
Ever Changing



5 Years
11-20-2016, 10:28 PM

Vitus was on the move. He had thought of attending the hunt called by Jackson but, in the end, had not gone. There was no reason to excuse his lack of activity within the pack… or rather with it. What he had done instead while the rest of the pack was hunting was work on a border patrol. Surely that would suffice for participation in some way, correct? Carlisle was with him on this particular patrol too. At least he had an ally with him.

Vitus had noticed a familiar scent within the pack borders now as well. Ark… he’d returned. The thought made the young man glad. His tail began to wag and, almost without a second thought, he began to search for his brother. He couldn’t wait to catch up! If he’d returned then maybe Bacchus… Vitty shook his head. Was that hoping for too much? After all, last he’d seen their other brother he’d changed so much… and even tried to take Fiori away from their uncle.

Vitus paused, the large owl landing on a branch overhead. “Vitus. Carlisle hooed softly. “Is something troubling you?” The slate colored brute looked up, giving a small nod. Yes…there was... but how did he go about fixing it?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



7 Years
11-21-2016, 08:03 AM
It had been awhile since the previously lone wolf had had a full belly, and it was honestly surprising to think that a stringy coyote could do that for him though when only two days went by and he found himself nearly starving all over again- the brute was not surprise. It may have filled his smaller stomach for a moment, but it wouldn't suffice as a real meal that would keep hunger away for a few days. He would need to catch something else, and perhaps that is why he found himself bounding toward the borders yet again. Already he felt a bit stronger, his muscles soaked up the nutrients from his meal like a sponge and were already building to make a more impressive sinew beneath his thick hide. He honestly felt like the most attractive wolf in Fiori- save for maybe his beautiful mothers- as he waltzed in lazy pride toward the edge of the territory.

Of course, he had a long way to go before he was at the peak of his potential, but it still felt good to be a part of the empowerment of pack life once again. He'd already ran into one of his brothers, Tiburtius- and it was honestly quite refreshing to tease his brother again. It was his way of showing his affection, after all. If he didn't like someone he'd quickly grow bored and not offer them any of his attention. If he did like someone, he'd find amusement in teasing them and didn't mind offering them his time. It's just the way he was, but that wasn't to say he was a bad man. He had no foul intentions and wished the best for all of his family, he just wasn't the best at the sappy parts of showing familial love.

Still, that love was apparent on his face when the tall brute stopped dead in his tracks at the site of his other brother. His chest heaved in a great breath of air as he took in the image of Vitus and a fond smirk spread across the left side of his muzzle. He noticed him looking up at the owl, though he didn't give half a damn about the owl at the moment. (Sorry Carlisle!) His eyes were glued on the green and red stare of his fluffy brother. "Vitus," he finally announced his presence, calling for his brother's attention as his limbs steadily and smoothly carried him closer to the man. His teeth finally emerged his smirk as his lips defied all his efforts in keeping a cool facade- a genuine grin took over his features as he came close enough and his rubies shimmered with appreciative light as he looked over Vitus. "Are wolves in Fiori so dull now that you've resorted talking to the woodland creatures?" He scoffed, though there was a fondness in his voice as he looked up to the owl finally and closed his grin, faint smile present respectfully on his lips. He couldn't deny that it was an impressive creature, but after a moment he returned his stare to his brother as his ears relaxed forward.

He searched for something to say to the man as another grin crept widely across his inky lips. He was flooded with fond memories of him and Vitus in their youth; memories of how he'd watched his brother attempt to fish and they'd found joy in that distraction after their father had left. They shared a special bond, just as he did with Bacchus though the wiser part of Ark knew better than to expect Bacchus' return after he'd challenged Leo for the throne. That wasn't on his mind at the moment, though- no, just the brother that was here before him and all the memories that they'd shared. All snarky remarks were on hold, all words had left him and he simply became overcome with the compulsion to nuzzle the fuck out of his brother. He held back for the most part though gave a soft laugh, "Come here!" He chuckled and moved forward, lowering his head to his right, twisting it away from his brother to brush the side of his neck and then tie back of his neck against Vitus as he turned to rub himself into him fondly. A canine sort of welcoming hug before he lifted up to nuzzle and nip at his brother's left cheek in teasing. "It's great to see you."
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]