
Can't Keep My Hands To Myself



6 Years

06-17-2016, 12:25 PM
Navigation -- Weeping Woods
Just a note to anyone who replies to this thread, I am aiming for at least four rounds to get navigation points. If you cannot keep that up please pass this one. ^^

All in all, Jaelle was bored. She didn't feel a connection with these wolves, not yet at least. It was mostly her fault, she had been keeping to herself or with her silver knight as she so fondly called him. She smirked as she thought of the male, he had a stick up his ass that was for sure. He needed to loosen up and have some fun, and that was a job she had taken on herself. But today she couldn't find him, and aimlessly wandered around the Weeping Woods. She had made a den here, but she hadn't really explored it from end to end. Just vague glances, nothing as in depth as she wanted. It was a very calm place when it came down to it, but hardly a place to stay dry. Small streams trickled through the exposed roots, winding their way across the landscape. She danced around each trestle of water, her bells singing their usual song with each movement. Her scarf was wrapped loosely around her neck, and she was careful to move fast enough that the ends didn't drag in the streams. Coming to a pause, she peeked her head into a very thickly woven tangle of roots. There was just enough space that they let in a bit of sunlight, dappling the inside with dots of light. There was one hole in the roots, just big enough for her to squeeze her way into them. The water circled around the base of the willow, but the earth inside was raised from the lack of rain hitting it. She had picked the wrong den, obviously. Maybe this would be her new home, if she couldn't find another one. She was very picky, obviously. Removing her head from the root cave, she shook herself out and walked on, eyes slightly narrowed as she looked for any other possible dens.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



3 Years
06-17-2016, 12:37 PM


The woods weren't too familiar for her, but each passing day Lourdes felt as if she was getting to know the land a bit more. She had not found the time to find and make a den for herself, between walking the land, memorizing the scents, and the area- it just fell from her mind. She knew a den would be needed, and sometimes it was hard to find the perfect one.

She had been walking forward, brown gaze scanning over the ground when the jingle of bells came to her ears. Perking, her head looked over and saw the female- the same one that she had seen at the fight training. She was odd to her sight, and the bells on her scarf were concerning- Lourdes truly hoped she was not a hunter. Shaking her head slightly, she saw this as a chance to grow closer with a pack mate. "Hey!" She chirped, small body moving forward faster, catching up to the silver marked female. "I saw you at the training, I'm Lourdes." She greeted warmly, a wide smile on her face as she tried to stop her tail from wagging. Her head look around, the area around them having high potential for a den- but she didn't want to be rude. "Am I interrupting something? I truly am sorry if so.." Her doe-brown eyes went back to the female, hoping that she didn't ruin her plans nor add a burden to her shoulders.



6 Years

06-17-2016, 01:18 PM

It wasn't long before she heard a small voice calling out to her. She currently had her head inside another coil of roots, but this one was a bit smaller than she was expecting. In fact, she was pretty sure that her head was stuck. Great. Letting out a muffled sound she raised both forearms up and placed her paws against the rough bark, pushing with all her might. With a loud pop, she was free. The force she had to use to get out send her flying on her rump, blinking her brown and blue eyes. She needed to not do that again. Standing up, she shook herself out and turned to the stranger. It wasn't often that she was much taller than another wolf, but in this instance her chin tipped towards her chest to spot the tan and cream woman. A smile tugged on her lips instantly as her tail wagged behind her. "Well well, aren't you just delightful!" she said, smile only growing. She mentioned seeing her at the fight training, and she nodded her head. Yes, she did remember that terrible day. She really did hate fighting. Her brows knit together as she shook her head slightly. Anyways, on to better things! Now that there was a very cute little companion with her she was more excited. Dancing from paw to paw, the bangles on her front legs clashed together with the sound of metal on metal accompanying the bells. Jaelle let out a small laugh when she mentioned interrupting her, the monotone female shook her head. "Not interrupting at all. In fact! You can help. I am on the hunt for a better den, and these twisty roots seem to be the best bet," she said with a knowing nod.

Turning back to the task before them, Jaelle jumped over a larger portion of the river and landed neatly on the other side. For a moment. She was not the more graceful creature, and when she stood tall to celebrate her nice landing, she felt her back legs slipping out from under her. Her eyes grew wide, but she let out a knowing sigh. Time to fall down, wasn't it? Yep. Her paws had been too close to the bank of the river, and she slipped in the mud. Her paws went wide and she slammed onto her belly. She just laid there for a moment, spinning one of her paws on the ground. Her ears pinned back from her skull as she looked over her shoulder at Lourdes, tossing a wink in her direction. "Don't mind me, the ground just needed a hug," she said, finally picking herself off the ground. Shaking the earth from her coat, she trotted off like nothing happened. Until she remembered something. "Oh, right! Sorry, I'm Jaelle. I got a little too excited at having an exploring partner," Silly woman.

With a huff Jae turned around, seeing a hump of roots that stuck out of the ground. This one had part of the stream flowing right into it, carving out the hollow inside so that it was a pool of sorts. Jae jumped on top of the ball of roots, looking down at a gap that let the sunlight reflect right off the water. She let out a sound of awe, poking her nose down to lap at the water. She just couldn't reach though, the very tip of her tongue just skimming the surface. Darn... she had a feeling that it would taste better than all the other water for some reason. She pulled her face out, leaving room for the smaller woman to look in as well. "Unless you want a waterbed, we should keep looking."


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



3 Years
06-17-2016, 01:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2016, 02:00 PM by Lourdes.)


The woman did not give her hostility nor ill looks, but rather a smile had come on her face- well, after she had gotten her head out of the hole. Her head shook with amusement as the female fell on her rump, eyes filled with the laughter she held in. She seemed friendly, and it gave Lourdes high hopes for the rest of Myriad. If everyone had the same outlook as this female, there was no doubt she'd be getting along with them all!

Excitement seemed to dance on her paws, her bells sounding with each shift of her weight. Lourdes looked at them in awe for a moment, but didn't want to be caught staring. She quickly looked back up to her, smiling. Her ears perked at her words- excitement now flowing through her own veins. "Really? I've been meaning to search for a den, time has always slipped from me though..." Her voice was soft, but she did not go on about how time seemed to run from her. Shaking her head, she followed after the bell woman, leaping over the small river just like she had- her smaller frame making it easier for her. Her head turned back, only to see the silver woman falling back down. "Oh!" Her voice sounded, but she was far too late to do any help for her. A giggle left her throat at the sight- but she also felt bad for the female, no matter how much she played it off as funny. "Your.. neck thing is going to be all muddy now." She spoke gently as her gaze traveled the length of it. Yet they were off again- almost as if she totally hadn't body slammed into the mud and water. Finally a name sounded out, and Lourdes smiled warmly. "Jaelle, that's a lovely name." She complimented, walking along side her silvery companion. The girl truly was unique, and she could tell she was genuine- or at least she hoped.

Doe-brown eyes looked over the land, humps of roots sticking out to and fro. The one issues they would face in finding the den, was the waters. A sigh left her maw as her paw touched to one of the wet roots- it would be useless unless summer would dry it all up. But even then, they would have to look for even more dens due to having to have one for each season. If they could find a solid den, it would last year round. Lourdes watched Jaelle, she had jumped onto the roots and examined them herself. She laughed slightly when Jaelle attempted to get a drink of the water, and once her head moved out of the way- she let her own gaze peer into it more. Yup, nothing worth wasting their efforts on. "What about somewhere with more dry land?" She suggested calmly, eyes looking around. It'd be hard to find that- there seemed to be streams everywhere.