



8 Years
05-25-2016, 01:31 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2016, 01:45 PM by Solveiga.)

Solveiga felt that she had never seen a place so beautiful. Perhaps that was because it looked so much like home. She picked her way down the steep hillside, watching the way the waterfall tumbled down in so many different directions, creating small, serene pools here and there. She navigated her way to one of them and stopped for a moment to drink, looking all around her. The weather was getting cold again. This was the third winter she had seen, and she knew that when spring came again she would be all of three years. But what did she have to show for it, really? Sure, she was still young, but she still would have liked to have felt accomplished in some way by this point in her life. Her brother had left her over a year ago now. Surely he had found a suitable life for himself. Why hadn't she done the same?

She was hesitating. Why, she did not know. Part of her wanted nothing more than to find a pack to join, to feel wanted and safe. To, in a way, replace the family she had lost. Another part of her wanted to keep exploring, so she could continue to discover places like this. Sights that took her breath away like this tumbling waterfall did. Solveiga sighed a bit and looked down at the water, her eyes following the paths of a few small fish as she continued to lose herself in thought. She needed to decide, and soon. She wasn't getting any younger.



2 Years
05-25-2016, 01:56 PM

The trickster moves along the cold grasses that were ready for the coming winter. Shoulders were slacked and head lowered between broad shoulders. Lips parted and tongue hanging out of them. Heavy breaths leaving his mouth. The Faust's nose took int he scents around him. That unfamiliar winter breeze held a weirdly nice scent. And not to mention the smell of water. He walked down the hill, his mismatched eyes taking in the waterfalls and pools on the side. Such a cliche. With such a scene came a princess. And then her white knight. The usual bed time story. He was surprised when his eyes fell on a light figure in the distance. Hhh, there is the princess. But he was far from her white knight. He was not the one that the princess waits. He was not in the stories. And even if he was, he was far from white.

Slow and steady steps took him to the pool before her. He had position himself to her side with a good distance between then. Head lowers for him to take his long awaited sip. Hhh, the water felt so good on his throat. Tail swayed behind him and after awhile he moved his head up, his tongue coming out to catch the remaining drops of water on his lips, before sliding back in. Without a word, he would aim to turn around and look at his surroundings, before turning back towards the waterfall not too far from them. Haunches met the cold earth that sent chills up his spine. Fug shook his head in order to get rid of the annoying feeling of cold against his ass and finally relaxed his tired legs.. As he usually did these past few days.




8 Years
05-25-2016, 02:24 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2016, 01:45 PM by Solveiga.)

It was very quiet, perfect for Solveiga to think. In the end, she went with the choice that seemed best for her. Join a pack, have a warm place to sleep at night with other pack members for protection and a job to which she could dedicate her time. She would miss the freedom of exploring like a pup, but then again she wasn't a pup anymore. It was time to move on. Solveiga pulled her eyes away from the depths of the pool, looking up instead at the waterfalls above her, their fall sending a light mist into the air that barely kissed her fur. She was about to close her eyes and perhaps rest for a moment when suddenly a flash of color caught her eye, not far away.

Before her was a man, making his way down to the pool as she had done moments ago. His fur was a very warm brown, nearly the color of the ochre leaves of autumn. He came to the pool she was sitting at and helped himself to a drink before looking around. She knew he must have seen her, and yet he made no attempt to speak to her or introduce himself. Fair enough. Color her intrigued.

The old Solveiga would never have been the first to break the silence. Silence had been like a close friend to her. But this was a new Solveiga, one that had been bred from a year of fresh independence. She tilted her head to the side a bit to watch the man a moment longer, and then her jaws parted to send forth a soft bark in greeting. Perhaps he would answer, and perhaps he would not. So she waited.



2 Years
05-26-2016, 08:31 AM

The Faust's mind was just about to wonder off to his father.. And he rarely thinks of him, even if the old man was the boy's only parent that he knew... When a bark made him almost jump and choke on his own spit. Head turns to the side, mismatched eyes meeting the eyes of the woman in front of him. She didn't look much taller than him.. In fact, she looked just as small as he was, but appearances lied, no? Ears flicked and leaned backwards slightly. He was abut to snap at her like his usual outcomes sounded like, but he almost felt guilty to do that to her. She didn't even dare to speak to him. Tail swayed behind him annoyed at his annoyance and finally dark lips parted and deep baritones came out. "What." He answers half-heartedly and pushes his body up. He would be leaving now if the thought of his old man didn't cloud his mind. When he was little the old Faust would always say: Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely.

Hah. He was the one who left Fug alone and since that day he had been the lost one. Always snapping back at others and getting himself alone. Shoulders rolled and he shook his head trying to get rid of the clouds that had fallen over him. He hated getting mushy. His legs carried him not too far from the gal and the man seated himself once again, soon though his body lowered into a laying position, his paws dipping slightly into the water. His tail curling around his right hind leg as he kept his mismatched eyes on the female and waited to see what she wanted from him.




8 Years
05-26-2016, 01:44 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2016, 01:47 PM by Solveiga.)

The small woman stayed where she was, carefully watching the man before her. Her ears stood tall, prepared to catch any greeting he might throw her way. But after an irritated flick of the ears and what looked to be a conflicted little scowl on his face, all the man could be bothered to say was what. Solveiga knew at once that he was going to be a grumpy fellow. It wasn't that hard to tell. The irritation and disinterest rolled off of him in waves as he came closer and settled himself beside her, which made her wonder why he bothered to approach at all. Why not just walk away? Solveiga could not help but be intrigued by him. She was like a pup in that way, always secretly wondering at the motives and behaviors of others. Some, like this man, could turn out to be really interesting. You never really knew what was lying below the surface and ticking them off all the time.

He looked at her as if expecting a response to his blunt earlier question. If it was a question. The woman stayed quiet a couple of seconds longer, weighing her words. "I didn't mean to bother you," she said evenly, her voice soft as usual but not quite as timid as usual. This man was actually a little smaller than she was. He didn't scare her, not really. He was all bark and no bite, and even if he did decide to snap at her, she would wager that she was still faster at him.

And even then, he should have no reason to be aggressive toward her. She was not insulting him in any way, nor did she plan to. "I just saw you on your own," she began. "like me. I thought maybe you'd like some company." If that wasn't the case, she would understand. If he asked her to, she would simply leave him alone.