
literal night



6 Years
09-26-2016, 04:14 PM
Darkness is an infinite container. Gasses will seek to fill the volume of any container they reach, and so here Poser is. He's nothing more than a gas, nothing more than a ghost. The night is dense as he leaves the house, slinking out through one of the cracked windows in the cellar. He'd kept the front doors open today, closing them only at night. It would be best to air the place out, as it had been sitting for so long. He'd been working on making the place a home. It wasn't so different than the power plant, it wasn't so different than the asylum. The thing about it, of course, was the fact it was comfortable. Someone had lived there, someone that was immensely well off. It made him a rich man now. He would inhabit it, and he would gather a family to roam the halls. The place would be alive again shortly, and he would do it justice. He would do the place a world of good. Maybe he already had.

It started with closing off the rooms he couldn't weather proof on his own. Too short or not strong enough to reach some of the windows, and then, the others that had been shattered completely. All in all it rendered one downstairs bathroom and two upstairs bedrooms unusable, but otherwise it was in good shape. The cellar window, too, was in bad shape but they could stuff it when it flooded. Poser didn't quite know who they were going to be, and his mind flickers back to the young man with the pretty eyes. He was a start, but he was young. Poser would find better prey.

Still, he's in a good mood as he nears the garden of the gods. His head is high, and he's looking for something... specific. In passing he pulls a succulent blackberry from a bush, chuckling indulgently as the juice coats his tongue. Such is the virtue of being a dog among wolves, of course. His steps are high and delicate, rummaging carefully through the herbs where they grow. Kava was his quarry, but there was cannabis out here as well. The true prize, but he'd never turn down prime bud. A bright moon draped around his shoulders, leaving the shadow to glimmer nearly blue. Oh how beautiful he feels.

If only he had someone to share it with.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



4 Years
09-26-2016, 06:37 PM
She had grown up in a place unlike this field, finding familiarity in tall trees and sheltering vegetation. With small clearings that could be found here and there if you followed the game trails. But this land. It held a story that she wanted to learn about, to study and share with any she might come upon in her travels.

The field this woman was walking through is covered in various plants, regular vegetation she could identify while a majority was all new. Stopping, she would cast her green eyes to the moon that shone above. Only to close her eyes and taking in a deep breath, clearing the mind and relaxing her body before she dove into an investigation.

But she would reopen them suddenly, head swinging to the side when her ears caught movement nearby. "Hello?" The tone that left her maw was sweet almost, holding a note of curiosity with an invitation. She would welcome whoever was here to join her, or perhaps asking to join them.



6 Years
09-27-2016, 02:28 PM
In the darkness his body doesn't end at its edges, instead it sits bleeding out into a comfortable unknown. This is why Poser likes coming out at night so much. This is why he prefers it. This is why he's out at night, on his own, and loving it. It's bright and beautiful and so is he. A silver halo around his ghostly figure in the darkness. Nights like this, he could keep them forever. These were the ones that Poser lives over and over, these are the ones that feel bright and beautiful no matter what. He's always beautiful of course. The ghost, though, is real in the night time. He's alive right now, and he feels so lovely.

The creature across the clearing, plain, drab creature. The ghost doesn't pay her any mind, simply goes back to browsing his herbs. Poser is longing for the sweet release that comes from Kava high. He's hungry for it, he's starving for it. Yes, he would indulge tonight. All it would take was a little luck, a little trust in himself. A little trust in the herbs. That wasn't so hard, now was it? Rare herbs, you see, are a little hard to find. Still, his eyes are trained and the want is there. The Russian man can smell it somewhere, not too far off. Garden of the gods, garden of the dogs. He plucks another ripe blackberry, allowing the dark juice to coat his teeth like blood. Much richer, much darker. Hell, it was Poser personified. He chuckles to himself.

Vain. Always vain. There's nothing that comes close to his vanity, all high head and sapphire eyes. Poser is nothing before he is beautiful, and he always tries to ensure that remains true. The pigeon of a creature calls out, and Poser's elegant head lifts for a moment. Had to be polite, had to be personable. That was the only way to build an empire. His voice is feminine, accent playing with his words as he speaks.
"Step into the garden child, the plants won't bite." Not the ones here, at least. Poser hadn't yet found carnivorous plants anywhere other than the forest that smelled of dragon's blood. The shadow looks as if he's nearly folded in half, the way he looks over his shoulder. Sapphire eyes glimmering in the low light, he's striking as ever.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



4 Years
09-27-2016, 05:13 PM
Eyes had been set on the stranger just a few seconds before she had called out to them. From how he had been moving in the darkness she could only assume he was looking for something. So when he approved her joining, Aeru would smile and step in. Approaching with an open mind and relaxed demeanor, coming in close until she was coming up on the stranger's left side.

"Thanks. If you don't mind me asking, are you perhaps looking for something?" She was not blind, the girl noticed when she got this close that he had a different body shape than her own. It was different enough that she knew he was not a wolf, but she couldn't quite make out what it could be. So for now questions on that would be silenced and saved for a later time.

For now she would ask about a search and if that was in fact what he was doing, the girl would offer her own help. Afterall, it would help her to learn a bit of this place, maybe get even more information from the person she stood with. She held her smile, rabbit-like tail swishing from side to side.



6 Years
09-27-2016, 05:31 PM
She's quick to come to his side, not really being bothered with the strange shape of the shadow. How strange. The woman approaches on the side of his bad paw, but he's doing a decent enough job hiding it today. It's not as sore as usual, the dampness of the summer having eased off somewhat. Auster, you see, feels far more dry than the main continent is. Maybe it's among the reasons he likes it here better. Far better. That and he has a house. Poser will never be unfond of having a roof over his head. Such is the vanity of the creature.

She asks, Poser chuckles. "Drugs, a gentle hallucinogenic. Good for quelling one's demons." His voice is soft, long muzzle elegant as he picks at a bud from a cannabis plant. "The every man's weed, less hallucinogenic, more a relaxant. Kava is harder to find, more a hallucinogenic, less a relaxant." The Russian is smiling, pleased with himself. He loves this garden, this life giving garden. "Gardens of the gods, they're full of secrets. Which do you seek?" Sapphire eyes glimmering in the evening light, it's his turn to ask if she needs help. The bud from the plant is tucked in his cheek and he chews, already able to feel a little more at peace, a little less jittery.

Meeting someone new would be good for him, for once.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



4 Years
09-27-2016, 06:03 PM
She is not unnerved by this answer. Drugs she had heard from her mother were to unwind for some, relax others and for some it was what gave them power. In no way had it altered the life of either, finding no pull to test such things. Never even crossing the mind. But given the opportunity she would try a small amount.

Green eyes would observe as he plucked at a bud, meanwhile ears absorbed his accented and almost elegent tone. Without the appropriate knowledge about such things, Aeru could only imagine that this Weed and Kava were the same thing but perhaps different families with different properties. "I am in no hurry for anything, perhaps I could assist you?" She'd offer with a smile. It was nice to hear the stranger talk in such an affectionate way, at leasts he would take it that way. Such an interest in the plant

In turn a question was directed her way, to which the young woman would twist her lips to the side brifly in thought. "Nothing in particular from this garden Sir. But just general info about this land, and the types of people that occupy it." She was aware of the level she was asking at. Many could occupy the continent, but what was in it that was noteable. Special landmarks. Any packs. Particular crazies she should avoid. Or maybe some that were open to assisting those in need.

If he however could not give that kind of thing for her, then the woman could settle for something else.



6 Years
09-27-2016, 06:22 PM
A god among men tonight, the shadow seems to be able to feel everything and nothing at all. The bud in his mouth, furry but softening. It's softening him overall as well, his rough edges melting into one smoothness of shadow. He's always been this way, but he's evolving. He's changing. Poser is always changing, and today he's being kind to a pigeon. Who was going to be able to tell what came next, but there is something worth it in being kind. There is some comfort in it, especially in the way that he can have company today. Company, you see, has been a hot commodity lately. He will allow this pigeon to exist in his halo, and maybe some of his light will rub off. Maybe Poser can grant her some of his grace for now. She may borrow it. Something about her demeanor reminds him of an old friend, brings a far off glimmer to his sapphire eyes. He will not squelch it, but the shadow daren't bring it up either.

"If you'd like to pick a bud, tuck it in your lip and chew it. The strain here, it's got a bit of citrus and a little pine... it's less foul than most, but it's not the most delicious thing. What's ideal are the effects. Relaxation, a heightened sense of self awareness." The man indicates the cannabis plant with his delicate snout, showing exactly where the perfect bud to pick was. It wasn't particularly large, but he would not overwhelm the pigeon. That would be impolite, and he's worked so hard to be good to her thus far. Tonight is a good night to catch Poser on. "If you would like to keep me company while I look. I prefer not to pick before I use something, simply because it dries out and becomes less effective. I'll be happy to share."

"Poser, Sir is my father's name." That a joke-- he'd never even seen his father. Probably fed into his daddy issues, but that was beside the point. There's a glimmer to Poser as he looks to the girl, nodding once. He will go along with her wishes, he will answer her questions. "I live in the Castle, alone for now. One day, ideally, I will have my own pack there but I've really only been here a week or so. The mainland, there are more packs there. Five? Six maybe?" He'd met a few on the mainland, he'd met a few here. Poser greatly prefers the south continent. "It's quieter here, in Auster." The shadow wishes he knew what to say, had more specifics. If she would ask, he could at least try to answer. That would be good.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



4 Years
09-27-2016, 06:58 PM
-sorry about the wait. lost my post and had to restart-

The man would give her that opportunity to try such a drug. Explaining how to take it, the taste it would give compared to others and the effects it would have. At first she would look down at the bud he pointed out to try it on, gaze lifting to his sapphire's momentarily before she pulled it back to the plant. So far he proved to be fair and tolerating her presence, and so she would trust the stranger.

Head was lowered, teeth carefully plucking the bud from its hold and tucking it into her lip like instructed. Head would turn back to him as she began to chew, not one to be rude and at least not keep some sort of eye contact when speaking. The taste she was kind of expecting, a plantiness that mixed with the citrus and pine that he had spoke of. Slow chews as she listened to him, not rushing it, allowing her body to take in the smell and oil. relaxation beginning to set in.

He did take her offer, but more so her company. Preferring to go as he went rather than picking and allowing such plants to dry out. "That is perfectly fine." She spoke in a sweet tone, a small nod of her head given to him. Aeru had no intenions of asking for his plants, even after this sample.But if along the way he wanted her to try some of his stuff, she would give it a go. There was no harm in it. Who knows. Perhaps she would actually enjoy the stuff by time she had to part ways. And if so, maybe a deal could be worked out so she could make visits.

She smirked at his little joke, such simple things were enough to get her. "Aeru" Even if it didn't bring a full laugh or tamer chuckle. He would share about himself, a 'castle' that he lived in and would like to create a pack thee at some point. He had only been here about a week or two however. She nodded, continuing to chew on the bud. There were maybe five or six packs on the mainland, but it was quieter down here. Auster.

"I see..." With that information the woman would seem to look away from the man, as if processing and trying to come up with her next move. "It is not a lot but I can make due with it, Thank you." Turning back to Poser she would dip her skull once more. "Would you happen to know any of their standings?" He did not look like the type who stuck around packs to find out about them, preferring his quiet time in this place. But she would try, perhaps he had seen or heard something about at least one or two of them.

It would be nice to know which ones she should avoid if she didn't want trouble. Even then, the longer she stood there with him, the lighter she felt. The thought of danger just kind of flowing off her being.



6 Years
09-27-2016, 07:40 PM
There is no harm in that which comes from nature. Once upon a time, Poser had managed to dance with the purest form of cocaine there was, and that had been his absolute most magical experience. It had to be pure, otherwise it'd kill you. But if it was good, it was good. That was the rule. Nothing that comes from nature will hurt you, so long as you don't put too much of it in your body. Other than like, nightshade. That shit will kill you. The drugs though, they were fine.

Friendly. He is friendly with the pigeon, and she is friendly with her. They are doing quite well with each other, and Poser's eyes are bright. "Nice to meet you." Aeru. What a strange name. Poser kinda likes that, he's enjoying the company of the girl. There's something comforting about it, there's something pure about their actions tonight. Pure, innocent, and standing beside the girl as he searches for the waxy leaves. Something shiny. There was something here he wanted, and it wasn't far off now. Herb hunting as always, and he's getting closer to what he wants. The Kava would be lovely once he found it, but for now he had to work for it.

"Standings? There's one pack that's new, I don't know their name or their leader or really much about them. I'm a vagabond myself. The rest of the packs, I think they've been around for quite a while." Poser wishes that he had more information for the girl, wishes he had more he could tell her. He's working the things he knew, trying to find some sort of information rattling around in the village of his mind. There's something that holds firm in the way he thinks and the way he stands. Graceful, but supple. A shadow on the backdrop of a beautiful night, ringed by a silvery halo from the moon.

"Ah ha!" Poser finds the Kava, stripping a few waxy leaves with his teeth. "Try one first, then step up to two if it doesn't feel strong enough after about five minutes. I don't want you to knock yourself on your ass." The shadow grins, tail wagging. He's found what he wants, and he's offering to share. Oh what a beautiful evening.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



4 Years
09-27-2016, 07:59 PM
More information was given but it wouldn't be exactly what she had meant. Nevertheless it as something rather than nothing. Only one out of them he knew was pretty new, while the rest had been around for some time. She could only guess that meant that those not within the claimed territories would be influenced by them. The girl would have to keep her wits whenever she came close to one, play her cards correctly.

For now however she would enjoy the man's company, finding that it was going rather lovely and smooth. Their conversation was flowing nicely, as though they were old friends reminicing. At least she would imagine so. Following suit, moving as he did with a lightness that she wished was gained sooner. Perhaps it was also having to do with how he moved, such graceful steps and chosen words.

And then he nearly jumped at a plant before him. Aeru tilted her skull and watched as he peeled away leaves from the plant, the excitement in the air growing as he instructed her once more on how to take the bud. She'd smile, rolling the old one from her tongue and going back down to nip a bud into her mouth, tongue moving it into place and beginning to roll in some chewing.

His words from a little earlier in their meet would flow in, remembering that this Kava was more hallucigenic than a relaxant like the bud she had just been on. How kind he is to look fter her, not wanting her to trip out too hard from this special plant of his.

Slowly she can feel it working, closing her eyes at the caress of a breeze around the body. It sends a chill up the spine, almost enhancing it as it reached the ears. It is like she can see what she hears while the world is in total darkness. Speaking to her at only a whisper. "This... is the Kava?" Her voice flows like the breeze, light and calm. She is enjoying it so far, nearly forgetting about continuing to chew the thing, going back to the action.

Poser. He was something else.



6 Years
09-30-2016, 02:58 PM
Poser is art. There's no way of selling himself short over it, he's fucking art. I mean. He is art. He could also fuck art if need be. Or if the mood struck him. He likes that, it makes him feel a little better about himself. It's easier that way. He's always going to work to feel okay about himself, and that's always going to take work. Shit would always hit the fan when he least expected it, blah, blah, blah. There's a lot of that ticking past in his head. Poser is ticking past his own head, and that feels fucking strange. Everything feels strange. He is strange, after all.

The shadow feels so much better as the oils begin to sink into his system, to take effect. It feels so much more lovely, and he's nearly melting into a puddle. Oh god, the borzoi rests down on himself, feeling the sensation of nearly melting into the floor take him over. Ah yes, how it would all take him over. He was so happy about it, so, so happy. So much happier than he has been, even sitting next to this pigeon of a girl. She was a nice enough pigeon after all. Yes, nice enough, kind enough. She'd been so kind and friendly. Aeru. The name had tasted funny in his mouth but he'd let it happen. He would allow it. Poser wouldn' disallow it. Right. All was well, all was bright and beautiful. Poser feels fantastic where he is, laying about in the grass, in the dark.

As his pigeon asks her question, he nods slowly. "Sure is. Do you like it?" He feels a bit like the caterpillar, like Absolomn, watching everything grow around him. Poser only wishes that he had a puff of smoke to blow. It feels so lovely. He's floating, despite not leaving the ground at all. A large puddle of darkness and soft fur, vaguely shaped like a dog. That's all he really needs or wants to be. That's all he really cares, for the moment.

"I'm going to run a kingdom out of my castle, out of my home." He announces, flopping dramatically to his side. "We'll call it the Young Gods Club, and it'll be an exclusive one. And it will be lovely." He's grinning, he's happy. Beaming. Tail wagging. Yes, he would bring it up now, and he would see if he could get the girl on board. What's the harm in trying?
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



4 Years
10-02-2016, 06:23 PM
Things feel like they are so much brighter, bringing a feeling exotic almost. The worls slowing around herself, lids trying to peel back so she could look to her companion. He slinks to the ground, bringing a large grin that transforms into a slow and light chuckle. He is melting into the garden, becoming one with them.

And so she begins to feel a weight on her body, or so her legs begin to bend. She giggles, front limbs sliding forward and bringing her awkwardly down to the earth. "I dooo." She respondeds with lips puckered, rear dropping with legs reaching the elbows as her body pulled back with the movement. But she doesn't feel the contact, masked by the lovely Kava.

A kingdom rising from his home brought her ears to inch towards the man, lifting a paw lazily and droppingit back to the ground as he rolled dramatically at the exclaimation. She can't wipe the smile from her face, nodding motion knocking her chin against a stone at hsi words. "Most exquisite club it will be!" She would feed him, finding this to be a good idea. Especially if it would have this amazing plant.

"But!" A foreleg was lifted, paw ointing to the man, an eye closed and the other aiming down on Poser. "We need more! Members aaaand this guy." She pointed out, finding it to be a wonderful idea. But the guy would be the plant, the woman rolling onto her side and reaching her legs out to the Kava plant as though it would embrace her.



6 Years
10-04-2016, 03:35 PM
Oh how he enjoys himself on these nights. There's someone he can talk to, someone he can enjoy. The pigeon of a creature is friendly, is gentle. She's well mannered and she thinks he's funny. Well, okay, everything is funny when you're this high. Sky high. Poser is giggling, rolling in the grass. There's a puddle of the creature, dark fur and happiness.

The pain from his paw is gone. No dull, throbbing ache. He feels great about it. He feels great about everything, honestly. Everything about Poser is flashy, even as he rolls in the grass, high as a kite. There's something so good about it. Something brash and brilliant, confident. It's hard not to be confident. So confident, so bold. Poser was something entirely and immensely different than the things anyone here had ever seen before.

"You can be a member if you want, a member of the club. You can be a goddess, and you can count. But oh, which goddess will you be?" He grins, looking with both eyes, head cocked to the side despite being crumbled over himself in the grass. Hell yes, they would be great together. "We'll gather everyone who walks heaven and earth, all of the people. We'll take the young gods and they'll be our members." He's redundant, he's slurring his words, but he's happy. It's hard for him not to be happy, after all. Such is Poser.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



4 Years
10-10-2016, 12:13 PM
ooc: so sorry for the wait.

"A member." The woman beemed to herself, rolling onto her back with paws tucked neatly against the chest. To become a goddess was so tempting, but what kind of godess woul she be? She had no knowledge on such things but she would make her own! Create a new line, and gain followers to join them.

More words reached those tall ears and she rolled onto the side to gaze at the man with a smile, gaining something from the man. "Gather them." She repeated, slowly nodding in approval. "Not just 'regular' people. They must be special." It was like she was seeking his confirmation on the criteria, as simple as it was. The club would be special, and so only the irregular could join in..

Finally the woman rolled back onto her stomach, stub of a tail wiggling behind her rump. "But where to start?" She questioned with a tilt of the head, more than willing enough to go on this hunt. To start this adventure to gain followers.



6 Years
10-15-2016, 10:23 AM
They would be gods of their own design. Poser would sit at the head of their table, in the center of their thrones, upright posture and brilliant eyes, and they would take the world by storm. Bright and beautiful, the eye of the storm. Right. This was an adventure, and this felt... amazing. He felt amazing on evenings like this one, and it wasn't just the drugs. It was never just the drugs. Poser had approached life like it was a fever he couldn't sweat out, and everything about that was amazing. Beautiful. Fantastic. All of those things at once, and he's crashing together internally with the sheer feeling of it. His heart has wings.

They would be a new line. They would be a special line, one that lived by their own rules. Tough but fair. Their rules were important, but not more important than the happiness of their people. It could have been a high idea, but it was an idea that Poser wouldn't let go of so easily. "We're special, after all. We can govern ourselves, power to the people. All I need to do is lead them, to mediate them, but we'll make decisions as a group." His tail thrashes wildly. There's something a little wild in his eyes, and his heart. Oh how his heart flutters. And that isn't the drugs, of course. That's the potential for being amazing. Utterly amazing.

Start. Start. Think, think, think. Where would they start? "We start finding people. We start by looking for them, by meeting them. We can go together to meet them, we can draw them in and take care of them. We can explore together, and take them in as we find them." He's grinning. He's grinning and rolling in the soft grass. He is happy, and his companion is happy too. Everything feels amazing.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name
[Image: VVdK7m3.png]