
Oh dear, a deer!


10-08-2016, 01:55 PM

Now that they were allowed outside, Fable took this opportunity to go out and explore. He wanted to do his best to make their father proud and to try and capture the attention of his mother. She didn’t seem to do very much these days, and it made the young boy feel like he wasn’t good enough. So his task for today was to catch her something yummy, maybe that would make her happy! He thought about getting the help from one of his brothers, but he needed to do this all on his own. He was gonna show them just how brave and strong he was! Surly that would get Ma’s attention. The pup left the den early that morning, springing up before anyone was awake. He was gonna catch something so big that it would feed them all! Yup, he would do it all by himself! With a skip and a hop he took off into the plains, looking for the herd of deer that he had seen the other day. They were pretty skinny, and there were only like two of them or something. That meant that he could totally do this, probably even with one paw behind his back. Quickly the white marked boy found them, his blue and yellow eyes on the fawn that was still pretty small. Oo, it was fun sized! That was the one he wanted. As unskilled as he was, he still learned a thing or two; or so he thought. Without a second thought he charged headlong for the fawn, nearly tripping over his massive paws. He thought that this would be a breeze, his grey and white tail flagged out right behind him. But as soon as he got close, the large doe ran to her baby’s side, rearing up on her hind legs. Her hooves reached for Fable’s head, causing the pup to drop to the ground and flatten his body against the earth. But the mother wasn’t done, hunger had made her weak but she was going to fight for her fawn. The puppy yipped as her hooves landed on either side of his body, making him stand and twist around, racing back towards the den. His tail tucked, a large puppy howl leaving his jaws.

"I SOWWIE MOMMA DEER I SOWWIE!" Fable hollered over his shoulder, panting as he raced away from the quick and agile prey animal. The hunter had become the hunted, it would seem. That was it, he would never do anything to make his parents proud. He ran and ran, his legs screaming at him to stop. But the deer was still after him, her hot breath tickling his rump. Eyes wide, the puppy yapped as he dodged to the left. How much longer could he run without falling on his face?

Walk, "Talk" Think



Vadim I
10-12-2016, 03:29 PM

Knight had trailed off not far from the den earlier in the morning, not really with much intention other than to do a little sniffing and memorizing. His father brought home many scents with him every time he came back to the den, but so did other things that ventured close in the middle of the night while they were sleeping. Right now he was discerning the scent of a raccoon, not that he'd ever seen one or had any idea what the buggers looked like. It smelled interesting enough, though.

When he heard his brother's words breech the silence, his head immediately shot up from ground is his too-large ears stood tall on his head. All of the boy's little muscles tensed as his eyes went large. They were still true to their youth in a bright shade of blue, though the beginnings of lavender were beginning to dapple around his pupils. Knight bolted from where he stood toward the sound of his brother's yelling, his heart pounding away faster than it ever had before as he kept repeating in his mind 'please be okay'.

When he finally set eyes on his brother, he was high-tailing it away from a deer that was right on his heels. His first thought was, why on earth would a prey animal chase a wolf cub? He growled; of course, it wasn't a very ferocious growl, but he did it with all the depth and viciousness that the youth could compel. He did not hesitate to rush to his brother's side, attempting to face the deer head on as he let loose a wolf's variation of a bark mixed with the vocals of his snarl. This beast would leave his brother alone! He demanded it!


10-20-2016, 02:45 PM

He was racing away as fast as he could, huffing and puffing. This was the fastest he had ever run, and for so long! Fear kept him moving, but his legs were tired and he wanted to stop. He was about to just give up when Knight barreled passed him and faced off the momma deer. Fable skid to a stop, his sides heaving as he tried to catch his breath. With eyes wide, he turned to watch the deer rear upwards and stop, appraising the two of them. Was it enough to scare her away? He was apparently wrong when he saw the deer rear up again, her hooves flailing in the air. She was about to come down by Knight, and with a gasp he dove at his brother's flank and aimed to headbutt him away. Using up the last of his energy, he just laid there with his flanks moving rapidly up and down, his tongue pressed against the earth. The doe nailed her hooves down close enough to the large pup to make him yelp, but then that was it. Apparently two puppies were good enough to send her on her way. Fable watched her for a few moments, seeing her meet up with her baby and run back to the rest of the herd. Well, there went hunting! It was bounding away with its tail held high, a white butt flashed in his direction. He would have huffed if he had enough air in his lungs to do so, the fawn was mocking him! Stupid deer, he was gonna find it later and eat it all up! That would show it!

Turning to his patchy brother, he offered him an open mouth smile as he still fought to catch his breath. After a few more pants he rose up to his paws, legs quivering under him as he tried to support his own weight. "You are... da bwavest... woof eva..." he pushed out, before his back legs gave out. With a thud he landed on his butt, drool dripping off his salmon coloured tongue. A sudden fear entered the boy, what if he could never catch his breath? What if he had run too fast and now his breathing things were just going to quit on him? Oh no! Well... he would, he would... What could he do? Eying his smaller brother with his brows knit, he sought advice from him. He had never felt this tired and achy before, what if he was really hurt? The fear made his yellow and blue eyes grow misty, a garbled whine leaving his throat. Was he gonna die?

Walk, "Talk" Think



Vadim I
11-01-2016, 08:14 AM (This post was last modified: 11-01-2016, 08:15 AM by Knight.)

His eyes went wide and his heart pounded away within his little chest as he watched the doe rear up, her sharp hooves glistening in the morning sun. The pup let out a growling bark in her direction, trying one last time to get her to take off and abandon the idea of trying to harm him or his brother.. but then Fable pushed him out of the way right as she was coming down.

He fell forward, skull and chest meeting the wet grass before he had a chance to turn himself around and check on his brother. He did so as fast as he could when hearing that yelp, worry riddling his features as he realized just how close the doe was to stomping down on his brother. He didn't take into consideration that Fable could put himself into danger by trying to protect him protecting Fable. And endless cycle of protecting didn't seem so dangerous, but here it was! He frowned when Fable called him brave, lifting up his skull. "Awlmost as bwave as you. were you twying to hunt awl by yourself out dere?"

He didn't even dare to do it alone yet, maybe with his brothers or help from their father but not alone. Brave as he may be, he understood that the world was a big big place and he was only one boy. However, so was Fable and Fable was ready to take it all on right here right now. It inspired him, really. Perhaps he had underestimated what all they could do. Could fable really hunt all on his own? He watched the panic slowly develop on his brother's face with his panting and to be honest, he'd yet to really push himself to the extent that Fable just had. Well, that answered his question about solo hunting. "..awre you okay?! Bweave in real big, like dis." He wasn't sure if it would help, but maybe it would! His brother needed to catch his breath, so Knight would demonstrate. He put all four paws squared with his body and leveled out his head before taking one huge gulp of air in and then clamping his jaws together tight to seal it in, cheeks nearly ballooning out from his jaw bones with his effort.


11-13-2016, 07:41 PM

He looked sheepishly at his brother as he asked if he was trying to hunt all by himself, nodding his head slowly. "But I was twying to catch da lwittle one, not da big one!" he exclaimed, perhaps a touch bit defensive. He wasn't stupid! Maybe he was a little but not that much! He wouldn't go after a full sized deer all by himself, but he thought that he could have handled the baby by himself. But then he was back to struggling for breath, panicking that he had really hurt himself. Knight asked if he was okay, and the boy quickly shook his head. No! He was all weak and wobbly, and he couldn't suck a deep enough breath into his lungs. His brother tried to show him how to take a big breath, but he just kept gasping as he fought to catch a good mouthful of air. His lungs screamed for oxygen, but finally his muscles relaxed enough to the point where he was able to relieve his aching form. He greedily gasped at the air until he felt light headed, flopping over at his brothers paws. Alll better, that was nice.

After a few minutes of laying there panting, he glanced up at his spotted litter mate with a grin on his face. "Otay, otay, so maybe huntin' by myself wasn't vwery smarts..." he said with a breathless laugh, jumping to his paws to bound around him slowly. "But what about bwoff of us?" he asked, his smile twisting to a more mischievous grin. They could go an get a big deer and surprise everyone!

Walk, "Talk" Think



Vadim I
11-18-2016, 07:44 AM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2016, 07:44 AM by Knight.)

As his brother caught his breath, there was a very large sigh of relief that left Knight. He was more than happy that his brother was okay though his ears were still twitching with a bit of worry. He never once sat down and when Fable finally stood up, he turned his body in the direction that they came and began inwardly planning out their trek home.

Then, Fable asked if the both of them should hunt and the blue eyed boy turned to face him, his ears meekly lowering in uncertainty as he lifted his gray snout. He didn't want to look scared, but something told him it was very unsafe to go out there alone right now and without an adult. "Uhm. Fabwle, shouldn't we get dad fwirst?" Surely, dad knew a thing or two about hunting? He'd brought them all their food so far, so he had to be an expert. It'd be much safer with him than alone, he had no idea what all there was out here. Although he'd protect his brother if he insisted going on without their father, he had to at least try and see what Fable would say to his suggestion.


11-19-2016, 02:44 AM

Fable eyed his brother when he suggested that they go and get their Da, shaking his head back and forth with a small puppy growl. They were strong enough, they would show Da how good they were when they brought a deer home for all of them. "It won’t be a suprwise if we go and gets him. We gotta show dem how stwong we is!" he yipped, standing to his paws and taking a few steps towards the herd. Would Knight even follow him? He knew that he couldn’t do it alone, cause then he would get chased by the doe again and he didn’t want that. Stomping his paw on the ground, he inclined his head towards the deer again. "Come ooooooon Knight, don’t be a baby," he said softly, pouting at his spotted brother. He really didn’t want to get chased again, but he was determined to bring something home for their father.

It hit him that his words might make Knight sad or mad, so he walked over and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. Fable’s gray and white tail wagged behind him, he didn’t wanna force him to do something, and he had learned that deers are really fast runners. "We can twy to get wabbits if you want..." the boy suggested, not wanting to upset him. He wanted to be happy too, cause being sad wasn’t fun!

Walk, "Talk" Think