would really have everything settled.

Speak of the devil. His mate suddenly leaped away from him with a speed that made him blink in surprise and confusion, quickly turning his gaze to find her between him and none other than his sister. His gaze widened with shock when he saw her face. "Sibelle? His voice was laced with worry as he stood and rushed over to her, moving past Surreal to examine her now missing eye. "Sib, what happened? Who did this?" Everything was momentarily forgotten in a rush of brotherly concern and protective anger. If the culprit had been near by he would have torn into them without a second thought.

His ears flicked as he realized exactly what situation he was in right now and he glanced between Surreal and Sibelle, backing up a bit so that he was still between them, but not in the middle of their line of sight, the three of them forming a narrow triangle. "Um... Sibelle, this is Surreal. Surreal, this is Sibelle, my sister." He watched both of them carefully, unsure of how they would react.



09-21-2014, 07:43 PM

Her approach would not go unnoticed. But it was not her brother that noticed her, but rather his mate. The monochromed woman would spin to face her, recognition flashing in her mismatched gaze. Anger would flare, her posture aggressive as a single word left her lips. Falk? There was no denying the questions that lingered behind her brothers name. Immediately, russet lips would curl back to reveal ivory daggers, hackles bristling as her crown lifted and ears pinned. A throaty growl was cut short by her brothers concern as he rushed forward, placing himself between them. Hackles would relax, lips falling smooth, though her crown remained lifted and eyes glittered with defiance. "Isardis was being challenged to the death, so I went to watch, and while there, some white bitch attacked me." Tones were nonchalant, she had long accepted this. Now ignoring what could only be assumed to be her brothers mate, her attention was settle on him, his worry and concern evident. Her eyes narrowed fractionally, his words still ringing.

He would break eye contact to look between herself and his mate. Introductions would be made, which would finally force her to look at Surreal. Lips would curl into a smile, though it didn't touch her eyes. Fangs peeked out from beneath her lifted lips. "What a pleasure." Words of silk would spill from her jaws in an overly sweet manner. There was so much she could say, but instead she fell silent, her attention reverting back to her brother. "Speaking of family, brother" Words were carefully annunciated as she shot litter daggers at him. "You are going to be an uncle." There was no joy in her words as there should have been. Her blood boiled, heart thundered as anger churned in her belly. Her singular orb would harden in emerald ice as tension radiated from her being.




7 Years
09-21-2014, 10:06 PM

It was Falk who moved first, as the female Surreal was ready to defend him against settled into her own defenses, her growl a stark contrast to the silence in Surreal?s own throat. It was obvious Falk knew this female, and cared for her, and as he stepped forward, it was easy to recognize similarities between them. Build, and a faint sameness of scent. Her ears perked, squared frame relaxing slightly. A family member. Slowly, Surreal settled back, allowing the two a moment, before Falk backed a few steps, seeming to realize the situation. The introduction was given, and Surreal regarded Sibelle with some curiosity. If Sibelle had been at all close with their father, Surreal had doubts that Falk would have been acting this way.

So, she decided to cast aside the past misgivings, until his sister chose to break that bridge. Already they were off to the wrong foot. The smile Sibelle gave her was draped over venom. It didn?t reach her eye. The words didn?t sound honest. ?I think, that if you are to be my sister in law, you can speak honestly. No, you are not pleased to meet me. Your eyes, your face, and your voice say so. To be fair, I acted rather hastily just a moment ago. I apologize.? Her own voice was honest, her eyes earnest. She was willing to set the past aside if Sibelle was. It was clear Falk cared about his sister. Surreal wasn?t abut to drive a wedge between them.

Sibelle?s announcement was a bit of a puzzle to Surreal. There wasn?t joy. Instead, Falks red sister seemed pissed. One ear flicked back. ?Congratulations.? I think? The thought of the news she had herself was enough to fully relax her, and bring a smile to her face. The glance she threw to Falk was nothing short of absolute adoration. Then her eyes turned to Sibelle. ?I know we didn?t get off on the right foot, but, I?m willing to try again if you are.? If she could have had her paw out to shake, she would have.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
09-21-2014, 10:46 PM

Every word that left his sister's mouth was pure venom. He knew her well enough to see straight past the smile she pasted on her face and see the anger underneath. He didn't understand why she was so furious. Was it something he said? He could honestly care less that their father had been challenged to the death. Honestly, he wasn't even surprised. Isardis had stepped on his share of toes in his day, including Falk's. It was really only a matter of time. Falk was more concerned with the 'white bitch' she spoke of. If he ever figured out who it was they would pay, he was going to make sure of that.

Surreal tried to take the high road, extending a peace offering that he was sure his stubborn sister would either disregard or lash out at. His eyes didn't leave Sibelle, fully prepared to block her from Surreal if need be. Each word felt like a slap in the face. Her news should have been a happy one, but it was tainted with anger. He sighed softly as Surreal spoke again, once again trying to be the bigger woman here. He looked at her and found her gaze for just a moment, giving her a small smile before looking back toward Sibelle. "And you are going to be an aunt," he told her, trying to keep himself calm and figure out why she was so angry. "Sibelle, I'm not sure how much you heard, but when I say 'most of my family' I don't mean you. I mean Isardis and all of the Armadas that sided with him. I mean our father who couldn't be bothered to learn my name and even when he did all he did was mock me. I love you. I want you to be a part of my children's lives and I want to be a part of yours. I'm a little hurt that you would even think otherwise." He sighed and his eyes begged her to understand.



09-21-2014, 11:36 PM

Surreal would speak, dragging her gaze back to the woman. A brow would lift curiously. She wanted honesty? No, the woman knew when to keep her mouth shut. So when her brothers mate apologized, a small smile would touch her lips, this one much more earnest. "As am I." With the announcement of her pregnancy, she would be congratulated, though Surreal seemed uncertain as to whether it was a joyous thing or not. Surreal and Falk would look at each other, their love crystal clear. Her anger would subside, tension leaving her shoulders as the monochromed woman spoke again. She wanted to try again, to start over on a better foot. Interesting. She was taking the high road, leaving the russet Queen no choice but to follow. "Very well, let us start over." Her smile would grow, her tones and appearance friendly, willing.

When her brother spoke, he would state that she was going to be an aunt. So she had heard correctly. Slowly, her tail would begin to wag as she looked over to Surreal. "Congratulations." When her brother would continue to speak, shoulders would sag wearily and she would step forward, hesitating briefly. Closing the small distance between them, she would bury her face in his neck, inhaling his familiar and comfortable scent. "I'm sorry." She would mumble into his thick fur. She would linger for a moment before stepping back, reclining into her haunches. As difficult as it was, she would position herself so that both Surreal and Falk where in her line of vision. It was highly unlikely that she would be attacked and she knew it, but she was still silently struggling with her handicap.
