
Destiny For The Willing



5 Years
06-14-2016, 03:09 PM

North was the original goal and after spending weeks off track here he was steadily heading that way once more. He'd spent enough time in the dreary southern lands and hardly any of them had been worth the effort of staying to explore. They were bleak and unimpressive at best and he was pleased to be on his way. That wasn't to say he thought anything bad of the population that scattered the southern territories, but the north was where it was at. He missed the near deathly chills that would seep into your pelt and made it feel like it was penetrating into your bones. He missed the snowfalls that would some times pile up over your head if the weather was fierce enough. He missed the brisk morning air and more than anything he knew he needed to find his sibling. If she was anywhere it had to be the north.

There was some miles behind him before he came to a slowing point. He was a good distance away from the obstruction but he could clearly see it from here. It was a wall that was a good bit taller than him and stretched for as far as he could see in either direction. He approached it with a look of pure disdain on his features as he looked it up and down. Did this stretch all the way across the continent? What was its purpose? A part of him feared it meant he wouldn't be able to cross over into the north. He was a stubborn beast though and he wouldn't let something like a measly little wall get in his way. With determination in his gaze he back up a good bit to get a running start and then vaulted himself at the wall. Naturally he wouldn't make it, but his front paws did manage to grasp at the top edge before he tumbled back down landing on his side.

Now he was just irritated. Dazed and feeling quite aggressive he rose to his paws and shook the dirt off before attempting to jump at the thing once more. Once again his paws managed to scrape at the top edge of it before he lost his grip and tumbled back towards the earth once more. Had he been more agile he might have had better luck and being able to grasp the ledge better and pulling himself up and over it, but in this instance he was tired of traveling and just wasn't having much luck all around. Rising from where he'd fallen again he shook himself off again and then let his haunches slide towards the earth as he sat and contemplated how he was going to get over it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: 3pAOohN.png]