
Sharpened Teeth [Pack Meeting]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-18-2016, 04:55 AM

With the onset of winter, meant their first seasonal meeting. Rivaxorus thought to himself, why not hold it in their new land. As the male had finished setting the borders, he found a good gathering spot. A large portion in the field left bare, with a large slab of rock made enough room for two to three wolves. He would stand on it, then raise his head and send out the call. Of course he had tried to tell Zephyra of this meeting beforehand so she was ready. After all, she was his second in command. The call ranged out through the lands to call them together.

While he could be a kind alpha, those who did not show up could face severe consequences. He'd be more lenient with this first meeting, perhaps just a verbal warning and a slight suspension from leaving the pack lands unless they gave a good reason. Regardless he would seat himself and wait patiently. Hoping that the meeting, and this day as a whole would go well.

ooc: You have until the 27th to post!

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
05-18-2016, 07:59 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2016, 07:59 PM by Xephyris.)

Finally free from his quarantine after assisting the ill rogue, Jaelle, he was back to his regular activities. He'd been dormant for what felt like too long, and he needed to get his muscles back in tip top shape. Curious about the new territory claimed, Xephyris had been roaming the newly marked borders, and it would seem that he was not far behind Rivaxorus. In the near distance he heard the Alpha call out to his pack, summoning them all for a meeting. So the gray-coated male would go to his leader, following the younger man's scent path until he found Riv atop a wide, flat boulder. He approached the large boulder, dipping his head to the young man. "Greetings Riv," he murmured in a deep rumble, "Your duties seem to keep you very busy. I look forward to your meeting."

He wondered if there was any interesting news throughout the lands. He'd been cooped up for a bit to ensure he hadn't contracted the plague, so he hadn't gotten a chance to keep up on what was going on. He was curious as well to see if there was new within the pack; would there be any events coming up, had anyone worked hard to earn a new rank? He squirmed on the inside as he knew he hadn't done his best, but he was going to change that after this meeting. Especially if his pack mates were working their butts off. Quietly, he'd step back a bit and seat himself, waiting for the others to arrive and the meeting to begin.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



3 Years
Extra large
05-19-2016, 04:38 AM
Indeed she had been preparing herself for the meeting - Myriad's first, if she might add. She wasn't entirely certain on what she was meant to say. Welcome? Introduce herself? No, they should know who she was by now. State her expectations from the pack? But what did she want from them? Ideally that was what she was hoping Riv would say. She wanted to just sit back and observe, hoping she would learn something.

She was prompt to arrive, and she was quick to find the alpha male seated upon a large, flat boulder in the middle of a subtle clearing. The grey man, Xephyris, had already arrived before her, exchanging a few inaudible words with the alpha. Without hesitation, she leapt onto the smooth stone, shuffling forward to stand beside the male. If allowed, she aimed to nuzzle just behind his ear in a small, affectionate gesture. Her rubies sought his bicoloured gaze, the stare of yellow and amethyst that she ever so adored. The stare that told her everything would be okay. "Ready?" she whispered into his ear.



5 Years
05-19-2016, 06:33 PM
He too was nearby trailing along the shores. His curiosity of the new area and the new prey that survived here. For most of the day he had been on the shores scavenging the beaches to see what the water had washed ashore. He had even found some small pools of water among a cluster of rocks teaming with small hard shelled creatures. He was vary happy with his findings so far today and was satisfied at the amount of prey this land had. So far his larger brother was two and two with his choices of territory. He had taken some time to relax on the beach fully taking in the wonderful feeling of the sand and watching the waves roll in and roll out. Enjoying the nice weather for now. It was winter and hopefully here in the south it would be a mild winter. He was feeling rather relaxed and mulling over his meeting with Riv not long ago. He was considering on calling together a hunt before winter was in full swing and getting the barrings of how they would do hunting in unison. He really wanted to meet with Nixie the other wolf that held the same position as him, but part of him felt it would be better to get the hunt together as soon as he could.

When his brother's call sounded above the light crashing of the waves Jackson looked in the direction his brother had called from. His tail wagged in slight excitement at the call of the first official meeting of Myriad. He knew he must be timely to the meeting and quickly rose up to his feet. He was not far so it would not take him long to cover ground. Turning the male took off at a swift pace towards where his brother was located. A light smile to his face and a light wag to his tail that male was happy and content with his life currently. He had his mind set to make himself into a loyal and hard working pack member and felt that after the meeting he would head back to Weeping Woods and call together a pack hunt. He had been tracking the resident Deer herd for the past week and they seemed to be remaining at the more northern part of Weeping Woods. There was quite a few head of deer that were ripe for the taking, older and currently plump, but they may not last the winter. A few of them would feed the pack for a few weeks.

Grinning to his thoughts he picked up his pace and before long he had reached the meeting spot. Already there were three; Riv (of course), Zephyra, and Xephyris. His tail wagged in a friendly manner as he approached dipping his head to all of them.

"Hello everyone!," he said before taking a seat not to far from Xeph's familiar form.
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



6 Years
05-20-2016, 04:30 PM

Armai was exhausted. Even with Nox helping her hunt for herbs and then helping provide food Armai had been up later and later every night. Winter had moved in and the girl had done her best securing herbs where she could. She found herself moving farther and farther away from Myriad to get what she needed. She was too stubborn to ask any of the other pack for help so she'd just collected Nox and made due with what she could find herself. That and keeping up with the strange tinkling sounding girl they'd found past the borders had kept her on her toes. She'd done her best to treat the woman and prevent it from spreading but she could still feel her stomach tying itself in knots over the idea. What if she'd made a mistake and this illness spread. What would she do then?

She'd just gotten back to her den, Nox in tow, when Riv's now familiar call rang out across the territory. Well it didn't seem like she'd be getting a nap today. She let the snow leopard lead the way as she picked her way slowly across the terrain she was still doing her best to memorize. When she arrived she could smell that Xephris, Riv, his mate, and another male were already there. She remained on the fringes and sat next to her companion, not wanting to get too close to anyone just in case. She didn't feel sick but it didn't mean she couldn't be carrying anything still.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

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[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



6 Years
05-26-2016, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2016, 12:18 PM by Soleil.)

 The tri-colored woman still didnt understand this packs language. She was trying though, as was her lover. He was picking up her words faster than she was picking up his. She wanted so badly to understand what thw others were saying to her. So much so that she had taken to listening to them talk amongst themselves rather than trying to talk to them. In doing so she had picked up a word here and there.

Soleil didnt know exactly what Rivaxorus wanted when he called. All she knew was that he had called for the pack that lived here. She asumed that, since they hadn't chased her off, she was to come to his call as well.

Quietly she would arrive to see that four others had gotten there before her. Among them was Xephyris, the man she claimed as a mate even though he didnt know it yet. It was him she would go to and greet first as she leaned into his side. Next would be the Alpha of Myraid. Bowing her head slightly she would speak the greeting she had learned with a heavy French accent.  "Hello..." she could only hope she said it correctly as it was the first time she had attempted to use it. The rest of her words would however be in her native tongue as she knew no other words in english to say it is good to see you my alpha. "il est bon de vous voir mon alpha."


05-26-2016, 08:04 PM
She was oh so late to the call. The girl ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, and hopefully she wouldn't get in trouble for being late. She had been playing outside of three territory, so it took her a while to get there. When she did though, she saw that everyone else had gotten there before her. Except for maybe a couple others. Her brows knit in confusion. Where was Ren? Did he leave? Or was he mad that he wasn't alpha anymore? She never really saw him around anymore, and as she sat down quietly (for once), she looked up to her sister, wondering if she maybe had an answer to her silent question.



2 Years
05-26-2016, 09:06 PM
He was half tempted not to show up at all to the meeting. And yet, he knew, under obligation of him being part of the pack, that he ought to attend the meeting. Regardless of whether he wanted to or not. And aggravated groan leaving his lips, the blue male forced himself to his paws, stalking towards the meeting with heavy steps. He was one of the last to arrive, and he noted Nixie and Zephyra were there already, as well, though he was certainly unsurprised by the latter. His sweet sister was an alpha now, which was pretty damned funny because she was once jealous of the fact he was heir. Now, she was the alpha, and he had to disband his pack. Oh, the irony. Chuckling to himself, he sat down at the very edge of where it'd be okay to sit, apart from all the others.


05-26-2016, 10:24 PM

Hera was just padding back across the border of the Myriad territory when Rivaxorous's call rang out to pull them together. Her ears perked at the sound and she silently cursed the timing of her small venture out of the territory. She was simply getting more acquainted with the lands that surrounded the one she now called home. When she had lived in these lands before she and her mother had left it had been much further West so she wasn't entirely familiar with this area. At least she had managed to be semi-close when he called. She picked up the pace and hurried to get there, not slowing to a walk again until she saw the group. It didn't seem that the meeting had started yet so at least she wasn't late. She found an empty spot and settled onto her haunches with a soft sigh, her tail curling neatly around her. Her silver gaze glanced around her at her new pack mates, lingering for a moment on the large, blue-hued male that had sat himself on the very edge of the group before letting her eyes linger on Rivaxorus and the black and green woman at his side. So many colorful wolves in this pack. It made her feel a bit less odd with her vibrant orange markings.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years

05-27-2016, 12:09 PM

She was not used to being in a pack, in fact she had never been in one before. She was still feeling a bit dull, but she was well enough to wander around. She heard the howl from Riv, but didn't really know what it meant. She actually stumbled upon the meeting by chance. She had gone to explore these new lands, when she saw a gathering of wolves. Her eyes landed on Xeph, a sly smile on her lips. She hadn't seen him since her attempted escape, when they had gone sneaking around for a bit. Armai was there as well, the only wolf that she knew really well. Feeling out of her element, the grey beauty approached the meeting with caution. her many bells rang out, the ones on her legs clattering together and the string of bells on her tails singing to the same tune. She tired to be as quiet as possible, but she was too distracted by the group of wolves to actually keep her bells silent. When she reached the gathering she stayed well away from everyone, too afraid to make her way to the two wolves, besides Riv, that she actually knew. Jaelle was never fond of large gatherings, her ears pinned back to her skull. She was still not feeling one hundred percent and didn't know if she would be staying within the pack forever. It was an odd thing, these packs. She was unaware of most customs and regulations that followed these things, or what was expected of her right now. So she stayed back, close enough to hear anything, but definitely not within the crowd.

Art by Fox

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



4 Years
Other species
05-27-2016, 01:18 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2016, 03:27 PM by Amaranthe.)
Woooow, what? So many wolves! When Amaranthe bounced into these Southern lands, she had not been expecting to see this. She was merely exploring, after talking to that giant purple-y wolf. And now she runs into a whole gathering of them! They seemed to be gathering around a couple in particular... one who was bright green. Glancing around, she saw a bright blue wolf, unnaturally so, and yet another with shockingly orange markings. Her eyes widened in shcok - so many colors! That orange was nearly the same vibrant shade as her one eye. The blue wolf was much darker than her other eye, though.

It was then a familiar, pleasing, jingle sounded, and Amaranthe had snapped around, purring loudly when she saw the source. Jaelle! Her fluffy jingly gypsy wolf friend who once caught fish for her. Wooo! Feeling like a kit on an ice slide, the little black feline raced low across the ground, skidding to a stop behind Jaelle. Pausing only for a second, Amaranthe gathered her legs beneath her and jumped powerfully, landing right on top of Jaelle - her back paws on the woman's shoulders, and her front paws on top of her head. Amaranthe let out a huge, rumbling fur, brushing her face against the top of Jay's head and licking the flattened ears. Yay! She found her jingly friend.

ooc. powerplay permission was given by eve!


Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-28-2016, 06:20 AM

Rivaxorus would watch as the first to arrive would be Xephyris. It made him chuckle at his speech as Riv nodded his head to the male. Indeed his duties kept him busy. Making sure everything was stable. He had visited a few packs as well for alliance purposes. He was also glad that this Winter was going to be mild by the feeling of it. After all he only experienced one winter previous, sometimes it was easy to forget how old he actually was. As Zephyra appeared second in place, she whispered a word of reassurance towards him. He would press his nose gently into her cheek. Yes he was ready, he had trained and thought about this his whole life. No doubt this meeting wouldn't be too bad.

His eyes did however look over Ren as he appeared. Something just seemed off about him. Rivaxorus hoped it certainly wasn't his fault. Jaelle seemed to be doing better, as a cat companion had joined her. He would take note of that as well. As soon as everyone was settled, Rivaxorus would stand strong. "I'm glad everyone was able to make it." he started. "This would be our first seasonal meeting - these will be a regular occurrence and you are expected to attend them unless you are deathly sick. Otherwise only emergency meetings will be held." now with that out of the way he would look to Jaelle.

"We have a guest attending this meeting, her name is Jaelle. We are unsure if she will be staying in Myriad, but be sure to treat her with kindness. She is an honored guest who recently recovered from being ill." His ear twitched. "While many of you may seem like strangers at the moment. I implore you to interact with each other - a pack is not strong if not a unit. I have no quarells with fighting amongst us since we most definitely won't always get along, but remember. It is your pack mates over anyone else." The male's gray tail flicked off behind him. "I'd to announce that this winter will be a mild one, but with the recent illness going around if you are feeling sick please see our healer Armai. There are also pack ranks open to be challenged for. Don't be afraid to call pack hunts or the like if your skills rest in that area." There wasn't much to share this meeting was there?

"One final thing, our allies in the north Ivalice will be holding a festival soon. While it's not required that you go I'd recommend it. To socialize with our friends and maybe get your paws on some fresh kill. Now then I suppose that is it. If anyone would like to ask any questions or share anything else now is the time to do so and are free to." His two different colored eyes scanned over. Everything had been going smoothly that there wasn't much to go off of. There was no need to scold these wolves. They knew what they needed to do and they listened well. He was rather proud.

"Talk" "You" Think