
By the next morning



7 Years
Extra large
12-08-2016, 11:44 PM

ooc: Me and shadowed discussed it and agreed I can PP Bright Moon's death due to this bear. What happens to the bear is up to the pack as it's an NPC though Quelt injured it pretty well.

Something was wrong, he felt that in his stomach. After he pulled himself from the den full of the three sleeping bodies of his children he sniffed the air. Where was bright moon? The male let his sore muscles stretch for a moment. The one eyed man making his way across the mangrove's territory with that horrid feeling in his stomach. The urge to find his love was great that was for certain. Except there seemed to be something wrong with her scent too, it was mixed with something eerily dangerous even for wolves to be messing with. From a distance he saw it then, his love wrestling with the massive brown beast. What was a bear doing out here during the winter? Had the summer been so harsh that it was forced out. It seemed to be in a rage though, as his muscles tigthened. He saw the bear strike into Bright Moon and her body go limp. His head fuzzed as the man let out a howl a warning to the pack that there was such a creature in these lands. If it found gentle night, Autumn star or blue moon it would be bad trouble let alone any of the members of the pack.

He started in a run, aiming his right shoulder to ram into the bear. His snarled pulling his teeth back as his hackles raised. For a moment head turning to Bright Moon. Someone anyone! Was Amalia around? Bright Moon's chest didn't seem to be moving, but he wanted to refuse to believe she was gone. It was clear the bear tore into her neck where the jugular was. He snapped back as the bear charged him, hitting him in the chest Quelt blindly snapped at the creature. Snagging the bears shoulder he noticed the blood from Bright Moon's marks. She was still here in essence, he was going to take this bear down.

Quelt tried to jump away as the bear swiped to his right, knocking Quelt with force as the large man tried to bite into the paw. The bear's jaws however crushed over the back of his neck. Throwing him off to the side, bleeding profusely from the wound. The bear wobbled from loss of blood. Quelt panted harshly, he was bleeding too much to get up anymore. As he tried he slipped on his paws. "I...I'm sorry bright moon." Quelt cried as his vision blurred. He could see his life flashing before his eyes. He didn't want to leave - if he died as well who would take care of his kids. "Please, I don't want to leave them alone." if he could just stay conscious a little while longer.

ooc: gonna keep him another post if anyone wants to hear his last words. He'll die in the next post idk when I will post him probably after a few more wolves appear.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



4 Years
12-09-2016, 12:03 AM

Winter sure was cold! It was only his second, but he was still surprised by how freezing it could get. He'd been sticking close to home lately to train up some more before spring rolled around. He was more than excited to earn a rank, but even then he was still unsure of what he wanted to pursue. For Heather it was easy - she wanted to be the princess. He knew it was a big goal for her to work towards, but she still had it all planned out. Him? He was still very indecisive.

He'd been stalking a porcupine - trying to get his technique perfected when the howl caught his attention. White ears went up on high alert as he listened to it. That sounded like Quelt! Whatever it was he sounded like it was in trouble. He let out a louder summoning howl to anyone in the area just in case. He wasn't sure how serious it was, but if he needed help for something, well Lionel wasn't entirely sure how useful he'd be. He would try anyways!

He took off as fast as he could towards Quelt and the sight that met him told him he was in way over his head. First there was Bright Moon's body, bloody and horribly lifeless and then Quelt, bleeding and dazed after the bear had gotten to him. He wasn't allowed the opportunity to focus on them for long. The bear was the thing that captured his attention the most. It was clearly wounded from his pack mates and a little wobbly, but still fighting all the same. He could see it advancing on Quelt. As much as he wanted to help them both out he couldn't just ignore the bear, could he?

Half of him wanted to flee from it. Rather than feeling like an adult he felt like a pup again. He couldn't take on a bear by himself. Look what it'd done to his pack mates? He couldn't just leave them at the mercy of the bear either. His internal conflict had lasted only for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity before he could continue charging forward. He snarled at it before barking to get its attention. He couldn't fathom why it'd come out in the middle of winter, but it needed to go!

It started to turn to face him, an earth shattering defiant roar erupting from it, but Lionel wouldn't back down. He ran towards it valiantly at an angle towards its left shoulder. He made an effort to avoid its front knowing full well he didn't want to be in range of striking distance with those massive claws. Adrenaline coursed through his veins and he felt like his heart was trying to explode from his chest. He aimed for its rib cage and he took the bear by surprise when teeth sunk deeply into the muscle right behind its leg. His hold didn't last for long before it tore away from him, clearly angrier than ever, and instinct forced him to side step away. Pain blossomed on his left flank as claws tore into his skin, but he didn't stop moving. He barked at it again, snapping his jaws at the bear as it made a move to bite him again, before he danced away out of reach of its teeth.

What the hell was he doing?

The bear lunged again to try and bite his back and Lionel swerved his hind end and then managed to land a bite on the right side of its face. His upper incisor pierced through the eyeball, but he didn't keep his hold for long before he back stepped again to avoid a swipe from its paw. Damn, he hoped someone else would get here. He wasn't sure he could keep this up forever. Eventually it'd land another hit!

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: ouBhbyt.png]
[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-09-2016, 06:11 PM

If it hadn't been heading across the mangroves to go see his mothers he probably wouldn't have come across the bear and the bloody scene around it. He heard snarling barks and growls, the sounds of fighting catching his attention. His ears perked with alarm. These very obviously weren't the sounds from a normal spar. A moment later he heard the bear's roar and his fur stood on end. Without a second thought he darted off toward the sound, pushing his heavy form as fast as it would go. When he got there he saw Lionel locked in a fight with the injured bear and Quelt on the ground with Bright Moon, neither of the older wolves looking very good.

He rushed forward before he could second guess his decision just as Lionel dodged another swipe of the bear's paw. He came at the bear from its left side with his hackles bristled and teeth bared in a snarl. Since he was nearly the height of the bear himself he hoped that he could frighten it off if he made himself look even bigger. A loud growl rumbled in his throat and he added in his own loud barks with Lionel's. He jumped forward with a snap at the bear's left shoulder, dodging to the side to avoid the bear's claws. With the two wolves driving him back the bear finally started to back off, the creature stumbling back a few paces before it finally turned to make its escape.

"I'm going to make sure it leaves the territory, go check on those two!" he quickly yelled to Lionel as he ran off after the bear, barking and snarling at the creature the whole way till it crossed out of Fiori's territory.

-exit with the bear-

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
Athena I
12-09-2016, 06:25 PM

Leo was coming around the border when he saw the bear's form thunder by a dozen feet away. He stopped in his tracks and stared while he watched Tiburtius skid to a stop at the border, the blue-hued man obviously on alert and on the attack. He sprinted over to Tiburtius, but the man was panting too hard to tell him what happened right away. The younger man waved him on the way he had come with his paw and Leo didn't hesitate to follow the scent trail left by Tib and the bear, the instant adrenaline rush sending his heart into overdrive. He was dreading the worst and what he found wasn't far from that. He spotted Lionel there with Quelt and Bright Moon, both of the older wolves on the ground in a bloody mess. Leo skidded to a stop next to Lionel, only barely registering the wound on his son's flank. He looked at Bright Moon first, the dread quickly morphing into sorrow. He wouldn't know till he went to check on her himself, but from what he could see it was very unlikely that the hunter was still with them. He looked back to Quelt, knowing that if he was still alive he may not survive much longer. His thoughts were spinning a thousand miles a minute, thinking of how this could have been prevented, wondering how this started, thinking of their still young pups. He tried to make his mind calm down and think of one task at a time, but it was hard.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Extra large
12-09-2016, 08:50 PM

He could barely make sense of what went on around him. His remaining eye fuzzy as everything had gone on so fast. Quelt felt like such a fool, what would everyone think of him. He lay here dying, and his heart was torn. The world had taken his love away from him - and now it was trying to take him away from his children once more. Though, there was no escaping fate - the shallow breathing man managed to get words out. "...Leo." he wheezed softly. Hoping that the alpha would hear him, hell if anyone would.

"I....I'm sorry - I ... know I won't ma-ke it." Quelt shifted uncomfortably, the blood sticking to the back of his neck where the bear had torn himself open. "Please. Make sure mine and Bright Moon's children are safe. Let them know.... I really did try to protect them protect their mother. That I love them and that I am proud of them. That their mother would be proud of them too. To not fear, because Fiori is their family and their home." he didn't really realize it until now. The old man was starting to cry, he felt his body becoming cold and the world around him fading. This couldn't be it could it? Had he really done his turn on this world? "If... someone could. I know they might not care - but let abaven know that I am gone Bass should know.... my older children deserve to know at least if they are there. I'm sorry, so so sorry that I fucked up that I wasn't there for them." he let out a soft whine.

"Thank Amalia too for being so kind, and I really do appreciate every one in Fiori. To the deepest part of my heart." Quelt felt himself starting to fade more now. His breathing was becoming more scarce and he did think he'd said all that he needed. Sure he could whine and cry about he didn't want to go - but he knew.... he knew deep down he was going to die here. As such "I'm sorry, thank you." were the last words to leave his mouth. As all the life left him. His body stilled for the last time, and he was no longer there.

-exit Quelt through death-

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



4 Years
12-09-2016, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2016, 09:14 PM by Lionel.)

Lionel barely registered that another pack member had come along until the older male's barks joined in on his own. He could see the bear's hesitation then - it was wounded and bleeding heavily. He was more than relieved when it finally decided that two younger wolves were too much for it to handle and began to run. He paused as Tib told him to go check on Bright Moon and he nodded in faint response. He'd had enough with dealing with the creatures for one day. He was more worried about his other two pack mates, but he was scared at what he would see.

Leo arrived as well, but he didn't pay his father much attention as he padded over to Quelt first. Bright Moon's body still scared him and he was afraid to see if she was dead or not. Quelt was very obviously alive - his wheezing breath caught his attention as he called for his dad. He rushed forward then and stopped to inspect him. The wound on the back of his neck was horrible - why had this happened? He didn't know Quelt very well, but Bright Moon had obviously loved him and Bright was one of the nicest wolves he'd ever known. Ears pinned back against his head as he tried to figure out a way to fix it. He needed to stop the bleeding!

He was just getting ready to go find something to pack against his wounds when Quelt's voice stopped him. What? No he had to make it! He and Bright Moon both, they had kids. He listened in silent shock as Quelt talked about making sure his children were safe. No. No. No. He needed to do that! And then someone going to Abaven to tell some Bass guy. Tears began to spring from his eyes and he tried to shove them away. And then thank Amalia too? Amalia! She could fix this. She was the best healer ever. Quelt just needed to hang on for a little while longer!

And then Quelt's body stilled.

He finally seemed to be able to remember how to move his limbs. His eyes went wide and he placed a paw over the bloody mess of his neck to try and get the bleeding to stop. He wasn't gone! He couldn't be. He tried to add pressure to the wound before nudging Quelt's head with his nose. He didn't try to stop the tears anymore either.

"Hey, you can't be gone! Wake up" He then looked to his father, willing him silently to be able to fix this. "Dad, do something. Call Amalia. She can make him better, right? He just needs some herbs..." A part of him knew there was nothing Leo or Amalia could do, but he didn't want to think about it. It'd been different when their mother left. That was something he could accept as reality. He hadn't actually seen her die or watched her walk away. She was gone so that made it hurt less, but this was a new kind of pain. Even though he'd seen it with his own eyes, he'd even tried to help, it still wasn't enough. This wasn't something he wanted to accept.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: ouBhbyt.png]
[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]

Gentle Night


12-09-2016, 09:16 PM

Night had stirred when they heard their father coming from the den. Night had been sleeping peacefully and for their father to interrupt that sleep how dare he! Before they could get up though, their dad was gone leaving Night to raise their head and frown. Well no matter, putting their tracking skills to the test they would be able to find their dad in no time. Night rose to their paws and started by sniffing around the ground. Following the scent their father left as the pup's paws stumbled against the muddy ground from the rains that had come. It was a particularly cool morning today and Night was glad to have found their father's scent. A smile crossing their face as they started to bound towards the smell. It was... mixed with something else though. Night suddenly stopped, noticing that other wolves of Fiori had gathered here. Leo the alpha and a few others, Night could see their mother's body first. Not moving.... what was happening why did everyone looked so distressed?

"What's going on? Why isn't mom or dad moving?" Night furrowed their brows for a moment and took a few shaky steps forward. That was a lot of blood, all over their dad. The scent hit their nose and they almost lost their breakfast. Lurching and holding back whatever wanted to come up. As Night looked away bewildered they stared at the ground. "w...what's going on? Is.... is dad and mom alright? Please someone tell me." Distressed Night turned back around with their heart pounding against their chest. Where was Autumn star and Blue Moon. Did they know about this? Should they even. Night wanted to step forward more but they were stuck in their place. Breathing heavily with their eyes wide. They weren't dead, they couldn't be dead! Night wasn't even two seasons old yet! What the hell. They didn't understand either, Night looked to the other adult wolves. Who would take care of Night and their siblings now?



7 Years
12-09-2016, 09:44 PM

The scent of blood was far too powerful for Amalia to ignore.

She had been stuffing herbs into a leaf until she thought it would burst, panic constricting her chest as she gathered it up in her mouth and took off. She would have been there sooner if she didn't hear the roar of the bear, stopping in her tracks. Real fear settled in, her mind flashing back to what happened with Roman. She hadn't been able to save her, her wounds had been too grave. And now, would she be able to redeem herself? From how far the stench of blood spread she didn't think she could, standing frozen in place. This wasn't the first time she had seen a bear mauling, and she didn't doubt that it would be the last. Steeling herself for what she knew was to come, Amalia hurried to the scene.

Even though she had tried to prepare herself for this, it wasn't enough for what she saw before her. Two of her friends lay dead, she was able to see that from where she was. Both Quelt and Bright Moon were broken beyond repair, once again she had been too late. Amalia's lips quivered as she looked around with wide blue eyes, seeing Leo first and then the kids. Oh gods the kids. Lionel was talking to Leo, saying that he needed to call for her. She had slipped in so quietly that he hadn't noticed her. It wasn't until Gentle Night spoke up that she snapped out of her daze, her heart breaking and shattering on ground below her. Swallowing hard against the tears in her eyes, she knew that she had to make a show for them. She had to show them that she tried, even though there was nothing left for her to save. Picking up her herbs, she went to Quelt first. Without saying anything she rested her head on his sides, as if listening for a heartbeat. The tiny healer was met with only silence, something that sounded oh so wrong. Sucking in a shaky breath, she stood and made her way to Bright Moon. Seeing the woman laying there in a pool of her own blood was too much, and Amalia wept in silence. Burying her head into her once gray fur, she didn't even notice that she was beginning to gather up their blood on her white coat. She could still smell Bright passed the scent of blood, drawing it in for one last time. She didn't pull back until she was able to still her cries, even though she hadn't made a sound just yet. Her limbs felt weak as she pulled herself up, her chest dotted in crimson. Slowly she made her way towards Gentle Night, the silence that had spread was too sickening for her now. "I... I'm sorry child. There is nothing I can do for them now," she whispered, utter defeat in her tone. Dipping her head she aimed to plant a kiss on the girls cheek, a tender smile on her lips. It wasn't quite the true Amalia, but she was trying. "Would you like to come back to my den and spend the night with the girls and Athena? I'm sure they would love your company. Bring your siblings too, okay? You can stay with us for as long as you like." She couldn't stay here though, not for what Amalia had to do.

Pushing her own feelings aside, the usually peppy wolf's face was stone cold as she turned to Lionel. "Take Gentle Night out of here. Give her something to drink and some lavender to help her sleep. Remember the purple plant I showed you? Crush it between your paws and rub it under her nose. Say with her until I return," It wasn't like Amalia to bark orders, but this was no place for emotions. Even though she was broken up inside, this was part of her job as a healer, the part that no one spoke of. Turning to Leo, her stoic look faltered for only a moment, padding over to her brother. "Go look after their kids, they need a strong leader right now. Lead them to my den, and sit at the mouth of it until I get back. Don't let them out no matter what." Licking his forehead, she made her way towards where she had detected her sons scent. So he had been the one to chase off the bear? It was odd that it was awake at this time of year, but perhaps it hadn't gotten enough fat stored away to last the whole season. Barking for Tib, she waited with her back turned to the crowd. It would be up to them to bury the two, as Amalia was not strong enough to lift them by herself. Her limbs quivered as her tiny rabbit tail tucked into her rump. She wasn't going to cry, not anymore... not until this was done. Taking a deep breath, she dared a look behind her to see what it was that everyone else was doing. She wouldn't do anything with the kids there, and she didn't want anyone else coming.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Autumn Star


1 Year
12-14-2016, 01:01 AM
Autumn had noticed her father leave, and shortly after, Gentle Night left the den as well. The girl shrugged, smiling to herself as she stretched out her long legs, enjoying the time alone in the den to keep snoozing. However, after a while when no one returned, including mother, she began to wonder where everyone was. Had she missed out on something? Rolling to her paws, she got up and gave herself a shake, trying to wake herself up so she could go trailing after the scent of her family. The slate-coated, striped young female left the den, her nose twitching as she scented the cold air. It wasn't long until she caught scent of her sibling, and her father as well, and so she followed the trail. Her tail was wagging back and forth as she followed the scent trail confidently, and what she found was nothing close to what she expected.

The scene she stumbled upon was a bloody mess, and as her eyes darted across it, she wasn't sure what to do. All she could do was catch her breath, her throat tightening as panic began to set in, hers ears pressing against the back of her neck, her eyes watering. Her once wagging tail had curved between her legs, and her neck twisted this way and that as she looked to every wolf around. The adults were shouting, everyone seemed frantic, and her parents lay ominously still on the ground. And the blood. There was so much blood. Too much. Instinctively, Autumn knew what that meant, but she didn't want to believe it.

Amongst the chaos, she spotted her sibling, and without hearing a word of anyone else, she went to Night's side, pressing herself into them. The sensitive girl squeezed her eyes shut as she pressed her head against their shoulder, wanting to block it all out, her breath catching in her chest as she tried to force reality away from her mind. But it wouldn't work; the stench of blood was over-powering, and the sound of everyone's voices overwhelming, and the absence of her mother and father's voices and liveliness all too apparent. Her heart sunk, and she needed Quelt and Bright Moon more than ever, yet somehow she knew she would never feel their warm touch again.



1 Year
12-14-2016, 09:19 PM

Blue was stirred as soon as his father had gotten up. With one eye open the male watched his father leave and quickly Blue was on his feet stalking after. He remained quiet as he stalked out of the den, watching his father as he moved away from the den. Going to the left a few yards Blue picked up his pace and fallowed his father from the left. Keeping in pace, running, and making sure he didn't fall over things. It wasn't until he heard the loud bear that he skidded to a stop, ears flattening on his head. What in the world was that? He had never heard that type of noise before. Looking around he realized he had lost sight of his father and he grew nervous. Though he was curious and quietly stalked forward. He was able to sneak into a spot of vegetation and peered through it to see the massive bear. Then his eyes spotted his mother's still body then his eyes spotted his father fighting the bear. His eyes saw it all and he didn't know what to do. Out of uncertainty he stayed glued to his spot not knowing what to do.

He watched everything go down and his father fall. The boy felt glued in his spot and even though he yearned to go to his parents side, he couldn't. The smell of the blood made the boy feel sick to his stomach, like he could bring up his breakfast. He didn't even seem to realize the approach of the others. He stared at his parents bodies as the feeling worsened in his gut. He couldn't take it anymore and he ended up turning tail and running from the scene. He didn't know when he would stop running, but right now he couldn't stop.

[Image: xNAS3Cl.png]



9 Years
Athena I
12-14-2016, 11:08 PM

Quelt had his complete and undivided attention as the man began to speak. His wounds were so severe. Leo knew before Quelt even said it aloud that he wasn't going to make it. He hadn't gone over to check on Bright Moon yet, but he was sure she was already gone. He quietly nodded to each of Quelt's requests. He could have told the man to be quiet and tried to stop his bleeding and called for Amalia, but he knew it was already too late. If he had done all of that he would have robbed this man from telling him his last wishes. None of his requests were things that he wouldn't have done already. His first thought had been of their children and he knew the pack would help care for them. He would see to it. He hadn't known about his family in Abaven, but he would be sure to go see Bass as soon as this was taken care of to tell him.

Moments later Quelt stilled and guilt swallowed Leo. His idea of his pack being perfectly safe just wasn't true. He had failed here today. Now two of his pack members were dead. It took him a moment to register what Lionel was doing as he frantically tried to cover Quelt's wound. Leo's heart broke, his head shaking no to his son gently. "It's too late, son, he was too far gone." He gently nudged Lionel's shoulder to get him off of Quelt, turning his gaze away from the man's body. That's when he noticed one of the pups, Gentle Night he thought, behind him asking for someone to tell her what was going on. Oh how he had hoped to get to the pups before they made it here.

Amalia came up beside Night and he sighed. He knew Amalia would take this hard as well, but there was nothing that could have been done. If he had believed there was even a possibility he would have called for her. He appreciated his sister taking charge for a moment, directing Lionel and offering her den to Night. Soon enough he saw another pup follow in behind their sister. Bluemoon wasn't here that he could see, but he would go look for him later. He nodded to Amalia's direction to take them to her den, quickly moving his body to block the pup's view of their parents. "Lionel, if you'll go to Amalia's herb den to fetch some lavender, I'll take them to Amalia and Athena's den. I'll meet you there." Before he turned to leave he looked to Amalia, remembering one of Quelt's requests. "Amalia, Quelt told me to tell you thank you... for your kindness." He couldn't say exactly what for, but he wanted to be sure to pass along the message.

He looked to Night and Star then, his ears flicking back while he tried to calm his own emotions. Amalia was right, they needed a leader and him being upset wasn't going to help them. "Come on, guys, come with me. Just focus on me, okay? Don't look back." He started leading them toward Amalia's den, speaking as gently as he could. "Your dad... He was a very, very brave man. He helped protect the pack from a bear. A reeeeeally big bear. Your momma did too. They loved all of you so, so much, okay? Just remember that and how much they cared for you."

- exit with the pups to Amathena's den -

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-15-2016, 11:21 AM

Lionel's distressed mood didn't improve when one of Bright Moon's and Quelt's kids showed up. He glanced towards the small kid, barely two seasons old, and let his ears fall further back against his head. He didn't enjoy feeling so useless. He clenched his teeth together and forced himself to look away from Night. He couldn't form any more words and he didn't want to explain to the pup what had happened.

He slowly removed his paw, barely hearing Leo's words, as he backed away from Quelt's body. It was then that he noticed that Amalia had arrived. He watched silently as she went to Quelt first. A tiny spark of hope fluttered through him before it quickly died once more as Amalia moved on to Bright Moon. Quelt was gone. He'd spent the last of his energy talking until his dying breath. His hope didn't come back as Amalia inspected Bright before pulling away and padding back over to them. That was it. There was nothing Amalia could do which meant they were both gone.

His tail hung limply as he looked between the wolves gathered. One more of the other kids had arrived and he barely registered that Amalia was speaking to them. Thoughts ran rampant through his head. What if he'd managed to get there sooner? They wouldn't have needed to die. His frown deepened before his attention flickered briefly to Amalia as she spoke to him. She wanted him to get lavender? Ears flicked forward as he remembered the purple plant before he turned his attention to Leo. He was grateful he would be taking the kids. Lionel really couldn't stand to look at them. The fact they'd lost both their parents in such a short span of time made his heart break.

"Okay, I'll meet you there." He said softly before trotting off to go find some lavender.

-exit Lionel-

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: ouBhbyt.png]
[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]