
Feeling so faithless



3 Years
Extra large
04-30-2016, 03:44 AM
This was it - Myriad. She had never thought her lover's dream of having his own pack, as he had told her when they were children, would come to life so...beautifully. That wasn't a word she used very often. Every part of the pack she just loved. Seeing the pack emerge and travelling alongside the alpha's side for every step of this journey was truly something to be proud of. Of course there had been a few setbacks, she couldn't move on from those to this day. Though at least two pieces of her precious family had been restored. If only her mother could see her now, being a secondary alpha, a queen. Yeah, that could use some work - the alpha business. She wasn't entirely certain what it was that a secondary alpha does. Sure, she has equal power and authority as the alpha himself, but was she meant to do everything he did? Just follow his lead?

So far she had learnt that she needed to reach out to her packmates. Interact with them. Talk to them. Learn who they are and what they want from Myriad. How Myriad can be improved, a better home. Learn how they can strive and achieve their personal best. And as well as listening, she had do something about it; make those changes. She could understand the importance of connecting with her pack-mates, but interacting wasn't a skill she was too strong in. Was she even the right wolf for the position? But maybe, just maybe, it was for the best. Perhaps she could improve herself with this rank; become a better Zephyra. Not the whiny brat she had always been.

There were a few in the pack she didn't know, and as daunting as it was, she had to meet them, face-to-face. And actually talk to them. Nicely. And act like an alpha, for that was what she was now. She couldn't act like a little girl, as young as she was. She had to be mature, like she knew what she was doing inside out. But how? How could she do that? How does one manage the heavy responsibilities weighing down on their shoulders? To clear her mind, she found herself taking a stroll through the woods and remarking the borders. Perhaps she would find an unfamiliar face or someone willing to help her little stresses out, not that she wanted to admit it.


04-30-2016, 06:04 PM

It was weird...seeing her sister up there that day next to the new alpha kid. She never thought her sister would be the type to fall in love, at least...not so soon? Nixie's brows furrowed as she rolled onto her back, dual toned eyes staring at the sky. She'd been pretty distant from her siblings for a while, and she felt bad about it. She'd left Ren to deal with things on his own, and when he called to disbsnd, she just couldn't bring herself to see him. She didn't want to see the hurt or disappointment in his eyes because he'd failed. But still, she'd abandoned him then. And now they were here together.

Flopping back onto her side, she closed her eyes in preparation for a nap. But when she heard foot steps followed by the familiar scent of her sister, she stretched her neck out to peek under the bush she was hiding in. Zephyra! Maybe now she could pelt her with questions and talk to her! That is, unless her sister still didn't like her. Zephyra was always top dog, but nixie didn't mind. She loved her anyway! Wiggling like a worm until her nose barely poked out from beneath the bush, she tried to get her sisters attention. "Psst! Zephyra!"




3 Years
Extra large
05-01-2016, 04:54 AM
Her green paws almost trod on the nose barely sticking out from the bushes. She first uncovered her sister's scent, a surprise to her nose, though she wasn't able to find the cyan girl. Not until she heard her hiss. Scarlet eyes looked around for the source of her sister's voice, only to discover the nose right by her feet. She peered over the bush to find the blue female buried in the bush. The queen couldn't help but to stifle a laugh at the sight. "Hey Nixie," she greeted, flattening her ears a little awkwardly. Had she ever spoken to her sister normally? An actual civil conversation? Without fighting? Without arguing? Yes, she was an alpha now, and she couldn't hold a grudge against any of her packmates. However, she felt the need to improve herself, to be a better Zephyra. With half of their family gone, she couldn't afford to severe the torn relationship further. Could she rebuild it? Could they be sisters again? "How...uh...are you?" Sometimes she wished she hadn't been a brat in the first place.


05-08-2016, 01:50 AM
Dual toned eyes spied on her sister, wondering if she would be found. Of course, with her sister being so huge, it was pretty easy. As her sister looked over the bush, Nixie turned over on her back, tail wagging and tongue lolling from her mouth as she wriggled in excitement. "Heya Zeph! You found me!" She giggled as she tried to reach up and paw her sisters nose. Her head tilted when Zephyra asked how she was doing, the girl oblivious to the awkwardness of the question. Really, she didn't care about what happened in the past as long as they were still together!

"I'm doing alright, sis. Hey, come watch the clouds with me!" She wiggled to her right to give room for her sister to either sit or lie beside her, but if she wasn't in the mood to watch the clouds then they could do something else! Had they ever watched the clouds together before? She didn't think she had with any of her siblings as a matter of fact. Maybe Zeph would watch them with her!



3 Years
Extra large
05-10-2016, 02:25 AM
The childlike enthusiasm and quirkiness of her sister hadn't changed, and the thought pulled her heart strings. Wasn't she mad, or the slightest bit unforgiving? After all, she had been an absolute brat to her. Treated her so...un-sisterly. In fact, no-one should be treated the way she had treated her sister. To see the blue girl put their differences and past aside was truly a wonder. It was like they were starting over. Still sisters. Still friends, even if they hadn't been from beginning.

Scarlet eyes watched as the smaller girl lightly touched her nose with an ash paw before inviting her to lay beside her and watch the clouds. The alphess was much surprised by this. She had never watched the clouds before, let alone with her sister. Was that a thing - watching the clouds? But clouds were just rolling white pillows of fluff that occasionally brought rain; utterly useless. Why would anyone watch them? Come on, Zeph, she told herself. Don't suck the fun out of everything. Maybe that voice was right. "Oh...okay," she answered with uncertainty, circling around the bush to sit beside her sister. What if anyone saw her? What would they think of their queen watching clouds? That's their problem. "How are you...settling in?"


07-25-2016, 04:34 AM
Nixie wiggled closer to her sister as she decided to sit with her. Though maybe she sounded hesitant? She wasn't too sure. The smaller girl smiled wide as her tail wagged a million miles a minute, ears perking up at her larger sisters question. "Erm...well..." What? She still wasn't used to it? It was weird now that it wasn't just her sisters, mom, and brother? She hardly saw Ren as it was, and Kait well...she didn't know where she was. I dunno're an...Alpha now, Ren has been such a grump, and I dunno where Kait is. And..I'm not used to living with strangers, so I usually watch clouds or explore by myself."

She sighed a bit as her tail slowed, ears flopping over as her brows furrowed. For once, she began to feel a bit down thinking about it all. "Zephy..." She shuffled her paw in the dirt, dual toned eyes staring at the ground before looking way up at her sister. "Now that you're an alpha...does that mean we won't spend alot of time together? I mean...that guy...the other alpha? I don't even really know him and he's been taking you away from me!" At this point, she didn't even realize that she had felt that way. She quickly looked at her paws again, feeling a little dumb for feeling this way. "Sorry, I didn't mean..."



3 Years
Extra large
07-30-2016, 03:25 AM
Though the girl seemed quite thrilled to see her, waving her tail about and looking up at her with a curious stare, there was hesitancy in her words. She hadn’t yet sought out their siblings, to the queen’s disappointment, or anyone else in the pack. A small frown spread over her ebony and emerald complexion. She knew Myriad had only just been established, and that she needed to give her pack-mates time to settle in, but they couldn’t gaze at the clouds forever. They needed to get the pack moving, in action. So far it seemed none of her siblings would help her do that. One’s being a ghost, one’s having nightmares, and the other’s looking at clouds. ”Those strangers are your pack-mates. They can’t stay strangers forever, you’ve got to meet them.”

Scarlet eyes met those of a bicoloured hue – red and blue. She hadn’t ever noticed the purple in between. She quite liked that colour. ”Hmm?” she murmured at the sound of her name, prompting the cyan-furred girl to voice her inquiry. Somehow, it didn’t feel like it was going to be related to the pack. Not a ‘Hey, I’d love to improve myself in this field. How can I do that?’ or a ‘Can I lead the next pack hunt?’ Yeah, she didn’t think any of her siblings were like that. ”Time together?” she echoed softly before her sister got carried away with ‘that guy’ that was ‘taking’ her away from her sister. Oh yeah, that guy who she had chosen over her family. That guy that her family didn’t even know. Whoops. How was she to explain this? ”Well, the pack comes first, you know that.” A small grin. ”But I’ll make sure to see you every once in a while, I promise.” Couldn't be that bad, right?