
Stop and listen



6 Years
10-18-2016, 08:19 PM

there were no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw
Abelinda was gone again. As was Amara, the daughter he didn't get to bond with. Now this time he truly did feel heartbroken. He had liked her - his children the men had taken her last name. But now he would ask them to change it should they wish. With that however, he had a plan on his head and wanted to know if they would follow. Then he would have to talk with Avalon, when the time came he would build them a home. He had heard Vadim's call for leadership and Liar wanted to be strong enough to give that to his kids. He would protect them for as long as he could at least.

Standing in the mines he raised a call for his children. Hoping to talk more privately inside. This was a family on family talk. Greed of course had grown independence early. Liar wouldn't mind if the boy stayed or left it was all up to him. Especially if he was part of this meeting. Waiting there, he tried to take in a deep breath. He had to break the news their mother and sister had left again.


This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.

Vadim I


3 Years

10-18-2016, 08:55 PM
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

Ironically, he had already made his way down to the mines. The day he'd left, he'd forgotten all about the corpse of the hen he'd buried in one of the openings so he took the time to venture to them and uncover what he'd left behind. By now, the thing was full of maggots and absolutely repulsive even for Vadim, so he decided to bury it again and hope that no one would mind the dead thing. He was covered in cold dirt when he heard his father's call, his head lifting with his ears fully perked and attentive. The call didn't hold much information, just that it was family talk so immediately Vadim grew a little concerned.

With furrowed 'brows, the boy marched toward the sound of his father and before long he was standing in front of the gold and black marked man, his eyes softening with a look of 'is something wrong?' He kept his neck outstretched as his nose reached for his father during his approach, attempting to nuzzle under the man's skull if he was allowed and show the respect and love he carried for his family with his greeting. This was his first time seeing Liar at 'home' again since he'd left, though after his meeting with Avalon, nothing else in the territory even came close to the comfort he felt when surrounded by his father and siblings. He did not let his wolven hug last long before pulling away and finding the man's eyes, waiting patiently for the rest of his siblings to show up to find out what this was all about.

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-19-2016, 02:30 AM

Eyes narrowed and head lifted as he heard his father's call. What did he suddenly want? Personally, Greed didn't spend much time with his dad...or much of his family at all. He felt detached in a way, the boy distancing himself since his mother disappeared a second time. Yes, he knew. Why she left again was beyond him, but he started not to care anymore. What was the point in really caring for someone when they would end up leaving in the end anyway? It was better to just shut off whatever emotions led to things like 'caring' and 'love'. It made things...simpler.

For a moment, he debated not even going. But of course, curiosity got the better of him and the boy made his way towards the mines. Since Kharnage left, Greed had felt pretty bored. He kinda liked the guy, they were alike in some ways. Or so he felt. So when the older boy left, Greed had sulked around and threw angry glares at anyone he passed. He didn't really talk to anyone either, so there wasn't much to lift his mood. It didn't take him long to reach the mines, and as he made his way inside he found Liar and his chubby brother Vadim. He flicked an ear, neither a nod nor an affectionate approach given towards either of them. Instead, his cold blue gaze fixed itself on his father, "What?" So maybe he wasn't the most respectful kid around. But he didn't think anyone deserved it anyway. He didn't give respect freely, in his mind, it has to be earned. And just because someone talked about whatever great things they'd done or had, or even if they were an alpha...he wouldn't budge in giving it. He would through action. Hell, he didn't respect anyone in this pack. Nor did he really respect his father or...anyone, really. But he wouldn't say that now. He'd probably just get an earful from his dad, something that Greed probably just would ignore anyway.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



1 Year
10-19-2016, 03:09 AM

Ash hadn't been doing much latley since she talked with Ramsay. Her mind was still muddled with what she wanted to do and why. Did she want to follow Vadim? Well of course it had crossed her mind, but did she want to explore on her own? Find something new even though she knew in her heart her family would be important to her. When she heard her dads call, she stood up and headed over wondering what he wanted to talk about. Seeing Greed though she couldn't help but to giggle. Probably didn't want to listen to dad but she came up to his side and tried to nip at his shoulder. He was looking as handsome as ever. "Your looking good Greed, you really filled out!" he would make it on his own just fine she knew that. Whether he didn't like them or not he was family. SHE would care about him.

She took a seat not far from Greed as she looked up at her father. Wanting to listen to what he would say. She valued his opinion but she knew she would always have her own voice. Right now she didn't know what she was going to do with her life and she thought that was totally okay. She was young and able, she would repeat that as she had with Ramsay.

[Image: qB7n6hY.png]



4 Years
11-07-2016, 06:12 PM

The boy, still rattled and anxious from his fight with his brother, heard the call of their father, for all of the siblings to gather. Ages had past, and he still hadn't spoken to Vadim, and had done everything in his power to avoid him. Now he was supposed to go meet with them all? He felt his heart race, wondering what was going to be done and said at this little family gathering. Did it have something to do with what Ash had been telling him about, that Vadim wanted to be a king? Or was Liar going to tell them all to straighten up? He didn' tknow about his siblings, but he for one had not been pursuing any training, instead he had been lingering around pack lands avoiding every interaction whenever possible. It was completely draining, but that made him want to be alone even more, perpetuating a vicious cycle of solitude. He felt trapped with only his thoughts to keep him company, and those thoughts did not do a good job of comforting him nor bringing him to terms with anything. He couldn't even manage to make himself useful.

Maybe this meeting was necessary. Although he dreaded it, he knew he needed to pull himself out of his comfort zone, and make a change in the solitary cycle he'd trapped himself in. So he went, forcing his black paws to move toward his father's call, not stopping until he saw his family ahead. He paused just momentarily, his heart sinking when he realized that the sister he'd hardly ever gotten to know, and his mother who'd been ever absent in their lives, were not here. With a sigh, he slunk forward, his head low and black-rimmed ears pinned back. Saying nothing, he crept to Greed's side opposite of Ash, standing close to his brother, averting his gaze from Vadim and staying hidden behind his bulkier brother's form. Olive green eyes moved to Liar, wondering what their father had gathered them for.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!