
Helplessly {Aw}


05-05-2016, 11:37 AM

That stupid sister! She was so... stupid! He growled as he kicked stones around on the volcano, having skittered down to a lower landing than the one that his family was on. He didn't want to be around right now, 'cause Ashe would probably try to sit on him or something. She was nice to everyone else but a great big bully to him. The young boy growled, looking up with an angry glare. He would get her back, she better sleep with her eyes open! He was gonna take a great big bite out of her tail and make it into a little stub. Maybe then she would stop bothering him. She kept calling him small, and he was not small. He was a great big warrior who was born from fire itself! That is what his mother told him, anyways. And he believed it, he was bigger and greater than all these lesser wolves because of that. His body showed the mark of fire and ashes, so it had to be true. Plus why would his dame lie to him anyways?

Huffing, Pheonix puffed out his chest and strutted around on the warm rocks, ignoring the little bits of rain that stuck to his coat. He was showing off to, well... no one. The imaginary wolves that would fall at his paws cause he was a great and mighty king! He would never be called short 'cause he would make Ashelynn carry him around on her back. That way he would be taller than everyone else! His lips pulled upwards in a great big smile, a small giggle leaving the pup as he continued to strut around.



05-06-2016, 12:19 AM

Her endless journey took her everywhere. But she usually liked to pass through the same lands she'd passed through before. Why? She wasn't too sure. Maybe to keep her trail scent from spreading too far. Yeah, that sounded like a reasonable thought in her head. The woman found herself in the east this time, a rabbit dangling from her jaws as she hiked it up the mountain. She heard from passersby that this particular mountain had fire at the top, and briefly she wondered what grilled rabbit would taste like.

She made it halfway up the mountain before her nose wrinkled in disgust. Was that sulfur? Yuck! Well, that might have ruined her appetite...oh well. She still wanted to check it out. It took a little longer then what she would have liked to get up there, but she was determined since she was already up here. When she reached her destination, the warmth up here was way different then down below. It was! She shook her pelt, silver eyes looking around until she saw something...peculiar. Was that a pup? He looked like it was born from fire! That wasn't possible, was it? She trotted closer, the rabbit dropping from her jaws. "Hey kid! Where ya from?"

Talk like this


05-06-2016, 04:34 PM

He would have been content to just strut around like a peacock, until a voice broke through his little bubble. His yellow eyes narrowed as he turned to look at the stranger. He stood still for a moment, assessing the situation from his grounded position. He didn't know very much English, but enough to understand what she had said. His mother and aunt had been doing their best to learn the more common tongue of these lands, but they didn't know a lot to begin with. So what he could say was broken and choppy, and he much preferred to speak Spanish anyways. "Here," he said, his accent clear in the single spoken word. He just kept staring at the lady, until he looked down and saw the rabbit. His fiery coated body took a few steps towards her, sniffing at the air. That looked really tasty. He licked at his chops, until he suddenly lunged and grabbed the bunny. Quickly turning tail and fleeing, he jumped up and climbed up to the next shelf. Dropping it for a moment, he looked down and grinned at the stranger. "Thank for food!" he called, his tail wagging behind him. That was easy! Now he could bring it home and tell his mother that he caught it by himself. Bending down to pick up the rabbit, he grasped it and tried to make his way towards the top of the Mount. He knew this better than the stranger, probably. He hadn't seen her around here anyways. He let out a wild giggle, trying to be careful and fast at the same time.




7 Years
05-06-2016, 05:12 PM
Goodness what on earth was she going to do with these children? Since their first outing the children had grown more curious about the world, but Carletta could not show it to them all alone. Amaia had promised to return soon, but for now it was just her minding the little ones while she waited for her sister to come back. Perhaps, Carletta thought hopefully, her sister might discover a pack where they could all settle down. A pack would be much safer for these little ones... She was already growing worried for them.

It was Phoenix, the smaller of the two siblings, that Carletta sought out first. Her son was more prone to getting into trouble, and Carletta couldn’t imagine what might happen if a stranger happened by.

The silvery-gray femme caught his scent easily enough... And an unfamiliar one too. As she descended the mountain she caught sight of her little one, her blue eyes narrowing. What...? "Phoenix Vulcan Elementas ! Robaste ese conejo de la mujer !?" She had caught the fact that he was “thanking” her for the food, but the way he was acting, seeming to run away, had the woman questioning what he was really doing with it. Blue gaze focused upon her son, waiting for an answer.


05-06-2016, 10:00 PM

The boy noticed her, silver eyes watching as he seemed to study her. Bits of ash fell on her red coat, but the woman was oblivious to it as her attention was drawn to the boy. His single word response made her brow raise. Here? He was born here? His accent sounded...choppy. Kind of like her own, but hers was more exotic with the Japanese tongue. She watched him get up, slowly coming closer to her. Of course, she was too absorbed in the markings on his coat, and before she realized it, the boy had lunged forward and taken her rabbit.

"What the?!" In the blink of an eye, he was racing away with it. Her possessiveness flared, how dare he steal her food! She chased after him, but the little twerp had gotten a good head start during her shock. Ears flattened, the femme putting on a bit more speed to launch herself right on top of the brat. That is, until another foreign voice stopped her in her tracks. It was foreign, a language she didn't know. Silver gaze turned sharply upon the stranger. Pheonix? What? Was that the kids name? Her hackles bristled as she took a step towards the woman, irritation clear in her eyes. "Hey! I don't know what you said, but if that's your brat then you better teach him some manners or I will!" Okay, so she wasn't really going to hurt him. Maybe try and scare him into not messing with her again.



05-30-2016, 11:37 PM

He had almost made it, when the calling of his full name stopped him in his tracks. The boy swallowed hard around the rabbit, looking up with wide eyes at his mother. She asked him if he stole the rabbit from the woman, and he looked back down at her. Putting on his big boy face, he dropped the rabbit and shook his head back and forth. Better lie his butt off so he could keep the food. "Ninguna madre, me atrapó a mí mismo! Y entonces se corre e intenta tomarla y dice que es la suya! Pero lo tengo!" Pheonix said quickly, his eyes shifting to the side. It wasn't fully a lie, he had caught it. Caught it away from her. So, it was the truth, right? Right!

When she spoke, he turned towards the red marked female and narrowed his eyes. She was talking awfully fast, but there were a few words he picked up. Brat. What was a brat? His head tilted to the side, but he decided that he didn't like her tone. His hackles raised and he snarled at her, spit dribbling from his lips. "Don't talk! You mean! Food mine!" he barked quickly, jumping on his paws like a fluffed up, angry cat. He picked up the rabbit again and looked at Carletta, looking for her to move so they could go home. This was his food now! He would pee on it if he had do, don't test him!




7 Years
06-22-2016, 04:29 PM

Carletta looked from her son to the other woman. She wasn’t sure what to believe... But she put faith in Phoenix. He knew that there were consequences in lying, right? Hadn’t she told him that before? The silver, white, and black woman eyed the other female. Her blue eyes shown worriedly, fur standing on end. If the other woman had explained the situation better, rather than threaten Phoenix, the female might not have done what she was about to do. While a pacifist by nature Carletta wasn’t about to let anyone lay a hand on her son. Even if that meant she had to stall this woman to give Phoenix time to escape.

“Sorry. You no hurt him.” Carletta moved in front of Phoenix then, shielding him with her body. Her tone was cold, her common tongue broken but edged with a slight growl. Her ears flicked back, worry gnawing at her gut. She wasn’t a fighter... She was normally submissive. But to protect their young, even adopted ones, sometimes a creature might act out of the norm. She braced herself, lifting her lips and flashing her teeth at the other female. Perhaps she could bluff her way out of this. If not...

"Fénix. Vete a casa. Mantenga Ashe en el estudio e informe a su tía sobre esta mujer." The woman’s voice held a touch of fear, her even her Spanish spoken quickly. Her blue gaze never left the other woman, hoping Phoenix would run away from these scene before it got violent.

"Talk" "You" Think