
Move Shake Drop


12-07-2016, 08:17 PM
Ooc:: Set right after the challenge is called for / during the challenge.

She didn’t understand what was going on, but she knew her mother was back, she wasn’t feeling completely well, and that something had happened with Regulus. The little girl was even contagious enough to have made Exodus sick… but that didn’t stop her from trying to flee the den after she’d gotten some herbs and Kavdaya’s back was turned.

Ears perked as she looked around at all the color of the world. Autumn was such a pretty time… she liked this season. A whine left her though as her stomach began to ache once more, body lowering to the ground. No no no! She wanted to play! Fable, Valor, and Knight had to be somewhere close, right?

Once the feeling in her stomach had passed Glory got back to her paws, ears perking forward as she looked around. Now… if she were one of her siblings where would she be hiding?


12-30-2016, 11:29 PM

Fable was forever and endless bundle of energy. He had heard the howl, but he didn't quite understand it. He knew that it was for miss Faite but he had seen some big red wolf at the borders when their Ma came home. Since then though he hadn't really seen her much, she had been busy with the two pups who were ill. It did nothing to make him feel better about her leaving in the first place, he still felt like it was his fault. But today he wasn't worrying about it, instead dancing from place to place as he looked for something. What it was he had no idea, but he was still looking! As he neared the family den again, he was so focused on the ground that he nearly tumbled right over Glory. Already Fable was getting big, his massive paws had always been a tell tale sign that he was going to be a large boy. Thankfully he caught himself in time, his head snapping up to look at his sister. Right away his gray and white tail began to wag, but the excitement didn't last as worry took over. Blue and yellow eyes narrowed slightly as he looked her up and down, swallowing hard. "Arr you awoud to be outs? Do you feels better or arr you still sicks?" he asked softly. If she was still sick, then she needed to get right back to the den! Fable would make sure that she got in, even if he had to drag her! She was being silly, out in the cold like this. Plus, he didn't wanna get sick either! Exodus wasn't feeling well on top of it and there was no way that Fable wanted to be stuck int he den. That sounded like no fun at all, and he liked lots of fun!