
Caerul,Alsander, and Claire Progeny on the rise!



7 Years
02-25-2016, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2016, 08:25 PM by Surreal.)

One: If you have adopted from me before, but have either left the site before and returned them to me, or set them inactive and I recalled them from you, I am not going to re-adopt to you again. Particularly if a second chance was given and you set them inactive again. Do not push, and do not pester or heckle me about this.

Two: I reserve the right to take back characters I have adopted out if no activity has been made IC with them in a full month of time. (I.E: Last post was made on June 1st, and it is now July 1st with no activity in between.) I will brook no arguments with this. Sometimes you have to be the bad cop. Believe me, I can check for activity in their recent posts. OOC posts will not count as activity in my eyes.

Three: I expect a post a week at least with characters I have adopted out to you. That is just one post per week, three per month. It’s not that hard to do. I want to see them active, regardless of how my own activity is going.

Four: No characters or their designs that I have adopted out may be used on other roleplay sites, and any art made for them, either by myself or anyone else, if any must remain on Alacritis/ Ardent unless I have given my express permission. If I find this rule has been ignored and broken, I will take the character back to adopt out to someone who will obey this simple rule. These designs are Alacritis/Ardent-Only. End of Story.

Five: Lastly, any applications posted as Works In Progress will be ignored if they have not been finished by the end of one real life week (Seven Days). This is final. If you do not feel that you will finish a WIP application within this time period, please, do not post an application in the first place. For those who do, and truly wish to apply, please remember to fill in all fields in the Application form.

Thank you!

*Smiles pleasantly.* Now that we are clear, lets meet them and hear their story:

Sons and Daughters of Alsander, Caerul and Claire! That’s right. You heard me. The missing Cormalin kids siblings hooked up with mates, far away, and had kids. Plenty of ‘em. And now, they’re coming to Alacritia.
They will have an Irish Gaelic inner family name: Meaning the Irish name is usually used as a nickname. They must also be fluent in Irish Gaelic (Or the Old Tongue as those IC call it.)

Caerul eventually wandered away to a new land, a short amount of time before Valhalla fell in the last challenge, either swept away in a storm, or swimming. He found a lovely lady, Arianna. And between them came three litters of four. In all, six brothers and six sisters. They are listed below in order of birth.

The Brothers: Vale, Alshain, Lance, Thorn, Tristan, Dagger

The Sisters: Sonata, Aria, Acapella, Melody, Ode, Sonnet

In Sequence of Births:

L1: Thorn, Sonata, Lance, Melody.
L2: Aria, Vale, Alshain, Acapella
L3: Tristan, Dagger, Ode, Sonnet

The oldest litter is around 2-3 years of age The youngest litter, 1 year.

They will have an Irish Gaelic inner family name: Meaning the Irish name is usually used as a nickname. They must also be fluent in Irish Gaelic (Or the Old Tongue as those IC call it.)

They are Lawful Good down to Neutral Good, and will be unlikely to drop below Neutral. They have had loving parents from birth, and have heard all the stories about their grandfather and great aunt, Valhalla, and their aunt and uncles. So they will be unlikely to not want to find this family they’ve been told so much about.

Both parents were healthy in all ways, and their mother had good, strong pregnancies all three times; these wolves will be healthy, ranging from 30” to 39” (if the adopters don’t mind purchasing extra inches). Mental instability will be highly unlikely, unless being a genius is somehow a flaw ;P

Links in names.

Litter 1

Litter 2
Acapella Played by Bluetick

Litter 3
Dagger Played by Shrapnel

Claire disappeared during Chrysanthe’s reign of Valhalla, wandering away to prove that she was tough enough to make it on her own without her lovingly protective older brothers.On her own, she found more than just self proof. A handsome male by the name of Regent. Together, they have produced three litters. The first Litter was made up of five pups; three girls, two boys. The second litter, only four graced the world. Two boys, two girls. The third litter, two pups, twin boys. In all, five girls, six boys.
The eldest Litter will be around 3-4 years, born in Spring (Claire’s birth season was Winter), the twins being yearlings.

The Boys: Czar, Reginold, Dolphis, Timber, Stark, Smoke

The Girls: Clarion, Charity, Eclipse, Grace, Charisma

In order of births:

L1: Dolphis, Charity, Eclipse, Czar, Clarion.
L2: Grace, Reginold, Charisma, Smoke.
L3: Timber, Stark.

Heights will range from 29” to 40” (Regent was a very large fellow, with lines full of big, strapping wolves, so it’s not unlikely some of his sons might have inherited the size… Poor Claire)
Claire was small, built for running and hunting. Regent was large, built for fighting, broad-chested, handsome ;P
Like the rest of the family, it’s unlikely they will be any lower than Neutral, and very likely that they will be Lawful Good.
Claire was sound of mind, other than being stubborn and reckless, and Regent was sound of mind, so these characters are unlikely to have mental problems.


Litter 1
Charity *Goes to correct design now! :D

Litter 2

Litter 3

Alsander was swept away in a storm midway through the first year of Surreal’s first litter’s lives (Regulus, Zuriel, Faite), and lost upon a far shore of a distant land. To his amazement, instead of finding a way home, he found an old flame, Io Sovari. Between them, they had one small litter, twins, Triton and Ganymede - a boy and girl; however, Alsander is none the wiser of it, after yet another catastrophe tore him and Io apart once more. Bereft, believing her dead, he wandered, and came upon an old Valhallan packmate, Ashtoreth Adravendi. They sparked, bringing forth one litter of four before Alsander’s growing age rendered him sterile. The four children of the two, three sons, one daughter, were naturally told all about their family, the history of Valhalla, as best as they both knew, with Ashtoreth’s prior knowledge and both parent’s knowledge of how Erani reigned, and of Surreal’s plans to revive the pack once more.

Iosander Litter pair: Triton is the firstborn, Ganymede being born twenty minutes later.

Ashtsander Litter: Order of birth: Luminaire, Chance, Ashtorei, Fortune

The Girl: Fortune
The Boys: Chance, Luminaire, Ashtorei


Iosander's Twins
Designs in the works.

Ashander Litter
Ashtorei *Note Ashtoreth's male minimeee*

Eventually, the three family units ended up together, the siblings reunited. Eventually, all the children would disperse, back to Alacritia, to find the family left behind, and leave their parents in happy retirement.

Iosander’s kids were born with Io, who tried to raise them to the best of her ability. As they reached a year old, Io grew ill and died. leaving her twins to the world. They will likely have heard about their father, whom she believed lost in the catastrophe, and will likely have been raised to Neutral/Lawful Good. Their drive to find the father’s half of the family won’t be as strong as the rest of the adopts, and alliances will be wider ranged, but please, no evils :P

If I recall correctly, the Sovari family had a wider range of possibility for mental instability. However, Io was one of the lighter aligned members of the family, and if I remember correctly, she was only ever affected by amnesia during one of the site weather/cataclysmic events. She was a skilled healer, so these children will likely have been taught a lot of what she knew.

Now, as a whole, I would like to see most of these characters to go to Celestial at some point. The Iosander children do not have to, however.

And now!

So! Now that you've met and seen our friends here, who do you want to take home with you? Please, fill out the form below!

[b]Name:[/b] who are you wishing to apply for?
[b]Alignment:[/b] Nothing below Neutral.
[b]Appearance Description:[/b] 200+ words of original, detailed description of the design, plus defining characteristics (new scars?)
[b]Personality Description:[/b] Again, 200+ words of original, detailed description. Any quirks?
[b]Plans:[/b] What do you plan to do with the character you want?
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b] 200+ words of original writing. I want to see how you and the character would mesh <3
[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
02-26-2016, 12:52 AM
Name: Dagger
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance Description: To start off with Dagger is probably going to be one of the tallest creatures you ever meet. While he isn't Dire wolf status he still is incredibly massive. He stands a sturdy 42 inches to the shoulder and has a very thick build. He weighs 215 and looks very much like the wolf equivalent of a tank. There is absolutely nothing slender about this boy ranging from the broad shoulders, thick skull and neck, long sturdy legs, wide hips, filled out belly, and ginormous paws. One look at him will leave you hoping he doesn't get the urge to sit on you. While his muscles won't fully grow in until two years of age, Dagger still is quite huge. His size and only accented by the short pelt he has as the majority of his muscles can be seen rippling under a shiny coat.

While he may be large there still are other defining characteristics about the boy. The first thing other's may notice is the healthy sheen to his coat. While others may not care about how soft their pelts are, Dagger brags about his. It's silky to the touch, and while short, feels amazing to burrow into. The thickest parts of his pelt are his neck, the beginning of his chest, and his tail fur.

The feel of his fur isn't the only thing nice about him though. Dagger sports a rather dark pelt, the darkest being charcoal gray, that covers the majority of his body. The lightest color is a very soft gray that coats a portion of his face, his chest, his stomach, down his front legs, the inside of his back legs, and the very front of his back legs. The light color of gray is interrupted by splotches that look like someone took a wet paintbrush with paint on it and just dabbed him with it over and over. Mostly darker grays with some medium gray cover his face where the light gray is. Dark splotches cover his front legs and right hind leg, while the left hind leg is almost completely barren of any splotches. Where the charcoal and light gray meet along his stomach a medium gray speckles his stomach, and lower down on the light gray portion of his stomach gray speckles in a random tandem. Medium gray resides on the end of his tail and the last markings he has are arrow-like markings over the top of his eyes and on the backside of both markings are three perfect dots. Last but not least, Dagger as an unusual set of eyes. His left eye starts out as a piercing blue and then changes to a darker blue farther away from the pupil. His right eye starts out as a dark blue and then turns into a lighter purple-y blue farther away from the pupil.

The last things that stand out about him are the few scars that dot his pelt. Though he hasn't really gotten into any fights, there is a set of three claw marks along the front of his nose from where he accidentally went into a badger den and the mother badger attacked him. Thankfully he was able to be saved before too much damage was dealt, but he still holds the scars.
Personality Description: Dagger, by all means, is absolutely a handful to be around if you aren't used to him. First and foremost the boy is an absolute hot head and any little thing that gets under his skin is enough to set him off. He's by no means polite when angered so if you don't like being insulted it's probably best not to be around him, or anger him in the first place. Dagger tends to be a little rude at times and doesn't always think before he opens his mouth, so if he offends someone it's not always intentional and he'll feel immensely sorry for it. Dagger can also be very polite. While he sometimes has a potty mouth he was also raised to be a gentleman, even though it requires so effort on his part, so he can be quite polite when he realizes he needs to. He has complete and utter respect for his elders and anyone in authority over him in his own pack and family. While he sometimes may challenge that it's very far and few in-between.

While he obviously has some personality flaws Dagger is still a very faithful creature. Anyone he cares about is sure to have him through thick and thin. Fights, advice (probably a bad idea), traveling buddy, you name it and he'd most likely do it for you. He's a pretty friendly guy, a bit goofy and immature at times (due to his age), but he's fun to be around. He's very easy to get along with (unless you press his buttons) and there's not too many he can't befriend if he's in a good mood. He also tends to be that joker who likes to try and lighten up the mood with a corny joke in tense situations. That or he does something stupid to make everyone laugh. '

He's very self driven, even at a young age, and wants nothing more than to do well for himself. He strives to be the best he can be and rise within whatever rank he can obtain. He intends to be the best of the best and he'll do whatever it takes to prove it. Competition does nothing but fuel the boy and while his motives are a bit selfish they're also quite pure. While he wants to do well for himself he also wants to help benefit the pack in whatever way he can which means he do his best and beyond.
Plans: Go to Celestial and ultimately be a badass.
Roleplay Sample: He was still young, not more than a season and a half old, and yet he was all for getting into all the trouble and going on all the adventures he could. His parents were sleeping, he'd triple checked, so he crept silently from the den doing what he could to remain quiet. It wasn't until he escaped the den that he let himself become reckless with excitement. A laugh of pure glee bubbled past his lips as he ran recklessly away from the den. There was so much he could do and so much to see! Of course little did he know that his father had indeed noticed his disappearance shortly after he'd left.

Course Dagger was already well on his way into exploring. He spent the next few minutes sniffing around as he slowed his pace to explore better. Everything was so beautiful ranging from the sight and scents of flowers and the towering heights of the trees! Song birds sung in the trees and squirrels chattered above him, wondering what mischief a lone wolf pup could be causing.

One particular scent caught his attention though. He didn't know it, he'd never smelled it before or seen the creature it belonged to, but it was the scent of a badger and her babies. The mother was nowhere to be found, but the three babies were there. He eagerly bounded over to them, instantly going into a play bow to invite them to come wrestled with him, but that definitely wasn't going to happen. Out of nowhere a creature came hurtling towards him and it swiped at him in a fury. Pain radiated across his nose and when he inhaled blood went with it. A loud yelp escaped from him as he cried. That hurt! He could see a paw waving at him for a second go but before he knew it he was off the ground. Had he died already and was an angel and could fly? No that didn't see quite right. So he twisted his head to look around and he was surprised to see his father had followed him! Originally he would have been upset by that, but this time it was a blessing. His nose smarted and at this point he was no longer in the mood to explore. He just wanted to go home and let his parents lick his nose and sleep.
[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]


02-26-2016, 11:12 AM
Name: Acapella Dáirine (DAW rin yeh)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Description: 200+ words of original, detailed description of the design, plus defining characteristics (new scars?)
Falling in the medium range of height for her bloodline this female isn't vary large, nor is she the smallest. She stands at thirty five inches and tends to run around a lean one hundred and thirty four pounds. She keeps herself lean and streamline, her built being better for speed and endurance. It helps her to be quick on her feet and to go the distance to keep up with traveling herds of prey. She strives to keep herself fit and active to allow herself to be ready to run, or to defend. It's easy to see that she is a female that is not wired to sit around. With her somewhat thicker coat you may not always see the lean streamline look of the female. Her coat tends to stay of medium length and it slightly thicker around her neck.

The female does her best to keep her coat healthy looking, cleaning it daily and when she gets real dirty to go to a body of water to clean off. Like some of her siblings her fur is silky and smooth and feels really soft to the touch and it makes a good insulator when it gets colder. Her tail is rather thick also and it often used to warm her paws and her face when it gets cold. Her coat it adaptable, but her darker fur colors it can be hard to remain cool in the summer. Her fur colors range from a charcoal grey to snowy white with a slight bit of dull grayish tan.

A regular grey covers most of her upper body with the charcoal grey most of the ends of her body including her face, legs, belly, and tail. The white on her body covers her tail tip, her paws, the cheeks on her face, a spot on her head, and her belly. The odd tan coloring is mostly seen on the inside of her legs and on her belly. Her eyes are hetero-chromatic meaning the outer part of her eye is a pale blue while the inner part is a much brighter blue color.

Personality Description: Again, 200+ words of original, detailed description. Any quirks?
A young girl that is filled with a heart of wonder and a thirst for knowledge. She takes a deep interest in the navigation field. She is curious of the world around her and from a young age has made it her goal to gain whatever knowledge of the land around her. She likes to study plants, animals, stars, and weather. She gravitates to others, both because she is a social creature and because she craves to gain knowledge from them. With her growing knowledge the female can be independent and self sufficient making it easy to fill her spare time and moments when she lacks company. She is a busy body, unable to sit still for long periods of time unless that involves studying something. She will never become lazy nor will she be able to be the type to be satisfied with absolutely nothing to do. She seems to strive to have an upbeat attitude and view her life as a good one. She tries to keep from dwelling on negativity and keep her head level.

The young women tries her hardest to do what is right and what she sees is right for her and the pack. She is a strong believer of law and order and will do her best to uphold it on her end. She doesn't fear speaking whats on her mind and at times can be vary blunt, but she also tries to approach things in a nice and honest way. Her views on war and fighting is that she is against it if it is for the wrong reasons. She tries to avoid fighting, but knows she should be prepared for it. She knows that the world is tainted and that you should be prepared to defend yourself, so she is not against spars or training fights. She also believes in being prepared as much as you can. This means a stock of food supply, stock of herbs for healing, a plan in case bad things go down. She even goes to the extent to create several hidden exits to her dens so that escape can be easy.

She can be considered a vary respectful creature, taught this from pup hood up. Elders and higher ranks are at the top of her scale and deserve the most respect and everyone else deserves respect also. She is also driven to work hard and earn what she gets in life. She will pull her weight in a pack and will even pitch in to help others because her feelings of a pack is that it is a team or a well oiled machine that all parts must work together.

- Join Celestial pack
- Will be a Navigator & Hunting (Would work to be a messenger in the pack)

Roleplay Sample: 200+ words of original writing.
Taking a deep inhale the scents flowed through her nose, her tail gently wagging as the recent trail filled her nasal cavity. Lifting her head she scanned the surrounding area looking and listening for anything nearby. Once she was sure things were clear she dropped her head to the ground again and moved forward taking up the scent trail. This was her second day of trailing this particular scent, taking note of it's path and mentally figuring out where she was and where the trail was passing through. The thick strong scent of bull elk urine mixed with the general scent of elk giving her the impression that she was fallowing a solitary bull elk. It was breeding season for these creatures and she was sure this lone boy would lead her to a group of cows, or another bull neither really mattered.

Flicking her tail she gently moved along, the scent pretty fresh so she was taking it slow, careful not to make a noise as she stalked after the beast. She had learned from a one eyed wolf that these big boys were jumpy this time of year and they will not think twice about attacking you. She slowed herself more, pausing as her ears caught the sound of movement up ahead. Moving slow the female kept her eyes peeled looking for the bull she was fallowing. The rustling stopped, but a loud snort soon fallowed, her skin prickling with excitement as she eased forward to catch a sight of the creature. She realized she seemed to be holding back her breath trying her best to be careful. The wind picked up carrying his musky scent towards her and also the scent of other elk and within moments the bull she was fallowing let out his mating song. The beautiful bugle made her ear drums vibrate the song the only thing she was able to hear. She felt like her breath was taken away by such a beautiful and strong sound and she almost felt like howling to join in.

Moving forward her eyes peered out through the brush, the bull elk finally in view. The massive creature standing in all his glory, digging up the earth and spraying himself with his own urine. Charging forward the bull met head on with another and not to far behind was a group of cows that grazed, not a care about the battle. Excited with female stared wide eyed and watched the battle of strength begin, curious to see who won.



7 Years
02-27-2016, 03:50 PM
Congratulations Shrapnel! Dagger looks awesome ^^ I look forward to seeing him enter the lands!
[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


09-11-2016, 02:49 AM
Name: Fortune
Alignment: true neutral
Appearance Description: If death rides a pale horse, then adventure rides a pale horse (wolf?) with socks. If there's one thing that Fortune allows herself to even consider being vain about, it's those damn socks. The life of an adventurer is a muddy one, but she finds herself licking at and washing at them more than really anything else. Only mildly obsessive, but everyone has their quirks. Overall the creature is an ashen gray, darker along the topline, lighter at the feet and striping up her face. Pretty, but the standard kind of pretty you see in a lot of girls these days.

The thing that sets her apart? There's something wild in her eyes. That and the eyes themselves. Both are ringed in a brilliant violet, and they'd be eye catching for that alone. The starbursts inside, though, they're absolutely radiant. The left green, the right yellow, both gorgeous.

Her father's... well... fatherness makes an appearance in other ways as well. The rakish tone and the grin that goes with it, the long fur that fringes their tails, even the prevailing scent of spring water and fresh moss. Granted, with Fortune, it's something that holds a little more of a summer sparkle. She's a prideful mover, head high, fur thick and glossy. The thick build of a hunter, but her weight is a bit too low to be as good at it as her mother. Not enough power, not enough muscle. Not yet. She stands 35" at the shoulder, and hasn't made an effort to fill out yet so she tops out at around 130 pounds.

Personality Description: Fortune is a bit of an odd duck. The only girl in her litter, she had to stand out, right? Things get weird. Things have always been weird with Fortune. Fortune favors the brave, fortune doesn't favor fools, all the cliche things that sounded good at a distance-- she took that in. It was beautiful. All things bright and beautiful, and she's both. Well, she's all of the above.

She's brave. There's something about her that's positively lionhearted, and that's as much a blessing as it is a curse. A go anywhere, do anything type. Fortune favors the brave, and she'll never turn down an adventure. Adventuring buddies are the absolute best she could ask for, and she wouldn't trade them for anything. Adventure, variety, everything like that is the spice of life. She's burning bright like that. Everything about her is here to soak up light and be absolutely fantastic-- why wouldn't you hold someone like that close? Why would you hold them back? Why would you take that away? She's everything strong and filled with sunshine. That's the bravery in her heart and the burning in her soul.

Fortune doesn't favor fools. She's a smart girl. This is a young woman that knows and loves all the things that will make her better-- self improvement is the goal. Fortune is smart, and only wants to get smarter. There's something endearing about it, her hunger. It's a thirst, no, a starvation for it. A low tolerance for stupidity comes with that. It can hurt her interaction with other people, honestly. She tries, but her face gives her away. Expressive doesn't always work to her advantage.

Right now, Fortune is living selfishly. Can't turn down a dare, can't stay attached to anyone for too long. It's the way of the young, it's the way of the beautiful. Daring and darling, Fortune is willing to be both. She's always been both. Carefree is dangerous. Really though, she's done a lot of putting her own interests first. It's healthier for her. When you're young, you gotta live for yourself. She understands that family is important, but she also understands that family can be dangerous. Love them, but get under your skin. Right.
Plans: Affiliate with the Celestial pack but maybe not take an active role right away, she wants to explore! That, and eternally bother the crap out of her brothers.
Roleplay Sample:
Overland and over sea, Fortune makes her way back home. There's something that calls her back here, something inside that calls her name. She's bright and beautiful. Those are the best things to be, and those are the things that'll get you far. Days like this make her stop and wonder what the coming ones will bring. A fresh spring wind kicks up, carrying the scent of what could have been the Celestial pack... it's not so different from her own. It's not so different from that of her father, right? She was coming back to the place that had been home before she was a twinkle in dear old dad's eye. What happened if they didn't know who she was? What happened if they didn't want her?

She shoved that uncertainty down. Today wasn't the time for that. Squaring her shoulders and taking off full tilt. Ripping a bandaid off. Going in head first. There was only one life, and she couldn't afford to not live it. Who'd dare go down that road? Fortune pushed off with her hind legs, slicing through the dawn light. Today was the day. The phrase tumbled over and over in her head as she ran. It wasn't until she saw a figure silhouetted against the darkness that she stopped, chest heaving softly. One bark. That was all. A singular sound pulled breathily from the chest. Friendly. Tail wagging. Fortune found herself wondering if this was it. Was she really home?



12 Years
Extra large
09-11-2016, 05:58 PM
Congratulations, Jake! Fortune is yours! (Oh I will never get over the puns :P)
[Image: T8yHvja.png]


09-23-2016, 09:00 AM
Name: Grace

Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Description: Falling in the small range, Grace is far from the biggest wolf, most likely outweighed in every way by her family. She stands at only 28 inches in height, and she weighs in about 70 pounds at the most; extremely small for a wolf of her size. Grace herself is lean and light, quick on her feet and travel far distances quicker than her larger, clumsier family members can travel. She'll keep herself fit, although she'll never really be the type of wolf that could fight all that well; those who wish to may have to protect her themselves. Even with her small size, Grace's coat is very thick and long, making her look chubbier than she really is; it doesn't really do much height wise, though. It would be hard to see her thin form, unless she were to be entirely drenched with water, which would be a struggle all of its own. With her thicker coat comes the problems she has as well. While it is a welcome thing during the Winter, when Grace would have needed all the warmth she would get, it isn't as great during the Summer. Maybe it's her own drowsiness during those days, but she's more likely to burn up, it seems.

Grace, when her fur is cleaned well enough, is a beautiful sight. Her fur is a mix of inky black and a light silver, both standing out and contrasting each other in some way. Her base coat is the shadowy black, covering most of her form. The silver creates a mask that goes around her snout and her eyes. The color also goes down her throat and stomach, interrupted by a stripe of black that breaks up the silver on her stomach. Both front legs are covered completely in silver; no black can be found on them. Her hind paws are dipped in silver, the rest being the inky black; almost the opposite of her front paws.

Grace's eyes, even as light as they are, tend to be quite eye catching. A pale, mint green, they stand out against her monochromatic fur.

Personality Description: Even if one is used to Grace, she can still be a handful to be around. First of all, she isn't the type to soften her words or refrain from hurting feelings; she's brutally honest, and if someone gets upset, well, too bad. She's not exactly polite in the first place, and far from ladylike, probably smarting off if she gets too angry or offended, or even if she's just in a bad mood at the time. She doesn't hold a lot of remorse for what she says, unless its towards her siblings; then, just maybe, there is a slight chance she will apologize if she feels bad enough about it. If needed, Grace can be somewhat polite, although there is no getting her to be entirely ladylike. Really, her littermates would be better off doing whatever it was themselves instead of requiring her to be really ladylike or polite. Grace is sassy, and that's not going to stop just because someone told her to stop. Truly, she'd likely refuse, acting even worse if told to stop, taking being stubborn to the extreme.

Despite her several personality flaws, Grace isn't just made up of the bad things. After all, nobody could be, right? Grace is protective of her family and friends, standing with them through whatever they need. Not exactly doing it for them, but she could try; giving advice and being a friend are really the only two things she's okay at. Even then, her advice is very biased, and her friendship comes in the form of awful jokes and maybe even some flirty teasing. She may not be the easiest to get along with, but if she finds herself close enough to a wolf, she'll try to be. Not that it'll work all the time; her jokes or such may backfire, and leave her feeling awkward. And once she does feel awkward, Grace will fall into a silence; possibly a better alternative to her constant sass.

Grace puts her friends and family above herself, striving to have them happy before she starts working on her own happiness. She's not a pushover to be bossed around, even though she'd likely do whatever they wanted sooner or later anyways.

Plans: What do you plan to do with the character you want?

Roleplay Sample: 200+ words of original writing. I want to see how you and the character would mesh <3