
little mountains we move



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
11-30-2016, 07:31 PM
Ásvor wasn't quite sure what to do with herself lately. The yearling was grateful, at least, that she'd gotten a small healing lesson. It wasn't much, but it was something to work with at least. She'd taken a bit of the salvia that the woman in the caverns had found, and she'd enjoyed its effects. Still.. she didn't know how much was too much and, since she was alone most of the time, the last thing she needed was to take too much. She shivered at the thought as she rounded one of the hills in this strange place, panting just slightly as she neared the peak of it.

This terrain was unusual, and she was hoping she'd find something entertaining soon. It was strange that she hadn't seen any of her family for this long. It wasn't a pleasant thought, but she'd never been raised to be dependent on them anyway. She slowed her pace, struggling to catch her breath from the short hike as she looked out across the hills. This particular one had been a good find, and provided a good vantage point. She was thoughtful as she peered out over the uneven landscape, searching for anything that might be even mildly interesting on this cool winter day. It was nothing like the north, not at all - had it even snowed yet? She'd only seen a few brief bouts of snowfall, and it had melted almost as quickly as it had hit the ground.


12-04-2016, 09:42 PM

Lyre was rather uncomfortable in this northern continent. It was much different than hers in more than one way. The weather was bizarre, the wolves believed in claiming the lands, none of it was right for her. But if Mithras was on an adventure, she would go on her own. She would study the life style of these wolves and who knows, she could find herself living amongst them for years.

She shivered in these breezy hills. She wasn't one for the winter to begin with and she was stuck with this? Just as she was relaxed and curled into herself, she spotted a female along in the distance. Being the friendly wolf she is, she rose from her temporary resting place between some hills and started to approach her.

"Exuse me ma'am!" She shouted kindly, "Could I offer any assistance to you?"

Walk "Talk"



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-07-2016, 09:22 PM
She was able to rest for a long while, enjoying the view from the hilltop and the serenity that seemed to cloak her like a blanket. The feeling was temporary, but enjoyable even despite how short-lived it was. Her crimson-tipped tail curled tightly around her where she lay, her paws tucked against her chest as she settled into a comfortable position. Only when she heard the approach of someone - or something - did she shift, fur bristling instinctively as she turned to locate the source of the disruption.

She was certainly a stranger, not anyone Asvor had ever encountered before. Her brows furrowed, tensing her posture as she followed her approach.  'Could I offer any assistance to you?' she asked, and Asvor considered the question for a moment. "No," the yearling concluded finally, her voice matter-of-fact, though curious. Why would a stranger offer her anything at all, especially something so.. vague? How strange.  "Why?" She asked after a moment, voice softening just slightly.  "What do you have to offer me?"


12-09-2016, 09:52 PM

Lyre would pay no attention the the girl's age. It held no importance to her that she was a yearling and out on her own. That was relatively normal for the age, but Lyre believed that the entire planet was a home ground for everyone. So she had no interest for her being younger.

Tail lowered slightly as the stranger's fur bristled, not really meaning to frighten her. She had approached rather abruptly and didn't realize how intruding she was. "Sorry." She stated in response. Her head titled to the girl's question. Usually it was a yes or no, I'll hang out or F- you I'm leaving. Lyre let out slowly at first, "Well, I have nothing on myself that I can offer." then a small curve at the corners of her maw, "Though I can help you with something like..." she thought for a moment, "A hunt, or a herb, or I could just walk away and act like I never saw you." Now realizing how awkward the situation was, Lyre would only blurt that out for fun. Though if this is what the girl desired, she wouldn't hold her against it.

Walk "Talk"



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
12-20-2016, 06:11 PM
Asvor's demeanor shifted, and quite suddenly. She'd been annoyed at first by the woman's sudden approach - and her odd question had made her stop and pause. But she shifted quickly to something more like amusement as she watched the woman, her own posture guarded as she moved to rise to all fours, as though ready to flee at a moment's notice. She had grown used to being on her own, now, and she never knew when she might have to flee. This woman's intentions were as unknown to her as anything else in the world.

She offered some suggestions, and Asvor wondered if she'd been taken aback by her response. "What sort of herbs?" She'd ask, interjecting sharply at the prospect of learning more. It was difficult to get the sort of training she really wanted, being a rogue and all - she had to grab on to bits of knowledge she found wherever she could, even if it meant risking something to do it. She was reminded suddenly of her meeting with Roekia, and wondered if she could impress this woman as much as she had her. At least she'd seemed impressed, if Asvor had to judge.  "I'm.. studying herbs," she explained after a moment, a small hint of a smile tugging at one side of her mouth. "My name is Asvor Finnvi, by the way." Her voice held a more pleasant air now; she was willing to be more friendly and docile if it meant she got something out of his encounter.. and she was, after all, but a yearling. How could Lyre say no?


12-20-2016, 08:06 PM

Lyre tilted her head to the girl's interest in herbs. It was her specialty and she was happy to see a young woman so eager to learn. She would chuckle a little at her announcement on the study and continue with a long grin, "Well, I haven't seen much here in the hills but dandelion you can find most anywhere. It will help you gain appetite and help it pass." Silly subject, but this was one of the most common things, she wouldn't be surprised if the girl knew this already. "You can also apply it to bruising and joints to ease pain."

She would go on quickly, not wanting to bore the girl too much. It was easier to learn from touch than explanation at least Lyre had discovered it that way. "But the only other herb I've seen here, only once. It is called Salvia." It wasn't really something that should have come to use to the young girl, but the Barren hills were well, Barren. It wouldn't hurt just to learn about it. She could have had anxiety or sleeping issues anyway. She was a rogue and Lyre didn't know what she could have been through even in her year of life."Would you like to help me look for it? I'll let you keep it as a reward."

Walk "Talk" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-02-2017, 09:46 AM
Her gaze was fixated on Lyre as she spoke, curious and bright. She was thirsty for knowledge and tried to keep the desperation she felt at bay when presented with the possibility of learning. Asvor had spent much of her young life on her own, and while she knew the basics of survival - she could find shelter, she could hunt, and she felt confident she could fight for her life or run if necessary - there was so much she still wanted to know.

"What's dandelion look like?" Asvor asked quickly, ears flicking as her eyes widened. Help with appetite and digestion, and it was common. Though she'd seen a lot of various plants, and knew their smells, she didn't have names for most of them. Hopefully a description helped her place it, if it was as common as Lyre said.

She was somewhat surprised to hear Lyre speak of salvia. That was one herb she'd had enough experience with. The girl tilted her head slightly to the side, musing. "I'll help look for it, but I know what salvia is. I could find it myself." The girl's tone was not harsh - no, it was just matter-of-fact. "So I'll be keeping it regardless of whether you let me or not." She didn't need permission to keep something she was able to find on her own. After speaking, she smiled again, an odd expression to follow her stern words.


01-02-2017, 10:44 PM

Lyre responded easily, "It's a weed that has a green stem and a fluffy yellow top, kind of looks like a flower. You can find it just about anywhere in the spring and summer time." She wouldn't judge the girl for not knowing the name or whatever. Some wolves were just self-taught and she understood this so there wouldn't be any cruel words as if the girl was stupid or anything.

Lyre rose an eyebrow to her "know-it-all" attitude. But again, she wouldn't react rudely or anything. It wasn't her nature to lash back especially to a younger wolf who was eager to learn. She did think it was a little odd that she knew what Saliva was and not dandelion. But she would shrug her thoughts off not wanting to meddle in other's lives and reasons. "I suppose you could lead the way then." She pointed her paw forward, looking at the ivory girl before taking a step forward and waiting for her to begin. She also wasn't trying to seem rude but she needed to learn that if she were going to act like she knew it all, she needed to show that she could actually do it. Lyre would of course be there to help if she asked or at least point her in the right direction but she wasn't going to  just waltz right over to the herb and pick it for her. She would object to her wanting to keep it, even if Lyre wanted some herself. She didn't need any at this moment and time so she would just let the yearling have her way.

OOC: i you want to powerplay Lyre pointing her paw around you can XD

Walk "Talk" Think



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-14-2017, 10:20 PM
As soon as Lyre described dandelion, Asvor thought she had a pretty good grasp on what it might be. She'd seen a lot of yellow flowers.. they were pretty common, with fluffy tops like Lyre had described. Those she would give her credit for, though since they were common she certainly didn't need a partner to find them with. She was too stubborn to even pretend she was being "allowed" to do something when she could very well do the same thing on her own, with no assistance.. and she'd never exactly been one for tact.

Lyre told her she could lead the way. Asvor would nod in agreement to the plan. Though she didn't know exactly where to find salvia here, she'd seen it before - twice now, actually - and she figured she had a pretty good idea of where it grew, and in what conditions. She hoped, at least. Tipping her head up to the sky, she pulled herself upright, stretching her forelimbs as she readied herself to begin their search. The hills where they were currently didn't seem terribly full of vegetation, though Asvor paused and let her eyes sweep over the landscape curiously. Time to head to the bottom of the hills, then. "Alright," she said simply, turning and beginning the descent down the hillside.

At the bottom was where the real work began. The path she'd traveled, she hadn't caught scent of any salvia plants.. so it made little sense to continue the way she'd come here. The most logical thing to do seemed to be to head the opposite direction. With a glance toward Lyre, she'd pad onward, assuming she might follow.  Her nostrils flared as she tasted the scents in the air, searching for a hint of the plant they were searching for. It didn't take a terribly long time.. though she wasn't uncomfortable in the silence that settled over them. Seconds turned to minutes, perhaps even a dozen or two, when a hint of the familiar plant touched her nose. Interested, she would redirect her path toward the cluster of plants that she had found. Her eyes glimmered with joy when she spotted them, certain they were the ones; and briefly she eyed Lyre, wondering if she was impressed or not. Either way, it didn't matter, but that didn't stop her from wondering.