
C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!

Marina I


7 Years
04-09-2015, 09:54 AM

The south. She liked it here, where it was warmer, where it was closer to where her home in Lydovne had been. Her leg was feeling a bit better, her mind working to tackle the problems at hand. She would shift her gaze in the direction of the soulless forest, her mental map of the place playing in her head. But how her heart would ache at the thought of returning there again. No. It would wound her far too badly to go back there now. She would instead focus her attention along the river. The plants the Ganja coveted had to be found elsewhere, and gods above she would find them.

First and foremost would be caring for the little one. Lyenne could be formed whenever, really. She wanted the pack, truly, but she would make sure Ganja had everything she needed and wanted first. She would not jeopardize the last bit of family that she had. The female would breathe out slowly, the sigh heavy a it passed her lips. Why did life have to be so hard? Why did there have to be so many trials and errors for one to overcome before they could be happy!?

Rainbow would decide to stop, making her way down the riverbank and lowering her head to drink her fill. Her season was upon her, bringing that feeling of loneliness up now more than ever. She thought of Fenris, of Shira. Her heart hurt. They were both gone... and Fenris after he had promised! The female would lift her head, gazing into the water. "Am I that unlovable? Is this coat what drives them away?" She would ask her reflection sadly.

But it had no answer.

Table by:: Nyx

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



10 Years
04-09-2015, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2015, 02:52 PM by Kaprasíus.)
"Dum jævla elv," came a throaty mumble from the lanky male as he moved frantically alongside the river. It seemed endless, as he lifted his muzzle to stare down the great expanse of land that lay before him. Each step was taken with alarming speed, though he lingered dangerously close to the wide river at his side. A grumble would escape his lips as he went, moving with no goal in mind, feeling as restless as he ever had before.

"Patience.... Kaprassssius..." came the low hiss of the green snake that had wrapped itself about his neck, clinging to him for stability as he moved. "Why mussst... you alwayssss... be in sssuch.. a hurry?" The tawny wolf would shake his head in irritation, though he knew that his new companion was right, and she'd slither tighter around his neck as though in protest of his silence. Even still, her words would not slow his feverish pace and he continued onward in silence. Only recently had he encountered the bush viper - aptly naming her Jǫrmungandr - and for some reason, she hadn't left him yet. It was curious, but somewhat felt fated and he would endure her company for as long as she wished.

Only when the sight of another reached his eyes would his pace slow, albeit slightly. It was a wolf, he could tell them much; but her fur was a brilliant array of colors, unlike anything he'd ever seen. His jaw would unhinge, eyes widening as he rushed forward, hoping to close the distance between them. She'd been leaning to drink from the lake, her posture betraying that she was certainly not in the best of moods, and he'd gawk and stare for a long moment. "What are you?" he'd ask, barely containing the question the moment he came within earshot of her. "Your fur..." Quite clearly amazed, his jaws would part, and he would lap at his teeth as he stared at her -- not at all unlike a wolf drooling over its kill, with a carnal sort of hunger mixed with the bewildered inquisitiveness of a child.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Marina I


7 Years
04-09-2015, 08:07 PM

Loneliness seemed to be done with her, for another would arrive, and she would hear his approach. Sharp gaze would lift, red-pink eyes settling on the form of a young man that she knew not. He was of earthen tones, bearing scars that showed obvious signs of battle and or misfortune. There was a rather interesting bit of "decor" around his neck as well. Some sort of pet she assumed, as the creature seemed rather attached to him. How peculiar it was. But what caught her attention most was his words. She would find herself bristling, and a sharp retort would leave her lips.

"A beast, a demon, depends on who all you ask I suppose." Rainbow would flick her tail back and forth, a beast that was looking upon her prey.  But that was when she noticed his look was not so much of horror, or judgement, but rather fascination. A smirk would play on her lips, and the creature would raise a brow, shifting her head as she examined him.

"My mother said it all came natural. The gods are said to curse beings like me, but I can't be all that cursed if I'm the one still alive." The female would let out a laugh, almost a twisted thing.

"Why might you ask dear? Is there something you might need from me? Perhaps want?"

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



10 Years
04-16-2015, 11:15 AM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2015, 10:04 AM by Kaprasíus.)
How could one ever be lonely in a world so full of excitement and thrill? If Kapra grew bored, he remedied it quite quickly... and loneliness was generally just as short-lived. The woman he had approached snapped back at him quite quickly, her tone quite harsh, and for no reason! His jaws would close, a slight frown forcing down the corners of his lips, his brows furrowing in annoyance. "I wasn't asking for your poetic shit, I just was asking what you are," he'd retort with an exasperated sigh.

But her moment of frustrated seemed to fade when she got a better look at him, noting the awe and curiosity in his eyes. His own slightly annoyed expression would falter, mirroring her smirk with one of his own. "Interesting..." he'd note, his head dropping as he stepped closer to examine her. Around his neck, Jǫrmungandr slithered closer to the top of his head, her own skull lifting from the top of his neck to eye the brightly-colored wolf with beady eyes. "She'ssss... not... natural..." she hissed softly, though her quiet voice was audible even to the stranger. "I wouldn't... trusssst her..." He'd shake his head, forcing the snake to cling tighter to him. Kapra wasn't necessarily one to be trusted; who said he had to trust his company?

Her laugh was slightly manic and he found himself grinning wildly. Oh, she was beautiful and exotic, and his eyes roamed her coat. His staring was unabashed, and he crept a bit closer. "There's nothing in particular I need, though my wants are a different story," the brute would admit after a moment. "You simply fascinate me. What might a beauty like yourself be called?"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Marina I


7 Years
04-19-2015, 07:50 PM

Oooh was that how the game was played? "You know, though you might not have asked for it the poetic shit as you so put it was given anyway. I suppose if you are so fascinated you might just need to put up with it, hmmm?" The female let her tone drip with a sweet venom, though her eyes danced with a light as she watched him. Her gaze had momentarily shifted to the viper when she spoke but, in the end, she was dismissed as a minimal threat. If any at all. Rainbow would dip her head, giving a most elaborate bow. All the better to irk this brute's soul.

"Rainbow Syndrome is the name bestowed upon me." She would lift herself again, a smirk growing on her lips. "..and you? What on earth could a brute who chooses to wear a snake about his neck find interesting about a fae such as myself?" Her coat, naturally. Though she didn't say that allowed. She would flick her tail, her gaze not leaving him. Muscles were tenses, almost ready should he dare to take a move she didn't like. Oh yes, this was quite the meeting indeed.


Table by:: Eve

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



10 Years
04-27-2015, 10:11 AM
He nearly cackled at her words. Instead of just growing irritated at his rudeness, she seemed to play into it, her voice dripping with dangerous venom that he couldn't help but be interested by. "I suppose you're right," he'd state simply, his eyes flashing with delight at her attitude. He was amused at his viper's attitude about her, but he dismissed her warning with ease. She didn't trust anyone. Truthfully, it was surprising she'd trusted him at all though perhaps his fearless attitude had attracted her the most. "Rainbow is.. your name?" he nearly laughed again, amused, though the literal title fit her well. "My name is Kaprasíus."

She'd question why he found her interesting. "A silly question," he'd dismiss it with a shake of his head. "Have you ever seen anyone with a coat like yours? Because I most certainly have not."

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.

Marina I


7 Years
04-27-2015, 04:46 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2015, 04:47 PM by Marina I.)

Anger did not meet her words, but rather delight at her attitude. How wondrous! The female would give a laugh as he asked if Rainbow was her name. "More of a title I'm afraid, but I bare it as my name." It certainly suited her with the marking upon her back. He would give a name of his own, and the female would give a nod Kaprasíus. It was a strong name... a foreign name. But she rather liked the ring of it in her ears. The beast would make sure to keep it within her mind, for who knew when the chance to meet him again might arise?

Rainbow would let out another laugh as he spoke again. "Not so elaborate, no. But there have been some marked with some beautiful blue, green, and even yellow that I've stumbled across. None by relation to me, oddly enough." Rainbow would let the light in her eyes dance, her gaze continuing to move across him. "Though some fools believe that it is because of a curse I bare these colors. Hence the origins of the name Rainbow Syndrome." Rainbow would flick her tail. "What of you? Where do your origins lie? Kaprasíus is quite the interesting name."

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



10 Years
06-01-2015, 10:09 AM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2015, 10:09 AM by Kaprasíus.)
Surely she was a child of the gods, even if she did not believe. Her coat reminded him of the rumored bridge called Bifröst, the rainbow bridge that led a path to Asgard. The color of her coat was so bizarre that he couldn't imagine her not being a creation of the gods. She was certainly no commoner..

Her name was Rainbow.  "Well," he began with a toothy smile.  "It's certainly not a name I will forget." Not just because it was quite literal, but it wasn't a name he'd ever heard before.

"A curse?" he'd stammer out quickly, though the female snake that coiled close to his forehead hissed as though in agreement with her words.  "Fuck them all," he'd say finally, brows furrowing. How could a woman marked so plainly, with markings so deeply unnatural be anything but godly? Cursed was not even close to the word for it.

She seemed curious about his own origins. Slowly, deliberately, he would shake his head.  "My story is far too long to be told so quickly," he explained with a furrowed brow.  "And not something a beautiful lady like yourself ought to worry herself with.." His voice held a bit of hunger, again, as his gaze roved over her for. His paws would take him a few steps closer as he watched her still.  "I am a child of the gods, born from their flesh and blood.." His voice would trail off as his gaze settled on her crimson eyes finally.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.