



04-12-2016, 10:22 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2016, 10:25 AM by Tealah.)
Oh no!

The unusually wet and cold weather of the season has given rise to a particularly lethal mutant strain of viral pneumonia. Chief among its earliest symptoms are a severe fever and delirium leading to delusions and hallucinations, often even before a serious cough has developed making early diagnosis difficult. Other symptoms as the disease progresses are generally the same as a normal, if unusually severe, case of viral pneumonia. End stage symptoms of this strain often include bloody phlegm in the lungs and sinuses, a buildup of viscous fluid over the eyes temporarily causing reduced sight or blindness, and blood-flecked foam at the mouth. Though wolves exhibiting these end stage symptoms CAN survive it is considerably more difficult to pull through. Caught soon enough, this strain can be treated like any other severe case of pneumonia. Like other cases of pneumonia it is more prevalent among the very young and the very old, but it is found quite readily in otherwise-healthy adults as well. It is highly contagious, and has an unusually high chance of being fatal. Healers beware: this may be a very busy season for you!

This site-wide event is entirely optional to participate in, and it is entirely up to you if your participating characters get better or die from the disease. We strongly encourage interaction with healer characters (who will earn an additional five skill points for healing threads related to this disease - make sure you specify when you go to claim your skills) especially for characters you are going to have recover from the illness. Since loner characters are naturally less healthy than pack wolves, it is safe to assume that there are a large amount of NPC lone wolves suffering from this disease and probably dying in greater numbers, so feel free to work that into IC threads!