
It's time to get Heavy


11-30-2016, 07:42 PM
The youth was officially two years old now, and with the coming of winter brought a strange feeling within her heart. The female was an adult now, and the scent of her heart was something that frustrated her. The last thing she wanted was for someone to get any stupid ideas in their head. The scarred female was breathing in and out slowly, her thoughts churning within her head. She was thinking of her kin… particularly of her father. He had told her that, last he checked, his mother, her grandmother resided in Boreas.

Pyrr had not been part of Abaven all that long yet, but she was finding herself enjoying the territories that the pack had laid claim to. Being two years old meant that she shouldn’t have to worry about a mentor, right? She felt capable enough… but perhaps a spar sometime soon would be in order. The female gave a little snort, rising from her den with a stretch. She hadn’t really met any of her other packmates just yet though… Maybe it was about time to change that, hmm?

Pyrrhus perked her ears upward, a smirk forming on her lips as she looked around. Fiery gaze sought the fur of another, but thus far she didn’t see anyone. Oh dear were they playing hide and seek? A smirk pulled at her maw. Not likely, considering they were pack wolves… It was more likely that they were working on bettering themselves for the pack. Well she’d just have to find them then! Pyrr shook her coat, setting off to search for whomever she might be able to find.



8 Years
12-04-2016, 09:58 PM

Asha was at a loss of what to do with herself. So far the amount of wolves she knew in Abaven were two. Bass and Storm. She didn't know either of them very well and she certainly didn't appreciate Storm's company as much as she liked Bass'. She somewhat missed Zephyr, but she hadn't seen him since that day in the cavern when they'd reunited. She had no earthly clue where he was now and she doubted she'd be able to find him again so easily. Life had a funny way of working like that. Then there was the possibility of running int Caelum. If he was here surely she was too? That was one reunion that she never wanted to have. She still wanted to rip Caelum a new ass and it'd been a few years.

Winter was in full swing now and with it the snakes hibernated. She didn't have them to antagonize any longer so that left her with only one thing - she needed to explore. She halfway hoped she'd run into someone entertaining to help sweep away the boredom. She knew she could probably be trying to find this Dart guy or Finch to learn more about her rank, but that was no fun. She had plenty of time to do that - for now she needed to get accustomed to everything and anyone in this pack with her.

Her wandering wasn't very fruitful though. After an hour of romping through the snow, sticking her nose in strange places, and overall enjoying herself she hadn't found anything. Or at least she didn't think she had until she saw a giant red form. She padded through the trees and before she knew it the giant creature came into view. It took her only seconds to recognize who that was. Had she really joined Abaven too? What were the odds.

"Stalking me now?" She joked with a grin as she addressed the other woman.

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]


12-18-2016, 09:03 PM
Hey you you're nodding out
What's this all about

Mmm, a voice, and a familiar one at that had Pyrrhus grinning as her fiery gaze turned towards the ashen female. So good it was to see a face she knew, even if only a little. “Following you? Perhaps.” Her smile only grew upon her face, ears perking up almost happily. “Certainly seems that way considering we’re both members of this pack now, hmm?” The female’s tail was wagging slowly back and forth. She was in a better mood now… something about the other female was refreshing. She wasn’t of a weak mind or body… she had a fire to her too, and that was something that Pyrr could respect.

“By the way, found out the bird I was eating was called a chicken. Ran into a loner who happened to know.” The female cocked her head to the side, one brow quirking as she looked Asha up and down. “So where do you fall in the ranking lines in this pack? You a fighter at all?” She was practically purring now, a sort of content aura settling around the red wolfess. She could hardly wait to see how the other responded to her questions.

Hey you what's this now
Going down going down