
Each Day Gone By



1 Year
11-29-2016, 08:18 PM
The green eyed she-wolf continued to move in a southern direction. From the Manatee Cove past Dragon's Bay until tall oaks reaching higher and higher for the sky loomed ahead. Their ancient boughs hanging with green leaves and dry withering leaves due to the heat of the season.

She could feel the suns not so gentle rays penetrating her fur and heating her back and the top of her head. It was too hot in the afternoon sun and thus she thanked the stars for the shade ahead of her.

With the knowledge there was shelter ahead she picked up the pace from a slow weary walk to a trot which soon turned into a gallop. Her nails brought up a bit of dirt and grass so thirsty for water it had grown yellow and brown and brittle.

In no time at all she passed the first couple of trees, the youngest of the forest itself and headed for inward, her pace slowing once more to a slow walk.

A sigh of relief escaped her parted jowls as her tongue lolled out of her mouth with a pant of breath. At least she'd escaped the heat of the day and felt at least ten degrees cooler and better yet she didn't feel the sun overheating her back.

Later she knew she'd continue her journey. Not until she felt a sense of rightness about where she decided to settle. But everything around her was all too knew and she wanted to explore a bit more. To cross the land and see what else there was and who was there.

Flopping down beneath the canopy of a large oak she lay on the cool shaded moss where a cluster of mushrooms had circled around.


12-01-2016, 10:39 PM

The boy did well with hiding from dangerous wolves, as his mother taught him years ago. Though she had made him believe that others would hate him for his oddity and try and run him off or kill him and he thought every word true. On the other hand, he was never taught to hunt properly or heal, or do anything to survive, and he was not very skilled in doing any of this. He was getting by, surviving on whatever he could find but he may have never known what a full belly felt like.

He had himself a tiny little den, dug under the roots of one of these trees and he had considered this home. He rarely saw another wolf come by but of course today was one of those odd days off. Curled into his little den,  he spotted a young woman stop in her tracks just in front of his hidden den and lay down right in his view. He was curled just perfectly so that he looked like nothing but a ball of black fur, his fluorescent colors hiding under the roots and dirt, but his bright red eyes were shining off his pelt. He lay his ears back in horror, hopping that this other creature would not spot him. He wouldn't be able to move anyway, she would really see him!

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
12-03-2016, 01:47 AM
With a soft huff of air she stood up and turned thrice around before settling back down. Her comfort level too low for her to get any real decent reset. As she was about to close her eyes they shot back open as she peered into the darkness. For there had been something eerie staring back at her. Twin orbs of red seemingly unconnected to anything or anyone. But she knew better than that. Someone was there, or some other creature that had her hackles raised.

Standing up swift as the wind she lowered her head and growled. "Whose there!? Show thyself or I'll tear you a new one." She didn't mention what new thing she'd tear into them, but the threat she felt was good enough to work. Nothing and no one was going to intimidate her! Least of all a pair of red eyes glowing in the dark.

Taking a hesitant step forward, her teeth still bared she waited for whomever, whatever they were to show themselves. To make some sort of move even if it was forward so that she could see them better in the too dim light of the darkened woodlands.

No one and nothing would get away with giving her even a small startle, let alone a bit of fright.


12-03-2016, 03:08 PM

The tiny man trembled in fear as the woman spotted him and then started to get defensive and vicious. Just her raised voice was enough to send him running for the hills. But there was nowhere to run. And nowhere to hide. Every part of his body stuck out from anything; in this case, his eyes.

One ebony paw after the other would slide out of his hole, when his neck reached the exit between a couple roots he would surrender immediately to this woman. Crouched down and cowering, his entire body would finally be before her, shaking tremendously. His tail  was tucked under his bony ribs and he would show some trouble to look the dark girl in the eyes.

"I-i-i- I'm Sorry..."

He didn't mean to just be sitting around in his den when someone came walking by. Yet most wolves would be scared of his evil-intended eyes or see a glimpse of his color and be creeped out. She just showed demand and strength, and he was here crawled into a little ball of himself.

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
12-05-2016, 12:52 PM
She dare not take her eyes off the male. That he was smaller than she amused her to no end as she thought of others she had chanced upon who thought their size gave them strength. That it gave to them the right to do whatever they pleased, especially to any female they had even the remotest passing fancy for. None however had caught her, especially when she'd had the Incubus family nearby. Yet currently she had scented nor seen any sign of them.

"You are quite unusual. I've never seen a pelt quite like yours. I've seen eyes like crimson blood." She felt confidant enough to speak with the male cowering before her. In that instant an idea formed, like fog rolling down and covering the land in its illusion and causing sight of all to be impaired at a distance.

"I am Aasta Incubus of the ancient and wondrous clan of Incubus. I declare you my pet, my own personal servant, my slave. And in turn I'll help make sure you get fed." Just in case he had any idea that she wasn't serious her hackles raised, her jowls parted and her eyes wrinkled in warning. "Say you agree, male, or suffer the consequences. For there is only one reason for males to exist whatever their outer appearance."

Perhaps with this she wouldn't be so alone after all. And if he agreed she could help fatten him up just a bit, or at least keep his condition from worsening as she took note of his ribs.


12-06-2016, 02:20 PM

As most did say, the girl would go about how she hadn't seen color such as Necro's. Anytime he was caught in action, wolves would always be surprised to look at him. It was funny though. His mother had always spoke about how others would kill him when they saw this abnormality yet every wolf he came across was simply just amazed. But he always believed his mother. Now-a-days though, colored wolves ran about almost as often as grey and white wolves. Suddenly there wasn't much of a hassle being blue and green.

Necro continued to stare at the girl in panic as she then declared him her slave. But what was he supposed to do? Even if he could fight at all, his condition wouldn't let him make it through the first round. But the girl did offer to feed him, so maybe it really was a deal to make. Well it was to serve her or die anyway.

Necro nodded his head in agreement a couple of times though his expression still scared but also disappointed. Maybe mother was right. Other wolves would hate him and the only way for him to survive was to serve.

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
12-06-2016, 03:44 PM
Every muscle stilled upon the male simply giving his acquiescence to her demand that he become her slave. Someone to serve her and her alone. That he hadn't even put up a little bit of a fight was telling. Could he not survive on is own she wondered. Sure a loners life might be difficult, but some still managed to thrive if not quite so well as their counterparts found within a pack.

"Very well then. Do tell me your name for I will not strip you of your identity. There is naught worse than that. And you may call me Aasta, or Mistress." It didn't matter to her much what he chose to call her of those two choices. As long as he behaved the part she meant him to play.

Looking away from him she searched with her eyes the trees themselves. Alas she could not climb, but took note the ancient oaks. "Squirrels may well keep to their homes. Come along, let us find a few and then once our appetites have been whet we'll search for something a bit more filling." She only hoped something bigger were to be found, not too terribly large when it was but the two of them, but something more filling than squirrel.

She really wasn't one to tarry, not often.


12-17-2016, 01:20 PM

"Oh-Okay." He stuttered, fear and a bit of awkwardness in his tone. "Necrosis," he tried to speak a little louder though still pretty quiet, "Lydia-Red." He spoke in two parts, almost as if he had to think about the rest of his name. He wouldn't dare forget where he came from. He missed both his parents so much but it had been so long since he was with them. It was surprising he even remembered his own name.

Necrosis would stand, still partly cowering and low to the ground but this was normal for him in the presence of others. He wasn't doing it on purpose, just what he grew used to over the years. He would approach her side, a bit of happiness knowing that someone would now be caring for him again. And the price? Well worth it. "How do we get to the squirrels, Mistress?" Testing out her new alias without a pause or any hesitation. As if it were already normal and the two had known each other for ten years. Maybe it would last that long, if he made it to thirteen years old.

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
12-17-2016, 08:07 PM
She tilted her head to hear his name so broken. As if he'd near forgotten it. Alas it was not something she herself would ever wish to forget. Names were important. She dipped her head. "Necrosis Lydia-Red." She stored that to her memory. Sure he was no Incubus, but then no Incubus would ever be someone's slave they'd die first, or enlist the aide of the entire Incubus family. Which worked well back where she'd been born, but thus far she was the only Incubus she knew to be traveling these foreign lands.

She looked to each tree. "If we find a stash of acorns at the bottom of the tree inside we can catch one that way. Better yet take their stash and place it out in the open and wait for them to all try and snag another squirrels stolen cache." The little critters had to eat after all. "If you're capable, begin sniffing for their loot."

The chocolate, ebony and snow furred she-wolf lowered her own head and began the search for acorns and any other nuts the squirrels might have squirreled away. If they found more than one all the better.

She passed three large trees, two saplings, a dead oak tree, one fallen tree, stepped over a branch, some roots and then paused. The scent of acorns strong and coming from the tree directly ahead. With what stealth she could manage she crept up to the tree. Walked around on the right and stopped in her tracks.

At the bottom of the tree a hallow. Inside there were nuts. The bushy tail of one squirrel peaked out while it was shifting through its stores. Without hesitation she snapped her teeth around its tail and pulled it out. It scrabbled and tried to claw at her but she swung her head to one side and then quickly to the next causing the squirrel's head to hit the tree.

She dropped it and placed a foot on it. "Necrosis? This one is for you." Any more would not be so easy. But it wasn't the squirrels she sought most. She only needed a couple to tide her over for a hunt for something larger and more difficult that would actually fill their bellies.


12-23-2016, 07:38 PM

He would listen to every word she had to offer. Maybe one day he would be doing this by himself for her. Who knew? He would follow and observe quietly, watching as she retrieved the kill and then handed to him. He looked down at the piece of meat, big enough for a wolf his size, and would then gobble it down. Blood filled around his ebony lips as he didn't even look at the woman a second time. He was so used to dead and rotting meat that this fresh kill was gold to him. He was lucky that he hadn't died from the things he had eaten.

When he was finished, his red eyes looked widely at his mistress and he felt somewhat of an uncomfortable feeling. Licking his lips he rose to meet her eyes completely. "Would you like a squirrel too...? Perhaps I could help you with something else..." He offered to her previous request of something more to fill their appetite. He was tiny, the least he could do was run in front of the animal and trip it. He would definitely need some training and the female was sure to teach him so he could be of use to her.

Walk "Talk" Think