



4 Years
02-01-2017, 03:49 PM

Said all I want from you is to see you tomorrow and every tomorrow, maybe you’ll let me borrow your heart

It had been a little bit since he had seen Zuriel, and judging from the size she had been and her scent he had a feeling that she had already given birth. He was also curious about this pack she called home, the one that let her wander without some sort of care. The spotted wolf had been moving constantly anyways, it had been far too long since he had seen Phantom and he could only assume the worst. While he hadn't let himself grieve yet, he didn't want to. In his mind it was too soon, and without any answers to his many questions he didn't know if he was still alive or not. He could just be keeping whoever his brother sent off his trail, which is why he hadn't allowed himself to stay in one place for too long. He was careful to not go to the same place twice until his scent wore off. Once things were okay, then the shepherd would come back to him. It was all that Eniko had to cling on to, Phantom had been his best friend since he was a child. It wasn't time to say goodbye, not yet. So he kept repeating it like a mantra to himself; he would return when the coast was clear.

The stoic male slowed his pace as his breaths started to wheeze in his lungs, his chest growing tight. He hadn't noticed how fast he had been going, his mind on other things. Hopefully he hadn't lost the scent trail that he was following, one that smelled like the pack scent on his gray friend. His nostrils flared, telling him that he was actually pretty close to the borders. Making sure to keep a respectful distance away from the markers of this kingd- err pack, he squinted his golden eyes to see if he could spot anyone in the valley below him. He didn't want to call Zuriel to the borders, it wouldn't be kind to ask her to leave her children just to sate his curiosity. He wasn't quite ready to give up just yet though, the pang of loneliness was still dragging him down. He was so used to the presence of the dog that it was taking quite a long time to get used to being by himself. With a sigh, he settled himself on his haunches and kept an eye on the horizon to see if he could spot the woman. If not, he would just catch his breath and move on. It was too dangerous to linger for too long, he didn't want to push any attention on these innocent wolves.

And is it too much to ask for every Sunday while we at it throw in every other day to start


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.



6 Years

02-06-2017, 11:48 AM

Her days had slowed down considerably since everyone had settled in. Not that her children were easy to watch, the energetic little fluffballs that they were, but the pack was quiet now. No wolves came to the borders and ever since the strange male had come to their borders everything had been silent. Not that their fight had exactly been the greatest experience ever. Her wounds had long since scabbed over and overall she'd been healing well. The smaller scabs had already fallen off and the one on her neck would most likely disappear soon enough.

A tired groan left her as she felt not-so-tiny-teeth tugging at her ear. She opened an eye slowly to peer at Rory just as he bounded off to go bug one of his siblings. So much for her hopes of an uninterrupted nap. A yawn forced itself past her teeth as she stretched out all the sleepiness from her limbs. She glanced towards her children once more, seeing that they weren't going anywhere, before raising to her feet and padding off towards the borders.

Spring had already improved things since the winter. The grasses were green once again and Faite expected that soon the healers would have a good stock of herbs come summer. Not that she knew anything of the herbs that grew in the valley and the neighboring plains, but she hoped she'd chosen a spot useful enough. If not the willows and a few other verdant territories were close by. No one would have to go very far to find what they needed.

The other nice thing about the valley was that once she got to the ridges she had a fair view over a good portion of the territory. She could observe things from afar as well as patrol. Her daily observation typically was a quiet one, but as she climbed the hill a scent caused her to pause. She hadn't smelled anyone on the borders since the man she'd fought with, but this male had a different scent entirely. Intrigued now, but certainly cautious, she tread along her borders until she spotted the other wolf. For a minute her bi-colored gaze merely slid over him thinking it was just a fawn barely past the view of its mother, but she didn't hold that assumption for long. Her gaze flickered back to him and she blinked away her surprise at seeing it was a wolf. How ironic that she'd find a predator with the markings of a deer.

She approached him with a slight wariness, but overall friendly demeanor. A soft welcoming smile tugged at her lips as she paused a respectful distance away from the man. He hadn't called for anyone so she easily questioned his motives. Perhaps he was just getting a lay of the land?

"Good morning." She called out to him. "I'm Faite Adravendi. What brings you to Lirim?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



4 Years
02-06-2017, 02:25 PM

Said all I want from you is to see you tomorrow and every tomorrow, maybe you’ll let me borrow your heart

He kept looking around the lands, hoping to spot the gray woman that he called a friend. Slight movement from his left caused his head to swing in that direction, his eyes landing on a russet faced woman with a dominate posture. While there was a pleasant look on her face, he knew the look of leadership from any number of distance. His stoic face didn't react, but he rose to his paws as she approached. Once she barked her greeting Eniko bowed, his leg lifting and pressing to his chest as his head scooped low to the ground. While he was not under her rule, she was still the ruler of these lands and deserved respect. Even though he didn't agree with how things had been handled with Zuriel being alone, it wasn't his place to question the leadership in a world he didn't belong in. Raising up, he offered a brief smile before his face dropped one more. "Greetings lady Faite, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Eniko Vaska, and I'm sorry if I took you away from a patrol. I mean your pack no ill will," he explained, wanting to put her mind at ease. He had not howled or announced his arrival in any way, so he didn't want her to think that he was here to attack our scout for someone else. He just didn't want to interrupt everyone's lives, but it would seem that he had gone and done that anyways. The last name did capture his attention though, he had forgotten that she was related to the wolf he sought. "I just came to check in on your sister, Zuriel, we have acquainted ourselves on two occasions and I wanted to see if her birthing went well. I didn't wish to call her away from the little ones though, so I was just seeing if I could spot her about. However..." he paused, his golden eyes narrowing slightly. He wasn't one to speak out of turn, it wasn't very becoming of a prince, but there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind. He had seen her home after they had met in the estuary, and if he had not been there who would have made sure that she made it back? Eniko fell silent for a moment, and when he sucked in a deep breath he realized that she too smelled of children. Oh, so both women had whelped around the same time? That may be why she hadn't seen to it that her sister had a guard, but it was too late. The words had already left his lips. "I don't like speaking out of place, but when I last saw lady Zuriel she was alone and all the way in the estuary. That heavily pregnant she was an easy target, and her kind heart could have gotten her into trouble. I saw to it that she made it home in one piece. I am not blind to your children as well, so please excuse me for speaking my mind. You have your paws full with little ones now, a good prosperity for your Lirim."

The spotted man dipped his head again, ashamed that he had been so bold to speak up like that. He wanted one apologize once again, but settled for an embarrassed smile on his usually stony face. It had bothered him immensely that she was left to her own devices, but at least now he had been able to gather a few answers. Would he be chased away for his fresh thoughts, though? The prince wouldn't blame her, even with his well spoken words it was still not something that any wolf in a leadership role wanted to here. He had judged her too harshly, adding insult to injury when he questioned how things ran here. Licking at his lips in a nervous manner, he fell silent and allowed Faite to take the floor.

And is it too much to ask for every Sunday while we at it throw in every other day to start


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.



6 Years

02-13-2017, 04:06 PM

Faite's two different colored eyes settled on the man as he rose at her approach. She'd greeted him already, a formal enough approach, and yet it wouldn't amount to anything compared to the male's introduction. His bow was extravagant, perhaps a bit too unnecessary, and his words were just as formal. He introduced himself and even apologized at the same time. It certainly gave her an interesting impression of him, but so far she couldn't glean why he was here.

As it turned out she didn't have to wait very long for his reasons why he was here. Her head tilted to the side, a sign of her undivided attention and curiosity, as he admitted that he came to check on Zuriel. She'd noticed that her sister had disappeared a few times, but she always came back in a reasonable amount of time and she never stayed gone for long. Had she met this oddly marked male then or was it before Lirim had even been created? The fact that he asked how her birthing had gone was a sweet gesture, one that brought a smile to her lips, but she dared not interrupt him for fear of being rude. She wanted to tell him how Zuriel was doing, but the "however" at the end of his sentence suggested that he had one more thing to say.

His next words, while still polite, were not what she anticipated to hear. It was almost like ... was she being scolded? She certainly didn't entirely approve of Zuriel being out on her own, especially pregnant, since the ordeal with Elias. Faite shifted uncomfortably where she stood and waited until the male had finished speaking. So he'd come here to see her sister and apparently scold her for not watching her sister. So far it was an interesting morning. He didn't seem overly angry and in fact the embarrassed smile told her that he perhaps even felt bad for it.

"Well I thank you for the concern for my sister. Her birth went well and she has three beautiful puppies. Two males and a female." She answered. That was the easier part to answer out of his questions. "To be honest with you Eniko, I can't keep tabs on my sister all the time, as much as I want to. I will do whats necessary to protect her, but as you pointed out I have a pack and children of my own. It's all a lot to carry on my shoulders, otherwise I'd follow her wherever she wanted to go. I'm glad she ran into someone who obviously cares about her well being. She's suffered enough hardships as it is lately."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



4 Years
03-22-2017, 01:12 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2017, 01:13 PM by Eniko.)

Said all I want from you is to see you tomorrow and every tomorrow, maybe you’ll let me borrow your heart

It wasn't often that he spoke out of turn, he could feel the uncomfortable feeling start to stir in his stomach. Swallowing hard, he hoped that Faite wasn't too offended by his brash attitude. He saw her shift in her seat and he wanted to swallow his words back up, but it was too late for that. He paused, wanting to comment on it but decided to let it slide. Eniko didn't want to make it worse, and stumbling on his words now wouldn't help. So he went on, waiting for her to fill the silence. He too shifted, his ears folding back slightly. Sometimes he cursed the way that he was raised and his inability to act otherwise, but it had been so nailed into him that it wasn't simple to just switch it off. But when the russet marked female said that Zuriel's birth went well, his ears perked back up as the tip of his tail wagged ever so slightly. Two boys and a girl! Goodness, she was going to have her paws full. A hint of a smile touched his lips, but he still said nothing and gave her space to speak.

The fawn spotted male nodded solemnly at her words, perhaps that is why he felt even more protective over her because of what had happened. "I do apologize lady Faite. She reminds me a lot of one of my sisters back home, it's hard not to feel protective over her. Her heart is too kind, just like Callisha has. I haven't seen my family in awhile and it... well she reminds me a lot of home." His smile was a sad one, his ears laying flat against his head as he gazed across the pack lands behind her. "You picked a beautiful place to raise your kingdom, lady Faite. I wish you and your family the best, I really do." His yellow eyes glanced back at her, his head dipping slightly. He had been lingering here too long and didn't want to call too much attention to her pack borders. It reminded him of Zuriel's invitation, and just how hard it had been to turn it down. But there were greater things out there, he couldn't cling onto anything that reminded him of home. It wasn't safe, not for anyone. While having a place to call home again had been so tempting, it wasn't a risk that he wanted to take. Eniko would hate to close their meeting so quickly, but he shifted slightly in his unease. His lungs were calm for now, so when they stepped away from each other he could afford to take the long way out of here. He didn't even know where he would be going next, every day was something new. Without Phantom he feared to linger in a place too long.

Clearing his throat, he hated to be even more rude and cut this discussion short. So he fell silent as he fought to think of something else to speak of. "Having pups so close to your sister must be a blessing. It must be nice to have someone to share this part of your life with." He wasn't sure if the father of Faite's puppies was around, and he wasn't about to ask. Goodness, that would be far too out of line for him. He faintly wondered if there would ever come a time when he could relax and actually settle down. Back home he had been so focused on taking over for his father that he never really thought of having kids of his own. Or claiming a mate and becoming a family. Licking at his inky lips again, he shoved the thought aside. Now wasn't the time, it was too dangerous. Everything seemed to be that way.

And is it too much to ask for every Sunday while we at it throw in every other day to start


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.