
Don't Say I Told You So



8 Years
10-30-2016, 02:46 AM

Well here she was - in a pack again. It was a little strange to be in one after so long. She'd been pretty sure that the west wind pack would be her only home until she died. Of course everything had gone south when she'd gotten kicked out. Any hopes of going back had been dashed when Zephyr had talked to her that night and told her he couldn't do anything to get Caelum to allow her back in. What was worse was that, during that very talk, the pack had been torn apart by another pack. It'd ruined the pack and scattered the survivors while the rest were dead. She'd fled before she could fully see the aftermath.

Now she was here, in Abaven with a fresh start. The only wolf she knew now was Bass and she supposed that's what she had wanted. She'd thrown herself to the first pack she found. She'd wanted to not know anyone. She didn't want to have accusing stares thrown at her and yet there was something about starting fresh that was off putting. Where was she supposed to start? She was so rusty with this.

She wandered around for a bit, hoping to run into someone, but instead almost trod on a snake instead. The soft slithering of scales in the dry grass was the only sign and she managed to stop before she stepped on the thing. She noted that it didn't have a pointed arrow-like head so it wasn't venomous so she grinned to herself and stalked after the creature. her body was low to the ground and she following it along its curvy path. She wasn't sure what she was doing, but it was fun. The snake didn't seem to like her presence too much as it tried to slither away from her as fast as possible, but Asha was fast herself. before she knew it she was nipping at its tail and egging it on. How long until it got mad?

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]



9 Years
10-30-2016, 07:13 PM

She was feeling vary revived from meeting Bass and joining Abaven. It was one step closer to getting settled into her adult years of life and finally being able to create some long lasting relationships with others. Being a lone wolf had been rather lonely even with the companionship that Jack had provided. Now she had hoped that she could meet others and get to know the pack better. She also had some work ahead of her, but she was thankful for it. It helped her get over the butterflies of being a new member and worrying about doing things properly. She felt relieved to be presented this opportunity to be a healer for the pack and she was going to make herself useful.

After Bass had led her here the silver women and the raven had gone on the search for a good spot for a den. They had traveled to the more center of the territory where the lake was located, moved far back from the shore in case there was ever a case of flooding, and had found an abandoned den that had to have been used by a bear last winter. It had been a little overgrown with shrubbery but the two had worked at clearing things away from the entrance of the den. Then Storm had worked on the inside widening the den and making areas for storage for herbs and things she and the raven would collect. While she was doing that the raven gathered moss and soft grasses for her bedding. Once the two of them finished, and since it was still daylight out, they lounged around their den. It was an ideal spot, the den within the roots of a large tree where the raven would perch and watch from above.

All this had been accomplished several days ago and today the two would be looking for something to get into. She had already collected some herbs and was just about ready to call together the healer training. It would be her first true test of her knowledge since being with her family and she really hoped that she hadn't lost the knowledge they taught her. She was planning on focusing the basic tricks that would be the more important herbs to remember. She had to figure out how to explain the herbs to the others. Since she was blind and unable to see color she went by feel and smell of the herbs. It also helped that Blackjack knew about herbs too. She was hoping by the time she called this meeting that the antisocial bird would be out of his shell and willing to speak of colors and looks for her.

Moving forward the silver women had no particular place to be today, she was hoping to meet one of the pack members since she had been so busy preparing so far.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



8 Years
10-31-2016, 09:42 PM

Well the snake was getting pretty angry at her. It finally chose to stop and whirl on her with its head in the air. Fangs bared at her and she grinned at it with her tail in the air. Her silver gaze was defiant as she glared at it with a playful and daring eagerness. It hissed again and she bared her own teeth at it in a mocking sort of manner. She snapped at it once and it feigned a lunge before drawing back. She nipped at it again and this time the serpent fully lunged. Asha was quicker and managed to escape backwards. It'd missed her by half an inch.

She was growing bored with the creature though. She waited for her first opening and managed to get her jaws around behind its head. It writhed angrily before her teeth sunk into its scaly body and it was dead within moments. It made for an odd meal but she was going to take what she could get. Even she had noticed how skinny the prey animals were around here. She could tell that this was no time to be picky about her meals.

She padded off with the creature in her jaws. She was going to try and find a nice quiet place to eat it before two scents filtered into her nostrils. One was an Abaven pack wolf and the other was ... was that a bird? Curiosity, like always, got the better of her so she trailed after the scent. It wasn't too long before a gray and silver wolf caught her attention. She'd been right about smelling a bird and she eyed it warily. What was up with wolves and keeping birds as companions? It was downright weird in her opinion.

"Hi there." She said after she spat the snake onto the ground so she could clear her mouth.

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]



9 Years
11-20-2016, 08:35 AM

She seemed to pad along for quite sometime, enjoying the nice weather they were having and taking in the sounds of the creatures around her. Most of them were busy prepping for winter and the birds were close to traveling south before winter came. Smiling the female stopped and took a moment to listen to all the busy creatures around her. Thinking of winter made the silver women smile, it was one of her favorite season. Being a wolf with linage that came from thicker furred wolves the cold didn't bother her much and now that her and Jack were not alone anymore she could fully enjoy the season to come without worry of where her next meal would be and if Jack would get lost within the storms. She did at times miss having a warm body to sleep with to have the closeness of another. Her family held strong bonds and during the winters dens would be shared with other family members to ensure that everyone would be warm. A survival technique that kept the vary young and the vary old from dieing through the harsh winters of where she had come from. That and majority of them specializing in healing also helped things.

Jack landed beside her after returning from his short trip around the plains. He had found some berries that were surprisingly still ripe and untouched. Settling beside her he picked the berries from the vine until his dark eyes caught site of the pack wolf that approached. Curiously he looked her over and more importantly the dead snake within her jaws. He remained calm, something he had been more familiar with as he grew fond of living within the pack. It gave him a little more freedom to actually do what birds do and he didn't worry if his companion was getting hurt or not. He settled back down to his berries as the young wolf spoke to Storm.

Storm's ears swiveled in the direction of the voice, her head remaining forward and her eyes remaining motionless. Tail would gently wag as the silver women gave off friendly body language. The scent of the female slowly drifted in her direction and her nose twitched as she took the scent in. Putting the scent and the voice into her memory bank to use whenever needed. This women she hadn't met before, that was easy for the blind women to figure out. She was happy to be meeting a new wolf from the pack. Her nose also picked up the scent of the scaly creature that wolf beside her just killed.

"Hello" she spoke in soft tones. "Lunch I'm assuming?"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



8 Years
12-04-2016, 08:33 PM

Asha hadn't quite expected the first thing to come out of the other woman's mouth would be about her snake. She stared down at the limp and very much dead creature. It'd mostly been a toy for her, a fun thing to antagonize while it was alive, but she supposed it made a good meal. She didn't imagine that prey would be easy to find in winter, she'd noticed the lack of fat food, and most of the animals looked kinda scraggly. So long as you weren't picky then the snake would be just fine.

"yeah I suppose it's lunch, unless you'd rather have it?"

Sharing was part of being a pack and Asha would have no problem trying to go stir up another snake. It'd be fun and prove to be a nice snack. Of course if the woman didn't want it Asha would save this one for later.

Her silver eyes zeroed in on the other woman's. It hadn't taken her long to notice that the other wolf hadn't moved her eyes since Asha had greeted her. On the other hand she'd moved her ears a lot which gave Asha a very weird suspicion. Rather than call her out on it though Asha changed her thought process. She honestly wasn't very fond of making friends with females, but this was a new pack. Caelum wasn't here to ruin things and she figured she might as well try to play nice. That meant starting off with greeting people.

"I'm Asha by the way."

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]



9 Years
12-06-2016, 10:33 AM

Ears focused on the women again as she spoke offering the reptile if Storm felt hungry. Really the smaller women was just okay for right now. Though she hadn't eaten lately she didn't feel hungry at all. It wasn't uncommon for her to go a few days without a meal her stomach being small gave her the ability to last a little longer without food. She smiled kindly though, the offer was a kind thing for the fellow pack mate to do. Storm didn't know the other women's size, but she was sure the other women could use the meal more then herself. She had a feeling winter may be a bit rough on the pack this year especially when the scents of prey were growing more scarce by the day.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm not hungry," she replied to the women.

Taking a seat the silver women decided it would be best to relax while socializing, reserving her energy unless the women had something in mind. She didn't do many activities, but if the women wanted to do an activity Storm would be willing to try her best at it. The women then introduced herself and Storm was glad. She finally had a name to go with the scent and the voice that way she could properly store it to her memory bank for later. It was a name that made Storm think of how her coat would be. Did her parents name her after her coat? That was how Storm received her name.

"Pleasure to meet you Asha. I'm Storm Wreckage," she replied.

"Talk" "Jack" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times