
love is definitely NOT in the air



2 Years
05-25-2016, 10:48 AM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2016, 11:00 AM by Fug.)

— navigation skill thread, exploring love islands

The distances here were a pain in the ass. And his directions were all messed up.. Otherwise he wouldn't have ended up.. here. Wherever here was. It was so.. full of mushy and he couldn't take it. It stunk of... love. If he could stop breathing right now, he would've done it already. Shivers ran down his spine and the Faust made his way froward slowly. Hesitant steps were placed one after another, head lowered and mismatched eyes scanning the nature around him. He was in deep do-do. Ears glued to the back of his head and lips pulled up in a quiet and annoyed snarl. Tail flicked behind him, as if it would chase away those invisible little hearts that were just as annoying as the four legged pests and the insects. Tongue slid over slightly parted jaws to moisture his snout. His pink colored muscle kept outside of his mouth as he breathed heavily..

Was it getting too hard to breathe already? He could feel something getting stuck in his throat. A quiet cough broke the silence around him as he attempted to clear his throat of the invisible ball that was stuck there. Fug halted and shook his head and fur to get rid of the feeling on his russet fur. His haunches met the dirt beneath him and he huffed out while looking around. Time to figure a way to get out of here.


Mercy I


5 Years

05-25-2016, 12:16 PM

Well well, this was a lot different than her usual haunts.

Mercy's tail swished side to side as water dripped off her damp coat. She licked at her lips, cleaning off the bits of flesh that still lingered there. She had found a poor little boar who got stuck on this island, and she turned it into a tasty little meal. She was no longer as thin as she had been, fat hiding her ribs from her flanks. Gethin had been doing his best to fatten her up, but she could take care of herself. Even though her pack was gone, as well as her way of life, she was still a strong woman. Her muscles rippled beneath her pale coat and her elongated tail wagged slowly behind her. The smell of her heat was her only constant companion, her nose wrinkling to try and pick up any other scent through it. She didn't fight too hard though, she was enjoying her little bit of time alone. Even though she longed to be with the gray male again, Mercy needed to keep moving. She couldn't keep sitting and moping about the loss of her pack and drive, she needed to get off her ass and find it again. She planned to head to the battlefield soon and dare a stranger to take her on, it had been too long since she had been in a spar. As a warrior she needed to keep herself in shape, even if she no longer had a group of wolves to protect. Fighting was one of her sole purposes in life, and she wasn't going to let it go that easily.

So deep within her thoughts, she didn't notice the male in front of her at first. She took a few more steps before her purple eyes saw the brightly coloured stranger. Blinking rapidly, she paused as her head tilted to the side. She took in her downwind position from him, using it to her advantage. Mercy was able to study him for a moment, taking him in. He was a small little thing, really small actually. She was at least 14 inches taller than him, which made a large smirk tug at her lips. She was short compared to everyone in Imperium, she had almost forgotten that she used to be a lot taller than the average wolf in Ardent. This male was pretty much her point and case. Chuckling smoothly to herself, she stepped through the multi-hued sands until she was about a foot behind him. Trying her best to be sneaky, she leaned forward and attempted to place a quick nip on the left side of his rump. Quickly taking a few steps back, she looked down to smile at the tiny male. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were a tasty little boar." She said in a playful tone, her chin tipping towards her chest. Mercy was usually a frisky little thing, being in heat elevated that.



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



2 Years
05-25-2016, 12:55 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2016, 01:01 PM by Fug.)

— navigation skill thread, exploring love islands

He was trying to come up with a plan on how and where exactly to go to get rid of these strange annoying emotions and sleep in a dark cave until he can get out and move again. Sadly he was way too exhausted to get back from where he came, because it would take him... awhile. Thus his ears pulled back at the thought of finding somewhere less.. lovely. And just when he was about to get up and sob somewhere else a nip to his rump made him jump forward with a rumble, tail tucking between his hinds. His small body turned only for his mismatched eyes to land on two purple eyes staring back at him. His widened eyed expression soon changed into an angry frown. Her comment on his size, caused him to let out a low growl at the pale female in front of him. Ears perked forward and he pushed his body up from it's previously slacked way of staying due the startle he got from Miss Teaser over there.

His own lips finally parted, even if he was a little ... maybe a lot smaller than her, he couldn't keep his smart ass mouth shut. He huffed in her face and took a step backwards, tail flicking behind him. And in the next moment his nose caught her scent.. Eyes flashed just a little bit up with a spark. He knew exactly what this scent meant. Tail pushed up and he took a step to the side, paws placed carefully beneath him. Lips pulled up in a smirk and he rose a brow."Seems to me that you're the little tasty boar," He muses with deep baritones and continues. "You're the one that reeks of 'eat me'." Maybe sarcasm and little smart ass comments weren't the right ones for this occasion, but he just couldn't stop himself. And besides, she started it. And he wasn't the one with that stench stuck to him anyway. It almost made him want to make her shut up, his own little way.


Mercy I


5 Years

05-25-2016, 02:38 PM

The male jumped at her bite, and she just smirked at him. He turned with a growl, and she had to give the guy credit. Clearly he had balls of steel to turn and face her like that. It was quite obvious that Mercy was larger and thicker than he was, she could probably just sit on him and be done with it. Suffocate him under her ass. Now that would be funny. He got up in her face, and Mercy's black marked features pulled together. Her lips curled back to expose her stained teeth, although humor was still alight in her purple gaze. This dude really did have guts, there was no denying that. He seemed to catch wind of her scent, and his demeanor changed. She watched with a single raised brow as he tossed her insult back at him. Not able to stop the laugh that bubbled in her chest, her head raised slightly for better impact. He was interested in her? He wanted a little taste of her sweetness? Oh boy, that was just too much. "You, take me on? What are you going to do, climb on a rock so you can reach?" Mercy asked with a snort. Her head shook back and forth as her sides heaved, her laugh growing with more and more gusto. She nearly fell to the ground, crippled by her laughing fit. "Maybe, maybe you can find a few turtles and stack them on top of each other. At least that way you could move. I doubt it would even feel like anything at all."

Big surprise, Mercy was a bitch. Taking a few steps back, she fought to regain her breath. "I suppose I could lay down, maybe take a nap while you have your... snack," Nearly choking on her words, she fell down to her rump, her head tossing high as she howled in laughter. "Although I suppose I'm more of a full sized meal for you, eh?" She was trying to regain her composure, but she just couldn't. She kept trying to picture him humping her and it just slayed her. She knew that she was going overboard a bit, but it was so far out of her control now. Honestly she had never heard anything so funny in her life.



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



2 Years
05-26-2016, 08:18 AM

— navigation skill thread, exploring love islands

The moment she started laughing and then words started to come out of her mouth was the moment he stopped listening. Although he tried so hard to ignore the fact she was making fun of him, he couldn't. Her words made his ears point forward and his lips to pull up in a growl. Tail swayed behind him as she kept chanting in front of him. Oh he'll use turtles alright. To shut her up and both ways. Shoulders roll with annoyance and he looks around. What could he use to slap her in the face and make her shut up? He moved to one side then to the next and as she finally finished her "graceful" chanting, mismatched eyes locked on hers with a frown. His paw kicking a rock pretty hard, attempting to hit her, right in the muzzle. His lips were now in a thin line as he watched for her reaction and if she even expected it. But soon after, his body shifted and he made his way towards a nearby tree. His body leaned to the side and rubbed against it to scratch a spot that's been making him crazy for the past few minutes.. Or was this the vibes he was getting from the annoying pest over there and this place..

Shoulders roll as he is already in his own world. Ignoring her finally worked, so he was calmer than expected. Looking around he finally chose a spot to lay down on. He circled the tree a few times and sloped beside it, side leaning to the bark and head lowering slowly onto his forelimbs. Ears were still perked at their usual position. The only good thing about this place was that it was relaxing.. Was relaxing until he finally realized that he laid just the right way so he would be able to see her. Eyes rolled and head turned to the side, mismatched eyes trying to focus on something else - an ant trying to carry something obviously bigger than her, that sooner or later was going to get her squished. Head lifted and he watched from above, already killing her a few times in his mind, but he enjoyed playing with his food before actually eating it. Not that he was going to eat the ant.. Nope. With the side of his eye though, he kept visual on the four legged white pest, just in case she got something in mind.


Mercy I


5 Years

05-27-2016, 11:25 AM

She was finally able to catch her breath, just in time to watch the male slink off and rest behind a tree. Gasping to fill her lungs with air, her head tilted to the side as he looked at her all grumpy like. "Aww, did I go a little too far?" she asked, not moving from her place seated in the multi-coloured sands. Purple eyes inspected him, a glint of humor still within their depths. "When should I have stopped?" She was acting like she was clueless to why she had hurt his feelings, but it was pretty obvious that she had. Letting out another little burst of laughter she rose to her long legs, walking towards the stranger and his tree. She gave him his space, leaving several feet between them. Falling silent for several moments, she was mentally collecting herself. Maybe she had been overly cruel to the brute, and her ears pulled back slightly. Usually she didn't care, but maybe she was sort of finding her moral compass. Ha, like that could ever happen. She did feel a little bad though, even though it was freaking hilarious. Mercy tried not to picture it again, not wanting to burst into another laughing fit. Biting her lower lip, she slid her front legs out from under her until she flopped onto her belly, the sands warm from the sun. "I'm Mercy, by the way," she stated softly, waiting for the irony to sink in. She often thought that her and her brother should have had their names switches, her being Revenge and him being Mercy. He did work with smelly herbs after all.

Letting out a lazy yawn, the dame rolled onto her back and flopped her paws over her exposed belly. Her muzzle was parallel to the sand as she peered at the more brightly coloured male, blinking slowly. She didn't know if he was ever going to talk to her, but she was just going to keep filling in these silences. Mercy didn't mind talking to herself. "You're not from around here, are you?" She asked, tossing yet another question his way. She wanted to toss another insulting joke at him, a snort making the sand scatter below her nose. It was really hard to keep it in, but using all of her willpower she managed to keep her mouth shut.



Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.