
With Tooth & Claw



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-22-2015, 03:49 PM
Finally, that stupid festival was over! Enigma writhed in his skin the whole time, it seemed. Others giving him what seemed like death glares. He had only talked to one wolf there, a strange rainbow wolf with issues, it seemed. We all have our issues, I guess. Shrugging off the events, he made his way to open lands. To the place where he knew blood was spilled and fur flew. He wasn't sure exactly what he was looking for, but he had a lot of pent up frustration. Be it a random fight, or something more interesting, like an alpha coming to try and sway him into a pack. Though he was young, he could fight. (even though his player has major lack of practice T.T) Either way, hopefully something interesting would happen. He wasn't quite sure if he even wanted to join a pack at the moment, for he knew nothing of all the newer packs who came to push out the old. He had heard a little of Glaciem, and it seemed like something he might want to join but alas, it was no more. He hadn't done any window shopping either, so today...he would have to wait and see.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Athena I


9 Years
05-27-2015, 12:02 AM

When was the last time she had been out here at the battlefield? This place held so many memories for her... way too many for a three year old she was sure. Spars, pack challenges, a death match for her father's head... She had spilled her fair share of blood here in her time and perhaps she would shed some more today. It had been far too long since she had fought for any reason. It used to be a thing she enjoyed, something she worked hard to perfect to a science. Did she still have her skill?

She spotted a white male that was marked with black and brown who looked to be the same height as her, though perhaps a bit more bulky. Her days of playing mother and wife had lessened her muscle mass a bit, but she was still no weakling by any means. She shook out her coat and held herself with a confidence she hadn't pulled out since her days as an alpha and trotted up to him before stopping several feet away. "If I had to guess, I'd say you're looking for a spar," she said with a smirk. "It isn't often a young wolf is out here for another reason."

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-27-2015, 12:52 AM

"If I had to guess, I'd say you're looking for a spar." His attention was immediately drawn to a feminine voice. His hardened amber gaze rising to meet the visage of a woman with a smirk. His eyes narrowed as he studied her for a moment, his stance tall. To those that knew his father well, they might recognize this particular stance. For even his mother had told him that he held himself like Sin. He was his blood, after all. In fact, all his children seemed to adopt this natural pose it seemed. He eyed her, the woman appeared as if though she had seen and been through alot, despite her age. Perhaps only a couple of years older then himself, though he couldn't be sure. Audits leaned forward, catching the sound of her voice as it fell from her inked lips. Already he liked her.

"You are quite observant. For that is the reason I have come out here today. And you, it seems, are here to do the same." He laughed lightly, though it sounded more like a rumbling growl from the pits of his chest. He inclined his head, for it was only polite to greet an opponent was it not? If she wanted to be the one to duel him, then he would oblige. She seemed like she could probably hold her own, but that would only be determined once they started no? "I hope you're up for a decent fight. I don't want to be disappointed and I wouldn't want to disappoint you, whoever you are." Introductions seemed to be a thing of the past so far with those he had come across. Not that he cared, but perhaps he would be lucky this time.

Enigma vs Athena for Spar

Round 0/3?

Speech Thought Others


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Athena I


9 Years
06-01-2015, 03:29 AM

Something about this male seemed familiar, but she just couldn't quite put her paw on it. He seemed polite enough despite his hard gaze when he turned to look at her and the harsh rumble of his laugh. She wasn't sure what about him struck a chord in her memories. Perhaps if he introduced himself it would become clear. She had met more wolves than she could remember so it was very possible they had crossed paths in some way and it was just slipping past her at the moment. At his comment on being up for a decent fight she chuckled softly and gave a slight nod. "I've never been one to go half way in anything, certainly not in fights. As for the 'whoever I am' part, I am Athena. I won't disappoint you, I'm sure." She smirked a little, enjoying this small rush of adrenaline as she began to settle into her defenses.

Fighting was like riding a bike. You may get a little rusty over time if it's not practiced, but anyone as practiced at the art as her never forgets how. She quickly settled into her defenses, starting with moving her stance into a stable, evenly spaced one. Her toes spread and nails dug into the soil of the Battlefield to give her some more traction. Her head and neck fell even with her spine and her tail flared out behind her so her whole back from nose to tail was level. Her ears folded back neatly against her skull and her eyes narrowed so they would be harder to target.  Her lips pulled back into a snarl to expose her teeth while her scruff bunched up around her shoulders and her hackles raised. Finally her chin tucked down to block him from her throat and her knees bent to give her a bit more freedom of movement before she finally set about her first attack.

She launched herself forward toward him in an attempt to cross the distance she had left between them when she first approached him. In her advance she would head toward the left, but at the last moment she ducked to her right, using her claws that were still biting into the dirt to help in this movement. She did this in hopes that the sudden change in direction would throw him off a bit and make it easier for her to land her blows. She aimed to throw her left shoulder into his chest, hoping to cause some bruising there and knowing full well it could cause some bruising on her end as well. Athena also parted her jaws and turned her head toward the back of his neck so she could attempt to grab ahold of the skin there. Preferably she would like to grab his scruff, but she wouldn't hesitate to latch on where ever she could reach. He didn't seem like the type that would want her to go easy on him in any way so she wouldn't. After all, she made a promise to not disappoint him.

Enigma vs Athena for Spar
Round 1/3

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod
06-08-2015, 01:25 AM

Lips curled into a smile as she set into her defense. He too, would do the same. The boy followed suit: Ears pinned to his head, his eyes narrowed, he'd distribute his weight evenly as his tail flagged out behind him to aid him in any quick maneuvers he might have to make. His hackles rose, toes spreading and his claws digging into the dirt for traction. He aligned his head and tail with his spine, leveling out his body with this action. He rolled his shoulders forward to protect his throat, chin tucked and his scruff bunching to protect the back of his neck. Finally, he would meet her in battle.

As she swerved one way and then another, it caught him slightly off guard but he quickly recovered. After all, there was only ever split second decisions to make when in a fight. She swerved to his left, and in her approach, he growled as she aimed to collide into him with her shoulder. And as she drew closer, he'd lift himself onto his hind legs--spread equidistant apart-- and braced himself. He thrust his chest forward in this motion, her shoulder colliding at the bottom of his chest, and there a bruise would blossom heavily with the collision no doubt. As he did the action of rising, he aimed to wrap his forelegs around her neck, her teeth that were aimed towards the back of his neck would miss their mark, instead, her teeth met with the right side of his breastbone. A light wound would be granted, a couple inches as her teeth sliced through fur and skin. Thanks to the bony part of that area, it wasn't too bad. Enigma would then strike forward, head bowed as he strove to drive his teeth towards her left ear. He kept his head in a position to protect his throat with his own teeth should the need arise, and his shoulders protected the sides of his throat. Should he fail in his intended mark, then he hoped his teeth would slice something at least. Though one never knew what could happen in a fight.

Enigma VS Athena for SPAR

Round 1/3

OOC// So sorry, I completely forgot about this >.<

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

The Judge


06-23-2015, 08:00 PM
And the winner is...

Enigma! Due to Athena not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Enigma's favor. Athena must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.