
Bells and Bobbles {Festival}



6 Years

06-09-2016, 02:31 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2016, 09:49 AM by Jaelle.)

Jaelle Rosemary Canirai

The lady could feel the eyes on her as she took a seat, meeting the yellow gaze of a pale man sitting by the caller. She only spared him a glance, still looking around for the one wolf that actually mattered to her. Everywhere she looked, there seemed to be eyes on her. She knew that she would be drawing attention to herself, but she hadn't thought that it would be this much. Jaelle looked over her shoulder, seeing two little pups sitting with two woman gawking at her. She smiled and winked, giving her tail a wag as her string of bells made even more sound. It would only be a matter of time before she was swarmed with wolves, or at least a million questions. The tension was building up in her silver body, she wasn't quite sure how to feel about being the center of attention. The dame let out a huge breath as Xephyris found her, offering her a greeting. She moved to bump her shoulder against his, a smile spreading on her lips. "I'm glad you came too. I have a distinct feeling that I am about to be swarmed by wolves at any moment," she whispered, trying to duck behind his larger form. It was probably of no use, and letting out a sigh she stool tall. With all these eyes on her she didn't want to appear weak. Her ears flickered when Xeph said that there were a lot of wolves he knew here, her eyes doing a quick scan of the crowd again. "I only know those in Myriad so far, and even then there are only a few." Jaelle hadn't been the best at mingling, now that she was back to being one hundred percent after her sickness she would be allowed to interact more. But she had stuck to her own mostly, still a bit unsure if staying in the pack was the best choice for her. But while she was there, she would do all she could to help out. After all, they had saved her life.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
06-09-2016, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2016, 08:38 PM by Dragon.)

He came. He saw. And he did not regret it. The young boy had sulked in at first, hearing his mom upon coming into the gathering, but as soon as he saw all the new faces he was no longer in a sulky mood. The tall lanky male looked around, seeing none of his brothers here yet, but a few of his pack members were here. maybe the others will come later. He walked quietly on the outer edge of the crowd, taking in all the new and mingled scents of the other packs. He was growing excited with all the new faces, but the question was, who to talk to first?

That question was immediately answered when he heard the strangest sound. His head whipped around, green gaze falling on a smaller female with patchy markings and...what were those things on her? He was intrigued! He found himself eagerly wandering over, a huge grin on his face as he looked at her and the other wolf she was sitting near. Both from the same pack it seemed. But that didn't matter! "Hi! I'm Dragon, those things on your tail sound really nice, what are they?" He tilted his head in curiosity as he looked at them, ears twitching with every little jingle that they made.




6 Years

06-11-2016, 09:37 PM

Without hesitation now, Esarosa made her way over to the white and gray, splotchy, speckled lady with the bells that sang every time she moved. Someone else was already at the woman's side, and her little friend Dragon was on his way, too. But she was curious as well, and she wasn't going to let a crowd dissuade her. So the green-eyed, ebony-coated woman pranced over to the small group. She smiled at Dragon and stayed close to the boy, while she looked to the speckled gypsy and her companion, nodding in greeting to them. "Hey there, I'm Esarosa," she stated, then going quiet as Dragon asked the very question she had interest in as well. For a moment her eyes drifted to the gray-coated male sitting beside the bell lady, but he looked much less interested in socializing, so her gaze moved away from him and back to the wolf that tempted her curiosity.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



6 Years

06-13-2016, 09:46 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2016, 09:49 AM by Jaelle.)

Jaelle Rosemary Canirai

It didn't take too long for the first wolf to approach her, a young boy bounding up to her. She twisted around in her seat, smiling softly at the little thing. His stream of words hit her, and the woman thumped her tail on the earth so that her string of bells called out again. "They are my bells, I have some on my legs too," she said, picking up each front leg and wiggling in turn, each bell calling out as she did so. She felt more heads turn towards her, but she didn't pay them any mind. This boy seemed to be really excited, and it was far too cute for her to ignore. She turned to Xeph beside her and tossed him a playful wink before turning back to Dragon. She was about to introduce herself when another woman coming up. Jaelle eyed the black woman, dipping her head as she too stated her name. "Well hello there, Dragon and Esarosa," she said with another wag of her tail, her bells forever accompanying the movement. "My name Jaelle, and this grumpy bird over here is Xephyris," she said with a chuckle, bumping her shoulder against his. She didn't know if he would join in, but it would be rude to not introduce her silver knight. He could be a butt and just sit there all quiet like, she wasn't going to make him interact with these lovely wolves.

Looking away from the two for a moment, her bi coloured eyes scanned the group of wolves around them as more and more joined them. She shifted a bit uncomfortably, she was not used to be surrounded by this many strangers. Letting out a sigh, she turned to the two that had come to her and ignored the rest. It was a lot less of a headache that way. "So where are you two from?" she asked. It would take awhile for her to get used to all of these pack things, but she thought she was catching on rather nicely. She didn't bother to learn the names of the other groups though, she wasn't sure if she was even cut out for this life after all. But hey, here's to trying.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



9 Years
06-18-2016, 11:00 PM

Xephyris grinned at Jaelle as she let out a breath, smiling at him and bumping her shoulder into his when he approached her. It was obvious that she was very aware of all the eyes on her, but she seemed glad, or at least relieved, that he'd found her. Xeph was irritably aware of all the others staring at her as well, but he took the moment he had with her before the impending flood of curious beings would approach. "It's just a matter of time," he muttered, amused, but as his silver eyes glared toward the approaching wolves, it was clear he wasn't looking forward to the swarm of curious fools. But he would smirk darkly for just a moment as she tried to duck behind him, and he'd back up just a little so they could still see her, and his nose would nudge her shoulder. If she was going to walk around with bells ringing out, she was going to draw attention whether she wanted it or not. "Well, looks like you're about to make some new friends," he rumbled with a rough chuckle following.

Then he'd go quiet as the young boy came forth and started talking, followed soon by a dark-coated female, neither of which he was interested in getting to know. They were not his friends, they had nothing to do with Myriad, and he had no reason to mingle with them. So he would leave the mingling to Jaelle, who although seemed uncertain, was pleasant with the strangers, definitely more than he would have offered them. He hardly looked at the other two, his silver eyes briefly glancing over Jaelle before drifting around the larger gathering. When he heard his name being introduced, he'd turn his head momentarily to face the two strangers, offering only a nod of greeting and a stony gaze before looking away again. He'd leave them to their chattering, waiting for the events to begin.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



4 Years
Other species
06-18-2016, 11:31 PM
Nice... and slow. Easy, smooth movements. Those were the words going through Amaranthe's mind as she slipped through the shadows, closer and closer the the bells on Jaelle's tail. It was a challenge to her, really; wolves could be so oblivious... and, well, cats were sneaky. So, she was trying to sneak by, using their conversation as a perfect cover for her movements. After all, they were all curious about Jaelle. It was even better when Jaelle shook her paws, though it made Amaranthe tremble in an unparalleled longing. It was weird how those bells affected her so, but something about them just made hearing them tinkle an absolute, incomparable pleasure in her ears.

Shaking off the thoughts - mentally - Amaranthe eyed her prize. She was close now. Oh-so close. Of course, Jaelle had no idea what the cat was up to. When did she ever? Never, of course. There was also something utterly satisfying at scaring the shit out of her wolf friend. Perhaps because they both laughed about it afterwards, because it was always funny as hell. Grinning, she eyed the pair of balls that were now only a couple feet away. With a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, she pounced, claws outstretched as she bat and generally caused as much movement to the bells as possible, to completely fill the area with the sound. Whoo! Successful way to announce her presence.

Since Jaelle is Amaranthe's precious jingle-friend, she is allowed into any of Amaranthe's threads, regardless of how it is marked.